My BF told me to come here.

*Peeks in*.

Welcome, Puddin'. I see you're already getting settled in, so I'll just leave this welcome present here for you.

*Gives you a snuggly kitty cat wrapped in a blanket*.
Hello and welcome.
Imagine Role playing here as sort of a place where you can write a story about anything you like with any character you like.
You can be anyone/anything you want to be. You can write yourself as any profession/gender/race/species. Yes, even a purple dragon with pink spots that's allergic to sunlight (if you like).
And you can join others in writing these stories. Join forces and collaborate to weave whole other lives for your character.

It sounds complicated at first, but there's lots of friendly people here.
You can even pick a favourite TV show/movie and write about that world with those characters just with new plots!

Hopefully, you find your feet quickly. Good luck with everything. :)
Thank you for the rundown. -Q- -Q- I have so much to learn. Sadly, I have no favorite show and movie. The first thing I should learn is making characters. You don't suppose their is a trick to do this? I feel terrible for having to get help from Adrian.

R Rock And Roll Boy This is a nice gesture. Thank you. I don't know how I should call you.

Is copy and paster greeters bad? Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu
surfer surfer
Lots of people have different methods for character creation. Some people like to use character sheets (CS for short). Others may just use descriptions in post.
A basic CS might include but is not limited to:

Looks wise, some ask for description, where others may ask for a face claim (FC). This is where you go searching through the internet for inspiration of famous people's faces to borrow. So... for instance, I could play a character who looked like Chris Hemsworth (It isn't likely, but I could, if I wanted to).

Anyway... I feel like I'm babbling now. I'm sure there are tutorials you could research, or possibly someone with better (none rambling) tutorial abilities might take you under their wing and explain things further.

Of course, if it's not something you're into, you don't have to write Role plays. You could just wander around the other parts of the forum, play games and join discussions.

It's totally up to you. Go forth and spread your wings.
Thank you for the rundown. -Q- -Q- I have so much to learn. Sadly, I have no favorite show and movie. The first thing I should learn is making characters. You don't suppose their is a trick to do this? I feel terrible for having to get help from Adrian.

R Rock And Roll Boy This is a nice gesture. Thank you. I don't know how I should call you.

Is copy and paster greeters bad? Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu
Awww. Thanks, Puddin'. Just call me Rock And Roll Boy.
I know someone who gives out different pet names to people. It's rather cute and it works to ease people to their personality.

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