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Fandom  ♛. 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐑𝐄 ❜  ic


Sebastian Carrow.

end of the beginning






silas, leor, sophia

The incident at Cobbs & Web lies fresh within Sebastian’s mind. Distaste for muggle-borns wasn’t a new sentiment within pureblood spaces, nor were unsavory actions towards them. Still, the incident had shaken him, his years away from home, and the more toxic side of his family had flung such ideologies so far from his mind.

He was half tempted to write to his sister Jude, but it wasn’t worth worrying her over anything. There was no doubt tensions were rising within the wizarding world, even if they tried to shield the students from such things.

The appearance of Silas brought forth a round of questions he had about the event. Hearing his colleague express his own worries about the situation brought about mixed emotions. On one hand, he was glad that he wasn’t alone in his typical pessimistic thinking, but their alignment of opinions spelled nothing but trouble for what the future may hold.

Sebastian wondered if he should be honest with Silas, tell him about the future which he caught glimpses of, prophecies that may or may not unfold, things that made his stomach lurch with fear. Both Leor and Sophia already knew. Would Silas be much different? Sebastian worried his lip. While he did consider his colleague a friend, trust was not something Sebastian came by naturally.

That arrived at Leor’s office quicker than he had realized, though still later than the agreed-upon meeting time, and he braced himself, nodding along as Silas issued an apology. If Leor or Sophia were annoyed with him being late, the treats in his pocket would at least help sway Ruth to his side.

"Forgive me for being late. I was making a few last-minute changes to the course outline for the 7th year, and lost track of time. I hope summer treated you all well."


A n t o n i o

n the dense forest by the grounds, Professor Antonio Castillo tended to his most difficult charge: a juvenile Occamy. Its iridescent scales shimmered like small rainbows, blinding the middle aged man with a sense of wonder every time he laid eyes on the beast.

At least, before it tried taking a bite out of him .

Antonio ducked his head, already used to the creatures preferred method of attack.

"¡Estate quieta!, " he scolded , placing his tanned hands on his hips as he rose back to his normal stance. "Keep it up and you can get your own meat from now on." The winged serpent emitted a squawk of disapproval, gliding pass him and settling on a nearby tree. She was already large enough for the tree to emit a low groan under the weight of her. Of course, she could quite easily change her weight if she liked. Choranaptyxis was a convenient trait all Occamy processed.

Antonio kept his eyes glued on his temperamental new friend, his face never quite stern despite his tone. He couldn't blame it for being a bit testy. Frankly, he couldn't blame any creature when they were. Humans could be rather awful, it made sense to distrust them at first. If it was socially acceptable, he supposed he might hiss more at strangers he didn't quite trust yet.

That's what he and the Occamy were for the moment; strangers. She had only recently hatched, and was a rescue Antonio had procured after coming across a rather pathetic group of black market smugglers the beginning of summer. From his profession, he had thankfully developed a healthy relationship with a few folks inside of the Ministry, enough so he was able to put a stop to such a small group. Occamy eggs were made of silver; and a known ingredient for liquid luck. It made the creatures shells in popular demand, but little sympathy towards the creature inside of them.

After a brief discussion with Headmaster Dippet, and the inclusion of the creature in the seventh years courses, he was allowed to keep it on school grounds. He even named her Iris; after the Goddess of rainbows herself in Greek Mythology.

But caring for an Occamy was no simple task. Her appetite grew every day, and she was as aggressive as ever despite his best attempts. Still, he imagined the children would be taken with her, at least from a certain distance. He was content at the thought until the idea made alarm bells begin to ring inside of his head.

"Children...the classroom! Shit," he groaned, looking down at his watch. He wasn't late yet, none of the other professors would likely be too early. Prompt perhaps, but not terribly early.

He took a peek at the creature again, who was now preening herself and less concerned with his coming and goings. "Behave while I'm gone. Don't bother the centaurs." Iris didn't bother to give much of a response, but he hoped her silence was an agreement. He didn't worry too much anything would grab her, even in the woods. She could make herself massive or quite tiny, most would be foolish to try.


It didn't take long for him to dash towards his classroom, chest heaving and out of breath. He scrambled towards the back of the room, pulling his wand out to start tidying up as quick as he could. Sure enough, a few minutes later he heard several familiar voices greeting him kindly.

"Another year, my friends." He replied cheerfully, doing his best to not make it appear as though he nearly forgot their assistance. A small bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face and he promptly rubbed it away with his hand. He seemed to be a disorganized mess every year, despite his decade long holding of his position. He was lucky the put up with him at all.

Curious as well at the basket, he took a quick peek himself after Saira spoke.

"Can any of those reprogram a habitual procrastinator?" He asked playfully, shooting Celeste an apologetic grin. "I'd pay well for that."

He was theatrical as always. There were some cobwebs to be cleaned and perhaps the normal grime that came from working mostly outdoors and with creatures, but nothing too terrible. He was sure with help of an extra three they would be done in no time. Besides, it would give them an excuse to chat about anything exciting before the children showed up.






COMC Classroom

coded by xayah.ღ


jesper pearce.

are you bored yet?


choo choo


baddie Hufflepuff Robes


medea and penelope.

A bright smile gleamed across Jesper’s face as he walked along King’s Cross Station, blending into a tight and loud crew of family, extended and all, as he paced along. With luggage in one hand and his youngest brother’s sweaty grip in the other, he took in the odd but refreshing realization that this would be his last time to board the train. It felt uncanny yet refreshing simultaneously, evoking equal parts excitement as it did reluctance to end a chapter. Nevertheless, there was no time to mourn future goodbyes, as there were plenty to say in the moment.

After having taken part in a traditionally over-dramatic goodbye ritual of hugs, tears and best-of-luck wishes, Jesper made his way onto the train alongside three of his four siblings, one of whom would be joining them for the first time. The Hufflepuff would’ve been more than happy, relieved even, to spend the ride by his sibling’s side as an unapologetically overprotective brother, but the young soul had stubbornly insisted on paving his own way. So, with his face soured with hesitancy and his heart palpitating ever so slightly, Jesper admitted defeat, allowing the three to scurry out of his sights as he went to find a spot of his own.

Naturally, Jesper felt the need to say hi to just about every familiar face on the train, leading to him joining the crowd of fashionably late students who had yet to find a place of their own mere moments before departure. Fortunately for him, the sensation of rush was a stranger to his scarily patient mind, allowing him to trail after the stream of scurrying students without any worry that he’d not find a seat. In time, he’d find his match.

And find one he did: a half-empty compartment, what luxury. Unsure of the identities hiding within, Jesper popped in with kind eyes and small talk at the ready. His eyebrows inched up slightly as he laid eyes on the unusual combination of two familiar faces: Medea Selwyn and Penelope Wayworth, both perfectly decent and enjoyable people, but a wondrous duo nonetheless.

“Hello to the both of you. It’s nice to see you again." He’d muse earnestly, his tone carrying a smile of its own. He’d plant himself on the seat next to Penelope, nonchalantly attempting to catch a hint of whatever Medea was reading with a series of glimpses that were probably way too obvious for anyone’s good.

As a question eased up the quiet air, Jesper turned to face the messenger, happy to engage in conversation. “Excited as ever, Wayworth. Mind going easy on the snitch this year? I’m thinking a win for Hufflepuff would be a great way to finish things off.” He’d chime back jestfully, though his words were laced with some honesty. While Jesper wasn’t one to get lost in competition, the desire to win had admittedly grown just a bit now that it would be their final cup.

“Also excited to get back into the swing of things, Medea?” Jesper shifted his focus to their third peer, hoping to include her in their talks. He was curious to hear her answer, especially considering both of them would be encountering similar trials this year given their status as Head Boy/Head Girl.



cosette rosier.

l'autre valse d'amélie


hogwarts express



rose, markus, vijay

Cosette had never been fond of crowds. Despite trying her best to work herself into the ebb and flow, there were always obstacles. People to collide into. Conversations to get strung into. It was all very suffocating, a pressure of which Cosette found wholly useless.

Luckily, she had finally obtained the ultimate repellent: authority. Her reputation had been etched into the stones of Hogwarts now. Because of that admiration, or odd sense of fear, people left her alone.

She had grown much since her first year. She could almost see the image in her head now: she had far grown out of those roughed-up mary janes with splotches of worn brown over the dark cow leather. In those days, her robes dwarfed her figure, and she timidly shuffled behind the butler tasked with sending Cosette off.

Now, her inky black snakeskin shoes clacked against the cobblestones. Drew attention in, but people away. She led her tried and true ally—the old butler who had been walking her to and from Hogwarts Station for years—to the entrance of the cart she always sat in. She knew where she came from, she knew where she was going.

All that was left was to board. She turned to that faithful old butler as he handed her luggage off to the staff.


Cosette nodded as her carrying bag was handed from his bony hands. She had to force down a knot in her throat as she matched his farewell.

“À la prochaine.”

Cosette stepped onto the train and began walking down the red-clad aisle. Though Cosette favored the same cart, she was never picky with company (until recent years, that is). Upon finding the compartment with a student of each house, she invited herself to sit down with them.

She remained in the comfortable silence until Vijay started talking. Her attention was slowly torn from the landscape out the window before she eventually turned her attention to him.

“I’d hope it’s all familiar. I’d question what school you’ve been attending while we were all at Hogwarts.”

Markus' words swiftly brought the spotlight off of the distressed Hufflepuff. “You? Winning the cup? You must be mad.” It would have been a frigid threat if not for the curl of a smirk edging at the corner of her mouth. She meant it, of course, but not as maliciously as she might have before.

She held her tongue at his mention of ‘girlfriend’. Cosette used to always turn her nose up at the mention of high school romance. Not that she didn’t find herself fancying specific boys over the years. Rather, she found it pointless. The rabid culture around dates and chaste kisses was the easiest way to end up distracted. Or worse, a target. Cosette would sooner hand an opponent her wand than give them the means to destroy her from the inside of a thawed heart.

Cosette shook her head. “I suppose… I will share.” Though she feigned playful annoyance, she was partially grateful for the simple answer. Divulging the bigger plans was a task for her journal. Conversation about the house cup, as heated as she could get about it, was far lighter than the future path in front of her.

“Well, coincidentally, I also plan on winning the Quidditch Cup. And the House Cup, and maybe Helga Hufflepuff's golden cup. I think it will look lovely at my bedside.” The list was a clear tease at Markus’ lack of specificity, but Cosette meant most of it. It was their last year at Hogwarts. It was the year she had to win everything. How else could she end this chapter of her life?

“And, I plan on stealing Markus’ girlfriend.” She couldn’t help herself. There was no other way she could respond to such a confident proclamation. Her joking win streak couldn’t end with the collection of cups Hogwarts hoarded.

“So what about you, Rose?” Cosette prompted, resting her cheek on her propped-up hand. “I trust your plans are a lot more realistic than his.”


M e d e a

edea lifted her gaze from the constellation-filled pages. He was trying to include her. Quite thoughtful, as unnecessary it was. She didn't need her Leglimens to feel the Gryffindor across from hers disdain. She would have been happy enough to stay with her head in her book the whole trip, but it would be a tad rude if she continued.

"Yes, in many ways," she acknowledged, placing her hand down to keep her place amongst her pages. "There's a lot to look forward to."

They'd both certainly had their hands full. It was a rather important position, regardless of the house one was sorted into. Docking house points, keeping the younger children in line, and even patrolling as well to make sure no students snuck out. All the while managing their studies and prepping for the NEWTS.

"It’s going to be a challenging year, but I suppose that makes it exciting?" The heap of responsibilities did sound a bit daunting, but the finish line of school nearly being over was wonderful enough she felt she could get through anything.

Medea's gaze shifted towards Penelope, then back to Jesper, as she subtly changed the topic of conversation. "You both play Quidditch, right? I'm sure you're looking forward to another year of that as well."

While Medea knew perfectly well that both Jesper and Penelope were avid Quidditch players—Jesper a Keeper for Hufflepuff and Penelope a Seeker for Gryffindor—her own experiences with the sport were incredibly different. She had attended only a few matches throughout her years at Hogwarts, her presence in the stands more a gesture of school spirit than out of any genuine interest.

She flew terribly, her worst grade. Most jobs didn't care much about a flying grade, which was her saving grace.

Medea offered a self-deprecating smile "I'm sure you both remember our first year. I'm still awful on a broom." It was not an exaggeration in the least. The first time she lifted herself off the ground, she shot up into the air, panicked and immediately let go. Had the Professor not been there she surely would have broken more than a couple bones.






Hogwarts Express

coded by xayah.ღ

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