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Fantasy mythical high school/ life rp

He lets her hold her and puts his hand in his pocket holding onto the ring and waiting for just the right moment to do it
Drea thought of something and walked behind her and before she turned around he kneels down "oh ya I forgot" he pulled the ring out of his pocket holding it up to her he smiled when she turned around he asked "will you be my queen?"
Alex blinked and looked at him, then at the ring. She raised a brow slightly, then smiled a little. "Yes."
Mayumi said:
Alex blinked and looked at him, then at the ring. She raised a brow slightly, then smiled a little. "Yes."
He smiled and slipped the ring on her finger before smiling at her and standing to kiss her then looked at Annie "you hear that princess she said yes..." He caressed Annie's cheek
Drea held Annie's tinny hand between his fingers "we're gonna be one big happy family yes we are...." He went on like that talking to her in baby talk cooing and making weird noises he looked like the happiest guy in the world
"I don't know like I'm nervous and excited for our new life but I'm worried...I don't want to screw this up..."
Drea watched this and he smiled relaxing a bit "umm you mind watching her while I sleep for a bit I promise she's no trouble at all"
He stood up and kissed her "thanks I haven't slept good in a couple days" he walked upstairs lying on the big bed and falling asleep almost instantly

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