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My Little Pony


Follower of the Eight Ball
So I've been kind of craving the ponies. I really want to role play this for a really long time. I am not sure why... because I usually really hate fandoms. Here are a quick few rules and expectations.

Pony Rules and Expectations:

  • OC's only. I will not allow Cannons. I just won't do it.
  • No Alicorns. Unless you have a really good reason for it, you can not have one.
  • Blood and Gore is a go. This will not be the cutie type of RP My Little Pony is known to be. I don't really want that.
  • Setting. I am hopping the setting will be medieval. Weather it be pairings like.. King x Knight or Mercenary x Prisoner, Etc. (Alicorn aloud for king or queen.)

My Writing and Rules:

  • I like both One-Liners and Para. I prefer one liners and Para for setting up and such.
  • I like MxM, FxF and MxF. Or any non-gender is fine as well.
  • Romance is a must. But I don't want it drowning out everything else. No insta-love. Lastly I like to let the characters fall in love themselves rather than setting them up.
  • Reply time. It can be a bit sketchy... School and all. Weekends I can be busy too. But I'll try my best to reply a lot.
  • Spelling and Grammar. It's not my strongest suit. So please don't hate on me. If it is going to bother you, please don't bother with me.
  • No 'I can't'. If you only play female... or only play sub or... only play this and that. Please don't reply either. All roles should be fair and distributed.
  • Please follow RpNation Rules. I don't want to get in trouble as much as the next person.

I don't have a plot in mind... but I would like Violence, Romance and patients. I'm not a gigantic spaz fan..so I don't know everything about MLP.
Hey I'll do one with ya. Although I've never role-played as a pony, I don't think it will hinder any aspect of the actual 'playing.

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