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Realistic or Modern Moving Forward

"I see", from his backpack he pulls out a pen and a piece of paper. Suddenly his face turns red of embarrassment. "Funny story, I was actually meaning to ask you for your phone number in the courtyard, but I realized I left my phone back at my place." He looks towards Maya and speaks. "I know.... we just met and everything, but do you think that would be alright? Y'know, just to have a friendly get together, the three of us. And totally not in that dating kind of way, because you know, you probably have a boyfriend. Or maybe you don't have a boyfriend, I mean I wouldn't know anything about that. And of course I'm not trying to imply that you can't have a boyfriend or anything, in fact I-" Michael bites his lip as he realizes he's about to say something stupid. "Anyway, I'll shut up now," Michael rests his face face down on the counter out of embarrassment.

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Tabitha Carla Hadley

Tabby frowned, looking nonplussed. "Huh," she said. "That seems counterproductive to me. Hasn't your professor ever heard the saying 'better late than never'?" As soon as she finished talking, she nodded in agreement to meeting Maya, whose finished drink was handed off to Tabby at that moment. Thus far nobody else aside from Mike had come in after Maya, so Tabby was free to converse with them for a while, which really was a nice break. She didn't get to spend much time simply spending time with people, even at work. "Here you go, Maya," she said, handing her the drink as Michael began his long-winded rambling. In an effort to rescue him, Tabby said, “A get together sounds fun.” Her enthusiasm waned a little as she added, “As long as Arthur can come.” Mike already knew him well enough, even from his short time working there. Everybody did; Arthur made himself that well known by hanging around. He made a point of introducing himself to everybody Tabby knew, and sometimes got upset if they didn’t already know who he was before he met them (though if he did get upset, he was good at hiding it until they were behind closed doors). It wasn’t that Tabby actually wanted to be spending all of her free time with her boyfriend, but she wasn’t given any choice in the matter. “Arthur is my boyfriend,” Tabby said, clarifying for Maya. “He likes meeting all of my friends. Mike already knows him.” Tabby was phrasing it kindly, but nobody needed to know the details, the extent to which Arthur insisted on knowing everyone and the degree to which he became upset if Tabby ever resisted… which, nowadays, she avoided doing. Which, in turn, meant having as many friends as she did - that is to say, just about none.
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Maya kinda just stared at Michael, she didn't really find it funny watching him ramble on, but it was cute. Once he put his head down she smiled then wrote her number down on the paper. 'Thanks Tabby" she smiled, she took a sip from her drink then moved a little closer to him, she laid her head down next to him and turned to look at him. "Michael....." she said soft and playful voice
Michael realizes Maya's voice is much closer than it was before, he slowly turns his head to the side and stares at her, "What is it?" he asks as he looks at her. Suddenly, he was feeling more at ease. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he knew it had something to do with Maya. There is just this attitude about her that he feels settles everything down. He couldn't help but break a slight smile.

Alena entered the cafe. She wore a light pink t-shirt, a wavy, black skirt that ends above her knees, and a polka dot wedge. Her small pink sling bag was slung on her right shoulder; her left hand clutched her tablet whose cover is also light pink. She walked to the counter. There was no line so she immediately got her turn. She looked up on the menu list pasted on the upper wall. "I would like a small Latte and 2 chocolate muffin. I would like to eat it here." she ordered. The boy in the cash register nodded and punched in what she ordered. She gave him the payment and waited as the boy prepared her order. Her eyes gazed the cafe, there weren't so much people so it was quite silent but comforting silent. And also dim, just like other cafes. She liked it.

"Here it is, ma'am." the boy said, Alena looked at the boy and nodded a thanks. She put her tab in her armpit and lifted the tab. She stopped in front of a two-seater table beside the wall to floor window glass. She gently put down the tray, careful of the latte. And put the tab beside the tray. She smoothed her skirt and sit down. Ahead of her, after a vacant table, was one boy and one girl that seems to be flirting with each other.

(@HB93 Did I described the cafe and you and Maya correctly? Or no?? How how how.)
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"you don't have to be embarrassed" she smiled back at him, she sat up and took a long sip from her latte. She figured it would be best to head to class, but she really didn't want to go she was really enjoying this. Maya looked around noticing a few people had come in. She felt her phone go off, noticing it was from her lacrosse coach "i hate having practice" she put her head back down on the table
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"Practice?" Michael asks as he lifts his head up. Michael knew it was a sign that Maya had to leave, which made him somewhat disappointed. "Are you on some kind of sports team?" he asks curiously. Then he remembers what Maya did over the weekend, and he lets out a small chuckle. He can only imagine what her coach would say if he/she found out about the whole pizza and video gaming situation.



"Yeah I play year round Lacrosse " she sat up and ran her fingers through her hair " I have practice really early tomorrow morning" she quickly finished her drink then checked the time she already missed her first class but she really didn't care "so what do you do in your free time"


Tabitha Carla Hadley

Tabby was about to make a further comment to Maya when she felt her phone buzz - and not just once. No, she was being flooded with texts. Figuring she'd best take a bathroom break to address whatever was the matter, she turned to excuse herself to Maya and Mike, only to see them far more focused on each other. She was torn between sighing and smirking; in the end, she chose neither, simply alerting her idle coworker next to her that she was running to the bathroom. He kindly took over the register for her and took another customer's order while Tabby slipped away to check her phone. As it turned out, there was no emergency. It seemed as though Arthur just had too much time on his hands. She wanted to tell him to go back to work, but she didn't want to go back on her resolve to not contact him when she wasn't officially on a break. Instead, she pocketed her phone again and headed back out to relieve her coworker, who was just handing off the girl's order. "Hey, thanks," Tabby said, reclaiming her position behind the register. The place had really thinned out by now, leaving pretty much just those of them behind the counter, Mike, Maya, and the girl who'd walked in just as Tabby went to go check her phone. Another face she didn't recognize. Too bad. Hoping to rejoin the conversation she'd left to alleviate the boredom, Tabby said, addressing Mike and Maya (who she hoped weren't too involved with each other for it to be awkward), "So, what'd I miss?"
Alena saw a girl on the counter, who seems to be working there, and the girl and the boy she saw flirting each other chat. They seem to be pretty close. Alena felt something inside her, longing and jealousy. If it weren't for her personality, she would have butt in right now. However, that would be impossible and it also looks rude.

Alena gazed down on her Latte and her tablet, she opened her tablet and picked up her Latte. She turned her tablet on and went to her notes. As she waited for it to load, she lightly blew her Latte and took a sip. "Mhm." she murmured as she took two more sips. The Latte was good, she'll definitely come back in this cafe. Alena put down her Latte and tapped something on her tab.
"To be honest, not a whole lot", he replied. He noticed Tabby was heading to bathroom, but he had a feeling he knew why. After all, it wasn't the first time. Michael looks back at Maya, "I like to watch Hockey, whenever I get the chance. I also used to be on the school's hockey team back home." He informs, as he looked down. He knew he definitely doesn't look like the sporting type. After all, he's lost a lot of muscle mass as he's been out of the game for almost a year. He notices Tabby coming back, and answered "We were just talking about what we do in our free time." He looks at Tabby for a minute, he has already thought about talking about it with her a couple times, but since it's never brought up when they're alone, he acknowledges the fact that it's not his place. "It was Arthur again, wasn't it?" He asks her.

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"Are you kidding? I freaking love hockey" Maya said in an excited voice, most people she had met really didn't have a big interest in hockey, at least as much as she did. She went to go and say something else, when Tabby came back and the two of them started talking, Maya sat back and listened to them.

Tabitha Carla Hadley

Tabby noticed the girl behind them focusing on her tablet. She felt a little bad, but they were adults by now; she was sure the girl could handle herself independently. Besides, she was probably busy doing actual work or something, anyway. Having assuaged herself of that guilt, Tabby refocused on Mike and Maya. She wasn't sure what Mike thought of Arthur, and wasn't sure she wanted to know, nor was she sure what she wanted Mike to think. Tabby herself was so divided on the issue of Arthur that she felt it best to keep the conflict to herself - though this was not the only reason she kept quiet about the actual nitty-gritty of her relationship. Practiced, Tabby smiled. "Yup," she said. "He wanted to see how my day's going. He misses me." Shrugging off the topic, Tabby asked, "so, what do you do in your free time? I never see you outside of work." She meant to address the question to both of them, and so turned her gaze on Maya to try to get that message across.
Michael looks at Tabby, he hasn't known her for long, but he can tell she's bothered. In fact, he knows that look all too well. "That's true, we haven't really talked outside work. Most of the time I'm just home watching hockey or from time to time I'll watch something off of Netflix." He turns to Maya, and laughs and jokingly asks, "I'm guessing in your free time you like eating pizza and playing video games?".



" Some times yes, but I also play hockey and lacrosse " she said back kinda laughing at herself, her inner fat person was stronger than she thought. She really didn't care that she was telling Michael and Tabby all this random stuff about herself, it didn't seem strange it felt kinda natural. "I wonder what kinda fun things there are to do tonight? " she asked

"Well, we could all meet up at this Pizza place. I haven't tried it, but I hear it's the best place in town." He informs them. Michael notices that Alena is sitting behind him, he watches as she's playing with her tablet. She's in one of his classes and he has noticed that she's pretty quiet. Then again, he doesn't talk a whole lot either unless it's absolutely necessary. Michael walks over to Alena, "Hi, it's Alena, right?" Michael asks in a friendly manner. "We have Business Law together, you may not know me but my name's Michael." He gives her a smile as he introduces himself. "Would you like to join us? I find it's much more fun when you have company." He asks her curiously.

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Tabitha Carla Hadley

Tabby snickered playfully. "Pfft, sports," she said, flicking her hand as though dismissing the very notion. "The Netflix, pizza, and video games I can totally get behind, though." So could Arthur, actually, which did make a lot of her free time easygoing and pleasant, if a little overdone, repetitious, and boring sometimes. Most of the time, it didn't bother her, although she supposed having a choice every now and then wouldn't be so bad. But that was treating Arthur unkindly - as long as she didn't try to prevent him from coming, he could be pretty easily persuaded to go out and do something every now and then, sometimes with his friends, whose company Tabby didn't mind in the least. At least it was a refreshing change from the same old thing all the time. Sometimes she wondered if his friends weren't holding back when they interacted with her, though. Maybe she could have friends of her own to bring along, aside from her sister, who had so little time to hang out anyway. Fueled by this thought, Tabby smiled eagerly, but seemed subdued when responding. "I'm down for pizza for dinner. I'm sure Arthur would be, too. I'll ask him during lunch." She watched Mike get up to finally approach the girl who'd been sitting so quietly off to the side. To try to welcome her, Tabby smiled brightly in her direction.
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Alena looked up. The guy talked to him, he did seem familiar. Her mind went blank, like what usually happens when someone she doesn't know talks to her. "U-uh. Yea. Hi." she stammered. She turned off her tab. "Y-yea sure. I guess." She looked at his friends through his side, they were watching them. She looked away and looked at up at Michael's eyes. She always have trouble on looking at someone's eyes so she dragged her gaze on his cheek. "Well.. if your friends want to."

Michael realizes she's nervous, he smiles and replies. "I'm sure they're okay with it." He turns to Tabby and Maya, "It's okay with you two, right?" he asks curiously.

Alena looked at his friends again through his side. She doesn't mind if they are good or not with it but she's still nervous. It would feel like a slap to her, again. As her personality always throws off people to mingle with her. She hoped they will, and if they will, she hope they will be her friends... her first friends. She wondered how it would feel how to chat and giggle with other people. Of course, aside from her sister.


Maya really didn't mind if the girl joined them, she did look kinda lonely, having gone through that Maya gave her a genuine smile " Of course, I'm Maya"
As he walks back to the counter with Alena, he asks her "Are you new to the city?". Michael in a way could relate to Alena, even though he doesn't know a whole lot about her. He remembers he was the same way back in high school, in fact he still is. It just isn't as bad as it used to be.

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Alena picked up her latte and her tablet. She reluctantly stared at the muffins she bought; she haven't tasted it. Even a small bite. And she bought two too but she would have a hard time carrying her tab, her tablet and the muffins so she decided to leave it alone. She'll buy again next time. Though she was also sorry and chided herself for wasting her money.

She followed Michael to the counter and sat on the stool beside him. She laid her tablet and her latte on the counter. "Yes." she said in a small voice. She tried to make her voice louder, "I'm from the Province but I'm getting used to the city life."

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"Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm sort of in a similar situation." He realizes she left her muffins back at the table. He gets up and brings them over. "Here, you forgot these", he places the muffins in front of her. It's been quite a productive day, even though Michael felt bad about being late. He never imagined he'd be spending his afternoon socializing. He takes his seat and looks around him, noticing the shop isn't very busy. It was nice and quiet. "We're going to meet up later today at this pizza place that apparently has the best pizza in the city. If you're up for it, would you like to join us?" he asked.

Alena blushed as Michael brought her chocolate muffins and placed it on counter in front od her. "Oh, thank you very much!" She thanked him, delighted. She took a bite and found out that it was very yummy. She took a big bite again.

When Michael talked about pizza, her head perked up, her eyes widened in excitement. "Really?!" She LOVES pizza. Pizza is life, that's her motto. She cleared her throat and quite bowed her head, embarrassed. "I mean, really?" She said calmly now, "That would be nice. Could you give me the address?" The city's best pizza huh? She wondered how their pizza will taste. She brought the muffin in her mouth, imagining as if it was pizza.

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