Video Games Most disturbing moments in Video games you have played.

This is common and known.

-Doing Undertale Pacifist or True Pacifist Route after doing Genocide Route.

-FUN Values


-Gaster's Followers

-After doing Genocide Route
I've never played or even heard of this game until recently. I never played it, but I saw a ending cinematic floating around the internet, and I finally tracked it down to a game called Drakengard.

Those of you who know this game probably know what i'm talking about, and it has something to do with giant, flying, babies.

Yes, you heard me, Giant Flying Babies. I'll call them GFBs for this post.

I had no idea what was going on... but one character says: "Oh yay! babies are be our saviors! they will save us!" or something like that. and then GFBs crush her under their adorableness.

Yeah, I dunno.

But it managed to disturb me deeply, despite me laughing all throughout it. I actually said to my friend while watching it: "Bruh, did you put LSD in my soda?" I seriously did not know what happened, especially since I had never played Drakengard.

I now have a phobia of GFBs... Okay, i'm kidding on this paragraph, but it freaked me out. i'm not kidding anymore, it's freaky. just look up: Drakengard baby ending.
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Mmm, I'm a weak one. I don't play Fallout or anything, but there are a couple moments in Undertale that caught me off-guard. So, HUGE spoiler alert if you are planning on playing it sometime in the future.

From least to most disturbing, in my opinion -

4. When you go into Alphys's basement in the Pacifist Route. *Shudders*. The dark ambiance of the place, combined with the strange monster amalgamates down there just makes a very creepy moment in the game. Very unexpected. Especially when you encounter Endogeny - a dog made up of several other dogs. But with only an empty hole for a face. It vibrates the farther you get into the battle, as the music gets more intense. The music being strangely off-key barks in a choir of horror.

3. When you reach the end of the Neutral Route. The main villain, Flowey, obtains the six Human SOULs. Right after he does this, the game completely blacks out, crashing. After you reload the game, you are set in a completely black environment, in which you can only walk upwards towards a save point. When you inspect it, it reads 'Flowey. LV 9999, 9999:99. My World.'. His face proceeds to burst through, destroying the UI. There are a few lines of creepy dialogue, before he reveals his true self. I'm not going to describe this... Thing. Here it is, in all its horrendous glory.

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2. Of course, the Genocide Route. There are a couple of points that just made me 'Nope' away from the computer. The first one being right after you get out of The Ruins, and to the snowy land outside. As you kill more and more monsters, the music slowly becomes more distorted, and lower pitched. When you finally enter Snowdin, the music is just... A deep echo. Nothing more. The entire place, deserted. Those cheery characters you've seen in the other routes? Gone.

1. And finally, at the end of the Genocide route. The very end. After the final battle. Flowey is killed off, and you're left with a blank screen. After a few moments, another character shows up. A child in a green-yellow striped shirt, red eyes, and a big smile with rosy cheeks. They give some creepy dialogue, and ask you if you wish to erase the world or not. If you pick 'erase', they say that you'll be together forever, and that you're a great partner. And if you choose not to, they tell you that you weren't the one in control of that decision, and proceed to jumpscare you. Either way, the game crashes right after, in a glitchy sort of way.

If you reload the game after that, it shows up blank. The sound of wind being the only sound you hear. Nothing happens. You can restart the game, still nothing. It doesn't even say 'Undertale' at the top of the window anymore. Nothing happens, at least until you wait about 5-10 minutes. After that little wait, some text pops up asking you questions about why you are still there, if you so badly wished to destroy the world of Undertale. And after a few moments, it makes a 'compromise'. You give the game your soul, and it returns back to normal. The only thing different being that at the end of the Pacifist Route, it gives you a... Friendly reminder of the horrible things you did in the Genocide Route.

Yep. This game has ways of getting to you. O.o

Sorry for the heavy spoilers!! You can hardly breathe on the game without being spoiled on some point or another.

This reads like satire to me. :P  Hahaha!! Worst game ever!!

Seeiously, I don't think any game has ever disturbed me.
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I am very sorry for your loss, but I did literally tell all of you to not do it.

Oh my God. I have never read something so grotesque in my life. I am not one to be grossed out by blood and gore and disgusting abominations but The Song of Saya.... I took your warning and read up on Wiki instead of a walkthrough.... Probably one of my better choices.

Holy Hell
Oh my God. I have never read something so grotesque in my life. I am not one to be grossed out by blood and gore and disgusting abominations but The Song of Saya.... I took your warning and read up on Wiki instead of a walkthrough.... Probably one of my better choices.

Holy Hell

The music is pretty though, so that's a plus.
Drakengard 3, the dolls that sound like babies when you kill them. I still am freaked out thinking about it.

Silent Hill 2, when James is hiding in the closet watching Pyramid Head with the leggy things.

Xenogears, Billy Lee Black's discovery about the pontiff. The Soylent System too.
Oh my God. I have never read something so grotesque in my life. I am not one to be grossed out by blood and gore and disgusting abominations but The Song of Saya.... I took your warning and read up on Wiki instead of a walkthrough.... Probably one of my better choices.

Holy Hell


Like, I'm fine if you people actually want to try this but FOR THE LOVE OF THE GODS PLEASE KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GETTING YOURSELF INTO
When Sephiroth burned Nibelheim in Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core was pretty creepy. That cold look on his face before he disappeared in the flames made unpleasant vibrations go up my spine.
I can list a few from the games I've played (some of them will contain spoilers since I know some of you haven't played them...yet)

Dark Souls 3- either the Monstrosities of Sin, or the Sewer Centipedes. Dear god they look nasty.

Bioshock Infinite- that certain stealth segment involving the Boys of Silence...seriously, I get goosebumps whenever I think about them screaming their lungs out.

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood- When it suddenly turns into Zombie mode from Call of Duty

Finally, Pokemon- D/P with Giratina's appearance, B/W with the Strange House, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky with it's world post planet's paralysis.
There was a moment in Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines when you find out Therese is Janette that was a little disturbing to me. Something about finding out she was that nuts.
People have been mentioning things like Bioshock, Dark Souls, Spec Ops, Undertale, etc. But, you know, Mario's had a few disturbing moments too. 2 come to mind.

The Mad Piano. Remember Super Mario 64? There's a piano with freaking TEETH! I mean, that gave me a heart attack on my first encounter.

Dream's Deep. Mario & Luigi: Dream Team puts you into this eerie part of Luigi's subconscious with disembodied neon eyes and mustaches in the background. The music isn't pleasant either.
If we're going into Nintendo now I have to of course mention Earthbound. Giygas may be one of the things responsible for my love of the Cthulhu Mythos today. But other than that, a lot of thing in that game were dark. Need I even mention the cult?
If we're going into Nintendo now I have to of course mention Earthbound. Giygas may be one of the things responsible for my love of the Cthulhu Mythos today. But other than that, a lot of thing in that game were dark. Need I even mention the cult?
Oh yeah....what about Lavender Town?
Mine is the first time I saw the Flood.
My dad was playing Halo 2, and I was like 9, playing Minecraft on my iPad. I'd seen my dad play Reach and that was fine.
Now little ole me was watching my dad continually dying to the Flood. He'd kill one, and I'd see it come back a few seconds later. Eventually, I asked
"How many enemies are there still alive."
"One or two." He answered
He then got attacked by like five, and then I totally realized that these were zombies, but on the next level.
I had to move rooms, I was so scared.
All my fears have since been put to rest; it was towards the end of the Sacred Icon level where you play as the Arbiter.

Also; for some reason, in KOTOR, the giant underwater fish disturbed me greatly. I don't know why; they just DID.
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Well, I hate to admit it, but mine is from a Call of Duty game. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. Also SPOILERS for Black Ops 3.

In the game's final few missions, your buddy Hendrick's neural implant becomes infected by a sentient virus called CORVUS. This, naturally, causes him to go insane. He snaps, breaking into a corporation and slaughtering everyone and holding the CEO at gunpoint, because the corporation's been doing some shady shit, including the creation of that virus.

So Hendricks kills that guy, and you kill him, but you get drawn into "The Frozen Forest", a place existing only in the minds of people infected by CORVUS, which, it's revealed, includes the player. You fight through the Forest, all the while, the player character begins to break down mentally, like Hendricks did. He (or she) repeats the mantra that the bad guys of the game, also infected with CORVUS, have been saying, with disturbingly good voice acting.

"Imagine somewhere calm. Imagine somewhere safe. Imagine yourself in a frozen forest. You're standing in a clearing. Trees around you so tall, they touch the sky. Pure white snowflakes fall all around. You can feel them melt on your skin. You are not cold. It cannot overcome the warmth of your beating heart. Can you hear it? You only have to listen.

Can you hear it slowing? You're slowing it. You are in control. Calm. At peace."

After fighting through the forest and "killing" CORVUS, you find that CORVUS still exists, but only within your neural implant. Being the standup guy (or gal) that you are, you forcibly deactivate your implant to kill CORVUS, which also kills you. A countdown to deactivation appears on your screen as you walk back through the facility, passing the dead bodies of random staff members, Zurich Security Forces, and Hendrick's drones. It's that walk, as the character stumbles around in the last few moments before their death, that gives me goosebumps every time.

Seriously, though, the Black Ops 3's campaign is underrated and you all should play it.

A close second disturbing moment is about Mid-way through the Last of Us, where you play as Ellie and meet David, but I figured, with six pages, someone has probably said that.

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