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Realistic or Modern — MY LAST FIRST KISS ☆彡(closed)


fabulous *:・゚✧
Friendship. It's a funny thing, really. At first, things seem simple: you're all just elementary school kids, having the time of your life swinging at the park, spitting (then attempting to catch) watermelon seeds, and chasing each other around.

Before you know it, middle school comes around. But, even though classes get harder and the acne starts to kick in, you've still got each other's backs. It's an awkward phase, a weird transition into the real stuff, but at least you're together.

By high school, things get even tougher. High school is a war zone, everyone knows that. Though there's a lot less drama than in middle school, your friendships are tested when you have to balance the new workload, volunteering, a part-time job, and maintain the camaraderie. Yet again, even with all the hormone and homework trouble, at least you were all together.

Somehow, that all changes. After graduation, when you enter the biggest phase of your life, adulthood, your relationships begin to transform. You four begin to drift apart, and things start to take a rocky turn.

It all started when one of you left for your job as a pâtissier in a bigger city. You weren't too happy about leaving the quaint town you grew up in along with the greatest friends you could ever ask for, but this job was a godsend. Some way or another, however, you ended up having to return five years later, with an even better job opportunity waiting for you back home. Of course, you couldn't turn down this chance, since you could finally meet your best friends again...

...But, why is it that when you return to this same place, everyone in it has become different? Your friends are no longer the people you knew them to be. A lot more has changed between them than you could ever imagine... and you're stuck in the middle of it.
So this is an idea inspired by a Voltage Inc. game titled “My Last First Kiss”. Instead of this being a dating sim
setup (which is definitely nearly impossible for a group rp), this story will follow a small group of four friends
who experience the changes, ups, and downs in their relationships.

It’s not really a coming-of-age RP, but it’s definitely a “rediscovery/discovery of love” sort of setup. It's all
about “reconnection” and of course, some spicy drama! Nothing too angsty, but just enough to keep
things interesting. The entire plot is wholly about romance & comedy, though (what’d you expect from a
rom-com lover?).

I am looking for three, dedicated writers who are willing to commit to this RP so that it doesn’t die out.
At least, not too soon. It’s going to be a summer RP, so it’ll start from June 11th and end around
August 28th (or maybe extend into early September, depending on how it goes). It is not a
first-come-first-serve role play; once your character is accepted, I will send a pm to the group for the
discord server link. (Yes, you must have discord in order to be accepted).

I expect at least two paragraphs for this role play, along with proper grammar, spelling, etc.
I am also expecting general activity in the OOC and IC threads throughout the week. I don't require a post every day, of course, but at the very least I would like two new posts every week. This is a fast-paced role play, so if you don't think you will be able to keep up, let me know as soon as possible. Even if you've finished making your character, please let me know if you change your mind.

Also, we'll be using realistic, Japanese face claims, with the characters ages being in their 20's. The setting is Fukuyama, Japan.


☆ — Female 1 ("new"comer) role ; taken by: @blush!
☆ — Female 2 (childhood friend) role ; taken by: constellation constellation
☆ — Male 1 (childhood friend) role ; taken by: vesper. vesper.
☆ — Male 2 (childhood friend) role ; taken by: peachnim peachnim


links | ooc, ic, character sheets
best viewed in "full" mode.
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peachnim peachnim : the same goes for me, i really wouldn't mind either role although i haven't had a female character to write for in a while so who knows.

also would it matter if we choose other asian fc's or do they have to be japanese
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki | the roles are as follows:

☆ — Female 1 ("new"comer) role ; taken by: __
☆ — Female 2 (childhood friend) role ; taken by: __
☆ — Male 1 (childhood friend) role ; taken by: __
☆ — Male 2 (childhood friend) role ; taken by: peachnim peachnim

all roles have been filled in. thank you all for your interest ❤
for those of you accepted, i will send a link to the discord chat shortly!​
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