• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Mythic Wings OOC


That One Fear In My Enemy's Eyes
Welcome everyone!

Here we will discuss all aspects of the RP as well as conduct general conversation.

Also please be sure not to comment in the Extra Pages section. It's for information only, not conversation.

Thank you!

Please check the following link to the "Extra Page" where I have detailed the Lore, Magic, Races, etc!

Also, here is the "Characters" Page where you will submit all of your characters to the RP for inspection by yours truly. Once you have been informed that they have been accepted into the RP, then you will be ready to post IC once the RP begins!

The IC posting page can be found here, but is not to be posted to until your character has been completed. Thank you!

Please also be aware that there are no hybrids, and I know this will be a buzz kill for some of you.

The reason for this is because even though the races share largely similar humanoid shapes, genetically they are incompatible with one another. The variations in their DNA structure make reproduction impossible.

There are and can be very rare instances of inter-species marriage, but there is no possibility of reproduction. If they want kids, they have to adopt.

Sorry. It's just the way this RP is.

Here is the map of the RP, and that red circle is the basic idea of where we begin the RP near the city of Manaus Infinitum, the capitol of the magic world.



I figure it would now be best to lay down a few ground rules for the RP so nobody is left wondering what the rules are.


2) No God-Modding, Metagaming, or Power Playing.

God-Modding, obviously, is the act of writing for your character as if they are unkillable and/or overpowered to a degree where they appear God-like. Examples include dodging/blocking every attack sent their way and never taking any damage in a fight, ignoring damage done by the GM (yours truly) as part of a story-based event, trying to write one-hit kills against anyone or anything, etc.

Metagaming is the act of writing OOC knowledge into your character IC. For instance if you in real life are a nurse or nursing student and you are portraying a character IC who's a thief and someone who was raised on the streets with no formal education to speak of, and yet somehow your character knows about treating wounds, making salves, and performing minor surgery... Yeah, that's not happening. Another example is, since this is a late-medieval RP, writing for your character and giving them OOC knowledge such as modern physics, modern astrology, how to perform brain surgery, how to design and build a mini gun or a jet fighter aircraft, etc. Don't do it.

Power Playing is the act of writing for another player-controlled character without their permission. Examples include both writing of dialogue for a character which does not belong to you and writing any kind of physical action for said character such as moving them to a new location, physically harming them with your own character, etc.

You may NEVER take control of another player-controlled character for any reason without the owner's permission.

2) You must contact me about your intent to join the RP before you will be allowed to submit a character to the RP.

The act of just throwing a character at me without any kind of contact is very disrespectful, and I won't tolerate it.

If you submitted a character before reading this rule, then you will be given approximately 24 hours to remedy the situation by tagging me in an introductory message in the OOC page. But if you don't contact me then you can expect your character to be deleted.

3) If I have not given you the go-ahead to post IC, you may not post IC. If you haven't heard the okay from me and you post IC anyway, you'll be immediately banned from the RP.

4) Changes to the RP's lore, story, or major events are not allowed without permission from yours truly. You can make all the suggestions you want whenever you want, but you may not act on those suggestions unless I approve of them first.

5) If you are uncertain of the limits of whatever magic you have chosen for your character, ask me before you start writing for your character IC.

6) You are allowed to choose one magical element for your character to practice in this RP. The reason why is because in this RP world the Gods gift every mortal an affinity with a single element the moment they're born, and it is that element and that element alone that the individual in question can use throughout their entire lives.

More Rules will likely be added as I think of them.


The Character Sheet


Body Type:
Ectomorph, Endomorph, Mesomorph
Voice Type:

Personality: (Minimum of one full paragraph with at least 7 sentences)

Special Traits:

Biography: (Minimum of three paragraphs with at least 7 sentences in each paragraph)
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I encourage everyone who's watching this thread to observe the newly updated "Rules" section in the post above. Number 2 especially.

Thank you.
raven flame raven flame

There are innumerable things you could add to your character's bio to fill out the required volume of information.

The following list is but a fraction of what you could write about:

* Who are her parents?
* What do they do?
* Where did they meet?
* How old were they when they met?
* When did they meet?
* What did they think of each other when they met?
* How long did they know each other before romantic feelings began blooming (or did they ever bloom at all)?
* At what point in their lives did they decide they wanted a child/children (or did they not want children at all and your character was a mistake)?

* When your character was born what was the general feeling from her parents and extended family? (were they happy to welcome a newborn, or were there other less positive feelings?)
* Is your character an only child?
* If they are not an only child, who are their siblings and what order were they all born in?
* What experience did your character have during their youth?
* Who were their friends?
* Who were their first bullies/rivals?
* What was their relationship with their family and how did it affect them as they moved to their teenage years?

* As your character became a teenager, what about their early life had changed and what was more or less the same?
* How did the hormones affect your character?
* Who was your character's first romantic interest (if the had one)?
* Who has positively impacted your character's life thus far?
* Who has negatively impacted your character's life thus far?

* If your character is a spell caster, what is their element?
* How long have they been practicing with their element?
* What about their element is familiar/welcoming for them and what about their element scares or intimidates them?
So are we starting this all over? Well, gives me time to reconsider how I'm going to portray Soren. I didn't really like the way he was going. Also, I'll probably edit his personality a bit to match.
Did you read my bio?

I did, but many of those questions remain unanswered. Particularly the first entire bunch. No matter how stunted your creativity might be regarding this character at the moment, there's always more to write about when you put your mind to it.

Start asking the question "why?" about everything you've written thus far and you'll see what I mean.
So are we starting this all over? Well, gives me time to reconsider how I'm going to portray Soren. I didn't really like the way he was going. Also, I'll probably edit his personality a bit to match.

Yes, we're going to start over.

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