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Fantasy Multi Paragraph Cravings! CLOSED


One Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello everyone! I recently came up with a few ideas and I really want to do them with someone, so at the moment I am only looking for a handful of partners (one for each). So with that out of the way, let's get to it!

Of course I, just like everyone else, have credentials and I think it is best to just get them out of the way first. So here is a list of things that I would like from you with some stuff about me and my RP style mixed in.
  • I consider myself a very detailed writer and would like my partner to be the same. That means I am looking for length in my replies since my lowest post tends to be about a page long (600+ words) although I will tolerate smaller ones on occasion. I am not looking for perfection or great works or art, I really just need to feel like my partner is putting a similar amount of effort into their posts as I am...
  • Be able to reply every few days (every three-ish days at the most) I can only reply that much and would like to get the same from my partner. Not to say that if you go on vacation that I will drop the RP, as long as you tell me when you will be gone then I tend to be very understanding. Communication is key!
  • Be okay with making character sheets, super basic (just name, appearance, and a few sentences) or very detailed ones, it really depends on the RP. Also, depending on the specific RP, I may use anime or realistic images but generally anime is my default and highly preferred choice.
  • I will RP in a thread or PM, I don't care too much. All I ask is that if we are RPing through a PM that we make two separate conversations, one for in character stuff the other for OCC. Speaking of... I like to talk OOC since my best RPs have all been with people I talked with almost daily both about the RP and not.
  • I should mention the topic of romance. To put it simply, I don't care. We can throw it in if you would like or not, it doesn't matter to me. Romance will not be the main point of the RP though, nor will I force it if my character is created in order to hate yours. Also, I play men almost exclusively, so if there is romance I ask that it is either mxf or mxm.
  • Be considerate. If you are going to be gone a few days then tell me, if you have lost interest and want to drop out, tell me. I will only be upset with you if you forget or ignore me, otherwise I am very forgiving. I will do my best to communicate with you if things are not working out for me on my end and I want to drop the RP, am going on vacation, or something similar.
  • Speaking of dropping out, I do not hold any hard feeling if you want to leave the role play, all I ask is that you shoot me a message first. It is only polite to tell me that you are done so that I can move on instead of waiting for a reply that will never come. As for me, I tend to give role plays about a week (or seven posts) before I decide if I want to keep going or not. Please do not get upset if I decide to drop the role play, it is not personal.

The Power of Faith
God x Priest(ess)

I wanted to play the kind of God that is more dependent on its followers rather than the other way around. Meaning, the Gods power is only equal to how much he is worshiped. So if his followers stop worshiping him, he dies/fades away, and if only a few people worship him than he can only do small miracles. Also, his personality changes depending on the beliefs of his people. So even if at one point in time he was a God trusted to protect the village, if the people of the village change their opinion of him where they start to think that he cruel and overbearing then the God will start to develop sadistic tenancies... and the God will not even remember that he used to be kind. He is what his people wants him to be.

I was hoping for a partner who would play the only person in the isolated village who could see and hear me, so they are also the only person in the village that knows that the current High Priest is only pretending to be able to hear the voice of the God speaking to them in order to gain power and status. There is only one person at a time that can see the God by the way so if you can, that means that the High Priest cannot. This can either be mainly focused on the attempt at bringing down this man who is corrupt and manipulating the village, or we can add in a more external threat like an opposing (stronger) city invading and we have to go up against the god/high priest duo of the strangers.
Beneath the Skin
Demon Possessed x Human

You love the occult, everything from witchcraft to voodoo to ouija boards. One night you, your friends, and some strangers gather within a cemetery and try to summon a spirit to talk to. You succeed in summoning something but not what you expected. The spirit/ demon escapes from the salt circle and goes inside of one of the strangers at the gathering. He seems fine, no worse for wear… at first. After that, one by one, every person who was at the summoning is dying and as far as you can tell based on the pattern, you're next.

This is a super vague idea but I really want to play someone who is possessed... think a purely fantasy depiction of a split personality. The host has thoughts that are not their own, they can't control their actions, they get black outs, etc etc. Basically I want to play two characters who are forced to share the same body, the demon and the original human. It is up to you (well, your character) to figure out how you are going to handle this, kill them both, try to exorcise the demon, or help the demon gain full control of his host so that he will spare you?
Partners of Servitude
Dragon x Rider
Craving this one the most!

In this world dragons are the most powerful beasts in the food chain, smart, strong, and each with magic prowess depending on the type of dragon they were (fire, water, metal, etc). For a long time humans were the victims or servants of these animals. That is at least until one king, about two centuries ago, turned a small fraction of his elite Royal Knights into Dragon Hunters. They learned everything they could about dragons from how to kill them to how to control them through magic. So now currently this kingdom has a deadly force of Dragon Riders who fly into battle against their enemies, smiting all in their way without mercy.

Unfortunately, dragons are captured from the wild or bred for the sole purpose of being used as weapons of war. The kingdom has perfected their methods of control so every dragon in addition to a branding must wear a necklace that matches their riders. These necklaces act as trackers, a way to prevent the dragon from changing out of their human forms without permission, and a way to instantly kill the dragon should they ever try to fight back. You are one of the knights who was offered the honor of becoming a Dragon Rider, so after years of study, you have finally completed your training and now get a dragon partner of your own. I am the dragon you get assigned to or the one you pick.

Now fair warning, I do not have an actual plot in mind for this at the moment so I hope someone wants to do this and is willing to help with that! I have ideas but nothing concrete though.

Well that's all, so I hope someone shows interest in these, I am really excited to do them all! If you have other ideas and want to come up with something other than what is listed here, feel free to still contact me either by PMing me or posting below! I'm open for doing other things ranging from fantasy, to fandoms, to realistic.

Oh and one more thing, I love playing more than one character so I am up for doing a harem or love triangle deal with me playing more than one character versus your one for any of the ones above (or in anything new we come up with together).
Sunshine Sunshine So were you interested in doing one of these with me? Sorry, I'm not sure if that was what the like implied.

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