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Realistic or Modern Murder Mystery + Romance [M x F]


Shadow Prince
So I had an interesting idea pop into my head for a good romance 1 x 1 RP.

The premise would be pretty formulaic. There is a murder case (could possibly make it a string of murders from the same culprit), with its murderer and the head investigator. However, the catch is that the murderer and the investigator will by chance end up being involved with one another without either knowing the other's "profession". It could be something as simple as both on their first Tinder date (due to them not being successful in love through traditional means), or it could be a situation more complex that brought them together. The gist, is that the circumstance that brought them together would be completely unrelated to the case, so they are nowhere near being aware of what the other does. I would like for it to be a cat and mouse game similarly to Death Note; an intense battle of the minds while on the job, but a more casual setting when they are with each other during their dating phase.

It would be fun for a professional assassin and an investigator trying to find a legitimate relationship in each other while unknowingly working against the other. It could cause for a very suspenseful plot with a pretty climatic ending (aka finding out the truth after they are already too involved with each other).

The logic will be dealt with later after I first see if anyone is interested. I definitely want to come up with a reasonable scenario that helps keep the killer's true identity not be suspect for the majority of it so that everything that transpires is plausible. I really like detail, so I should be able to write something up; just in case if you are one of those people like me who finds things of that nature important.

My only requirements are that you write well; good grammar, considerable paragraphs, deep character development, and mature writing. What constitutes mature writing for me is something that reads akin to college level writing. It could ruin the immersion if the writing does not feel as if I am seeing each scene being played out.

I am a college student, so I am not too concerned with punctuality and quick responses. I myself may not be able to be the fastest, so do not worry about taking a while to post. Just let me know when something comes up.

Hopefully this all makes sense and sounds interesting. I may not be selling the plot idea as well as I should haha.

Lastly, this relationship would be M x F; with myself in the male role. Character age would more than likely be around the 30's, though that can be discussed and subject to change. For character sheets, I'm fine with realistic pictures or anime styled pictures in terms of appearance.

Edit: Feel free to post your interest; even if there are others posted after you. I will be waiting until I have several interests before I choose who I would be the best fit!
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