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Realistic or Modern Moving Forward


There's no such thing as a painless lesson.


"Life is not about about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain." - Vivian Green

All of us, at one point or another have confronted the cruelty of life. It sucks, doesn't it? It's funny how for a second, you feel everything is right in the world and then in an instant it all goes to shit. We fall back and feel weak and vulnerable, believing there is nothing we can do. Have you ever felt that way? Someone once told me 'Life is like a video game. The obstacles we have to overcome to get to where we want to be are going to knock us over, but once you reach the finish line none of it will matter. Because you've made it and that's the best feeling of all.' To this day, those words still whisper in my head. Is there really any happiness in this world? In the end is it really worth it? What do you think?

- Michael Bergeron

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It's early in the morning on a Monday, around the first week of fall. The temperature has dropped quite a bit since yesterday. The city sounds quiet and if you listen closely, you can hear the sound of the ocean. Michael proceeds down the street, with his hands in his coat pocket. He passes through a pathway that connects between a local park and a lake. It's the long way to Langdale State University, Michael knows that, however something about this place always puts him at ease. "Looks like I'll be late again." He whispers to himself as he continues along the path.


Maya made her way to class, originally she just had a sweater and boots on. Once she actually walked outside she turned around "yeah nope" she said to herself and put on a thicker jacket and a scarf and cute hat. Maya placed her headphones over her ears and made her way to campus. Instead of taking the shorter route to campus, Maya decided to go through the park. She left a little early so she took her time.
As Michael continues on his way, he sees Maya walking along the same path. He freezes in his tracks and is surprised to see another student taking the same pathway. He's been taking the same route more often and was starting to believe it was an unusual habit, so in a way he was quite relieved. He continues walking and for a moment considers starting a conversation, but as he notices she's got headphones on, decides to leave it be.



Maya looked around as she walked, it seemed weird that there really was no other students that went this way to get to campus, until she noticed Michael, she looked away for a second still humming the song to herself. When she looked back over at him, he looked as if he didn't want to bother her. Maya didn't want that to happen so she placed her headphones on her shoulder and moved so she was standing in front of him "Hey Michael" she said in an energetic voice.
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Michael looked at Maya, astonished that such a pretty girl remembered his name. "Hi, Maya. I'm surprised you remembered my name." He was nervous, it's the first time in a while that he's talked to someone outside school about something that wasn't school related. Michael was trying hard not to show it.


Tabitha Carla Hadley

Tabby hummed and stretched as much as her limited space would allow. In response, her boyfriend tightened his arms around her waist, where they'd been secured all night. He groaned, burying his face into her shoulder. "C'mon," Tabby said, voice low and heavy with sleep. She ran her fingers through Arthur's hair, trying to encourage him to let go of her. "We gotta get up. We have work today." She squirmed. "And I need to pee."

With obvious reluctance, Arthur unwound his arms from around Tabby's much smaller body and stretched them above his head. When he opened his eyes, they immediately connected with Tabby's, who was sitting up now, her hair mussed and tank top sliding off her shoulder.
"G'morning, babe," he said before sighing and pushing himself into a similar position. Tabby smiled affectionately and slid out of bed to retrieve her phone where it was charging by the wall, intentionally too far for her to reach from the bed. As she unlocked it, behind her, Arthur said, "Did someone text you?" Tabby wasted no time in shaking her head and locking the phone again. She almost wished someone had. "Nah, don't worry," she said, walking over to his side of the bed and leaning forward to kiss him on the cheek. "I was just checking the time. We need to get moving."

Finally, Arthur groaned and got out of bed himself. While the height difference between the two was certainly sizable, it was not all too astonishing. What Arthur lacked in height, he made up for in bulk. He'd made quite the football star in high school, or so he'd said. Tabby had yet to see him actually play, but there hadn't exactly been any opportunities. She didn't doubt his prowess though.

Patting him good-naturedly on the chest, Tabby looked up at him and said,
"I'm going to go pee and shower. You alright preparing breakfast?"

"Yeah," Arthur said as Tabby whisked herself away to the adjoining bathroom. "Just don't take too long!" After hearing her promise that she wouldn't, Arthur took his time pulling on a pair of sweatpants and slippers while he waited. Once he heard the shower go on, he walked over to where Tabby's phone lay idly and unlocked it. She didn't have a passcode anymore upon his insistence. They had nothing to hide from each other, after all. Or, well, she didn't have anything to hide from him, which he confirmed by checking her recent text messages. Satisfied that Tabby hadn't lied to him, he went into the other room to prepare the breakfast he'd promised.

Tabby waved goodbye to Arthur from her position behind the counter. From outside, Arthur blew her a kiss, waved back, and headed off to his own job at the bookstore a few minutes' walk away. Tabby busied herself with tying her apron around her waist and checking that everything was in order at the register. While she did this, she felt her phone buzz in the pocket of her jeans and she bit back a sigh. Based on the vibrate pattern she knew all too well, she knew without checking that it was Arthur who'd just texted her. Even without the distinctive vibrate pattern, she could've guessed it would be him, anyway.

Even though she told him regularly that she wasn't allowed to use her phone while she was working, he still consistently contacted her throughout the day. For that matter he wasn't, either. But he so often snuck away to text her or leave her messages that you'd never guess he was actually getting any work done. Sometimes he tried to encourage her to do the same, but she always refused it by teasing him, calling him a bad influence, and remaining steadfast in her resolve to perform her job and to do it well.

No matter. She'd get back to him later, during her next break. In the meantime, it was the morning rush on a windy Monday and there were customers - many of them fatigued college students around Tabby's age - to attend to.
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Maya kinda gave him a strange look for a second, why wouldn't she remember his name, sure they really didn't talk all that much, but he never gave her a reason to forget or even want to for get his name "Of course I remember your name, I didn't really think anyone went this way to get to campus" she turned so they could continue to the campus "So how are you" she said putting her hands in her pocket
Michael walks alongside her, noticing the wind has picked up its pace. "I'm alright. Can't complain too much, I guess." As they continue, he turns to her and asks "How was your weekend?" Suddenly, the nervousness was starting to wear off.



As the wind picked up, Maya pulled her white hat down over her ears, then put her hands back in her pocket "Pretty good, kinda just sat around eating pizza and playing video games, what about you?" she looked at him, for some reason she really didn't feel strange saying she had been playing video games and eating junk food all weekend. She was relieved to notice him become more relaxed.
Michael laughs and replies, "It's funny, I didn't expect you to be so upfront about it. I was basically working all weekend." As the wind picks up, Michael buttons up his coat. "Who knew it was this cold around these parts?" He asks her while shivering. He notices the university up ahead. Michael was disappointed, knowing they would eventually have to part ways. It was the first time in a while he's had a normal conversation and it felt really good.



Maya shrugged a little " I am always upfront " she laughed a little at herself, once they got closer to the campus, she was only excited because it would be warm inside, but she was enjoying the conversation and the company. She tried to think of a class they may have together but she could think of any, plus she hadn't had her coffee yet. "Where do you work?" she looked at him then moved her attention back to the campus
"It's this new place on 32nd street, called Tea Time Coffee. You should drop by sometime. Free coffee on the house." He replies. As they reach the university, Michael turns to Maya. "I'm going to be honest, being new to the city and all, it's been a while since I had a regular conversation. So this was nice." He stares at the large clock hanging over the courtyard and realizes he's ten minutes late. As he's about to head off, he considers asking Maya for her phone number, but realizes he left his phone back at his place. He lets out a small sigh in response to his stupidity. "It was nice talking to you, Maya."



Maya smiled and kinda got excited when he said he worked at a coffee place, which was absolutely perfect because of her love of coffee. " It was nice, don't worry I really haven't lived here all that long either, maybe I'll see you later" she gave him one last smile then turned and walked towards her first class, but first went to get coffee

Tabitha Carla Hadley

Tabby was working on autopilot in no time. It wasn't her job to prepare any of the food or drinks, just to take orders and deal with payments. During rush hours, this was done for efficiency; if it were quieter, she'd probably get the orders herself. As it was, she was so preoccupied that her coworkers took over that job for her. Finally, after about half an hour or so, the crowd began to thin out, leaving behind straggling college students who were either late to class or early to get their coffee. Tabby didn't recognize many of the people who came through, with perhaps the exception of a few regulars or students who had come to her for hairstyling, tattooing, or piercing. Most of the people she'd gone to high school with had long since moved away, onto bigger and better things, leaving Tabby just about friendless. Though she had to admit that her lack of friends was not exactly her doing or intention, but she tried not to ruminate on that too much; it would just make her resentful. Whether or not she recognized a face, Tabby treated them all the same, and so when a girl she definitely did not recognize walked in, causing the tiny silver bell on the door to tinkle, she beamed at her. "Good morning!" she said. By this point, there was no longer a line; anyone else still in the shop was sitting at a table or patiently waiting to receive their orders from her bustling coworkers. "What can I get for you?"



Maya while walking to get coffee tried to figure out what she wanted, she had gotten used to a certain coffee place and the way they made her coffee, never being afraid of trying something different. She walked in and right off when the girl behind the counter greeted her, it made Maya extremely happy, she loved it when the people who are making your coffee are actually happy. "Good Morning! can I get a large mocha latte" she said smiling at the girl.
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Michael stood outside his classroom as the door was closed and all the students were seated and listening to the teacher giving out a lecture. He remembers what happened the last time he was late, the teacher wasn't pleased and insisted if he was ever late again it would be best not to show up at all. As a result, Michael pulls out a book and sits down in the lounge. With no phone on hand, he was quite bored. He even considers giving his fellow coworker Tabby a call just to deal with the boredom. Not to mention he considers Tabby to be one of the only friends he has in the city. But remembering that Tabby doesn't like to be disturbed when she's at work, he decides to wait until she's free. "I'll get in touch with her later." He whispers to himself.


Tabitha Carla Hadley

"You got it," Tabby said, scribbling the order down in shorthand on a notepad, ripping out the page and passing it along the counter. A coworker would pick it up as soon as they were finished with their current order, which shouldn't be terribly long. In the meantime, Tabby figured she may as well make conversation since she had the time; it helped the time go by faster and her manager even encouraged it, citing that it would make people feel welcome if they were friendly with the employees and they'd be more likely to become regulars. For Tabby's part, she just enjoyed fresh socialization, given how lackluster her social life was. She also made the effort to talk to her coworkers every now and then, such as Mike, who, though he only worked part-time and was still relatively new, was friendly and convivial enough. And work was the one place Arthur wasn't always nosing around (though he did try on occasion), which was a welcome reprieve. "So, are you another overworked, sleep deprived college student?" Tabby asked.
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Maya looked at the girl, " Sadly no I'm just addicted to coffee " she laughed a little. "Oh I'm Maya by the way" Maya liked interacting with new people. "are you a college student?"

Tabitha Carla Hadley

Tabby chuckled, appreciating Maya's polite sense of humor. She propped her elbows on the counter and leaned forward into a more casual slouch (which also took some of her weight off her feet; she'd been standing and moving around for a while now). At Maya's question she waved a hand dismissively. "I'm Tabby. And nah, I wish. I'm saving up," she said (even though her name tag read Tabitha, and even though that was her name, she always introduced herself by nickname. It saved her a little trouble and besides, nobody but her grandparents called her Tabitha). "So, do you attend classes at all?" Tabby didn't want to make any assumptions about Maya, but given how it was an off time, she was fairly curious.
Michael decides to pay Tabby a visit. It would help him kill off some time and his next class doesn't start for another hour. He makes his way towards the coffee shop and sees Tabby having a conversation with Maya. He walks over "Wow, talk about a small world," Michael takes a seat from across the counter.



Maya kinda laughed at her question, it did seem a little odd that her class really didn't start till later in the day "No thankfully I have afternoon classes today" Maya looked down at her phone for a minute and when she looked up she noticed Michael approach the counter "Oh look who it is" Maya said looking over at him.

Tabitha Carla Hadley

"Ah, lucky you," Tabby said. She likely would've added something else to keep the conversation going (a cursory side glance told Tabby that Maya's mocha latte was well underway, and would be done shortly) if Mike hadn't entered and joined the conversation. "Hey, Mike," she said, raising herself from the counter and straightening her back again. "I take it you two know each other?" In retrospect, it was more of a statement than a question - obviously they knew each other, probably went to classes together - but Tabby didn't have much else to say without removing herself from the conversation. Besides, it made Maya a little more interesting, since they now had a mutual friend... or acquaintance. Whichever. "Also..." Tabby said, addressing Mike, "aren't you off today?" Briefly, she wondered if he'd come intentionally tailing Maya, but that seemed a little farfetched. Considering she normally never saw him when they weren't working, it was, either way, a matter of no small interest. Tabby took what excitement and intrigue she could get.
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"Yeah, we run into each other from time to time on campus. Today's really the first time we've had an actual conversation." He places his backpack on the floor. "I'm off duty at the moment. I just dropped by because I remember the teacher getting pissed the last time I was late for class. He was actually pissed to the point he told me if I'm gonna be late, I shouldn't bother showing up at all." He looks over at Maya and then back at Tabby. "So you two know each other, or....?", Michael asked curiously.



Maya kinda felt bad for him, she knew a few professors that were like that. Maya hated missing class or even being late to class. She ran her fingers through her long hair and leaned on the counter. "We just met actually" she looked over at Tabby smiled then turned her attention back to Michael. It was obvious that they worked together so Maya didn't really bother saying anything. Wow in one day she just made two friends.


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