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One x One My Slave (reserved)

Name: Dust

Age: 18

Species: Elf

Dust grew up in her small village in the woods. She grew up in a harsh world, without much of a childhood. She quickly learned to fight, to protect herself. Her life was always lived in fight or flight mode, without much rest for leisure. There always seemed to be a new threat to fight. She was not an emotional creature. Everything came down to necessity and emotions weren't normally there in her favor. Although, many of those around her were filled with strong passions. She saw the world as correct and incorrect. The incorrect needed correcting and she was there to do just that.



Alec Price








Being loyal to his country is embedded in his soul. Alec has never known anything else other than war in his life and his determination shows that he aims to end it. Despite having a soft spot he isn't one to cross, with military style the young man will crack down on anyone who misbehaves towards him.


Alec was brought up in a house hold that agreed with the current government and so he was breed to believe the same and this has lead him to had a distorted view towards supernaturals. From a young age he was trained to become part or the army and later a general, his father wasn't a nice man and his methods of training were borderline abusive.


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