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Fandom ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ 𝙢𝙮𝙨𝙩𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 - ooc. [closed]


she is a different beast now.
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an ooc thread for mystbound!
hey yall!! i prolly won’t be able to chat much rn because work, but i’m super excited to see what y’all are planning! did you have any ideas so far for godly parents or general character concepts? :D
hi friends!! :D and i had a few ideas for a character, not very sure for who the godly parent might be yet though haha
hi! im new(ish) to the fandom, i read a few of the books about a decade ago but never picked it back up and then watched the first season of pjo. really excited to get back into the fandom and join this roleplay!

i see for some of the roles there are souls with certain people - those are the reincarnated souls of the five missing heroes. for those slots, would we pick the godly parents that are closest to accurate for the reincarnated hero or would we pick one of the existing 12 cabins that better suit our character? sorry if this is a dumb question i just dont want to write my character wrong lol ya feel?

also id love to hear what kind of characters everyone is planning to write!
hi! im new(ish) to the fandom, i read a few of the books about a decade ago but never picked it back up and then watched the first season of pjo. really excited to get back into the fandom and join this roleplay!

aaa welcome back to the fandom !! i also just got back into it like two years ago!
i see for some of the roles there are souls with certain people - those are the reincarnated souls of the five missing heroes. for those slots, would we pick the godly parents that are closest to accurate for the reincarnated hero or would we pick one of the existing 12 cabins that better suit our character? sorry if this is a dumb question i just dont want to write my character wrong lol ya feel?

no i gotchu !! so the five hero roles are actually mortals, sorry if that wasn't clear! the five mortals walking into chb due to the barrier being weakened by the mist fading is what kicks off the events of the rp ^^ the other five roles are demigods tho!
okay sweet thank you! so they wouldnt have been able to see through the mist growing up like the demi-gods, right? i appreciate you taking the time to answer!
okay sweet thank you! so they wouldnt have been able to see through the mist growing up like the demi-gods, right? i appreciate you taking the time to answer!
yeah ofc! and yep, they wouldn't've c:
oh !! i should add that you are allowed to apply for more than one role (and encouraged to if you wanna since it gives me more flexibility with accepting characters!) depending on how many characters are finished too i might be accepting more than one per person ^^
i’ll have my placeholder up soon !! is it just placeholders for now?
i just have mine up now, but post you're full sheet whenever your ready, i'm not stopping you! lol
oh ok! was just asking just in case if there was anything specific in the cs’s you’re asking for haha
oh ok! was just asking just in case if there was anything specific in the cs’s you’re asking for haha
if you click through the first post the template should be on the info slide!
ALSO also i should clarify that the rp will start on the day that the mortals stumble into camp !! so you don't have to write past that in ur sheet if you don't want to c:
ALSO also i should clarify that the rp will start on the day that the mortals stumble into camp !! so you don't have to write past that in ur sheet if you don't want to c:
Would the mortals all need to be between 14-18 since they are all going to the same school?

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