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Fantasy Myth and Man


I didn't Ask to be a Unicorn, I was Born that Way

The world only beholds what the eye is willing to see, and because of this less than fifty percent of the exotic beauty that lays above and beneath the earth is witnessed by the naked eye.

It is an unfathomable tragedy that the normal people that walk amongst the streets can not see the magic world around them but it is just simply not possible. They do not have the sight needed, and therefore they are quite ignorant to the truth.

The truth being it is not as simple as 'normal life' as the humans refer to it. It is something much more complex. An entire world, in fact, of mythical creatures and wild things, of things only thought up in old story books, of wonders beyond the simplistic life a person knows.

The leaders in this world hidden in plain sight are the dragons, an ancient breed of creature born through the generations of all shapes and sizes and kinds. They live among the people, though these people are too blind to see. It is quite easy for them to blend in, to become human, and to live as if they were one, but whenever they wish, they may become their true selves; a creature thought to be nothing more than myth.

Of course, where there is a great beast there is always someone who wishes to slay it- and these are the people with the sight. Known as Seers, these humans that were blessed have one purpose alone; to slay the dragons that walk among them. This is not as easy as they may think though, because even with such a gift of sight they can only see a dragon if it is morphed in its true form, and so hunts could last hours or years depending on the dedication. Although they are much shorter if the human identity is found out.

For as long as civilization has existed, so have the dragons and the Seers, so have the hunts, and so have the stories of a mythical world that is not anymore mythical than a person themselves. It is this world that we begin in, in a world where sight is used to its full capacity, and a war between dragon and hunter wages on.

The Characters
The Chat
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Location: Willow, Nevada
Time: Morning
Day: Sunday
There's a small town in America in the heart of Nevada. In this town there is a handful of people and many strange occurrences, though it is not something many people focus on. Instead they focus on the bonds that are formed and the lifestyles created. The town has everything anybody could ever need, places for fun, for food, for work, and for school. Though it is not a name on a map many others have heard of it is certainly a place to settle down into, and it is where the story begins.

Damon had been up all night, drunk at a party where he forgot about his existence for a moment in time. It wasn't until early morning hours that he swerved down the streets in his car, aware enough to know he was swerving but not enough to stop himself. He managed to get home alright though, and dragged himself to the front door of his two story house which was quite a lot of space for just two people. He paused at the door, that thought alone being enough to make him feel bad all over again, as if the alcohol's numbing effect didn't work at all. He squeezed the beer bottle's neck, looking down at it. He hadn't even realized he had been drinking from it until that moment, and now he lifted it to his lips to finish it off, to bring the numbness back, yet it was empty, and so he let the bottle fall. It shattered and echoed across the quiet neighborhood, and all outside ears in the area most likely heard it, but he was too busy slipping into his house to care.

Exhaustedly, he stumbled up a mountain of stairs to his room, and collapsed on his bed. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep for long though. The only way to pretend he had never gone out was not to sleep past his alarm. Just as his eyes closed though, just as he began to drift off, his alarm went off, and he groaned but stood back up anyways, changing into clothes that didn't smell like alcohol before trudging down the steps to start working on breakfast for his mother and him. Ever since the divorce she had been lacking on taking care of herself, and so Damon took care of her the best he could being an alcoholic who was so caught up in himself that it was difficult to care about others

Imogen had her alarm set with the sun, and that morning had woken up with it in order to start her training. During the week she didn't get much training done but on the weekends she crammed it in, especially on Sundays when all her homework was done. She made herself some breakfast since her Aunt didn't wake up quite as early as she did, and headed into their spacious backyard. She lived in a house at the edge of the town, outside all the neighborhoods that lacked privacy, which made it easier for her to train.

She transformed the minute she stepped outside, and flew up in the air with a sudden focus to herself she hadn't quite had yet in the day. Her training courses were all splayed out in the forest at the town's edge, just a mile from her house. Of course, it was risky to leave everything set up when she was not there but she was more afraid about not being prepared. She only had so much time to practice and so she couldn't waste an hour setting up.

Since it was so early, Imogen flew a bit languidly, thinking of where she would start and what she would work on that day as she headed towards the forest, believing herself to be safe from wandering eyes for now.

Luna_Marie Luna_Marie FlameintheRoses FlameintheRoses rickyxhorror rickyxhorror Spice Spice madame moiselle madame moiselle Skylark Skylark ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic Tori Bradley Tori Bradley PenguinFox PenguinFox Dominaiscna Dominaiscna
Rick hadn't been up, not even at 12 in the afternoon.
Jaime had lay with the sweet male and she had woken before him. She arose physically and she yawned loudly, hopping into the shower to cleanse. After her pleasing hot shower, she wrapped herself in the black coffin shaped towel she had originally bought for Rick as a small anniversary gift. Rick did cherish the cloth yet in the moment it wasn't being used by him, now was it? Jaime dried her entire body off and then shook her head rapidly, to make believe as if that were the magical key to drying it. She wrapped her hair in the black towel and she got dressed in some of her own clothes she stored in Rick's home. Now the trick there was that this house belonged to the Cerulli's yet he stayed here. For the commonly known reason being that he had no other family to be with, and The Cerulli's weren't even family. Jaime slid on a nice black dress with a lovely little white collar piece that had indented from the rest of the black dress. It had small black buttons on each side of the collar. Jaime truly loved this dress and Rick loved seeing her in it as well. Which is why when he had awoken to his stunning girlfriend wearing it, he gave a soft chuckle and he scratched the back of his neck.

"How did a model arrive in my room while I was sleeping? Who did you kill to get in here?" Rick whispered in a heavily sleep coated voice. For the male had just woken up, you can't honestly sit there and point fingers and blame him. Jaime let out the softest and cutest giggle Rick had ever heard. Now yes, of course he had mentally said that each time she giggled or really did anything ever.

"Here, your glasses Rick. You're seeing things." Jaime says, and she hands him the reading glasses.

Rick takes them and slides them onto his face, through his black thick hair. "Oh wow, now the model is glowing. She's so attractive that the heavens have bent the light to praise you." Rick comments and Jaime lets out another chuckle.

"Now that we can see that those haven't assisted you and your hallucinations, we need to get you checked into a hospital. Sadly, there isn't any nearby. So I'll have to cure you myself. Doctor Levitski." She states and she bends down next to the bed to peck Rick's face. She and Rick share a kiss for five whole seconds and when they pull away, they stare at each other for five whole minutes. Jaime gets up eventually and Rick does as well, taking the coffin towel that had been laid out on the mahogany dresser and he goes into the bathroom to shower.

Rick steps out and sees Jaime has retreated to sweet talking with the Cerulli's and sharing stories about Chris, Rick and herself. Rick had slid on a pair of black jeans that had also happened to have been super skinny. It's not like he needed his male genitalia anyways. He then found a band related shirt and he threw that on as well, with a Bleeding Through hoodie to cover his self consciousness. He had absolutely nothing to be self conscious about yet still strongly was aware of his self made flaws.
Luna groaned as her alarm went off. She reached out with her slender arm and banged on the button till the infernal thing shut up. The bright haired girl rubbed her eyes and crawled out of bed, zombie walking to her bathroom. She began to brush her hair and apply makeup to cure the morning curse of ugly. As she finished up, Luna wandered to her closet and picked out shorts and a tank top, deciding that she wouldn't need all of her knives today. Once she was ready for her day, she grumbled downstairs and made her way into the kitchen. Her eyes gazed over the toaster as she cooked up some toast. While her meek breakfast was being prepared, Luna threw open the kitchen window looking out to the street to let some light in. Suddenly the toast popped out and the hungry hunter snatched it up and began munching on it. Luna slowly made her way outside to the front porch and sat in the swing, crossing her legs and silently nibbling on her bread. The young girl felt odd and out of place, sure she acted like she was at home before in other towns, but it still never felt right, always temporary and false. Luna hated hunting, moving around, never being happy. But her dad needed her, and her troupe needed her too.
(The above is her outfit and hairstyle for the day)
Skylar woke up she decided not to stay in a house that day she instead stayed up late practicing her skills and making food. She sat in the woods her hair was a mess and she quickly combed it she got changed behind a bush and put on her outfit for the day which was a black tank top black jeans and a black leather jacket. She hid her weapons in her boots and stretched as she soon headed into the town she made sure she didn't look like a mess and she went to look for something to eat. She walked through the town keeping her eyes on everyone. went into a diner and ordered some food she sat down at a table and soon Axil came in and sat down at the same table with her.

Axil had woken up early that morning he went on a run and when he got home he took a shower washing the dirt out of his hair. he wrapped himself in a towel and fixed his hair. He then went into his room still wrapped in a towel and looked out the window to see how it was. He soon got dressed and headed out to meet Skylar. Once he got there they began talking about the troop and he tried to convince her to join
(I'm finishing Axil's in one min)
@ anyone​
As Axil sat in the diner he could feel like he heard a dragon he took Sky's hand and pulled her outside to see if he was right, and oh man he was. He saw a dragon which was actually beautiful her blue colors made her looked stunning but his instincts kicked in and he started chasing her. He went slow because he wasn't completely able to fight and run yet because he was tired but he knew he at least wanted to learn about the dragon. "Sky turn yourself invisible and run up there," He said as she soon did. She cancelled herself in the water and ran up ahead

(Honestly didn't know what to do lol...)
McMajestic McMajestic
After Damon finished making breakfast for his mother and himself, he made her a plate and left it on the table, before brewing a cup of coffee. He'd need something strong to endure the rest of the day. After his coffee was finished he let it sit, never liking things that were steaming hot, and ate his own breakfast. After it was finished he set his plate in the sink before taking his coffee out on the porch. The sun rising painting the sky pretty colors, and so he almost didn't notice the girl just across the street from him. Her hair was just as many colors as the sky, and he leaned against a pillar that held the overhang up to their porch, sipping his coffee. He smirked at her, hoping she'd notice him. She seemed pretty from this distance. He wondered if she was pretty close up too. Luna_Marie Luna_Marie

(Lol you're good)
As Imogen flew, she couldn't help but begin to feel uneasy, and found herself looking back over her shoulder quite a bit, wondering if someone was following her. At the moment she saw the silhouette of one person but they weren't necessarily following her, and if they were a human they couldn't even see her. She turned back towards the woods for now, landing at the edge of the forest. Though still she found herself looking back, wondering if she should recede into the woods to hide or start her training. For a long moment she stayed still, listening to the way the air shifted around her. Something wasn't right. Skylark Skylark
Axil tried to look for sky but he couldn't as he passed by trees he would well this sounds a bit weird he would blend in with them. He was only able to be seen if you looked closely. They didn't know where they were going but they knew they had too. Sky saw the creature land and she stayed hidden. Axil soon made it over he climbed into the top of a tree quietly and hid there looking down at the dragon. Sky stood there but far enough away. She didn't know whether to fight or not this was her problem.
McMajestic McMajestic
Imogen heard a slight rustle in the trees and her head spun as she squinted into the woods, creeping towards them, her body lowering like a lion's would when hunting prey. She felt a growl in the back of her throat but stayed quiet for now, unsure if it was the right thing to make a sound or not. It was then she saw the faintest outline of a person. Hunter! Out of pure adrenaline, she sucked in a breath and let it out sharply. Imogen was an ice dragon, and so she did not breathe fire but rather hard icicles flew out of her mouth with the speed of bullets, directly towards Axil. Skylark Skylark
Axils eyes widened as Sky saw them shooting out. Ice she was still working it was harder because it was a form of water but not as easy she tried her best to stop it and throw them to the ground. Sky kept her invisibility but it flickered from time to time making her visible but it would quickly come back and she would move. Axil was now on the ground and he made a dirt storm and through it at her "We need to go," he yelled as he tried to make a wall with trees. he let Sky run first as he did it he then stopped the wall from grown and left it as he soon ran after. today wasn't the day for both of them and they rather not die without being prepared. Sky however though did stop for a moment and shot an arrow at the dragon.
McMajestic McMajestic
It was a clear morning, filled with the chirping of birds and peaking sun through the curtains. Out in the rural fields of Nevada, was her family's home. She still lived with her parents, even after her siblings all moved on with their lives and left to be independent. This wasn't the case for her, since she was nowhere near to being independent just yet. Her alarm clock rang, though she smacked at it from her bed until it finally stopped. The one thing to wake her up was the sound of her mother. "Miranti! Time for work, hurry up and get changed!" Get changed held a double meaning, which meant to either change clothes or morph into a human again. She climbed out from under the covers, spreading her wings to the sky in her small room. A puff of smoke poured out of her mouth as she yawned, further blowing out when she let out a deep breath. Usually her room smelled of smoke every day, since the smell clung to her furniture.

She changed into her human form, stumbling on to her feet. Not claws. Feet. Always had she disliked being in human form, though there was nothing she could do about it. She then put on her uniform, awkwardly walking down the stairs. In summary, she ate breakfast and rushed out the door. Her mother went with her, driving her off to work, since clearly she couldn't drive.

At work she started the day by entering in late, a typical thing done by her. Her manager looked up at her, rolling his eyes. Every time she was late, and it was almost routine. She got to work, cleaning up tables and preparing the area for people to arrive. The bar was a mess from the night before, since she forgot to come in to clean it up. By herself she already had so much work to do. Half of what she was doing was done on her own, though another employee did come in and help her. Today was going to be a long day. All she could think of was flying around at her house, of breathing smoke and fire until she couldn't produce it anymore. In public she always had to carry strange white sticks in a box in her pocket if she wished to breath smoke, pretending to bring one of the sticks up to her mouth after lighting it with a lighter and puff on it. These things always made her feel funny, so she decided mostly against using them. Instead, she would tough it out today at the bar.

@ Anyone
Allan had woken up early that morning, as he usually did in the morning, to walk the town. He loved the quiet of early morning, the smell of the cool air. Like every morning he had a cup of strong black coffee with him. He walked at leisurely pace, he really didn't have anywhere to be so there was no point in rushing. He adjusted his leather jacket for a moment before continuing on his way. While walking he heard what sounded like a bottle crashing, so he decided to investigate what it was. It wasn't often that the quiet of the morning was disturbed, and Allan didn't think it was that far off so he walked to where the sound came from.

When Allan reached the area he thought to be where the noise came from he looked around to see no perpetrator in sight. After scanning the neighborhood once more however, he noticed the pile of glass. He carefully moved a little closer and found that it was a beer bottle. He shrugged and returned to the other side of the road to continue his walk but stopped when he heard a door open. A girl walked out and sat on her porch. The many colors of her hair intrigued him but he was unsure if he should go over and talk to her. He leaned against a lamppost so as to not look out of place and casually sipped his coffee. Not too much later Allan heard another door, but across the street this time. He looked to see a boy emerge from the house where the pile of glass was. He took another sip from his cup and pretended to take in the scenery so he could people watch without seeming creepy. Luna_Marie Luna_Marie McMajestic McMajestic (oops am I purposely trying to come between you two? My bad :P)
Alex had gotten a rather late start to hjs day. He stood up annoyed that his alarm hadnt gone off and he stretched. He quickly took a shower, picking out a relaxed outfit, which for most people was still pretty dressed up. He stretched as he walked downstairs. His arms crocked and his shoulders popped and he groaned softly in releif. Combing his fingers through his hair as he made two pieces of toast. He never really ate much in the mornings. Drinking a coffee quickly he before he opned the front door. He stretched as he lookee diagnally to his right ahd henspotted Luna just as she sat down on the swing. He stepped down from his porch and began walking towards her. Waving as he reached her yard he stretched again, although he wasnt actually stretching, he was examinging the two observers he had noticed. Alex's training had been harsh but it made sure he would never miss a detail. After stretching he said "Morning Luna."
Luna_Marie Luna_Marie PenguinFox PenguinFox McMajestic McMajestic
Lunas light eyes danced around the street in a confused manner momentarily and she brushed the crumbs off her shorts. She noticed two men looking at her and her brows came together in concern. One day right across the street from her, smiling, the other was a bit more down the street and watching as well. She began to feel uneasy and felt for one of the knives she kept hidden on her body. Suddenly Alex appeared and walked up the steps to her.
"Jesus Al, I didn't think it was you for a second, I almost stabbed you."
She whispered harshly and slumped back down on the porch swing. Her eyes occasionally glanced to the other two men.
"Good morning."
PenguinFox PenguinFox McMajestic McMajestic ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Alex chuckled and he leaned back against the wall of the house. Looking to the others quickly before smiling to Luna "Those two been watching you long?" He asked in a quiet tone. He had always been protective over Luna, after all they had known eachother for as long as he could remember. Alex also happened to have similar powers to her. And so they bonded over that. Alex trained with her and taught her a few neat tricks. He was always looking out for her no matter where she was or what they were doing. He enjoyed being around her and he often joked with her. But right now he was acting protective. Neither of these boys would he allowed near her until he new exactly what they were planning, or if Alex was dead.​
Luna_Marie Luna_Marie McMajestic McMajestic PenguinFox PenguinFox
Luna sighed and looked at Alex.
"Not long, both showed up a minute before you did"
She swatted at his leg and stretched, occasionally still glancing at the strangers.
Luna let a relaxed smile come to her face that was entirely too forced.
"All settled in at your place yet? Not like there's much to settle in with."
She scoffed with a light chuckle. Luna recrossed her legs and while waiting for a reply, gazed at the guy across the street on his porch. She held his gaze for a moment and then returned the stare of the one by the lamppost. Luna was somehow trying to make them uncomfortable or let them know she saw the staring.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic McMajestic McMajestic PenguinFox PenguinFox
Alex laughed as she swatted his legs and smiled when she spoke of his house. "Mhhm all settled in." He smiled down at her and then followed her gaze. He didnt like the two of them and his his hand reached behind him gripping the hild of the retracted spear. It was in a dagger form now and he was prepared to fight. He didnt like the two who were eatching them and he let go of the hilt that was concealed under his shirt. Turning back to Luna he said "Maybe we should talk inside. Wouldnt want them to have any advantages against us."​
Luna_Marie Luna_Marie McMajestic McMajestic PenguinFox PenguinFox
Luna looked over again and then back up to Alex, giving him a nod. She stood slowly and grabbed his hand gently, pulling him inside the front door and pushing him into the house. She looked back to the two strangers once again and shut the door.
Hairs on the back of her neck stood and she shook off the feeling. Luna pulled Alex into the kitchen and released him, going to sit on the counter. The light eyed girl swung her legs gently off the edge.
"So what's up? My dads not here so you won't get chased out."
Lunas father liked almost everyone in the troupe, and he even liked Alex, but he didn't appreciate Alex always hanging around his daughter, so Mr.North had a bad habit of not letting the two hang out.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Allan's face reddened ever so slightly when he realized he had been caught watching. He downed what was left of his coffee, inhaled the morning air and walked down the street. He was soon back at his home.
Alex was surprised at how fast shenbrought him into the house. He smiled as she spoke of how her father wasnt home. He remembered one time he was caught inside with her and...it wasnt to pretty. He chuckled lightly and said "Thank god." He leaned his back against the counter next to her smiling up at her. He was almost thensame height when she was on the counter, although when she was on foot he towered over her. He looked at her marvelous hair and smiled before saying "A pretty girl all to my self in her house? Hmmmm sounds mischievous." He teased with a wink. This was normal of Alex, he always teased Luna. It was their thing.​
Luna_Marie Luna_Marie
IMG_8859.GIF Luna laughed and rolled her eyes.
"Oh I'm disappointed in you Alex, you sound like a big bad wolf."
She gave him a wink and poked at him with her foot. Lunas eyes flickered to the window and she saw one of the guys from before walking away down the street.
Her eyes narrowed as she tried to think about what they had been doing.
"Why are some people so strange? I don't understand why they were just standing there."
Luna wrinkled her nose in confusion, not used to gaining a lot of attention. She looked at the one on his porch, then back to Alex.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic PenguinFox PenguinFox McMajestic McMajestic
Alex smiled and laughed with her. He noticed the boy walking and he shrugged at her words. "Some people are just strange. I mean look at me and you, throwing fire around like Its nothing." He chuckled as he nudged her with his shoulder "So what does Miss priss want to do today?" He asked with a smirk. Miss priss was his little pet name he had for her. He only called her it when he wanted to piss her off.​
Luna_Marie Luna_Marie

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