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Fandom Mutant and Proud

Before Strider can respond, she gets a call on her phone. Pulling it out, her face lights up as she sees the caller ID.

Seeing that it was Canine, one of the NMO's stealth operatives, she answers the call, shoving the phone against her ear. "Yo, what up, dawg!"

She giggles at her own joke, knowing that Canine hated when she called him that.

On the other side, Canine sighs, annoyed at Strider's bubbly personality.

"You are so unprofessional, Strider. We're trying to lead a mutant revolution here, you know that, right? You're lucky that King had these lines encrypted..."

Clearing his throat, Canine continues before Strider can respond.

"Anyway, I saw what you and Leviathan did at Venice Beach. Good shit there, Strider. Those bigots got what they were asking for. King's got another plan in place that will rescue a shit load of our brothers and sisters from those MEF scum. We need you back at Base Bravo pronto, capiche?"

Strider gives a mock salute, even though she knew Canine couldn't see her, causing Leviathan to roll her eyes. "Roger that, Sarge! On our way!"

She hurriedly hangs up and stuffs the phone back into her pocket, quickly grabbing Leviathan and zooming away to the base before the latter can protest.
Cars whizzed by, sirens could be heard.. Glass smashing in the distance..

This was a slum of some sort.. New York City...

Dartah looked around, bat swinging in a circle as if he was twirling it. Walking toward a group of people standing on a basketball field..

"Yo kid we play ball here not base ball" all his boys cracked up.

"Dahhhhh aha Ay" Jay chuckled to "whose holdin?"

"Say again mark?"

"Did I stutter? Whose holding? I'm looking to buy"

"What fool?" A man asked

"Something to smoke, bitch" Jay replied.

"Try something your dead" a man reached for his bag he produced a handgun which he showed Jay before tucking it away behind his shirt behind him.

"Got weed?" Jay asked walking closer

"Got cash?"

"A bit" Jay said before appearing Infront of him in an instant, swinging the bat broke his arm Jay zipped up and slung the bag over his arm and zapped away to a small hail Of gunfire.he zapped until he deemed himself far enough away before searching the bag.
Vaith finished packing in the room. Suitcase filled and ready to go. He pulls out a pocket watch out of his pants pocket, Bronze and slightly rusted. His mother gave him the pocket watch before she died, it was basically passed down from generations. He keeps it so he can remember the only thing that helped him actually grow up. Unlike his Nazi father.

Vaith picked up his suitcase and sighed "Abschied

Deutschland." Which is Farewell Germany, in German. As he headed out the door.

Meanwhile, at the airport his private jet waits for him. Already filled up with gas and supplies. Now he isn't legitmately, or legally rich for that matter. Some would say he's a piece of shit, some would be right. Just, in a "He steals money while he's invisible because he can." Type of manner.

Now you know why they call him "The Ghost of Berlin."
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DarksideQueen said:

Damien Carter





Location; N. Y.​

Damien scoffed, the information Leatherhead over there was giving he was already being processed to him and it only annoyed Damien that this...Biker, believed he was actually helping. Didn't helping mean they wouldn't be wrecking his expensive and secluded apartment right now?! And the mere suggestion to call the police? Half the things hidden around here weren't even legal in the States!

Damien rubbed a hand over his forehead and through his hair, obviously irritated. Being quite indecisive about how he should go about stopping these two from destroying anything more, Damien had to ultimately decide upon using Tranquilizers. At least on the Criminal.

With a simple thought, he commanded a drone to hover near the two and fire at the The vulture while keeping the other on targeted on Leatherhead the Biker.
The electric field around Volt would disrupt the drones electronics before it could fire, and would fall to the ground. "Sorry!" Volt shouted again as the small robot thing fell to the ground. He would punch the Vulture whilst channeling energy into his fist. By this time, someone had, more than likely, called the cops. The Vulture would exit the room they were on, and jump out the window, Volt in hot pursuit.
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]The electric field around Volt would disrupt the drones electronics before it could fire, and would fall to the ground. "Sorry!" Volt shouted again as the small robot thing fell to the ground. He would punch the Vulture whilst channeling energy into his fist. By this time, someone had, more than likely, called the cops. The Vulture would exit the room they were on, and jump out the window, Volt in hot pursuit.


Damien Carter





Location; N. Y.​

Damien looked more surprised than angry as he picked up his drone and looked it over. He scoffed and then smirked, letting the piece of technology crash to the floor. Right now, he was more intent on dealing with the damage the two imbeciles caused.

The multiple phones call to the police would never reach their destination. Damien simply blocked any communication to police operators by powering down the blocks electric grid. Pretty sure he had the cops off his back, he returned to his computers of which were still mostly intact. There, he added new details to profile files of which he had hundreds of. One for each powered individual he ever came across. Finding out vigilante and criminal identities was quite a fun game and this little incident wasn't about to deter him from continuing his work. He'd just have to move elsewhere.

Now for his next problem, dealing with the owner of the apartments. With a sly smirk, he easily came up with an idea that involved money. Lots of Money.

Fishing his iPhone out of his pocket, he started making calls to people he had connections with. Some included cops he paid of and others construction agencies that did his dirty work with no questions asked, and then his chauffeur who was to pick him up. He yawned and then began to pack away important devices and prototypes in various duffle bags and backpacks.

Soon enough he'd be able to make a clean escape from this apartment to another casual place to stay and keep his technology.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/KnifeSoldier.jpg.ba8d96b6ef6df2295e3ec36ecfcb08ad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136210" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/KnifeSoldier.jpg.ba8d96b6ef6df2295e3ec36ecfcb08ad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

ID: Wraith Location: Queens, New York

Tobias had been following leads all day about a biker with a yellow helmet and electrical powers fighting other super-powered individuals through out the city. Normally enforcers aren't sent out to track down small stuff like this, but there was no profile matching this new so called vigilante. The latest update was a report of him and the Vulture crashing into an apartment complex followed by an electrical grid fluctuation, but the reports end after that. So Tobias was now standing at the entrance of the apartment building hoping to pick up the trail from there. He could see the gaping hole in the side of the building from the street but there didn't seem to be much in the way of activity. Nonetheless, Tobias decided it would be quicker to go directly up. Dissolving into his smokey form, he flew up the side of the building. After about a ten second flight, he flowed through the hole and returned to his physical form.

The place was unsurprisingly trashed, as it should be after a super-powered fight. The brown-haired wiry young man moving around packing stuff into duffle bags and backpacks was not completely unexpected either. 'Probably a resident picking up the pieces of their home.' Tobias cleared his throat to announce his presence and put on his official front. "I am with the Mutant Engagement Force and I'm looking for information about the super-powered individuals that were here not long ago. Would you be able to lend me your assistance?" Tobias looked over the room as waited for a reply. 'There's a lot of tech in here, is some of this stuff even legal?'




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Damien Carter





Location; N. Y.​

Nanotech Files...Mutant Inhibitor Serum...Teleportation Prototype Number 231....Drone Prototype Upgrade....

Damien ran over a rather long list of important things he had to make sure to pack in order to keep his name off of any FBI, CIA, or Police watch lists.

He groaned as he heard the unexpected visitor. Just great. Of course there had to be some organization to come knocking on his door. Then again, he couldn't exactly hide the wide hole in the side of the building. "Mutant Engagement Force hm?" he replied casually, though nervousness could be seen in the way he kept moving and trying to put up his stuff, not even taking a glance at the visitor which wasn't needed since he already was able to mentally get some snapshots of the guy from surrounding building security cameras. "What exactly can I help you with? A couple of fools barge in through the window. Not even the door, but the window that is 7 floors high. Then leave without so much of a goodbye kiss. What else is there to tell?"

With a scoff, he flicked his eyes towards the glowing computer screens. Easily he shut them down and nonchalantly walked over to grab a file off his desk whilst snatching a USB flash drive from the back of a Mac Computer monitor.

@Galain Fletchawk
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/KnifeSoldier.jpg.5736b0e2ef453a7f6e856bdcb76aa4d5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136284" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/KnifeSoldier.jpg.5736b0e2ef453a7f6e856bdcb76aa4d5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

ID: Wraith Location: Queens, New York

Tobias watched the young man as he scurried around the room picking up nick-knacks and the sort, listening to him rant all the while. While nothing he was doing was outright threatening but something was putting him on edge. "If you could give some details about the individuals, that would be extremely helpful." Tobias shifted restlessly until he rested his hand on the handle of the knife on his hip. 'Something about this guy is raising a red flag but I can't put my finger on it.'




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Damien Carter





Location; N. Y.​

Damien raised an eyebrow, actually turning to face the visitor. "Not much to describe. One was a big bird and the other was probably a motorcycle driver with the way he was dressed" he said, glancing away with a wary gaze. Despite not wanting too, he mentally tapped into streets camera feeds that could possibly locate Motocycle kid or Vulture. "You didn't come with a name or a badge for the Mutant Engagement Force?" he asked suddenly, grumbling under his breath. "Im not sure I have ever heard of that particular organization before"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/KnifeSoldier.jpg.832f073d886f1859adfad760cc7b8efa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136308" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/KnifeSoldier.jpg.832f073d886f1859adfad760cc7b8efa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

ID: Wraith Location: Queens, New York

Tobias intentionally raised his brow at the vagueness of the man's answer. While something about the man was irking him before, the lack of knowledge of MEF was nearly impossible unless you literally lived under a rock. 'I highly doubt this man is that ignorant. The tech and the man's clothes suggested that he was connected socially and perhaps fiscally. This seems like a ploy to buy time. I may need to be abrasive with him.' Tobias decided to ask only one more question before leaving. "No, I don't come with a badge or name. Now, could you tell me if you happen to see what direction they went after they left, so I can be on my way? " Tobias said in a bit rougher tone than previous but that was mostly because he was on guard now.




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OnMelancholyHill said:
Before Strider can respond, she gets a call on her phone. Pulling it out, her face lights up as she sees the caller ID.
Seeing that it was Canine, one of the NMO's stealth operatives, she answers the call, shoving the phone against her ear. "Yo, what up, dawg!"

She giggles at her own joke, knowing that Canine hated when she called him that.

On the other side, Canine sighs, annoyed at Strider's bubbly personality.

"You are so unprofessional, Strider. We're trying to lead a mutant revolution here, you know that, right? You're lucky that King had these lines encrypted..."

Clearing his throat, Canine continues before Strider can respond.

"Anyway, I saw what you and Leviathan did at Venice Beach. Good shit there, Strider. Those bigots got what they were asking for. King's got another plan in place that will rescue a shit load of our brothers and sisters from those MEF scum. We need you back at Base Bravo pronto, capiche?"

Strider gives a mock salute, even though she knew Canine couldn't see her, causing Leviathan to roll her eyes. "Roger that, Sarge! On our way!"

She hurriedly hangs up and stuffs the phone back into her pocket, quickly grabbing Leviathan and zooming away to the base before the latter can protest.
"You...have got to stop carding me around every time we need to go somewhere." Leviathan grumbled distractedly, more amused by the streaks of colour and light that their surroundings were reduced to.

With Strider's speed, it didn't take them long to reach the base, where they were greeted upon entry by Solaris and Magma.

"Took your time striding over here, did you? Too caught up with your princess?" Magma smirked, meeting Leviathan's scowl and waggling his eyebrows meaningfully.

The Hydrokinetic huffed in annoyance, letting herself down from Strider's grip. Solaris elbowed Magma in the side none too gently, making him wince and shut his mouth. "Welcome back. Canine and King are waiting for us in the Command Room as per usual. If I did not judge wrongly - and I usually don't - we would be moving out pretty soon too."

"Urgh...new recruits. The bane of my existence." Magma grumbled as he straightened, alternating between grimacing in distaste and eyeing Solaris wearily.

"Well, then what are we waiting for? The thing at the beach was merely warm-up. I want to get out and moving again, especially if it's a rescue mission that involves breaking into an MEF side-base and annihilating it." Leviathan wasted no time breezing past the two NMO members and heading towards the Command Room. "Strider, you coming?" She called over her shoulder.

Damien Carter





Location; N. Y.​

Damien stiffened then ran his fingers through his hair, his mind automatically wanting to give this guy the information he wanted. "Um..." he mumbled, glancing out the window as he leaned against his desk. "They went towards 31st but seem to move in all random directions. I suppose they are still fighting..." he said, before he heard his temporary bodyguards come in and stand at attention by the Mutant Engagement Force agent. "Uh...Just pick up the bags and put them in the car guys. Pay this man no mind" Damien ordered, before turning his attention back to said man. "I gave you what you want. Now if you'll excuse me, I must relocate now. I can't exactly stay in a ransacked apartment" said Damien, clearing his throat a bit awkwardly as he grabbed a light grey jacket, sunglasses, and a cap. He didn't need to be seen leaving the crime scene if cops did show up earlier than he expected even if he had blocked electronic transmissions to the Station.

@Galain Fletchawk
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TheIrradiatedWaffle said:
Jack nodded. He smile, saying, " Good bye," before turning to leave.
"Yes, goodbye" Sef focuses on the screen and sees a live video of Susan and James and he smiles, the he sees a message popping which Levi just had sent him. Someone crashed in someones appartment. He tries to contact the person


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/KnifeSoldier.jpg.7ff9b87add6360c6641d157effcda415.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136349" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/KnifeSoldier.jpg.7ff9b87add6360c6641d157effcda415.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

ID: Wraith Location: Queens, New York

Tobias bowed his head a bit after the young man gave him the information. "Thank you for your assistance, sir. It was very helpful." Tobias waited for the man and his escorts to leave before reporting the current direction of the biker in the yellow helmet. After the report, Tobias jump through the hole in the side of the building, switched into his smoke form, and flew towards the direction that was indicated by the twitchy man.




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Damien Carter





Location; N. Y.​

Damien sighed loudly once he was sitting in his Lamborghini Aventador Limo. One of the firsts of its kind that he actually had a hand in helping design. With a brief gaze over the Tv, he turned it on mentally then poured himself some champagne. Just about to take a sip, he groaned softly when he iPhone began to ring. He didn't need to pull out the phone, just grabbed a bluetooth earpiece from a compartment and put it in his ear. Mentally, he connected the call to the earpiece and answered it. "This better be worth my time" Damien grumbled, mentally tracing the call to the location it was coming from.

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Sef looked at the screen and saw the person answered his phone. He laid back in his chair and choose his words carefully "Hello, I heard you had an thing with some Mutants? I have found out you need some protection? I can provide security" Somehow, Damien could recognize the voice from long ago. Sef wasn't aware of that yet.


Erin worked in his hangar within the Stark institute, putting the finishing touches on the newest suit. It was relatively small for a typical Stark research room, but that was the point. He was not given all of the suits his relative had, and as such,was given a few, and told to build the rest. "Hmm.." He scratched his head. Had he forgotten a part in there? "Jarvis, bring up messages. He commanded he A.I and it did, showing him multiple missed messages from S.H.I.E.L.D about His new position as a leader on a nearby monitor. "Guess it's a good a time as any to take charge." He muttered to himself. He never wanted this position...but he knew they wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. A) They needed that sweet Stark cash, and B) They never take 'no' for an answer. "Jarvis!" He looked at the monitor. "Send the operatives messages to meet in stark tower. I need to know what has been going on. "
Jay threw a few bags of drugs he wouldn't dare touch into a drainpipe.

He baught a V from the gas station and a bottle of malt liquor he sat against the wall checking his Facebook page,

Ambush bat... dammit, still no job offer from the avengers..

Jay checked his YouTube account to see the latest compilation video of him, various security camera footage and videos he himself had filmed.

First comment, "first" fucking dickhead...

Second comment, "fake" dicking fuckhead...

I Been preventing crimes and starting them for a good while now.. How am I not being noticed?
Volt would continue to chase after the Vulture through the city. He wasn't exactly sure why Vulture had attacked him, but he was definitely one to hold a grudge. Ever since Volt had stopped him a few months ago, the Vulture had been wanting to take a piece out of him. Every now and then Vulture would look back over his shoulder, before speeding up a little. Suddenly, Vulture would dive down to a seemingly random rooftop. What in the hell is this guy doing? Volt asked himself. "It's over, Vulture!" The hero shouted as he would land on the roof. Suddenly, a large net would be launched onto him. Volt tried to get out of it, but it felt as if his powers were draining out of him. "Wha.. What's happening?" Volt asked. Suddenly, a large, hulking man stepped forward, and with a deep russian accent, he spoke. "We have grounded you, little lightning bug. And now, you are as human as the people you protect." Volt looked at the man. Big, russian, and waring a jacket that looked like a lion. "Who the hell are you?" the russian smiled. "I am Kraven, greatest hunter in the world! My friend told me about your unique abilities, and asked me to aid him in this hunt. And now, I shall kill you and mount your head on my wall!" Kraven said, drawing a huge knife from its sheath on his belt. Volt looked up at the man as he prepared to bring the knife down and kill him. "Ohh, shit."

@Galain Fletchawk
Jack, now on the street, looked around. The bright sun, irritating his eyes. Where to now, he wondered. What was next for him. Checking his wallet, he headed to an ATM. Punching in some number, he withdrew a few twenty dollar bills, trying to ignore how he got the money. Suddenly, he felt exposed out there in the open. Shoving the money into the wallet, he hurried off. He didn't want to give anyone another way to track him.


Nick, Stephane and Sara were standing in front of each other. Nick had his fist facing Sara and Stephane which were pointing their weapons at each other. They stood in a triangel, separated by ten meters. They were all heavily breathing, sparring matches between them were really exhausting. Nick charged towards Sara with his Iron Fist and thrust at her shoulder however, Sara ducked and slashed with her Darksaber at the legs of Nick and he fell on the ground. Stephane smiled a little and made a leap towards them while spinning around, both were hit by the whirlwinds of blades. Stephane was an expert in waiting for the right moment in the sparring sessions. He smiled and ran again away, with Nick and Sara following him. He shouted at them "Another point for me" and he stick his tongue out toward them. Nick isn't really fast, like Sara. They both had troubles with chasing Stephane. Nick was only focusing on him, but Sara was smarted and struck Nick in his side with her saber. Nick fell on the ground and smiled towards Sara while he grapped her foot and they were both laying on the ground, laughing heavily.

Chris walked in the sparring arena "Alright, Erin called for us, guess we need to meet him at the stark tower. However, isn't it smarted for him to come to this villa? Sef and all the others are here already." He took his comms and contacted Levi "Hello Levi, send out a message to Erin that he better could meet us here" "Alright Christine" Levi replied, while sending out the message to Erin
We are all at the Nevarro Villa, better meet here, your car is ready

Together, Stephane, Nick, Sara and Chris went to the basement, meeting up with Sef and waiting for Erin

Location: Nevarro Villa

Mood: Excited

With: Sef, Nick, Chris, Stephane, Sara, Levi


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Savagai said:
Sef looked at the screen and saw the person answered his phone. He laid back in his chair and choose his words carefully "Hello, I heard you had an thing with some Mutants? I have found out you need some protection? I can provide security" Somehow, Damien could recognize the voice from long ago. Sef wasn't aware of that yet.

Damien Carter





Location; N. Y.​

Damien grunted softly, glancing up at the apartment building through the dark tinted windows of the limo. His fingers danced on his thigh, already making appointments with trusted construction companies to have that fixed and for the owner of the apartment complex to be compensated for the destruction he didn't cause. "Yeaaaah..." he drawled out, not entirely focused on the conversation for his mind because, although incredibility great at multitasking, he was already pushed to the limit trying to find out whom was on the other side of the phone and take care to erase traces of himself from the building. "This is a job that requires a tremendous amount of dedication. After all, a man like myself is constantly on the go and incidents like the one earlier I can ill afford to deal with. Thats where you come in. Are you sure your up for such a task that is potentially life-threatening?" he sighed softly, sounding almost bored as he spoke though it was only due to him doing other tasks and being distracted. After he spoke, he pulled up data on the TV before him which too could act like a Desktop Monitor. He frowned slightly, running his fingers through his hair both nervously and irritably at the file of the person of which he determined to be speaking with him on the phone.

Ashlyn "Poison" Lebeau
Location : Xavier Institute- Danger Room

State of being: Pretend Optimism

Nearby: Rosa @Pat



A little deflated by the news report, Ashlyn found the remote and clicked off the tv. "I guess I should find out what everyone is doing," she spoke out loud. Like always, she was alone and figured that there was no point in pretending to eat anyhow. Removing herself from the couch, Ashlyn turned herself chipper for appearances and headed out the common area towards the one place that the team members might be.

"Perhaps everyone has already headed to the danger room for the day," the redhead spoke hopeful words to nothing as she received some questionable glances from some of the students. The mansion was sort of a maze, but she spend so much time talking and wandering alone that she pretty much had it mapped out. It wasn't long before she arrived at the danger room to see "Rosa, Wasn't it?" she asked herself in which she nodded in response as she waited for the girl to finish.
DarksideQueen said:

Damien Carter





Location; N. Y.​

Damien grunted softly, glancing up at the apartment building through the dark tinted windows of the limo. His fingers danced on his thigh, already making appointments with trusted construction companies to have that fixed and for the owner of the apartment complex to be compensated for the destruction he didn't cause. "Yeaaaah..." he drawled out, not entirely focused on the conversation for his mind because, although incredibility great at multitasking, he was already pushed to the limit trying to find out whom was on the other side of the phone and take care to erase traces of himself from the building. "This is a job that requires a tremendous amount of dedication. After all, a man like myself is constantly on the go and incidents like the one earlier I can ill afford to deal with. Thats where you come in. Are you sure your up for such a task that is potentially life-threatening?" he sighed softly, sounding almost bored as he spoke though it was only due to him doing other tasks and being distracted. After he spoke, he pulled up data on the TV before him which too could act like a Desktop Monitor. He frowned slightly, running his fingers through his hair both nervously and irritably at the file of the person of which he determined to be speaking with him on the phone.

Swf saw the message of Erin and smiled when Chris replied. He heard Damien speaking "I can provide security, however it depend where you are going to, and I don't care about live threatening" While speaking he looked at the big screen in front of him and ordered Chris, Nick, Sara and Stephane to go to the briefing room so he could finish his call.

He knew the voice from somewhere, something long ago...

[QUOTE="Loki Odinson]"You...have got to stop carding me around every time we need to go somewhere." Leviathan grumbled distractedly, more amused by the streaks of colour and light that their surroundings were reduced to.
With Strider's speed, it didn't take them long to reach the base, where they were greeted upon entry by Solaris and Magma.

"Took your time striding over here, did you? Too caught up with your princess?" Magma smirked, meeting Leviathan's scowl and waggling his eyebrows meaningfully.

The Hydrokinetic huffed in annoyance, letting herself down from Strider's grip. Solaris elbowed Magma in the side none too gently, making him wince and shut his mouth. "Welcome back. Canine and King are waiting for us in the Command Room as per usual. If I did not judge wrongly - and I usually don't - we would be moving out pretty soon too."

"Urgh...new recruits. The bane of my existence." Magma grumbled as he straightened, alternating between grimacing in distaste and eyeing Solaris wearily.

"Well, then what are we waiting for? The thing at the beach was merely warm-up. I want to get out and moving again, especially if it's a rescue mission that involves breaking into an MEF side-base and annihilating it." Leviathan wasted no time breezing past the two NMO members and heading towards the Command Room. "Strider, you coming?" She called over her shoulder.

"Right behind you!"

The mutant zooms in ahead of the others into the NMO safehouse, all the way to the main gathering area where Canine and King already were. Having grabbed a bag of popcorn from the safehouse's kitchen on the way, she plopped herself onto a couch and began hungrily munching on the popcorn with great gusto.

Canine, a mutant with various dog like physical characteristics, including a rather large snout, raises an eyebrow as he watches the young mutant munching on the popcorn. "Strider. Could've known you'd grab the popcorn, my favorite snack." Canine sniffs the air in front of him, suddenly grimacing.

"Jesus, when was the last time you showered, anyway? I could smell you before you even got here!"

Strider playfully throws a handful of popcorn at Canine, who catches it and pops them into his mouth. "Jeez, ain't my fault you got the nose of a dog. Blame your genes!"

King, whom was looking over some papers on a table in the middle of the room, calls to Canine. "Canine, come here, will ya? I need help addressing some things on this map..."

As Canine goes to help his companion, Strider continues munching on the popcorn, reminiscing about all the crazy events that had transpired so far. Just eight months ago, she was just a kid in a college dorm, studying and writing English papers while occasionally secretly using her powers to help out any homeless mutants living on the streets by bringing them food she had "taken" from markets and restaurants. But then, in the heat of the moment, she had abandoned everything; her family, her friends, her education, to help fight for her people. She was now a mutant freedom fighter, and the world either hated or loved her for it. She thought back to her family, her mom, dad, and siblings whom were probably worried sick about her. Her hand absentmindedly strayed to the phone in her pocket, but she fought off the urge to call them. She was in the NMO now. She had a duty to her fellow mutants. There was no turning back now.

Her thoughts are suddenly interrupted by King, whom called over in his deep, creamy voice. "Yo Strider, where the hell are Leviathan and the others, anyway? Are they on their way or what?"

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