• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom My Hero Academy: Heroes of Tomorrow Rules Page


You're Done!
  • Follow the RPNation Official Site Rules.
  • The GM and any co-GM for the RP have maximum authority. The current GM of the Roleplay is Will, and the current co-GM(s) is/are ~SpicyCinnyRollSenpai.
  • Please show respect to your fellow players. If there is a disagreement between you and another player, and you can't seem to find a way to fix the problem, the GM or a co-GM will step in to help resolve the issue, or will step in if one party asks for a mediator.
  • No God-modding. You cannot control another player's character. Only the GM's of the roleplay can do this, and anytime it does happen, it will only be for the purpose of moving the story along.
  • No Mary Sues/Gary Stus. Simply, no perfect character. Everyone has flaws, that's just how things are.
  • Try to put out a post for your character at least once a week at the bare minimum. We don't want people to put out a post only once a week, but if you are busy, we will understand. If you can't put a post out within the one week timeframe, please PM any of the GM's so they know your situation, and can handle it accordingly.
  • As this is a Detailed Roleplay, it is expected for you to put a lot of detail and effort into your posts. You must have at least two paragraphs in your posts. We do not accept one-liners.
  • If you read these rules, please include what your characters favorite food is in the Extra section of your Character Sheet. (And if you could pleas, also put SuperMonkeyRobotTeamHyperForceGo, maybe. This was Spice's idea.)

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