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Fantasy N.G.C OOC Guildhall


Senior Member
Wassup guys! Wanna submit ideas for the RP? Confused and got questions? Need to complain about my horrible post? Wanna make fun of Kobalts mullet? Let it all out here. 
For Reaver's Reanimate corpse ability, how should you/I go about deciding if the corpse would be considered 'lesser'?
Whether they can communicate (verbally or telepathically) or not. Most zombies are too dumb to speak(lesser) but if they have higher brain functions they can speak, for example, Frankenstein or vampires would be unaffected by Reaver. Also if they are already being controlled, by a necromancer, or lich king, witch, demon, ect they cant be controlled by Reaver.
@Wixard The panther was going after @SleepyBuddha's character. And Blink merely pushed him out of the Panther's reach. Sorry if I didn't really make that clear, but great post by the way. Really enjoyed reading it.
Just a quick question about the rules. What if one of us have vacation or something comes up and we cant reply? Could we get a recap?
Just a quick question about the rules. What if one of us have vacation or something comes up and we cant reply? Could we get a recap?

Hmmm? Never thought about that. Well we could always post that the OC is on a solo mission. Then when they return it's because they completed it.
Wait minute Plots? Three headed dog? I'm sorry but their is no three headed dog...... could you change it to a wolf? Or hyena? Or lion? But no dog. Especially not with three heads. Not yet atleast.
yes absolutely!

idk why my notifications aren't working, it's doing just fine with my dm rps >.< sorry again y'all 
@Kiroshiven  @Tohoak


OMG all of your posts were so freaking good!!!(sniffle, tear)

I...i think I love you guys.

My favorite is Kiro! Blink teleporting around blasting it with his sniper rifle was epic/stupid/sick/badass/nuts!!!

And his finally words "I'm outta juice". Legendary.
@Kiroshiven  @Tohoak


OMG all of your posts were so freaking good!!!(sniffle, tear)

I...i think I love you guys.

My favorite is Kiro! Blink teleporting around blasting it with his sniper rifle was epic/stupid/sick/badass/nuts!!!

And his finally words "I'm outta juice". Legendary.

*grins big and waves hand* Oh! Me! Me next! Why'd you like mine?

That's Blink for ya.

Aaawww yisss

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