Other Most savage fictional character moments

Kyd Jhesus

Unlicensed Doctor
I just want to know what characters do you think have the most awesome fights, manipulation feats and other awesome stuff they have pulled off.

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I thought you were asking for the most savage moments in a fictional character's history... I was gonna suggest that time the Joker smashed Jason Todd's (Robin) head in with a crowbar... that was savage.
Things like that too and it was more then savage, it was super savage.

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My most recent moment was from secret wars #4 when Doom declared he was god and even killed Phoenix force cyclops with his bear hands.

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What Mr.Hyde did to the Invisible Man in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was pretty brutal.
[QUOTE="Kyd Jhesus]Didn't he...Epar him
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Yes, he did after he snapped Griffin's leg in half and slammed his face into a window.
[QUOTE="Kyd Jhesus]Brutal or should I say savage
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It was, but Griffin deserved it after what he did.
Roberta from black lagoon is a savage, even more they revy. She is a murder machine, a death weapon.

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There's the story of Samson killing an entire philistine army with the jawbone of a donkey, which had to be plain savage/brutal to see. Actually, he rips a lion apart with his bare hands, and wrecks an entire pagan temple to kill hundreds of philistines. Oh, he kills 20 wealthy Philistines for there coats to pay for a bet he lost...burns down an entire field by fixing torches to foxes....That dude was savage.

(So he isn't fictional, sue me)
The Hiroki Sugirma vs. Kazou Kiriyama fight in Battle Royale. There's full on machine guns, back flips and using dead bodies as shields from throwing knives! It's fucking amazing!

Also props to Niida. The guy who gets stabbed in the groin and has his eyes ripped out by his classmate after asking her if she wanted to get down and drity.
The torture flashbacks in Batman: Arkham Knight, where Joker tortured Jason Todd for an entire YEAR. That was savage, cruel, sickening...

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