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Fandom Mutant and Proud


These Profligates Kill Legionnaires
The camera slowly pans out over large city, with tall skyscrapers coming into focus. As the view of the buildings become clearer, the city is revealed to be that of Los Angeles. Various scenes of life are showing; people driving in their cars, people tending to their shops, people waiting in line to eat at restaurants, people walking by, talking laughing. The scene then transitions to a bustling favela in Brazil, then to a crowded Hong Kong market, to a quiet evening in Rome. In all scenes, people are just going about their daily lives. Eating, talking, laughing. It is a scene of society, a scene of culture, a scene of life.

Suddenly, a narrator with a thick, creamy, deep voice begins to speak, while the scenes of the world's society continues.

“Humans. Arguably the world's most fascinating and brilliant species. In a few mere millennium, humankind has evolved from cavemen living huddled together, scared of the outside world, to a bustling, thriving species that has colonized the world. We have created, we have grown, we have flourished; we have proven over and over again that our species is advanced and brilliant. And yet, we have also destroyed. Anger. Greed. Fear. These virtues guide us just as much as the virtues which has allowed us to thrive as a species.”

The scene suddenly transitions to one of a young teenage woman levitating various objects in front of her. A look of sheer shock and disbelief, mixed with joy and fascination is on her face as she holds out her hands, various objects floating right in front of her as if they were suspended in midair. Meanwhile, her parents look on in awe and admiration, looks of pride in their eyes. The scene shifts to one of a playground, in which a young boy with green scales all over himself and a large reptilian tail poking out from his back is playing with two other children. They were laughing gleefully as he crawled around the play set, his tail allowing him to hang from the monkey bars. The final scene shows a young man in his twenties shooting fire from his hands to roast an entire turkey on Thanksgiving night, causing his relatives to laugh and gleefully clap their hands in appreciation, the entire family getting ready for a Thanksgiving feast with their loved ones.

“Mutants. Humans born with extraordinary powers, fascinating gifts that allow them to do incredible things; and yet, they are feared. Hated. Fear has always been a driving factor for humans when it comes to the unknown, and this sentiment is no different. Upon their introduction to the world, mutants have been at the mercy of the humans since the dawn of their existence.”

The scene slowly transitions to that of mutants being attacked by humans. Peaceful mutant rights protests are broken up by rioters. Mutants are assaulted on the streets of their homes. Entire houses burn, desperately built foundations torn asunder with flames unleashed by the hateful rioters. Police officers are shown mercilessly beating mutants in to the ground with their batons. Anti mutant messages are scrawled across nearly all buildings. Messages such as “Peace for HUMANS, death for MUTANTS” and “DIE MUTIES!” are plastered all over. It is a scene of pure chaos and anarchy.

“The divide between the two species is large. Humans have always feared what they did not understand. This sentiment has even led humans to kill their own species out of sheer fear and bigotry. Can mutants and humans ever co exist? Some are peaceful, believing that co existence is possible, while others opt for a more direct approach. Treat a man like a monster his whole life, and he will become sympathetic, understanding fear and wishing to cure it. Treat a different man the same, however, and he may seek vengeance...”

Suddenly, this song begins to play as the intro credits begin to roll...


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Ebon sat back in his antique chair, it was from Austria and made in the 1870's; it had travelled with him all over the world, from pre World War Austria-Hungary to Nazi Germany and eventually the United States.

Somehow it had ended up here, in Ebon's office at NMO HQ; a room decorated with memorabilia from the past 150 years, the violin from his time in Vienna, his weapons and trophies from the first war; Nazi paraphernalia from his time spent in Nazi Germany and all sorts of other furniture and objects from times long past.

The news had just come up on his Laptop, 50 dead at an anti-mutant rally in China, attacked by a lone mutant claiming allegiance to the NMO. This latest attack was the third so far this month, Ebon was delighted by the rebelling mutants and grinned, all that he'd worked so hard for was finally paying off; this one last chance to change the world, to prevent the last catastrophy that was written.

Relaxing back in his chair Ebon thought of all the previous chances he'd had to save the world, he saved The Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand only to have the universe play a cruel trick and send the Duke's carriage past one of the would be assassins on the way to the hospital.

He Influenced Adolf Hitler to attack Russia only to be beaten back and fail to prevent almost complete Nuclear war and the genocide of millions.

He failed countless times all around the world to prevent what he learned in Austria from happening but this was his last chance; to prevent the extinction of mutants and humans all across the globe.
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Jay sat at the bus stop smoking a ciggerette, his metal bat beside him.

A few people would glance or stare until Jay looked their direction.

I should arc up at that c$@!... Look at him judging me.. "Oh that second hand smoke is death"

Bitch IM death..

"The fuck do you want!!" Jay raised his voice at the man.

He looked away.

"Fucking thought so.." Jay said loud enough for him to hear.

I could just teleport.. But the bus is here..

The bus driver wouldn't let Jay on with his bat. After a few minutes of arguing he just started walking.
Meanwhile, in the city of Los Angeles, countless people were gathered on the sandy shores of Venice Beach. The beach, once known as a place where people could go to enjoy the warm sun and cool sea breeze, was now filled with anti mutant activists, whom were protesting against mutant rights due to the recent Beijing Massacre, in which a mutant pledging himself to the New Mutant Order open fired on a public anti mutant rally in Tiananmen Square with a smuggled assault rifle, slaughtering over seventy eight humans.

The beach was filled with protesters gathered around a wooden stage, in which a middle aged woman was speaking to the crowd gathered in front of her using a megaphone.

“These mutants...these monsters...these freaks...are a danger to us all! I have been saying over and over again, these abominations are a danger to the entire human race! Look at Beijing! Look at those people whom were slaughtered simply for being who they are! It took a single mutant to steal the lives over dozens of our fellow humans! When will the world wake up? We must lead the world to a new age! How many more of us have to die before we step up to address this threat???”

Cries of agreement exploded from the crowd. “Die Muties!” one voice said.

Suddenly, a strange chuckle pierced through the crowd like a knife against butter. All eyes turned to a strange figure at the side of the crowd, donned in a black hooded outfit. The figure reached up and pulled back the hood, revealing the figure to be Delmira Stein, the mutant terrorist known as Leviathan whom was part of the New Mutant Order. A murmur of shock arose from the crowd.

Leviathan let loose another harsh chuckle at the woman’s words. She stood near the edge of the crowd closest to the ocean, arms folded and a dark smirk upon her face. “Do you even listen to what you are saying, you hypocrite? ‘Look at those people whom were slaughtered for being who they are’, you said? Does the same not apply to the innocent mutants whom humans slaughtered? Were they not mercilessly gunned down by you human extremists simply because of the genes they were born with?” Her eyes swept coldly over the crowd, noting the fear, anger and disbelief boiling beneath the surface. “Preaching peace and talking about the creation of a new world when you know nought of what you speak. You humans make me sick.”

The woman on top of the stage began to quiver. “It's her. Th-th-the one who c-c-can control w-w-w-w-”

Suddenly, the woman is cut off as a blue streak suddenly zooms by; in an instant, the woman vanished from the stage. The onlookers look on in shock, wondering where she disappeared to, before a shriek erupts. Looking toward the source, they see her hanging from the American flag pole from her leg.

The blue streak zooms back to the stage, revealing Lauren Drake, another mutant terrorist who went by the title Strider. The young mutant picks up the megaphone, and clears her throat, knowing she had to put on a menacing, serious tone to maintain public appearances due to her status as an infamous mutant freedom fighter. Shouting out to the crowd, she says,

“You people seem to fear us. And for what? Because we are different? Because we possess gifts that you can't seem to understand? You humans had no reason to fear us. We were simply people attempting to survive in a world that hated us. But now...we'll give you something to truly fear us for.”

Strider zooms to the ocean in an instant, running around in circles at incredible speeds. Eventually, a water twister begins to form; Leviathan reaches over, manipulating it into a towering hulk of water over the beach. People begin to scream in sheer terror, desperately attempting to run away. Leviathan, with a smirk, flattens the entire beach with a single, swift motion, the giant water spout consuming the sandy beach and instantly dragging everyone into the ocean. People begin to scream in surprise and terror as they desperately attempt to swim to safety, some drowning amidst the chaos and confusion.

Zooming over to Leviathan, Strider watches as the anti mutant bigots struggle in the water. Turning to her companion, she says, with a sly grin on her face and with a snarky giggle, “Shall we be on our way, my lady?”

Before she can respond Leviathan utters a yelp of surprise as Strider picks her up and zips away in an instant, leaving the bigots to fend for themselves on the now flooded beach.
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Jack sat at the back of the bus as the seats around began to fill up at a stop. Hiding his face with his hoody, Jack look out the window.

Itd been a week now and this time, he thought he'd gotten away. Now, he'd finally find his sister. A small smile shined on his face before disappearing, remembering why he was there in the first place.

Jack turning from the window to look straight forward as the bus took off. Hearing something to his side, he turned his head to see girl with chestnut colored hair and freckles smiled a flirty smile at him. Jack smiled a short smile back.

Siting back to face forward, Jack sighed, closing his eyes.


Opening his later on, Jack yawned. Looking around, Jack finally stopped when found his plastic bag. Openning it, he pulled a bottle of Coca Cola from it before groaning as it was lukewarm. Motioning with his hands, he watches as the drink began to freeze. Stopping midway, he happily opened the bottle took a refreshing swig only to hear a shriek from across him.

Turning to see the girl eyed him in fear, Jack motioned for her to remain silent. But she just wouldnt.


Everyone turned to face the girl

Time to go.

Rising from his seat, Jack fought his way to the front as the bus exploded into chaos. People shrank away from him, as others screamed at him, cursing him and his race. And others screamed to grab him, as they rose from their seat, trying to get to him.

One man grabbed Jack, to which Jack pulled away, turning to punch the man, causing him to fall back. Turning back to the front, Jack fought to get to the front, all the while, people grabbed at his clothes.

The bus driver rose fron his seat, a loaded gun in his hand. Jack stopped dead in his tracks as the driver fired a volley of bullets. Ducking, Jack missed a bullet by inches, it hitting someone else, as Jack could hear a body hit the grounds. Everyone scattered. Rising, Jack shook his bottle of Coke and splashed it in the man's face, causing him to trip and fall, as Jack froze it as it struck him. The driver fell back into his seat, breaking the front window with his face.

Jack, getting to the front of the still moving bus, was immediately hit over the head with something hard, slamming his hands onto the floor and he blocked his head. Dazed, Jack looked up to see a business man with a briefcase stand over him as people surrounded him. Brandishing any thing they could, they drew closer. Jack looked up, when suddenly, everyone was jerked forward. Closing his eyes, Jack waited as he was jerked around, flying all over the place as he clutched his bottle of what little Cola he had left. Until they came to stop a final stop. He waited to a while as he lied still. Finally, he rose, groaning as shards of glass cut him. Crawling through a broken window to escape, Jack was greeted with silence, saying, "Hello?" And being answered with nothing. Limping away, he left the crash site, as the bus laid besides a ruined gas station building. Coca Cola still in hand.
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Sef wakes up, his boyfriend is still laying next to him, asleep, he kisses him passionatly "Goodmorning dear, I will make some breakfast before I get to work" after having a shower and made breakdast he shouted to his partner "James, i've made breakfast" he went upstairs and smiled when he sees his boyfriend still sleeping "You are so cute" he said softly. He dressed himself and got into his car, the display came to live and showed some red dots. Pressing on some keys on his wheel, at one of the dots appeared a video of the crashsite of a bus. As fast as he can, Sef drove towards the crashsite avoiding the trafic hazards and saw a man with a Coca Cola bottle walking away from it. He sprinted toward the man "Hey, what happened"

Location: Bus Crashsite

Mood: Curious

With: Jack
Savagai said:


Sef wakes up, his boyfriend is still laying next to him, asleep, he kisses him passionatly "Goodmorning dear, I will make some breakfast before I get to work" after having a shower and made breakdast he shouted to his partner "James, i've made breakfast" he went upstairs and smiled when he sees his boyfriend still sleeping "You are so cute" he said softly. He dressed himself and got into his car, the display came to live and showed some red dots. Pressing on some keys on his wheel, at one of the dots appeared a video of the crashsite of a bus. As fast as he can, Sef drove towards the crashsite avoiding the trafic hazards and saw a man with a Coca Cola bottle walking away from it. He sprinted toward the man "Hey, what happened"

Location: Bus Crashsite

Mood: Curious

With: Jack
"Don't worry about it," Jack said, pushing past the man, and walking on. A trickle on blood ran down his arm, prompting Jack to freeze it the blood trickling out. "I've gotta get outta here,"
TheIrradiatedWaffle said:
"Don't worry about it," Jack said, pushing past the man, and walking on. A trickle on blood ran down his arm, prompting Jack to freeze it the blood trickling out. "I've gotta get outta here,"
Sef looks at Jack "What happened, were you attacked?"

He noticed the man freezing his blood and tried to force Jack to stop "Tell me, now"

A few firemen came to the crashsite and began to rescue the people at the bus.
Savagai said:
Sef looks at Jack "What happened, were you attacked?"
He noticed the man freezing his blood and tried to force Jack to stop "Tell me, now"

A few firemen came to the crashsite and began to rescue the people at the bus.
"Shit," Jack said, seeing the firemen arriving and he fled, running/limping away from the scene.
TheIrradiatedWaffle said:
"Shit," Jack said, seeing the firemen arriving and he fled, running/limping away from the scene.
Sef sighed and followed the man "Stop, now, I can help you"

He saw Jack limping and tried to lift the man in his arm so he carries him. He felt sorry for him.
Savagai said:
Sef sighed and followed the man "Stop, now, I can help you"
He saw Jack limping and tried to lift the man in his arm so he carries him. He felt sorry for him.
"Don't fucking touch me, I don't know you." Jack said, "Just let it go, nothing happened. You don't know me. That's that, just go on your merry fucking day."
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Rosa "Detour" Peterson

For as long as she could remember, she hated that boy's guts. She could remember many days where her whispered words to treasured plucked weeds would be of something nasty happening to the brown haired, blue eyed boy down the road. Through childhood, through elementary, high school, and by chance, college, they played, fought, laughed and loved. Clutching that silly mall locket in her palm until hot blood drips through her fingers, Rosa cries, inwardly ripping herself to shreds with guilt, and disgust for not already breaking.

She simply wasn't one for close human proximity to her being. Emotionally, and physically. She enjoyed people, but couldn't remember a time when her smile looked good in a family photo, or when a hug didn't come with tears attached. For this, she found it ironic that her mutation, or, as some would put it, 'power' was inter-dimensional travel. In layman terms again; teleportation from situations deemed far more uncomfortable than a goodbye wave to the relatives.

Again, that wasn't entirely sound. In a way, each answer was only a half-truth. Through her transitioning to this other dimension, she became haunted at how throughly it looked like the Hell her parents would warn her about. Molten skies and distant volcanic eruptions shaking her perception of herself to the core. The only indication of distance being the ghostly markers of the reality she left behind laid before her, within closer reach than had she ever thought possible, she felt... Free. Her first traversal of this strange environment ending when she touched the transparent furniture that looked to be her apartment's couch.

The first journey was not made alone, however. For the same man that hurt, that brought such meaning to her life tagged along- but only partially.

Funny how they come true, she lamented, even after all those years!

Crouched over on her bed, she realized, the irony not escaping her. That Hell, it too had a delay, an unexpected, near meaningless passage of time.

As did those wishes in days of innocent hatred. To be regretted in nights of tainted love.

She stood, quietly cleaning her hand up and dousing it in alchohol, properly bandaging it in the quiet hours. Determination sets in, for better or worse, she'll work as hard as ever. Settling in for a quick breakfest before training in the Danger Room, she clicks on the morning news.
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TheIrradiatedWaffle said:
"Don't fucking touch me, I don't know you." Jack said, "Just let it go, nothing happened. You don't know me. That's that, just go on your merry fucking day."
"Sure, go away, be discriminated, guess we won't need you in our team" He replied, Sef was getting a little angry and turned around. He helped cleaning the mess, some bus passengers came towards him and asked why the mutant wasn'r arrested. Sef sighed and answered them that he didn't do anything wrong, he walked towards the car and drove toward Jack, he opened his window and said "Sure you don't want to fight for justice?"

@TheIrradiatedWaffle (edited)
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Ashlyn "Poison" Lebeau
Location : Xavier Institute

State of being: Passive

Nearby: Unsure



Here she was for about a couple months now the girl that was always told to never reveal herself to anyone and here she was. Ashlyn stood in the corridor right below the stairs and near the door. In her mind, she continued to think about darting out and never returning. These people didn't trust her and for good reason. The redhead already gave everyone a strange feeling and on top of that refused to say anything about her abilities. The only reason anyone had welcomed her in was because she had said she was the daughter of one "Remy Lebeau," but she wondered if that only made people trust her less.

Ashlyn removed her hands from her coat jacket as she had been fiddling with her gloves a second ago. It wasn't like she couldn't touch people and needed them she just preferred them. You could call it a family preference since her gloves also had no cover for the thumb, ring and pinkie finger. It was this gesture of removing her hands that meant she had decided not to run, again. For the past two months, that seemed to be all she was thinking about.

I need to be here. This is the side that Remy chose and believed was good and I must protect everyone from me and from the coming threats, she reassured herself like a broken recorder. She knew some things that others did not and that is why she was here. The threat was growing too great for her to continue to hide and be some sort of vigilante so she had to pick a side.

Ashlyn watched as children ran through the halls and her reassurance was no longer needed. She adored children and for anyone to see it okay to kill any children regardless of genetics was wrong to her. Still, she was always considering the reasons people choose the path they choose. Being empathetic, she tended to know that people that do evil things are not evil they just have a different voice on their shoulder.

Ashyln removed herself from the stairway and started for the kitchen. She liked to pretend she could still taste the flavor of food and that it didn't turn to soot in her mouth. Smiling to a few children who scurried away, Ashlyn kept her head high and felt her determination of the day return.
Savagai said:
"Sure, go away, be discriminated, guess we won't need you in our team" He replied, Sef was getting a little angry and turned around. He helped cleaning the mess, some bus passengers came towards him and asked why the mutant wasn'r arrested. Sef sighed and answered them that he didn't do anything wrong, he walked towards the car and drove toward Jack, he opened his window and said "Sure you don't want to fight for justice?"
@TheIrradiatedWaffle (edited)
"I already have something to do, I don't need just one more thing to bog me down," Jack said, quickly ducking behind the car as a cop car drove by.
TheIrradiatedWaffle said:
"I already have something to do, I don't need just one more thing to bog me down," Jack said, quickly ducking behind the car as a cop car drove by.
"Like?" He braked and stopped the car "Come in, you seem the be hiding" Sef pressed a button and the door of the passenger seat opens
DemonKitten said:
Ashlyn "Poison" Lebeau
Location : Xavier Institute

State of being: Passive

Nearby: Unsure



Here she was for about a couple months now the girl that was always told to never reveal herself to anyone and here she was. Ashlyn stood in the corridor right below the stairs and near the door. In her mind, she continued to think about darting out and never returning. These people didn't trust her and for good reason. The redhead already gave everyone a strange feeling and on top of that refused to say anything about her abilities. The only reason anyone had welcomed her in was because she had said she was the daughter of one "Remy Lebeau," but she wondered if that only made people trust her less.

Ashlyn removed her hands from her coat jacket as she had been fiddling with her gloves a second ago. It wasn't like she couldn't touch people and needed them she just preferred them. You could call it a family preference since her gloves also had no cover for the thumb, ring and pinkie finger. It was this gesture of removing her hands that meant she had decided not to run, again. For the past two months, that seemed to be all she was thinking about.

I need to be here. This is the side that Remy chose and believed was good and I must protect everyone from me and from the coming threats, she reassured herself like a broken recorder. She knew some things that others did not and that is why she was here. The threat was growing too great for her to continue to hide and be some sort of vigilante so she had to pick a side.

Ashlyn watched as children ran through the halls and her reassurance was no longer needed. She adored children and for anyone to see it okay to kill any children regardless of genetics was wrong to her. Still, she was always considering the reasons people choose the path they choose. Being empathetic, she tended to know that people that do evil things are not evil they just have a different voice on their shoulder.

Ashyln removed herself from the stairway and started for the kitchen. She liked to pretend she could still taste the flavor of food and that it didn't turn to soot in her mouth. Smiling to a few children who scurried away, Ashlyn kept her head high and felt her determination of the day return.
When she arrives into the modern but family-like room, she sees Detour at the island, who snaps out of her mindless viewing of the television to greet her cordially, wasting no time to introducing herself. "I'm Rosa, if you haven't read up on the meet and greet packets we sent you." She joked. Rosa turning off the screen with her dominant hand, Ashlyn sees that it is wrapped around in cloth, dried blood radiating from the center of the palm.
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Savagai said:
"Like?" He braked and stopped the car "Come in, you seem the be hiding" Sef pressed a button and the door of the passenger seat opens
Jack, groaning, got into the car. He rested his legs, saying "Finding someone,''

Looking down, he said," Look, lets just get outta here, okay?"
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TheIrradiatedWaffle said:
Jack, groaning, got into the car. He rested his legs, saying "Finding someone,''
Looking down, he said," Look, lets just get outta here, okay?"
Sef put his hand shortly on the leg of Jack, slapping it in a friendly way "Where to go?" He smiled and started driving
Ashlyn "Poison" Lebeau
Location : Xavier Institute

State of being: Curious

Nearby: Rosa @Pat



Ashlyn looks over at the fellow resident whom had a lighter color, more brown red to her hair. She seemed to have bleed quite a bit at some point which caused Ashlyn to walk over. It wasn't like she was really going to eat or anything so she sits down beside her. "My name is Ashlyn. I am sure you have heard a little about me," she looked down at her hand where the blood had dried. Perhaps it is fine now, but I should check if there is infection, well, if she will allow, she thought to herself while maintaining a happy expression. Her expression turned slightly serious as she reached out. "Do you mind if I see your hand?" she asked calmly as to not seem too intense, that usually was her problem. "I just wanted to see if it was healing well and perhaps you can tell me what occurred?" she suggested as to add conversation while she looked over it.
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She grumbles as the pulls the covers over her head. She did not want to get up, not at all. The sounds of active outside her door finally managed to get her out of bed. She yawns and rubs her eyes. Today was already not a good day. Her stomach was in knots and so was her hair, just not going to be a good fucking day. She gets up and makes her way to her mirror, grabbing a small brush, and yanking it through her curled hair. This goes on for a minute or two before she throws the brush and gets up, whatever, her hair would just have to stay curled and puffy.

Candy finally opens the door to her room and heads out. Children ran past her and she smiles. At least somewhere morning people. Her long nightgown trails behind her some as she makes her way to the kitchen. The cherry poptarts better still be there. Someone had been eating them and she would not let them have her favorite treats. She finally pops in and grabs the box, getting a pack out. Yes! There were still some in there. She begins to wolf down the treats as she makes a cup of way too sweet coffee. She looks over to see what was going on in the news, it never was anything really good but hell she needed something to wake her eyes up fully.
Savagai said:
Sef put his hand shortly on the leg of Jack, slapping it in a friendly way "Where to go?" He smiled and started driving
"God, I don't know. Just hopefully somewhere where I can peel the dried blood off of my body and shards of glass out of my flesh."
TheIrradiatedWaffle said:
"God, I don't know. Just hopefully somewhere where I can peel the dried blood off of my body and shards of glass out of my flesh."
"Sounds like my appartment, but my boyfriend will probably be hanging around, naked" He smiled to Jack and pressed a button "Messaged him he need to put on some clothes"
Savagai said:
"Sounds like my appartment, but my boyfriend will probably be hanging around, naked" He smiled to Jack and pressed a button "Messaged him he need to put on some clothes"
"Okay, then," He said, buckling up.
DemonKitten said:
Ashlyn "Poison" Lebeau
Location : Xavier Institute

State of being: Curious

Nearby: Rosa @Pat



Ashlyn looks over at the fellow resident whom had a lighter color, more brown red to her hair. She seemed to have bleed quite a bit at some point which caused Ashlyn to walk over. It wasn't like she was really going to eat or anything so she sits down beside her. "My name is Ashlyn. I am sure you have heard a little about me," she looked down at her hand where the blood had dried. Perhaps it is fine now, but I should check if there is infection, well, if she will allow, she thought to herself while maintaining a happy expression. Her expression turned slightly serious as she reached out. "Do you mind if I see your hand?" she asked calmly as to not seem too intense, that usually was her problem. "I just wanted to see if it was healing well and perhaps you can tell me what occurred?" she suggested as to add conversation while she looked over it.
Rosa draws her hand back suddenly, appearing more bothered with the gesture of kindness towards her than the wound itself, then looking at the appendage as if she just remembered it. "I'm fine." Seeing Ashlyn's hesitation to believe her, she quickly assures. "Really."

She leaves for a Danger Room session, speaking a much more casual 'hey' to Candy as she passes the Mutant in the hall. Poison quickly ascertains if she pushed the subject Detour would have popped a blood vessel.

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