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Realistic or Modern Moving Forward

Tabitha Carla Hadley

"Of course," Tabby said, echoing Maya as she beckoned the girl over. "The more the merrier. I'm Tabby." While Tabby couldn't relate to this girl, who had yet to name herself, she wasn't immune to feeling bad for someone shy, timid, and sitting alone. Nobody in her family was that way, but it didn't make her unfeeling. She still liked including others as much as she could, if just so that she could enjoy their company. "You go to school with these two, then?" Tabby asked, indicating Mike and Maya (though really, who else would she be referring to?). Perhaps this was why Tabby had so little friends, despite so enjoying the company of others. She hadn't even completed high school, a detail that she did not often share out of shame. Maybe if she had, she'd have more of a social circle... but she also wouldn't have met Arthur and she wouldn't have her wonderful nephew in her life, so it was a bit of a trade-off. Still, she couldn't help but envy what these three had.

"Yeah, sure." Michael writes down the address on a piece of paper and hands it to her. He then turns to Maya and Tabby, "Looks like everyone's up for some pizza then." Michael was excited, after all he never had many friends, even back home. Not only that but a lot of them didn't stick around very long.

(@Tsiwentiio - Ahhh, so you're a Habs a fan, lol)

Before Maya could respond, her coach called, so she got up and walked to where she could hear him a little bit better. He basically said they were going to have practice now instead of later. Maya let out a deep breath and walked back over to their little group "I'll meet up with you guys later, I guess I have practice now" she grabbed her book bag and walked out, she went home grabbed her lacrosse equipment and headed to the field.

(Of course :) @HB93
Alena looked at the girl in the counter who have a short, black hair. "Hi." She gave her an awkward smile. "This muffin is so yummy." She said, "And I think so. Well, Michael says yes." She looked at the blue or black haired girl sitting on the other side of Michael. She couldn't figure it out. "Maya right? Hi. I never heard of you." She said, and then inmediately added: "I mean in the school." So she won't misunderstand her.

She looked down when Luke passed her the paper with the address on it. She read it. Not that far. "Thanks." she picked it up and held to it as she finished eating the muffin and picked up the other one.

@HB93 @Bupkis @Tsiwentiio
"Later, Maya." He calls out as she leaves. He notices the number Maya left him, he grabs the piece of paper and puts it in his pocket. Michael looks at the clock and notices his next class is going to start shortly. "I better get going before I'm late for this class as well. Later, Tabby." He grabs his backpack, but before heading out, he turns to Alena. He writes down his phone number on a piece member and gives it to her, so they can get in touch. "We should all meet up here, before we head out to that pizza place." He waves goodbye to both of them before he leaves for class.

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Tabitha Carla Hadley

"Bye Maya, bye Mike. And yeah, I'll be here. See you then!" Tabby called after them, waving as they left. Back to the grind, she supposed. It was still pretty quiet, so it'd be boring for a little while yet - at least until lunch, and her break. That was, unless the girl whose name she still did not know was planning on sticking around. Tabby didn't expect her to, assuming she'd likely have class as well, but she didn't seem to be moving - not yet, anyway. To fill the silence left in the interim, Tabby turned to address her. "Glad you're enjoying the muffins. I like 'em, too. By the way," Tabby said, smiling apologetically. "Sorry, but I didn't catch your name. And do you have class now, too?"
Michael takes his seat in class and takes out everything he'll need from his backpack. He sets his backpack down beside him. Michael wanted to do well in school, he has always tried to. As he's taking notes, he recalls all the emotional drama that occurred over the past couple of years. It was distracting and those issues still bothered him to this day. As he pulls out another folder a picture falls out of it, he leans down to pick it up and looks at it for a brief moment. It was a picture of some girl he was in a relationship with for a few years before coming to Langdale. The issues in his life also affected his relationship, things began to fall apart and eventually led to a breakup. Getting over her was probably the hardest thing Michael had to do and he tried many times to forget about her. But he knew that having a picture of her wasn't going to help the matter, but a part of him still had that attachment.

Alena watched them as the three friends said their goodbyes to each other. She gave Michael a faint smile when he gave her a paper with his phone number on it. Her contacts was not that long, it contained numbers from her parents, siblings and some closed cousins. No classmates or schoolmates, especially guys. Her eyes followed suit on the both of them until they disappeared from her sight.

She whipped her head back to look at the girl in the counter. "Oh. My name is Alena." she replied, "And class...?" she trailed off. She turned on her tab and peeked on the time that is written in large letters on the upper left corner of the tab. "I have one hour spare time left." she turned it off and looked at the girl, "How about you? What's your name?" she wanted to ask if she's a working student but decided not to as her paranoia of being misunderstood and being rude came to her.

As class concluded, Michael made his way to the lounge that was completely empty. He looked at the tv right across from him. There was a hockey game going on at the international level, something he's been waiting for all week. He reaches over for the remote and turns it on. Michael had missed the first and second period, but he was lucky enough to catch the third. His team was down by a goal in a low scoring game, but nonetheless it was an exciting game with back and forth action.

Maya found it hard to fully concentrate during practice, she kept thinking back to everything that had happened that day, she missed a few passes but other wise did well. Scoring multiple goals along with a few assists. Once they finally got a break Maya got on her phone and checked the scores for the hockey game, her team was up by one. She got a quick drink before heading back out on the field.
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Suddenly the opposition scores another goal, Michael raises his arms. "Oh come on! That was goalie interference!", Michael takes a deep breath. The goal is reviewed, however it's allowed. With only 5 minutes to go in regulation, Michael's team was in a tight spot. With under 3 minutes to go, the team pulls the goalie to get something going, but the opposition is able to turn it over and score. Michael shakes his head in disappointment, "Well, it was a good try at least." As he watches the time run down.


Tabitha Carla Hadley

"Nice to meet you, Alena. I guess you picked a good time for your classes." Tabby was much more of a morning person herself, but there was something to be said for not having to wake up early to get to class. Not for the first time, Tabby wondered how she'd make her schedule look if she were a student. "My name's Tabby," she said. "And nah, I'm working all day today." As she said this, she gestured to the register to her side. Once someone came in, she'd have to put the conversation on hold, but for the time being there was very little activity. Even a good number of her coworkers took the opportunity to go on break, although it could be argued that Tabby was taking a break at the moment herself without actually leaving the counter. "I work all day most days, in fact."

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Maya got out of practice early and decided to head over to the gym, before she got there she had decided to send a text to Michael "Hey it's Maya :) What are you up to " She grabbed her jacket out of her bag and walked to the gym.

Michael got home and threw his backpack onto the couch. Suddenly he hears a beep, he knows immediately that it's his phone and he walks into his room to find his phone on the bed. He reads the text and messages her back, "I just got home a minute ago. What about you? Also, are we still on for this evening?", he hits send.

Maya got to the gym and immediately changed into her shorts, sports bra and tank top, she made her way over to the weight room. Before she started her work out she felt her phone go off. She quickly read it and replied "At the gym, and yes definitely:) " [\FONT]
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Michael reads the text and smiles. Later that day he hears a knock on the door, he goes to answer and is surprised to see his cousin at the door. "Zack..." he replies. Zack walks in with his suitcase and turns to Michael, "It's been a while, huh?" he looks at Michael and says "Holy shit, you've gotten scrawny as hell.", Michael closes the door behind, before replying, "What are you doing here?". Michael and Zack were quite close growing up, considering they are the same age, but he wasn't too thrilled to see him. Simply because Michael left his hometown to get away from all his personal issues. Zack replies, "Got in a fight with my parents, I needed a place to crash." Michael gives him a funny look, "You drove all the way here to spend the night?" Zack pats him on the shoulder, "Yeah, I knew you wouldn't mind." Zack takes a seat and turns on the television.

Michael had certain issues with this, but he resisted to say anything because Zack was family.

Maya continued her long workout, she stayed for a while making her way to different areas throughout the gym, Maya noticed her older brothers had also gotten to the gym " Well what do we have here, is baby Maya trying to lift?" her oldest brother teased her. Maya is extremely close to both of her brothers, they push her to do her best, especially when it comes to school, also with her lacrosse. "I can lift more than you" Maya sarcastically replied, she knew she wouldn't be able to lift more than him, but they like to joke with each other.
Michael didn't want to stick around and was already annoyed by the presence of his cousin. He grabs his jacket, "I'm gonna head out for a bit", he informs Zack. "Bring back something to eat, will ya?" Zack replies back. Michael waves goodbye and walks out. He takes a stroll down the street until he reaches the main road, where the university is located. He then recalls that Maya is at the gym and considers going. Michael used to be pretty athletic back in his high school days, he was on the school's hockey team, but after suffering an injury in a playoff game during his senior year, he had to undergo surgery. He wasn't medically cleared until a few months ago, so he's been out of it for a while. The medications he had to take didn't help either as the side effects took their toll on his body. Michael decides to go the gym anyway, just to take a look. Maybe even running into Maya.

Maya's brothers had went off to another part of the gym, leaving Maya by herself. She figured it was a good time to run on the treadmill. Having basically sweat through her tank top she eventually took it off, Maya worked out all the time so she was in good shape. Plus she really didn't care what anyone thought of her anyway. She placed her headphones over her ears and adjusted the level and the speed and started running.
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Michael enters the gym and is impressed by how well it's maintained. It was much bigger than the one back home as well. He makes his way through the gym, eventually finding Maya on the treadmill. As he sees her hard at work, he decides not to disturb her. Instead he takes a seat on the bench and begins watching some highlights of a hockey game on the television that was displayed on the wall.

Maya had been on the treadmill for a while, she turned her head and noticed Michael, which wasn't all that surprising but he sat down and started watching TV. She continued on the treadmill for a little while longer before getting off, getting a quick drink and whipped the sweat off of her forehead with her tank top. She fixed her hair and put it in a high bun as she walked towards him, "Hey Michael " she smiled at him placing her hands on her hips.
"Hey, Maya." He could tell she was working hard, he was quite impressed. "How often do you come here?"

Alena nodded, "Oh okay," she replied in a small voice. As Tabby entertained the customer, Alena continued eating her muffin. Her eyes was unfocused, staring past Tabby. Her mind reeled and whirled, random ideas and thoughts swirling around it. Alena find it comfortable and soon enough, she found herself lost in the tangle of thoughts inside her.

" I try to get here every day if I can" she looked over at the TV then turned back to Michael " So did you come here to workout too?"
Michael was still unsure, he's been out of it for a while. But he has been meaning to get back into shape. "To be honest, I just came here to check the place out. But I'm definitely not against the idea of working out."


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