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Fandom MSG: DZ/2 Mobile Suit Thread



Simpin for Witch Tea
Mobile Suit Name:
Mobile Suit Type (Suit/Armor) * :
Appearance (Picture/Written Description):
Power Supply **:
Armor Type ( Light/Medium/Heavy + Anti-Beam/Anti-Ballistic ) ***:
Armaments ( Beam/Ballistic****):

*Mobile Suits (MS) are the staple mech in the Gundam Universe. They are light, maneuverable, and are best for one on one fights. Mobile Armor are mechs that are incredibly slow due to their large size, but have the durability and firepower to destroy entire units on their own.

** Every MS has some form of generator that powers all the weapons, defense, and flight systems on it. The power supply will pretty much determine how much you can slap onto a MS before it becomes a detriment to the other systems on it. Ie packing a bunch of weapons of weapons on a mobile suit will lower the amount of energy supplied to flight or defensive systems. The power supply and its effectiveness will be determined by the manufacturer of the MS.

*** Armor type basically will determine your MS's rock/paper/scissors effectiveness against enemy MS's. The first choice between Light/Medium/Heavy armor will determine how fast/maneuverable your MS will be versus how many hits it can take before being incapacitated. The second choice between Anti-Beam vs Anti-Ballistic armor will determine how effective your MS will be at taking hits from different types of attacks. An MS with Heavy Anti-Beam Armor will be incredibly effective against units that prioritize attacking with a flurry of beam weapons, but will fall quickly to a unit that relies on fast strikes with a mid-ranged or melee ballistic weapon. (Note: Armor effectiveness will be a work in progress as the RP goes on)

**** Armaments will currently be separated into two types. Beam/Energy Weapons and Ballistic/Kinetic Weapons. Beam weapons rely on burning holes through enemy MS with high energy beams/blades etc. They are capable of doing quite a lot ofxx damage and have a near unlimited energy supply, but will require energy generated by your power supply to keep working or less effective external batteries. Ballistic/Kinetic Weapons crush or slice their way through enemy armor using projectiles or traditional weaponry. Ballistic/Kinectic weapons will not take away from your mobile suit's power supply meaning that suits that rely on these kinds of weapons will be generally stronger or faster with the extra energy to expend on other systems, but an MS will only be able to carry a limited amount of ammunition/spare weapons before having to return to the ship to resupply.
Mobile Suit Name: EF/VS GM-RX-P005 Gundam Abel
Mobile Suit Type: Mobile Suit
Manufacturer: Vector Industries

Power Supply: Arland Dual Sphere
Armor Type: Medium Beam Armor
- Abel Beam Rifle
- 2x Beam Saber
- Head Vulcans (Ballistic)
- Light Ballistic Shield
- Atmospheric Flight Pack
- Akashic Neural System Link (ANSL) : Like the Akashic System before it, the ANSL allows for a near perfect link between man and machine. However unlike the Akashic System, which saw a fall out after several hundred pilots experienced severe Neural Complications resulting in symptoms similar to Alzheimer's and other Neuro-Degenerative Diseases, the ANSL dramatically reduces the stress on the brain by splitting the bandwidth between two separate pilots' brains. ANSL still supports the Akashic System in case of an emergency in which one pilot is incapacitated, but pilots are now well of the consequences of using it should there be a need.

The Gundam Abel will be the first Mobile Suit to deploy this technology and therefore requires a pilot and co-pilot to function at peak efficiency.
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Mobile Suit Name: CPF HL-008 Maverick
Mobile Suit Type : Mobile Suit
Manufacturer: Celestial Protection Front
Appearance: Looks akin to Federation Mobile Suits, but styled and designed for those fighting for the colonies, and slightly bulkier. Primarily navy colored armor, with red eyes on the head unit.
Power Supply :
Armor Type: Medium Beam Armor
-Head Vulcans (Ballistic)
-Machine Gun
-Titanium Sword
-Heat Sword
-Light Ballistic Shield
Other: A prototype Mobile Suit that had never seen use, due to its resemblance to Earth Federation Mobile Suits, and seen only as a sort of decoration.

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