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Realistic or Modern Murder Mystery?


Omnipotent Burro
A rather simple idea.
12 people are invited to an extremely wealthy and famous person's house for a dinner party. Having the night of their life, everyone is horrified when after a brief power outage,the host is found dead. Within this group of 12 people there are two people lying about who they are.
The murderer and The Detective
For obvious reasons, the murderer has lied the entire night about who they are and why they came. They will spend the entire rp trying to eliminate the detective.

The detective arrived initially to investigate illegal activity being done by the host, but now is trying to capture what seems like the only lead, The killer.

The remaining ten people at the party are simply trying to survive the night. They all have ties that connect them to the host, and all have a viable murder motive.

How is the game played?
We start right after the lights come back on and the host is found dead. With a set post order, everyone will make their first post. At the end of every post order, I post as the disguised killer, taking out one more person at the dinner party.
This will not be random however.
Before my post, but after person 12, the detective will pm me who they think the murderer is. I will only tell them right or wrong. If they are right, they will restart that next post order rather than me. If they are wrong however, I will message the murderer, asking who they want to target next.
I will also be pming other players with actions, such as finding the murder weapon, lost letter, a form of blackmail etc.

In my head the best way this works is if everyone commits to their part. Even if you know you're not tge murderer, but your character still hated the host, you may not act as innocent as you are.

If this garners enough interest, I'd just drop the OOC and Characters thread with info on the host so everyone can build their character. From that list of people I will pick who is the murderer and detective. That means the sheet you post in the characters tab, will be your cover story for the group should you be selected. I will discuss privately with our D&M on their real backstories and full motives in more detail. A lot of this revolves on keeping you character's cover and your cover in the OOC.
Thats the gist of it, though I'm sure I glossed over some details. Feel free to post any questions, comments, or concerns.
I tried to do this once, but it failed miserably because I didn't really think through the details. You clearly have, so I'd love to be a part of this
Alright! Hopefully we can find a few more people.
If the interest isn't there for the full 12, we could shift it over a more clue style gameplay with 5 or 6 people. For that style, everyone who isn't the murderer will be guessing at the end of the post order. It'd be more of find the traitor, which I think could be just as fun.
Very interested!
Question: Will people besides the detective be working to solve the case? If so, will the detective be disguised, or will we all be aware of who they are, if not who they think is being killed?

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