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Multiple Love Story Plots! [Looking for Males, mostly]


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Starry Boy-- Taken & Realist Girl -- Taken



Basically, this RP is going to be about a teenage girl (under my control, hopefully) who's completely plain and realistic on her views in life. She would never believe anything that cannot be explained by science and facts. That is until, one night, she was looking through her window, gazing upon the beautiful night sky as a shooting star passed by. Convinced that it doesn't actually grant wishes, she went to bed saying 'Well, not like you can grant wishes anyway.' to the star.

As she was dreaming, she came across a boy, a boy who made her managed to capture her heart in every way, during her sleep, she, under the influence of her wonderful dream, had wished the boy was real. From there, the star, who ignored all the other people who saw its flight through space listened to the same girl who refused in the existence of 'magic' to the world and granted her wish.

The next day, as the girl attended school, the guy from her dreams, arrives as a transfer student, already in shock, the boy approached the girl and had said that he came down from the space to grant her wish and also to prove that 'magic' is real.

So, again, you would play the role of the star boy who came down from the skies to give my girl char the true meaning of magic in the world.

(Though I would prefer to take the female role, I can, in some way or another, be persuaded into taking the role of the star boy on this one)

Love Curious Writer--Taken & Love Experienced Assistant--Taken



You will be playing as an extremely well-known and likened writer whose known to be an amazing love story writer however, you,yourself, have no experience on the so-called mystery called
love. Due to your curiosity to find out what and how does love inspire one exactly, you ask the aid of your newly hired assistant to show you the true meaning and different forms of love.

Looking for the role of the writer(male)

Normal Boyfriend-- & Fujoshi(Yaoi Loving) Girlfriend--Taken



On this one, after years long of being in a relationship, the guy mustered up the courage to finally ask the girl's hand in marriage. The girl, however, bluntly and without second thoughts, declined.

The girl issued a challenge to her boyfriend, if he could take on her challenges to survive and remain straight after her attempts to get him on a yaoi love story. Then, she would accept the man's request and will marry him. However, if he does not, well. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind as she does, enjoy yaoi scenes so much and had prepared this challenge specifically for that anyway.

Looking for the role of the Normal Boyfriend.

Stranger-- & Amnesiac--



So, imagine that you, as a stranger, was to be stuck with an amnesiac(who escaped from a medical center) that you don't know,refuses to go back (to the medical center) and the only thing he/she can remember is his/her name and a couple things that is related to his/her past. Will you take responsibility and help the amnesiac recover who he/she is? What if they were involved into something illegal? or anything down right immoral? Would you still do it?

Or will you help him/her escape from he/she truly is and create new memories together?

That is up to you.

Celebrity Student -- & Childhood friend --



CS(Celebrity Student) and CF(Childhood friend) were inseparable when they were young, they would always do things together, think of stuff to do together, mess with each other, you know, basic childhood friend things.

But as time goes on, people grow and people change, they, however, aren't like that, they remained to do things together, almost unwavered by whatever life throws at them.

They were about to succeed in doing so, however, CS had financial problems and his family went into full debt. CF wanted to do something to help his friend but, was unable to do anything to help.

It was then that CS accepted an offer that he was to become a TV personality. He clicked almost immediately and his CF only cheered him on, though he wanted to be with his friend a lot more, he couldn't do anything so he remained in the backgrounds, cheering him on.

Years later, CS took a long break as he already had more than enough money after his years in the TV industry and decided that he focuses on his studies once more.

As if fate was toying with them, he and CF ended up being together in the same school. Both were surprised, but are they going to be able to mend their long lost friendship? What if time had changed the two too much that they wouldn't be able to fix it anymore?

Guardian Angel & His lover's reincarnation



(Insert name here) died as he donated his heart for his girlfriend, after his death, God has given him a highly praising position in heaven for his selfless deed, a guardian angel.

However, the world is truly small as the man would be assigned to be the guardian angel of his former love's reincarnation. Slowly letting his feelings get the better of him yet again as he slowly tries to remind memories of him and his lover to her reincarnation and later, project his presence to her, would he commit taboo and break God's law of love between Angel and man?


One Man Hide & Seek



I'm sure we all know this game.

For those who don't, this is simply a game where one person plays hide and seek alone with a spirit. All the rules had to be applied properly and there were steps to follow as well such as stabbing the doll where you had kept the spirit trapped.

This, is, obviously, dangerous as it is said that once it was the doll's turn to find you, he would hide the doll, in which, was stabbed would end the game, resulting in him disappearing.

And as time goes on, the spirit grows more powerful and powerful.

Play Hide and Seek,

1 on 1

with a spirit.

You have 2 hours,

before you lose

Should you post here to show your interest, I will personally PM you if I happen to pick you. You may also PM me if you feel like taking the role if you're shy to post in this thread.
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Hi there!

The first one sounds amazing!

So, I would be honoured if I could do that with you?

PM me if interested.

- Flipper
That second one though. Sounds like me in reality. I'd be interested in role playing that with ya. ^^
hey! so I'am really interested in roleplaying with you ,if you want

I really love all you plots, I prefer the fifth as an yaoi

I would be honored if you would want to rp with me
Added another; Non-romantic this time.

Will start PM'ing people I've chosen before I sleep.
I'm for the guardian angel and his lovers reincarnation! Can I be the reincarnation please?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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