Murder: The Ties that Bind

Anybody got an idea on how should I join? I killed the dangerous guy after me, but I'm waaaay far to the other survivors
[QUOTE="The Gil]Anybody got an idea on how should I join? I killed the dangerous guy after me, but I'm waaaay far to the other survivors

Bigby is a HUGE WOLF make him break his shimmer.

I totally forgot you asked about my Steam name. It's just Klutzy_Ninja_Kitty with underscores. Haha and I have like nothing on the account... My computer doesn't have a good enough graphics card to play most games on so I don't very often. xD
I've given Atarf permission to GM for me while I'm gone for... an hour or two! 

Klutzy Ninja Kitty] [URL=" said:
@Akibahara[/URL] By the way, did Neo-Nemisis Anna get killed? Or did we just leave her in the update and board the plane?
No, Neo-Nemesis will be a reoccurring boss for this Murder event. She won't die for a while. xD
RainbowWave said:
(She was BLOWN AWAY from the umbrella facility and landed on a highway. and she must of tore a organ, she doesn't know, and that's not the only thing wrong, Both shoulder blades are shattered, due to her landing on the highway, made of concert. She had minor head trauma due to the impact of the car crash.)
I decided to add another spoiler for The Shadows, so beware everyone.

The Shadows, they were people once, only know they lie mute, pitch black, and mad. At first, it was encountering them that we had to worry about, Especially alone. Now, the nightmare only got worse after sundown. The Shadows speed increased during the night, and so did their intelligence, it was like man attacked, with the chance of spreading sickness. The Shadows set ambushes, hid, and tracked. Now Annie was alone, her brother was out of his meds, and his split personality was now in control, and left her for dead. The nearby survivor camp would eventually find her, if the Shadows didn't.

That all im giving away.
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RainbowWave said:
I decided to add another spoiler for The Shadows, so beware everyone.
The Shadows, they were people once, only know they lie mute, black, and mad. At first, it was encountering them that we had to worry about, Especially alone. Now, the nightmare only got worse after sundown. The Shadows speed increased during the night, and so did their intelligence, it was like man attacked, with the chance of spreading sickness. The Shadows set ambushes, hid, and tracked. Now Annie was alone, her brother was out of his meds, and his split personality was now in control, and left her for dead. The nearby survivor camp would eventually find her, if the Shadows didn't.

That all im giving away.
I am so in.
I decided to add another spoiler for The Shadows, so beware everyone.

Two years after the outbreak,

It was a cold Monday night, the trees have lost all their autumn leafs, and were prepared for the incoming winter, unlike Ellis and Annie. Ellis searched desperately through racks of thin sweaters, the store was picked clean of winter coats, scarfs and even gloves. It was truthfully the emptiest store Ellis & Annie have seen in awhile, making the young boy only look harder. Annie was dancing fire In her palms like normally, keeping light for her brother. “Nothing!” Shouted Ellis, his hands grabbing onto the cart's long slender sides, and throwing it over, causing a loud
cash! The sound bounced a little throw the small store, and would alert anything outside, if the amount of light already didn't.

“Brother, we need to hurry, you just did the dumbest thing, come on!” shouted Annie, she was becoming increasingly frustrated with her brother, The Shadows have been becoming increasingly smarter at night, not mentioning their incredibly speed boost during this time. Extinguishing the flames in her hands, Annie grabbed her brother's arm, and pulled him quickly towards the back of the store. The stores back was just as empty, and the darkness didn’t help Annie search for a way out, but the dim moonlight exposed a broken door, lieing flat of the ground, as if The Shadows tore it from its hinges. The siblings went through the broken door, and was left in a dark back ally. Annie released her brother, and drew her hand back, whipping it across his face in angry, and strong force.

“Your a idiot!” Shouted the young 14 year old girl, her face was blooming dark red, and her pacing back and forth only scared Ellis more.

“You don-”

“No! I fucking understand, your dumb and wanna get us killed!” screamed Annie, her voice was getting louder and louder with every word, and the silent night only took in the uncommon noise. It didn’t take long, maybe it was due to all the noise, or the amount of light, Ellis & Annie was unsure, and truthfully it didn't matter, they were now surrounded by 60 pairs of red eyes, and more could be hiding.

“How dare you say I’m stupid, Look what happen now!” shouted Ellis, his pace backing him into his sisters back, as she did the same.

“It was going to happen at one point, they started to track.” Replied Annie, her dark green eyes scanning the area for anymore of The Shadows, it was hard to even see where they stood, the infected skin blurred with the night, and the lack of light never helped.

“What do we do?” worryingly asked Ellis, his head looking from left to right, dreading every pair of red eyes that stood around them.

“We do what we always do, we fight.” answered Annie.
It was like the night striked Annie, the force made her brother slide to the side of her back before turning, while Annie was quickly pinned to the ground, Even as the Shadow held Annie’s arms, she still could see barely see the infected expect its beating red eyes, its weight was sitting on her stomach, and its hands were tightly gripping her wrists, trying to slam them into the blacktop parking loot. Ellis manged to grab his long thick slender blade from his pocket, only to have a heavier force clipped onto his back, the Shadow's arms wrapped around Ellis’s neck, desperately trying to pull him onto his back. Ellis no longer was looking at his sister, but was was elbowing the Shadow, or where he guessed the Shadow was. Ellis used his free hand to try to pier The Shadows arms from around his neck, only as his lack of oxygen increase did he finally lift his blade, and forcefully stabbed it into The Shadows arm, causing it to let go, and fall to the black parking lot. The Shadow must of closed it eyes, because Ellis was unable to see it, so he turned, seeing his sister still in her struggle Ellis bolted for her, and as Ellis did the infected was kicked off, and Annie stood, sending a fireball into the Shadows face, killing it. Ellis stood only a couple of feet from his sister, she was looking to the eyes still around them, it seemed the amount have increased while they were fighting, and the eyes just sat there, staring.

“What do we do Annie?” asked Ellis, his voice was wavering, and his tone held more fear then ever before.

“I'm not sure, this isn't normal for them, they outnumber us, they should be attacking.” finally replied Annie, her eyes focused on the ground, and her thumb and pointer finer on her chin.

“They could be weaker then the others, or maybe their waiting for something?” Annie held no real answer, so was so unsure, her study of the Shadows have been going so well, until the last few mouths. A loud
BOOM! shot through the air, and a rather large group of screams could be heard in the distance, the red eyes looked behind them and to Ellis & Annie, as if they were debating to leave the two pray and join the other fellow Shadows for the purging of the survivor camp. Luckily for the twins, they left, gone in a intestine just as they appeared. Both Ellis & Annie lost their tension, and looked to one another, a slight smile on their lips. Upon looking at both their faces, it was observed that they were happy about surviving the attack, but not the fate of the survivors. Now Annie was alone, her brother was out of his meds, and his split personality was now in control, and left her for dead. The nearby survivor camp would eventually find her if they lived, and if the Shadows didn't get her.

I updated the intro, everyone.

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"Oh yeah haha sorry bro for killing you and putting you through shit for 8 months you should still forgive me though homie haha"
I don't because Ariel and I are polar opposites xD

I mean, sometimes I get a few if my opinions in there accidentally, but it's pretty easy since I'm like, "fuck shit bitch ass," and she's all, "oh, barnacles!"
I'm going to get off for awhile, Molly is to hurt to do shit soo, plus I have more details to work on for the next event. Tag me if anything happens, and ill reply when I get back on.

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