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Fandom Murder IV: Eye of the Storm

I catch up to Tony, noticing he has company. I am walking slightly funny as I continue grasping tight onto my shoulder, I earler wrapped some cloth around it to apply pressure but the white cloth has now become a dark red colour as it is dripping rapidly with blood. I take in a few deep breaths.

H-hey Tony! I might need some help with this....

I exclaim as i gesture to my left shoulder. I then notice the company Tony is among and become a little more cautious.

Status: Concerned
With: Stormcloak Stormcloak doggodaily doggodaily kirimei kirimei Maxiliase Maxiliase Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @Centurion_

“Are you okay?” Leon spat as he raced over to the girl who was wounded. He looked her up and down and extended his hand out to her, not wanting to make any movements she may find hostile. “I’m a cop. I know basic first aid and I have something that might take the edge off.” Leon assured the distressed, wounded girl.
I look at the man approaching with caution, as I glance at Tony then back at him. From his words I feel quite reassured. I got shot...I think the bullet is still in there...haven't had the chance to really sort it out.

Status: Concerned
With: Stormcloak Stormcloak doggodaily doggodaily kirimei kirimei Maxiliase Maxiliase Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @Centurion_

Leon takes her hand gently and moves her into the classroom before giving Jason and nod and shutting the door again. "There's a seat over there if you'd like." It was one of the that weren't covered in blood and mysterious other liquids so it was comfortable enough for a school-chair. He reached into his jacket and brought out a bag with herbs in it and, after taking one of them out, began to grind it on a paper. As he worked he looked to the girl and explained "These are medicinal. I'm making a paste that should stop the bleeding and stimulate cell growth, but I'm making it beforehand. You said you think the bullet is still lodged in?"1538587301243.png
Yuri smiled in excitement as Leon found the map. She was about to say something until the injured girl came in. She watched as Leon rushed over to her. A few words slipped out of her mouth.
"Wow Leon is so cool.."
She quickly covered her mouth blushing a little.

Aegis Aegis
Currently - Inside School Building (Safe Spot)- kirimei kirimei Aegis Aegis Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara doggodaily doggodaily Stormcloak Stormcloak

Tony stood up and went to Babydoll to check her up.
Oi, Coño... I was in the army but I wasn't a fucking doctor. He'll take good care of you. He taps Leon on the shoulder.
Tony looks at Yuri, gets closer to her and whispers to her as he notices her excitment towards Leon

Oi, Doçura. You like the cop? He asks as he looks at him and back at her Huh?
Status: Concerned
With: Stormcloak Stormcloak doggodaily doggodaily kirimei kirimei Maxiliase Maxiliase Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @Centurion_

Leon continued to grind the herbs as he waited for the answer "Yuri, think you can look at that map and figure us a way to the principal's office?" He asked as he could hear the gunshots form the army drawing closer to the academy and didn't want to take any more time than necessary at this point. He trusted Yuri's skills. However, he didn't look up to see the conversation so whether or not they heard, he didn't know.
Yuri nodded and immediately began to study the map looking for the principles office. She eventually found before calling out to Leon to let him now. Her face suddenly went completely red at Tony's words.
"I-I u-uh... I-I mean..."
She couldn't get a single word out and stuttered the entire time.

Aegis Aegis Maxiliase Maxiliase
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I take a seat as I groan in pain. nodding at the man's replies, I let him get on with it, too weak to react much but still looking around cautiously at these new found "aquaintences".tumblr_mde2aaUGkA1rkhyq4o1_500.gif
Status: Concerned
With: Stormcloak Stormcloak doggodaily doggodaily kirimei kirimei Maxiliase Maxiliase Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @Centurion_

Leon stepped forward with the paste and set it on a desk nearby as he pulled an empty chair along the floor in front of her, the legs causing a metallic grind as he does. "This may hurt..." Leon pulled out his knife and set it on his lap as he inquired "Can I remove the bandage?"
Currently - Inside School Building (Safe Spot)- kirimei kirimei Aegis Aegis Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara doggodaily doggodaily Stormcloak Stormcloak

Tony takes a step closer to yuri and attempts to interrupt her map reading.
Oie, you didn't listen? He whispers as he gets closer and puts a smile on his face like a 5 year-old You like that cop, don't you?... The eyes...

I look at your hands as they move, Never better. I give an non-persuasive smile as I take in a deep breath and close my eyes tight as i nod my head affirmatively. Do it!

Status: This may sting a little
With: Stormcloak Stormcloak doggodaily doggodaily kirimei kirimei Maxiliase Maxiliase Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @Centurion_

Leon nodded and as he did he began to remove the bandage to see the extent of the damage. Looked like a standard 9mm round impact, or at least that's what his cop instincts were telling them. However, he had only been a cop for two days so they were iffy at some times. He tried to be careful as he gently pressed along the impact area to see if the bone was broken before looking around the side to see if there was an exit wound. There wasn't. Yet, the bone was seemingly intact. "Listen, this may seem awkward but It seems like the bullet is still inside you like you thought, but it may have only fractured your bone, or hell, maybe it even hit something else first and didn't have the momentum to get all the way through. So," Leon digressed "I'm going to have to dig it out."
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ARGH! I groan and breath deeply as i feel so uncomfortable and in pain but trying not to conceal the feeling. As the guy mentions about digging it out, my face starts becoming paler than its original pale colour. ok.... I take in a great deep breath clenching my teeth. I'm ready!

Status: This may sting a lot little
With: Stormcloak Stormcloak doggodaily doggodaily kirimei kirimei Maxiliase Maxiliase Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @Centurion_

Leon looks up at her, skeptical, but not wanting to ruin the courage she built up inside simply says "Then here we go." He digs the knife in as he says he would until he comes into contact with the bullet. Slowly. He begins pulling it out as blood begins coating the length of the blade even as he's only using the tip. "Almost..." He assures her as blood is leaking down her torso at this point. As he notices this he feels the bullet plop out and sees the crushed metal fall to the ground beneath them before covering the wound up with the healing ointment, and covering it with a fresh bandage from the classroom's First Aid Kit. "Not so hard?" Leon tried to lighten things up with a joke.
AAHHH!!! I let out a painful groan and a faint scream as he removes the bullet. I pant heavily and swallow dry as he finishes the proceedure, almost sweating as I release my grasp on the chair with my hands all red.
Currently - Inside School Building (Safe Spot)- kirimei kirimei Aegis Aegis Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara doggodaily doggodaily Stormcloak Stormcloak

Tony stopped smiling and gave her around 800$ dollars, slipping it between her face and her palms.
If you two get out of here fine, have a good vacation or something. He gives a quick smile as it turns to a serious face back at them, leaving Yuri back at the map.
Tony then turned to them relaxed and easy going
Ok. Are you people ready to move out?

Status: Gucci Mr.Stark
With: Stormcloak Stormcloak doggodaily doggodaily kirimei kirimei Maxiliase Maxiliase Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @Centurion_

Leon looked back at Tony and with sly grin he said "Ready as I can be." He turned towards the woman "Forgot to introduce myself. Name's Leon." Leon gave her a two-fingered wave. He then stood up and, pulling out his pistol, checked his ammo. Only a couple of magazines left... Leon slid the gun back into his holster and looked back towards the girl "Think you're ready to move?" He gave a nod to Yuri to get ready to go as well.
Status: Gucci Mr.Stark
With: Stormcloak Stormcloak doggodaily doggodaily kirimei kirimei Maxiliase Maxiliase Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @Centurion_

"Sorry Tony," Leon grinned "I'm rocking .50 cal." He said as he walked past him and towards the door that Jason was guarding for them. He looked around the classroom and prepared to open the door. As he slid it open he saw that all was clear and Jason was fine. However, the gunshots form outside were drawing much closer now, they may have even been on the campus.

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