NaNoWriMo 2020


Bardbarian, the Divine Chordia of Concordia
I need to know if more people are going to participate this year. (Please raise your hands.)

What is NaNoWrimo?
I might, depending on how things are going. But anyone who wants to be writing buddies lmk, we can be Nanowrimo friends.
I might try again. Last time it didn't go well though.
I might try again. Last time it didn't go well though.

I tried two years in a row but life keeps happening. D: I think I got about 1200 words into my story last year which is basically two roleplay posts worth of writing. I'm definitely not in a place where I can go all out this year but I might use it as a good reason to do some writing if I'm able to.
Yeah life is proven to be the main enemy of all fun. At this rate I might be writing rp posts and make a novel out of rp XD
I might try, but I probably won't end up with anything much. November happens to be exam month (well exams are 2 weeks, but one has to study for them), so I haven't really participated for already four years. And this year I'll even have some extra work alongside the pretty much average workload, so I'm not sure if I should even try. Might write, but not really with NaNo in mind.
I’ll try. Maybe it will be the push I need to get the novel idea floating around in my head written.
I used to participate in Camp NaNo when I was younger. I'd like to join!
It'd give me a chance to finally write up the geocentric, adventure story that I have in my head. lol
I think we could form it here, maybe have a group PM or even an update thread. If you guys prefer messengers, there's Discord too. I'm fairly new to Discord though so I wouldn't be the right person to ask when setting that up. XD

edit;; Also, it just came to me when I saw the announcement again. We could test out the Etherpad too. Kinda like Googledocs. We could track our progress that way!
Count me in! I hope you don't mind that I merged our threads together. ^^ Welcome to the site!

The heads up is helpful for sure. I didn’t know whether I lost my group because the thread poofed. XD

This is gonna be awesome! The more people, the stronger the motivation we get from writing together. :D
Maybe we can keep this thread open to all ages. 🙂 You can create a group for people who are over the age of 18 yourself, too!

NaNoWriMo has forum options and there are a lot of preexisting Discord servers as well!

which is exactly why I had posted my own thread looking to see if other writers aged 18+ were interested in forming a writing group instead of just adding to your post here.
D DisneyGirl
Rabbit. Rabbit.
SandraDeelightful SandraDeelightful
Chordling Chordling

I can make a Discord server for us to use or I believe the NaNoWriMo website has an option to create a writing group. Or, we can do both. What would work best for you guys?

disclaimer: I’ve never used Discord so it might take me some time to figure out how to create a group there.

I’m definitely in the “I don’t know how to use Discord club”. I usually do PMs for communication.

Also, I definitely wouldn’t insist on making it any more complicated. I really like forums because they’re easier to manage.

But I don’t mind learning something new either, if it’s easier for everyone to hop on and chat on Discord.

Lostloves, did you prefer the RPN forum or the NaNo forum for our writing group, if we were going that route?
Rabbit. Rabbit.

I’d prefer something off RPN for multiple reasons, but a major one being I would definitely be distracted from writing by my roleplays when I come on here!

I created a writer’s group on the NaNoWriMo website to start with. It can include a total of 12 members. If y’all want to join you can share your username for NaNo and I’ll add you. You can comment here or PM me.
Rabbit. Rabbit.

I’d prefer something off RPN for multiple reasons, but a major one being I would definitely be distracted from writing by my roleplays when I come on here!

I created a writer’s group on the NaNoWriMo website to start with. It can include a total of 12 members. If y’all want to join you can share your username for NaNo and I’ll add you. You can comment here or PM me.

I signed up so that my user is the same on NaNo. It’s IRabbit (Capital “i” and Rabbit). :)
Heyo lostlovesandmagic lostlovesandmagic , please add me! My username on Nano is CrayonsToChaos. (Also anyone feel free to add me as a buddy on the site!)

I don't mind making a Discord server for the group if you guys want. I've made a few before so I think I know what I'm doing... nervous laugh. I'm not sure how much I'm going to participate in Nano but I want to at least try to write a little bit on most days and see what I manage to get done. :)
I have everything basically prepped but no motivation. I'd love to have writing buddies then we could maybe hype eachother up.

Also I dunno how I'll cope with college.
Hi friends! I come with a little bad news. I don't think I'll be able to complete NaNo this year. I underestimated my ability to multi-task daily life, school, and work so I'm bowing out.
But I'm still on here for moral support and if you ever need a beta reader/proof reader/an opinion on your works, send me a PM. I'm always happy to read them and give input! :)
Thanks Musician! I'm learning to put boundaries because I find myself spreading out too thin sometimes. As much as I would give an arm to have more time of day to write, I have to cut this one for the time being. I'll definitely join next year, hopefully, when the course load isn't as heavy. *fingers crossed*

Have fun though! I'm sure you guys will all write something amazing! I'd love to read some, if you guys do decide to share them! Go team NaNo! 👍

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