• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom  ♛. 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐑𝐄 ❜  cs


Roleplay Availability



character info.

The following information is required for all CS:
  1. the basics
    1. name
    2. age (students 17, staff 27+
    3. gender / pronouns
    4. birthday
    5. sexuality
    6. personality overview
    7. backstory overview
  2. the magic
    1. wand - please use this resource
    2. blood type - we are only accepting purebloods from the sacred 28 families
    3. house
    4. any positions (head girl, seeker, subject for professors - please see availability in extra information)
    5. magical trait (see available in extra info)
    6. patronus - please use this resource and right-click to 'create a filter' as this allows you to sort between what answers you want to view. reach out if you have any questions or need assistance!
    7. pet
    8. amortentia
    9. boggart




Gryffindor values courage, bravery, nerve and chivalry. Its mascot is the lion, and its colours are scarlet and gold.



Hufflepuff values hard work, patience, justice, and loyalty. Its mascot is the badger, and its colours are yellow and black.



Ravenclaw values intelligence, creativity, learning, and wit. Its mascot is an eagle, and its colours are blue and bronze.



Slytherin values ambition, cunning, leadership, and resourcefulness. Its mascot is the serpent, and its colours are green and silver.



Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was founded around 990 A.D. by four of the greatest wizards and witches of the age: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. Its school motto is "draco dormiens nunquam titillandus."

extra information.

seer 1/1 student — 1/1 staff
animagus 1/1 student — 1/1 staff
werewolf 0/1 student — 1/1 staff
legilimens 1/1 student — 1/1 staff
maledictus 1/1 student — 0/1 staff
quarter giant 0/1 student — 1/1 staff
quarter veela 1/1 student — 1/1 staff
metamorphmagus 0/1 student — 1/1 staff
* these are traits they are born with or have no physical control over (werewolf/animagus) - seership and legilimency can be learned but we're focusing on natural gifts atm

head of house 1/1

head boy 0/1
head girl 0/1

captain 1/1 (captain takes on a position as well)
seeker 1/1
keeper 0/1
chaser 1/3
beater 1/2

head of house 1/1

head boy 1/1
head girl 0/1

captain 0/1 (captain takes on a position as well)
seeker 1/1
keeper 1/1
chaser 0/3
beater 0/2

head of house 1/1

head boy 1/1
head girl 1/1

captain 1/1 (captain takes on a position as well)
seeker 1/1
keeper 1/1
chaser 1/3
beater 0/2

head of house 1/1

head boy 0/1
head girl 1/1

captain 1/1
keeper 0/1
chaser 0/3
beater 0/2

♡coded by uxie♡
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cis woman (she/her)


july fourth





12½", apple wood, dragon heartstring






head girl

magical trait






i am skin, soul.

Noémie is cunning and ambitious, as expected of her house. She has no interest in the mundane and submissive life of a house wife. She seeks adventure, glory, and fame. Or, infamy. If it comes to that.

While Noémie is not one to ask too many questions, she does have a thirst for knowledge. She is insatiable. This has less to do with any curious nature she might have and more to do with her desire to become someone important. Noémie is well aware that knowledge is power. She wants the confidence of knowing she has the sharpest mind in the room.

She has become just as critical of herself as her extended family has been all her life. Noémie does not have the patience for mistakes, and any that she does make creates another crack in already fragile ego. She is desperate to maintain the appearance of a strong, capable, and calculating woman. Any display of weakness is absolutely unacceptable. This makes it difficult for her to be vulnerable with the few people she considers close friends.


irrelevancy, her mother's disappointment, the life of a quiet, agreeable wife


making a mark on the world through fame or infamy


ballet, foraging, journaling


always makes direct eye contact, displays more "masculine" forms of body language




As a young girl, Noémie was lulled to sleep by stories of her mother's years as a performer. Céline Perrot fled to Place Cachée in Paris at eighteen, escaping her strict pureblooded family. It was in Paris that her mother fulfilled her dream of becoming a ballerina. It was also in the lively city that her dream met an abrupt end. Like many other ballerinas struggling to survive, Céline Perrot was pursued and claimed by a "gentleman." A wealthy wizard from the prominent Lestrange family. After several months of sponsoring Céline and receiving "favors" in return, it became clear that she was pregnant. It was a surprise when Ragnar Lestrange proposed marriage.

The Lestrange family did not approve of the Perrot's estranged daughter, but had little say in the matter. Her mother gave up performing and returned to Britain to wed her new husband. Noémie was born seven months later, and her younger brother soon followed. Céline Perrot became nothing more than a house wife after that.

Noémie grew up with high expectations, and a certain level of hostility she did not understand. Her extended family were not often approving of her feats as a child. She took to herbology and potions with ease, but she would never be what they wanted. Noémie was elated when her acceptance letter to Hogwarts arrived. She was eager to be free of her family, and to flourish in a new environment. Becoming a Slytherin was just the cherry on top.

The summer after her third year taught Noémie many things. Her father had a mistress. Her mother was sad, but not because her husband did not love her. Her melancholy was because she abandoned her dreams for so little happiness in return. Noémie decided she would never let herself become a man's property to discard.

In the years since this revelation, Noémie has made it her mission to acquire as much influence and connection she could at Hogwarts. She would become a powerful witch whose name was known far and wide. She would not be known as someone's wife. Her ambitions have led to Noémie becoming a skilled potioneer, and a dedicated student of forgotten magic. Perhaps unearthing ancient power would put her name in books alongside all the others.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.


a black cat, chloé


herself looking into a mirror and seeing her mother




sage, cedar, licorice root




♡coded by uxie♡

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cis man (he/him)


february nineteenth





13¾", willow wood, unicorn hair


mixed (quarter-giant)




professor of charms, head of hufflepuff

magical trait


first light




like i lived my whole life, before the first light.

Charles is empathetic and often prioritizes the feelings of others over his own. He has a tendency to overshadow his hardships and vulnerabilities with humor in an attempt to deflect attention away from him. It isn't that he doesn't believe anyone could help him, rather he simply doesn't want to burden them.

Empathy combined with his fierce loyalty and dedication to those close to him makes Charles an excellent friend. He can rarely deny his loved ones and offers his aid whenever they may be in need of it. Charles is slightly ashamed at how much he enjoys feeling needed and wishes he could just help for more selfless reasons.

He is also a hopeless romantic and family-oriented, greatly influenced by his childhood. Charles longs to be a steadfast presence in his future child's life and the tender man his mother always claimed his father to be. Deep down, he wonders if assuming this role would finally allow him to let go of his past and search for his father.


blood purism, the ongoing war, never settling down


writing his own book on charms, properly settling down and starting a family, learning what happened to his father


sailing, reading, swimming


tries to appear smaller than he is, overexplains his jokes or thoughts, breaks up tension with humor whenever possible




Strangely enough, Charles grew up under the impression that he was a Muggle and nothing more. His mother, Marie, fell in love with an unusually large man named Arthur who claimed to be an athlete. She had no reason to question if he was half-giant, for she had no idea they existed in the first place. The two were married and starting a family within a few years of meeting. They were a happy little couple and Charles had a lovely few years with his father. Then, a group of men appeared on the Harrington doorstep. His father had to go with them and promised to be back soon. That was the last time Charles ever saw him.

Charles and his mother did what they could on their own. It was a scandal in the neighborhood, of course, but they paid the gossip no mind. He did well in his Muggle school and would have continued to do so were it not for the arrival of a strange letter. Charles' acceptance to Hogwarts felt like a bizarre joke until the castle sent an additional letter to invite his mother to ask questions if needed. That is when Charles learned of his magical heritage and the fact that he was quarter-giant himself. No wonder he was so tall for his age.

Hogwarts was a life altering experience, to say the very least. Charles was sorted into Hufflepuff and befriended a number of his peers. He excelled in spellcasting and took a particular liking to charmwork, especially healing magic. He ignored those who would target him for his mixed blood to the best of his ability. It was a difficult time to live in as the first of the World Wars raged on in Europe. Thankfully, magical protections were granted to him and his mother by the school administration while he could not legally cast magic himself.

Upon graduating, Charles took a year to travel throughout Europe in search of a mentor to progress his teachings in charms. The world was recovering from war and Charles wanted to learn how to help people more effectively. He spent the next decade traveling between France, Italy, and Spain, always returning home for the holidays. Charles finally moved back to Britain in his late twenties and found a job working under the Ministry of Magic. He secretly hoped he could learn more about his father's disappearance if he were to make connections there.

Charles met a remarkable woman just months later. She was a Muggle working in London and he often crossed paths with her at a local café. By the time he entered his thirties, they were in love. He courted Emily for several years and finally proposed to her after four years of dating. Charles was elated when she accepted. The wedding was set for the following year, and Charles stood proudly at the altar. Emily never walked down the aisle. That morning was the last time Charles ever laid eyes on her.

The next few years were hard on him as not only had his father disappeared from his life, but now his fiancé as well. Charles didn't blame her. He figured that his magical background had perhaps finally overwhelmed her. Whatever the reason, he hoped to see her again. He hoped to see them both again. Charles continued to work until the Ministry until it became clear that no one knew of his father, or cared to tell him if they did. He stepped down at thirty-eight to accept the position of Charms professor at Hogwarts.

The start of the second World War began the following year and Charles feared for the safety of those he cared for. He found a lovely home in the Scottish Highlands for his mother so he could more easily reach her. Charles wished he could do the same for Emily, wherever she was. These years of war have been hard on the staff and the students alike. Charles has done what little he can to provide hope and humor in these trying times.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.


a little owl, frederick


an empty casket




citrus, chamomile, clean laundry




♡coded by uxie♡

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cis man (he/him)


december fifth





12", silver lime wood, unicorn hair







magical trait



the score



it's hard to relay the thoughts in my brain.

Vijay is kind, loyal, and caring of others, especially those close to him - so much so that he often separates himself from those he feels his Inner Eye may harm, even if he knows that his Inner Eye can only see predictions, not cause outcomes.

Given his Inner Eye’s past manifestations in rather negative predictions, Vijay himself has often doubted his own alignment as a wizard. He believes that he can be good and make a positive impact on the world, but maybe has started to believe that perhaps his Inner Eye is leading him toward a more negative path. After all, his great great grandmother was ultimately executed over her own gift.

Outside of his self-doubt and his fear that his power will be persecuted or worse - sought after by someone with nefarious purposes - he’s genuinely a more laid back, albeit slightly awkward and nervous guy. Once you get him talking, however, it can be hard to get him to stop once he’s comfortable with you. He can be a bit of a pushover at times, not wanting to create waves or cause a scene while he’s trying to keep his own family secrets at bay, so he does his best to avoid conflict and to make others happy. After all, at the end of the day that’s all he wants anyway: others to be happy, even if it might be at his own expense at times.


being persecuted or used for his gift, turning everyone in his life against him


learning how to control his inner eye at will, making a positive impact on the world with divination


painting, exploring, sketching


talks to himself/talks through problems out loud, very superstitious




Despite being born into what most believed to be a rather ordinary family, Vijay - or Jay as he’s sometimes referred to as - hailed from a history of greatness within the Indian wizarding community. His great, great grandmother - a fabled witch, fortune teller, and seer - had amassed a powerful reputation for her divination skills while utilizing the strength of her Inner Eye, even predicting that her first born son would never manifest his magical abilities. Unfortunately, her skill using the Inner Eye ultimately led to her own demise when a group of frightened witches and wizards bent on persecuting her due to her predictive accuracy took her life in a private attack that only resulted in one of culprits being apprehended. After her passing her eldest son separated himself from the family in both fear and frustration and soon the legend of Vijay’s great great grandmother faded in his family’s minds.

The next three generations of the Prakash family seemed to be unaffected by magic, their lives ordinary and mundane like the rest of the world until not long after Vijay’s birth. All tales of magic had practically faded from the family’s knowledge, and though Vijay himself was always a peculiar kid there never seemed to be a reason to be concerned until at the age of four the candles around him during Diwali all began to mysteriously light on their own.

At first, Vijay’s parents were shocked and slightly disturbed, but ultimately held out hope that it was a gift from a deity before they received contact from someone claiming to be “An Associate of Hogwarts University.” The associate informed them that their son was a wizard and that his great, great grandmother had strong connections with an individual at Hogwarts. While it was a lot to take in, his parents decided it best to move to a small secluded location in England to prepare for his eventual admission into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The next several years were rough for Vijay and his family. Without any experience in magic and without any knowledge of the wizarding world, his parents were unable to help him adjust to these newfound powers - especially as a unique gift passed down from his great great grandmother began to manifest. Vijay was a Seer, just like his ancestor before him, and held a strong prowess in his ability to see and predict the future - though not necessarily at his control. What made things worse is that most of his “prophecies” granted by his Inner Eye seemed to always end in some sort of negative outcome, leading his parents to feel more like his gift was a burden or a curse than a gift.

It didn’t take long for the blame to shift from fate to Vijay’s gift as his family, unknowing and not understanding of how his predictions worked, believed he was responsible for making them come true. By the end of his third year at Hogwarts he found it difficult - nigh, impossible - to return home to a family that didn’t seem to want him anymore. At school things felt better - he could protect the ones he loved from his own visions and could interact with others like him. Plus, with no one knowing anything about his family since they immigrated from another country, he could easily avoid having others know of his muggleborn status - it was an easy cover up to avoid any awkward situations.

Fortunately a professor at Hogwarts with Vijay’s best interest in mind gave in to his pleas, finding a way to work out having Vijay stay at the school during the summers rather than return home after the summer following his third year. His visions had started to become more frequent, slowly growing his reputation as a Seer in the school while all he wanted to do was hide that side of him away. Fortunately for him, his Summers alone in the castle were great for exploring and learning all of the secret nooks, crannies, and passageways the school had to offer. It made it really easy for him to find his way around the school without being seen if he ever felt like he needed to get away.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.


a grey rat, kala


an open tomb with the remains of his great great grandmother inside




sandalwood, vanilla mint, jasmine




♡coded by uxie♡

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she grabbed her fate with hungry hands; pulling, pushing, and molding it to her will. no the stars have never whispered her fate.




full name

rose li thomas






may 21st


african american & chinese



francis forever








hair c.


eye c.

dark brown


whitney peak



Naturally exuding confidence, she commands attention with her decisive nature, swiftly running through solutions rather than lingering on decisions. Adaptable and quick-thinking, Rose can strategically take a backseat when necessary to gain the upper hand with information. Despite her confidence, she remains guarded against the trigger of her curse, avoiding becoming lost in her emotions.

For Rosie, confidence doesn't transform into arrogance, as she rejects the control of labels over her worldview. Her disdain for injustice and resistance against hierarchical beliefs set her apart. A quintessential Ravenclaw, she loves to delve deep into understanding how things work, often immersed in books or strategizing with her team. Rosie carefully evaluates people based on their utility to her cause, creating an air of judgment around her.

While her commanding demeanor may not sit well with other houses, there's an undiscovered layer of Rose beneath the surface—a child harboring fears for her future. Her outward confidence is a curated facade, a defense mechanism


perceptive, rational, confident, questioning, decisive


assertive, blunt, competitive, repressed, judgemental


placid, deceptive, sarcastic, ambitious



Born to two wizarding parents Rose never knew her mother Yua. Like her mother before her, Yua lost her battle to her curse days after giving birth to Rose. Her father, Wayne, never missed a moment to tell her about her mother. Always so careful to leave out the mention of accidental pregnancy, that lead to her. Her curse was never kept a secret from her and as soon as she was old enough he explained to her what her mother had given her as a parting gift.

At first, rage was the only thing she felt, no mother and a curse that would leave her to die within the mind of a wild animal. Yet the sadness in her father’s eyes, so apparent, weighed heavy on her heart. Choosing to bury her anger beneath a veneer of normalcy, she concealed the turmoil within her. Determined to be remembered as she wanted to be, she aimed to shield her father from her anger.

Rose decided when she received her letter to Hogwarts, she would hide her curse. Not because she was afraid, Rosie was never afraid, but simply to avoid pitying eyes. The affliction she knew she would feel from her peers who would be scared she could shift at any moment. She wanted to be great, to do something that she would be remembered for. So she dedicated her life to academics, nearly top of her class every time, she set her sights on a new goal: finding a cure for the maledictus.

As years of her academic life flew by: she didn’t become head girl like she wanted and instead became the captain of the quidditch team. Yet she was no closer to finding a cure than when she started. When Rosie came home during her sixth year, she found her father in front of their basement door. His eyes were red and his face was swollen from crying. An empty bottle of fire whiskey lay at his feet and his wand in his hand. The wooden door had transformed into a thick metal one, and cries of an imprisoned tiger—the manifestation of her mother's curse—echoed from within.

Anger surged through Rosie, and a profound sense of betrayal ripped through her. Her father said Yua was dead, an act of kindness he had promised Yua. The same act of kindness he promised Rosie. Now in her seventh year, Rosie is determined to make it her best year yet, but something hollow lingers within her heart. A sense of hopelessness tinges on her every effort to make her dream come true.





wayne thomas

Wayne was born in America and moved to the United Kingdom when he was just a little boy. Born from two wizarding parents with no special history, they were elated to send their child off to Hogwarts. Sorted in the house Slytherin, he quickly took the fancy of Yua. Soon after graduation he proposed to Yua and had his first and only child Rose. Now he is a renowned Healer.

yualing thomas

Yualing Dong, formerly known as Yua, grew up in the United Kingdom after her family immigrated from China after the death of her great-grandmother. They came in search of a cure for the blood curse but ultimately found nothing. Yua had decided she would let the curse die with her long before she had met Wayne. Years later, she lost her life shortly after giving birth to Rose.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.



11½, dragon heartstring, larch wood




captain - chaser

little owl patronus

no pets

patchouli incense, star anise, honey

(boggart) a tiger

♡coded by uxie♡
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  • age. seventeen
    birthday. November 20th
    gender. cis gender, female
    sexuality. Bisexual, preference for older
    blood. pureblood
    house ravenclaw
    position. headgirl
    trait. leglimens
    boggart. her father
    patronus. king cobra
    pet. ragdoll cat named, honey
    trait. leglimens

    Medea Selwyn

    orn into the pureblood family of the Selwyns, Medea was named after one of the greatest witches who had ever lived, Even from infancy, she had terribly large shoes to fill. She's a slender girl of medium height with striking dark green eyes, bright and curious and sleek black shiny hair that skims just above her shoulders. Her features are angular and without much warmth, and theres a strange melancholy that haunts her smiles, making it difficult to think they're ever genuine. On days when listening to her peers' inner worlds is overwhelming, Medea's usually sharp and alert demeanor is shadowed by a weariness that seems to seep into her very posture. Her eyes, typically alive with a keen intelligence, become dulled, the weight of uninvited thoughts and emotions making her look more somber than usual. The strain of continuously filtering and guarding against the mental noise can leave her movements slower, and her usual quick responses might come with a slight delay.










    pale, freckled


    alice pagani

coded by xayah.ღ
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Markus Ollivander



NAME: Markus Ollivander
AGE: Seventeen
BIRTHDAY: June 7th
WAND: 12 inches, Ash, Dragon Heartstring
BLOOD: Pureblood
HOUSE: Gryffindor
POSITION: Captain/Beater
PATRONUS: Mongrel Dog
PET: Eastern Screech Owl, named Gunner
AMORTENTIA: Caramel and coffee
BOGGART: His family dead

"I'm not too shabby in the looks department, love."

Markus possessed the sort of good looks that seemed to have been crafted with the same care and attention to detail that his family reserved for wand-making. Tall and athletic he carried himself with ease that there were few in the halls who could match him in a pure physical contest. 6'2 combined with a lean, athletic build, gave him a presence that was hard to overlook. His time spent on the Quidditch field had sculpted his frame, lending him powerful physique t He wasn't some muscley meat head, but he did fill those robes out damn well. His hair is a rich dark brown and usually in a state of stylish disarray, falling over his forehead in a manner that seemed unintentionally perfect. It gave him a roguish, almost rebellious air, as if he had just jumped from his broom . But perhaps Markus's most striking feature were his eyes. Dark blue, they were like deep pools of the sea. They sparkled with a hint of perpetual amusement, as if he were privy to a secret joke that the rest of the world was not aware of. These eyes, when combined with his dazzling smile, created an almost magnetic pull, drawing in those around him with an effortless charm. He had no issues using said good looks and manners to attempt at getting an extra day to work on a paper. Though, there were a few teachers immune to him.

"Brave. Handsome. Loyal. Am I missing anything?"

His boldness was unmistakable and shone through in everything he did. Whether he was soaring through the air on his broom during a Quidditch match or challenging conventional ideas in the classroom, Markus did it with a fearlessness that was quintessentially Gryffindor. Loyalty was another cornerstone of what made him...well, him. His friends knew they could count on him, no matter the situation. His loyalty wasn't just passive; Markus was the first to jump to a friend's defense or support, often putting their needs and safety above his own. Of course, his need to protect others sometimes manifested as a reckless disregard for his own well-being. Markus would throw himself into harm's way if it meant keeping someone else safe, a trait that, while admirable, often caused concern among those who cared about him.


"Give me a broom, butter beer and a fit little thing, and I'm a happy man."

Born to Reginald and Lucille Ollivander, with a younger brother (Henry, seven) and a younger sister (Hazel, 10).

From a young age, Markus was expected to take an interest in the family business. His father would often be found in the workshop, surrounded by exotic woods and magical cores, crafting wands that seemed to hum with power. . While he understood and respected the art of wand-making, his heart was never truly in it. His younger brother, merely seven years old, was too young to be involved in the business, leaving Markus as the successor. His family, particularly his father, had high hopes that Markus would continue the Ollivander legacy, bringing his own flair and innovation to the age-old craft. But Markus's dreams lay far from the confines of the wand shop. Markus's true passion was Quidditch. From the moment he first took flight on a broomstick, he knew that the sky was where he belonged. He spent every possible moment on the Quidditch pitch, flying, soaring, relishing the freedom the sky brought him. His talent was undeniable, and he quickly became a key player on his house team, known for his daring maneuvers and leadership which eventually earned him the title of Captain. The idea of playing Quidditch professionally, of participating in the World Cup, was the dream that fueled him. Studies mattered very little. He'd be more than content in his life he could play the sport he loved, find a nice girl to marry, and live a normal life.

Markus Ollivander

designed by bad ending. & coded by xayah.ღ
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Sophia Allegro
Head of Ravenclaw
Birthday: July third
History of Magic Professor
  • punctuality
  • cats
  • debates
  • brandy, rum, most liquors

  • cheating
  • strong scents/perfumes
  • aubergine


  1. wand - nine and three-quarter inches, silver lime wood, Unicorn
  2. pronouns: She/Her, They/Them
  3. magical trait: quarter Veela
  4. patronus - crow
  5. pet: a small black cat named Horus
  6. amortentia: fresh baked bread, whiskey, mint
  7. boggart: drowning


As the head of Ravenclaw, she embodied the values that the house held dear: intelligence, creativity, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. From a young age, Sophia exhibited a keen intellect and an unquenchable curiosity about the world around her. She was not one to rest on her laurels or rely solely on her Veela charm.

In her classroom, Sophia was a figure of inspiration. Her teaching was not just a stale transfer of knowledge, but a journey through time, filled with stories that captivated and educated. She had a way of making the past seem as real and as important as the present. She found that being excited for the material she presented often made one of the least liked subjects (she knew, she wasn't daft) a bit more enjoyable, even for the witches and wizards who may have loathed to take it. She also had a penance for swearing (quite often), and waving her arms around quite theatrically when she was incredibly excited about subject they were discussing, or in a heated debate.

Sophia's wisdom of course extended beyond the academic. She was a confidante to many, her office a sanctuary . Her advice was always given with a kindness that never failed to comfort, and a clarity that often provided much-needed guidance.

Born to Giovanni and Maria Allegro, Sophia was their only child and the sole girl among her cousins.

Giovanni, a kind Italian wizard, provided Sophia with a nurturing home where her curious mind and unique talents could soar. He spent most of his life as an Auror, keeping the wizarding world and his family safe. Maria delighted at being a stay at home mother, and she was one of many reasons Sophia found books and learning so exciting. Her parents watched with pride as she grew into a brilliant young witch, and eventually was welcomed into Ravenclaw at age eleven.

However, as Sophia matured during her years at Hogwarts and her understanding of herself deepened she was aware she didn't quite feel as others did. She admired people of all genders, and her heart even fluttered briefly for a few, a Despite these affections, Sophia felt no compelling desire to seek a romantic partner or to have children of her own. She was incredibly happy in simply staying on her own and learning as much as she could.

In the years following her departure from Hogwarts, Sophia Allegro found herself at odds with her parents, Giovanni and Maria. Their vision of her future - one entwined with romance and motherhood - clashed sharply with Sophia's own dreams of independence and exploration. This discord led to a painful rift, with neither Sophia nor her parents crossing the threshold of each other's lives for several years.

It was in 1877, amidst this familial estrangement, that Sophia embarked on a journey of self-discovery. With such a curious and sharp mind and spirit, she traversed far and wide, her only companions being her wand and her unquenchable thirst for adventure. Cleverly using potions and charms, she transformed her appearance, delighting in the anonymity and freedom it afforded her. Each destination was new and often only visited for a short while.

Sophia's wanderlust eventually drew her to the emerald isle of Ireland, even more green and magical then current years. It was also soon to become the source of the lively, eccentric woman's only fear. An aggressive kelpie, a malevolent water spirit, had ensnared a young man in its treacherous grasp while by a lake she was visiting, intending to drag him into the depths. Despite being more clever than brave, Sopjia intervened without hesitating, engaging in a fierce struggle with the creature. In the hectic confrontation, Sophia herself nearly succumbed to the dark, cold embrace of the waters.

This brush with death left a lasting impact on her, instilling a profound fear of drowning and a deep aversion to water. The ordeal however was a reminder of her own mortality, giving her the urge to try and attempt to connect with her estranged family. The thought of leaving the world without mending the rift with her parents was unbearable.

Reaching out to Giovanni and Maria, Sophia bridged the chasm of silence that had grown between them. The years of separation, laden with unspoken regrets and missed moments, had been a source of anguish for them all. The reunion was swift and emotional, marked by tears and words of forgiveness. The Allegro family, perhaps not in perfect agreement did come to one conclusion. Life was too fleeting to worry about such things.

She continued her travels for several years, studying various subjects until she decided on the very subject that set her ablaze the most. The History of Magic.

The very fiber of what made witches and wizards, the root of understanding everything the unique world they lived in had to offer. Wars, creatures, artifacts, rebellions. Everything and anything were worth reading, writing, and debating the essence of. She was not alone in some of these adventures. She developed a close friendship with a woman named Bathilda Bagshot; a woman with an equally insatiable desire to learn as much as she possibly could. They continued for many many years, traveling country to country until she read in the Daily Prophet of Hogwarts seeking a new History of Magic Professor.

The idea seemed silly at first. She was in her forties by this time, the years was barely 1900. A new century and new places still to discover. So she left the idea to sit in the back of her head, putting little energy into the thought.

It was Bathilda who eventually agreed perhaps a break would be pleasant. Afterall, for a student of history what could be more delightful than continuing to share the knowledge she had obtained through her studies and travels, and to pass it along to the younger generation. There was much bickering on either end (mostly Sophia denying her age) until she agreed to at least applying.

When she was hired, she cried for the first time in years. A new adventure was beginning, and one she would have to attempt on her own. She grew to love the position of course and the children through the years that passed and learned withing the school's walls. She did her best to inspire them, hoping one perhaps might take her place one day in order to continue the cycle of learning. Bathilda and herself still communicate weekly by owl, with both detailing the peacefulness of their lives.

"Everyday we know a little bit more of the world."
© pasta
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  • age. Fourty-two
    birthday. October 9th
    gender. cis gender, male
    sexuality. Straight
    blood. half-blood
    house Slytherin
    position. COMC Professor
    trait. Animimagus-Registered-Coyote
    boggart. an albino Chimera, ripping his mother to shreds
    patronus. hyena
    pet. friends, not pets. probably too many to count.

    Antonio Castillo


    ntonio is a handsome man, and he gives all the credit to his mother for it. He has a light olive skin tone and a chiseled face with a well-defined jawline. His dark brown hair is cut short at the moment and styled with just a quick brush in the morning. The strands are darker at the roots and have a natural wave, with some graying at the temples that suggests maturity and wisdom. Or perhaps his students are aging him quickly.

    His eyes are hazel, bright and expressive, set beneath bushy black eyebrows that are almost always raised in surprise, annoyance, or laughter. The beginnings of crow's feet at the edges of his eyes indicate that he does smile often.

    He dresses well during important events, but he found it too difficult to stay polished looking while chasing escaped Knarls and other creatures he comes across during his lessons and care taking.






    dark brown, greying






    gael garcia bernal

coded by xayah.ღ
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Celeste Greengrass




Cis Female (She/Her)


February 20





12 3/4, Poplar, Phoenix






Herbology Professor

Magical Traits



Imogen Poots

Spider Web

Melanie Martinez



Feeding off our highs and lows

Celeste is a quiet person whose silence is often mistaken for shyness. In reality, she believes actions speak louder than words, and often spends more time judging people by the actions they take rather than the words they speak.
She has a strong connection with those that she has chosen as her friends and gives little mind to relationships that are purely built on convenience or to strictly gain power. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t play by society standards when the needs arise, but those relationships are very two dimensional to her.
Those that know her could describe her as an angler fish: ever a damsel in distress, she uses those that see her as weak and shy to gain information from or do her bidding.


Becoming a trophy wife again, Not being able to keep her position at Hogwarts


Becoming a potions master, Finding real love


Potions, Art, Gardening




Celeste was born as most pureblood witches are born: with a silver spoon and a legacy to uphold. Ever a quiet child in comparison to her older sisters and brother, her parents often teased that she would be the first Greengrass that ended up a Ravenclaw due to her curiosity and lack of ambition.

She grew up always on the defense in her own household, watching from the sidelines as her sisters were groomed to be nothing more than pretty things to hang off an unknown pureblood husband's arm. She knew from a young age that she wanted more than to be sold off to the highest bidder.

She spent most of her first years at Hogwarts testing the waters on the ulterior motives that the teachers or even others in her own house had with interacting with her. It wasn’t until her third year, after the last of her siblings had left, she realized that the school was probably the safest place for her to be herself. She started to open up to others in her year, and formed relationships that she could call her own, not formed for any other reason other than she enjoyed their presence.

Slowly becoming her own person, Celeste found a passion in potions and more specifically, the ingredients that went into them, which lead to her goals to pursue a career in the herbology after graduation. The only hiccup in her plan was the suitor that her parents had ready for her as soon as she was done with her primary studies. Four years she wasted living her worst fear, wasting away as nothing more than a statue for her husband to show off until one day he fell ill, and within months, at the young age of 21, she was a widow.

Clutching onto her chance, she feigned to be mourning over her lost husband to push off her parents instantly throwing her back into the marriage pool, and poured herself into her after studies in herbology. After gaining traction within the community, she secured her position as professor at Hogwarts just three years ago. That hasn't stopped her parents from their goal though. Knowing that their window of opportunity is soon closing on her marrying and having children, it’s not uncommon for Celeste to be angrily clutching a letter of some sort from some unknown suitor.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.


Large Fluffy White Cat named Petal


Well dressed faceless man




Jasmine and Honey




♡coded by uxie♡






cis man (he/him)


april sixteenth





12", cedar wood, dragon heartstring, quite bendy






head boy, keeper

magical trait


bored yet?




it doesn't hurt to slow down.

At a distant glance, it is easy to dismiss Jesper as yet another ‘happy-to-be-here-Hufflepuff’ or unauthorized herb connoisseur, but– well, it wouldn’t be that far from the truth. Inviting, down-to-earth and always walking life at his own pace, the young wizard emanates a distinct sense of calm that tends to stand out both for good and bad. On the one hand, a gentle, pleasant and undemanding nature can go a long way in being approachable and favored company among the complex web of Hogwarts students. On the other, nonchalance, stubborn authenticity and a lack of distinct ambition can easily be greeted by disapproving gazes.

Having been chosen as Head Boy for a reason, a closer look at Jesper would reveal an unexpected, modest maturity shaped by reliability, insight and perceptiveness. While certainly the wrong address for inspirational life quotes, broad philosophical talks, or 10-step master plans to nail the next exam, Jesper does make for a good listener who can always be relied on for warmth, support and honesty, leaving no room for conditionality or ambivalence. His devotion to being earnest to friends does come at the risk of occasional bluntness and unintentionally dry responses that may not always be as well received.

Matching his pragmatic empathy and humble aura, Jesper’s boons are tied together by an admirable yet slightly uncanny level of patience. His mind – however simple or easily entertained – inhibits and ignores with ample self-control, allowing him to greet even the most volatile of circumstances with level-headedness and taunting snark. Of course, that is not to say his fuse is without end. Jesper has his limits and does not shy away from escalating conflict, especially when it comes to those he values most dearly. It’s never a good plan to mess with a badger.


losing people, illness, weird-looking birds.


travelling, a cosy house, probably getting a dog someday.


gardening, partying, sleeping, games, quidditch.


wheeze laughs, fiddling/touching things, likes using nicknames.




Born on a windy spring day, Jesper Pearce was the first of five children to grace the world as a child of Marie and Otto Pearce. Whilst both bearing magical occupations – hit witch and hit wizard respectively – the two newlyweds had chosen to venture outside of the bubble of whimsy in search for a less overstimulating and quieter place. Soon, they would find their match in rural Northern England, though it would never really have the silence they sought. Five children make a habit of making noise, and Jesper made sure to make a representative introduction.

The earlier years of Jesper’s life were comfortable, warm and ordinary; a combination he grew to cherish. Life outside of the Wizarding World was much less complicated, but certainly not without his challenges. Fortunately, Jesper’s family and town was a place of love and care, creating a safe environment to fall and get back up. Unfortunately, not all falls are as easily brushed off.

Jesper’s life changed quite drastically when his father endured a grave injury in his line of work and was left in critical condition. The road to stability was long, the road to recovery even longer. With his father left unable to work and in need of daily assistance, Jesper naturally began to support his mother at home, gradually building up more responsibility in caring for his other siblings. While he was more than happy to help, it would be a lie to say he never mourned the days of innocence or careless fun.

At the age of 11, it was time for Jesper to leave for Hogwarts. He was timid and homesick at first, but quickly flourished upon finding his new home in Hufflepuff. Jesper would go on to spend his years creating bountiful joyous memories whilst simultaneously building quite the absurd track record which includes but is not limited to anti-frog choir protests (following his toad being kicked out for being ‘off key’), being labeled Hufflepuf’s worst baker after mistaking salt for flour and making friends with a mandrake. Luckily for everyone, time has its way of tempering. In the present day, Jesper is much less unhinged, instead taking the stage as Head Boy of Hufflepuff, a role he takes with pride.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.


a natterjack toad named bixby






freshly baked bread




♡coded by uxie♡

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"Penelope Wayworth, but just call me Pen."


Slightly unhinged. Short.
Terrible at her studies.
Nicotine addicted.

Wanna be friends?


5'2 (and a half)





hair color


skin tone



Sophie Thatcher


She's a tiny little thing, but don't let that fool you. She's more of a viper than any of those Slytherfucks could be. Pen usually has an edgy, defiant look to her most days, either sporting a petulant smirk or frowning. She has cheaply dyed blonde hair, with her natural, darker roots showing either due to her laziness or not having the funds to color it properly. Some things she just doesn't find a sense in using magic for.










Here's the gist of her. She can easily be considered a bitch just from hearing some of things she's said and done around the castle. Loud, abrasive, and quick to get a rise out of are all things her fellow Quidditch members would be the first to agree with. But she's also the first to defend the few people she cares for. To lend a sympathetic eat and offer a punch or a duel if someone's hurt them. Most of her sarcasm is usually an attempt to hide some hidden feeling she hasn't quite figured out how to digest.

Also, don't ever call her Penelope. Friends call her Pen (sometimes Penny) but never her full name. Ick.


picking fights
singing loudly and poorly
teasing her friends


pure blood purists
rich folk

finding her real parents


Pre Hogwarts

There's no much she remembers before being given to Wool's Orphanage, a rather bland and unassuming children's home. They guessed she was only a couple months old when she was dropped off on their doorstep, a screamer as Mrs. Cole once described to her, the matron of Wool's herself. She was swaddled comfortably in a pale yellow blanket and wore well fitted white baby clothes along with a small note on a piece of parchment tucked inside with neatly written handwriting. "Penelope". From then on, Wool's became her new home.

She was described as being "spirited" by the staff, but that was just their usually kind way of saying she had endless energy and was never one to not being noticed, for her loud opinions or troublemaking. Being abandoned for whatever the reason her birth parents had, definitely manifested in positive and negative ways for Pen. She often became the defender of the weak in her shared home; quick to call out staff or children for any bullying. She was easily distrusting of people and their intentions as well, and it took some time for her to make any friends.

Her magic manifested itself with swells of anger or bouts of sudden sadness. In hindsight, she was also not the only magical child at Wool's during this time...


Hogwarts became a sanctuary. More so than the magic, she was both surprised and grateful for a place where she didn't have to feel quite so hopeless of her situation. Qudditch, classes, clubs and even general troublemaking made life a little easier and less melancholy.

There was a bit of a discussion with the Sorting Hat when deciding her house. He grumbled and questioned but eventually decided on Gryffindor, but it did seem like he was questioning placing her in something else entirely. [TBC]


gender/pronouns :Cisgender She/Her/They/Them
birthday: August 10th
orientation: Pansexual
wand - Ash, surprisingly swishy, 9 3/4 inches, Phoenix
blood type - muggleborn or halfblood (unknown)
position: Seeker
magical trait: None
patronus - Irish Wolfhound
pet: Grey and brown elf owl named "Plum"
amortentia: vanilla, buttered popcorn
boggart: being splinched

coded by xayah.ღ
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Silas Thorne.




Cis Male (He/Him)


Jan. 28th





Phoenix core, 14 1/2 in, Rigid, Walnut

Blood Type





Astronomy Professor

Magical Trait



Great Gray Owl

Son of Nyx




do the universe a favor, do not hide your magic.

Professor Thorne, by some students with a sense of humor, claim to have "...a Thorne up his arse." The joke is one he has heard for many a year, but he pays no mind. He is a rather firm educator, knowing that his course is full of material that must not only be memorized but put into action. His classes tend to have pop quizzes, and frequent hands-on lessons in the Astronomy Tower. He is a man of science and magic, and is a big proponent on trial and error. However, he is one of the few professors who do not bend to the will of his students. Meaning, no late work, no extra credit. He is also strict with attendance, knowing that any missed lessons mean a great loss of knowledge. Students consider him dry at times, and hard to crack. To many, he is a mysterious figure, but he is very transparent about his lycanthropy, and how the magic is tied to the moon above. This leaves many scared of him, intrigued, or completely irritated by his stiff attitude. However, he leaves his classroom open for study halls during his lunch period, and makes sure his students know he can reach out to him for out of class assistance. (It's too bad that he comes off as aloof, and therefore, not many students take him up on his offer.)

Out of class, Professor Thorne is diligent, hardworking, and patient. Silas is a very loyal man, and when he walked the halls of Hogwarts as a student, he was nearly placed in Hufflepuff for his unwavering heart. However, his interest in learning and an unending need to stay knowledgeable made Ravenclaw a better fit. He is rather introverted, but has learned to initiate conversation and not let his mind wander elsewhere while someone spoke to him. Quiet, gruff, and open-minded. Many pin him as an aloof know-it-all, but he is simply guarded. He knows what letting go of his routines mean for him, and he wishes to never return to such a life.


Stargazing, Reading, Coffee, The Outdoors, Teaching


The smell of blood, Chocolate frogs, Networking, Winter, Firewhiskey




As a half-blood wizard, Silas grew up in London, with a renowned muggle Astrologer for a father and a wonderfully attentive mother at home. Living in the city, his mother was able to show him the inner workings of just how intertwined their worlds of muggles and wizards truly were. His father made sure that Silas had been educated in muggle sciences just as much as he was in the wizarding world. So, when he received his letter to Hogwarts, Silas had already spent much time in the stuffy single-room classrooms of Victorian Muggle England. The boy was well-off, and had a privileged life as a muggle. Educated and well-immersed in the wizarding world meant that easing himself into Hogwarts was a breeze. In fact, he looked forward to his time at the wondrous castle.

His time at Hogwarts was one he looks on with mixed emotions. Of course, he was a wonderful student, but his social life faltered thanks to this. His preference to books over people left him an easy target for bullies. This was to be expected, and for the most part, they were relatively harmless. Silas did not care much of the opinions of others, and he did manage to make a friend or two.

the fateful night

Once graduated from Hogwarts, Silas had grown into quite the wizard. He decided to lead a life of science, working on several research papers that many of the wizarding community frowned upon. His interest in the muggle sciences and how they could relate to magic often left him secluded, and carried away. However, there were other astrologers in the wizarding world who reached out to him, and even began to work alongside him in their journey to uncovering the cosmos.

One of these researchers, Ophelia, became his wife, and what was once a lonesome life, became a warm one. Ophelia's mind was sharper than his, and shared his appreciation for the muggle world. Her challenging personality left him awestruck, and many blame her for his hiatus in the scientific community. What many were not aware of, was her curse of Lycanthropy. Only he and her parents knew of this, and she only told him after he got down on one knee.

He helped Ophelia, learned potions to lesson symptoms, and worked to build devices and whole rooms so that she would be kept away from anyone else. For many moons, it worked. They had a system, and were able to live their lives as normal. They even had twin girls named Astaria and Constance, who both possessed magic within them.

What neither parent expected, was both of their six year-old daughters to hang onto Ophelia's skirts as she apparated into her chambers, the children remaining hidden in the shadows of the rather dark room. Silas and his wife, failed their children in that they never spoke of their mother's curse. Why scare girls less than ten years old? They would explain when they were ready.

But, their daughters both knew that their mother mysteriously left every month, and they wanted to come! The innocent six year olds, once seeing her mother writhe and cry out in pain within the confines of her temporary prison, did what any well-meaning child would do, and unchain her mother.

Silas, back home, eventually felt the emptiness of his home, and assumed the worst. Apparating to his wife's chambers, was the sight of his Astaria, tattered and long gone, with a raging werewolf lunging towards their second daughter.

Through what defensive spellcasting he knew, he did his best to keep his wife away from his remaining kin, but eventually was bitten.

the aftermath

Ophelia was a shell of the woman she once was, and, Silas could not deny his own emptiness. Constance leaned on her father, fearful of her mother. The divide was harrowing, and for once in his life, Silas was completely dumbfounded. How could two werewolves raise a daughter after slaughtering one already? Even if it was a little too late, Silas decided to tell Constance what happened, and what her parents both were now. And, eventually, the man tried to heal.

Ophelia, however, did not. With a daughter who distanced herself from her, and a husband who spent much of his time telling said daughter about her flaws, she only fell deeper into the darkness, until finally, she could not take it any longer.

present day

Now a widow, and with a fully grown daughter, Silas Thorne has dedicated his studies to Astrology and its link to Lycanthropy. He isn't quite sure who convinced him or how they did it, but he somehow ended up with a seat at Hogwarts at the age of thity-six, as a newfound Astrology Professor.

He has decided that it is rewarding work with many challenges. And, it is work that allows him to devote himself completely to it and nothing else.



He and Constance, despite their frequent arguments and tumultuous past, are quite close. He writes her as often as he can, and she sends him photos of her travels around the globe. It turns out, his surviving daughter had a deep love for Herbology, and she planned to research just as he had. He has great pride in her.



Silas does his best to remain polite and professional with his coworkers, but certainly won't go out of his way to be extra sociable. He isn't rude, but he'd rather spend his time alone in the tower. Maybe this will change?



Students who no longer study under Professor Thorne miss him, and those currently with him want nothing more than to be done with him. He cares for his students, but will not tolerate misbehavior or slacking off. Stern, but attentive, he does his best to provide resources to his students, even if they see him as a bit of a hard-ass.


Tortoiseshell Cat named Luna


Freshly brewed coffee, Cedarwood, Old book pages


His werewolf form, surrounded by half-eaten bodies and covered in blood. His riddikulus counterpart is his said werewolf form in a white nightgown and cap, the bodies turning into a bed for him to then sleep in. A nod to the muggle fairytale he read as a child.




♡coded by uxie♡


scroll me!

some details !

some details !

Quinn Kingston


Name - Quinn Kingston

Age - 17

House - Hufflepuff

Gender/Pronouns - Cisgender, He/Him pronouns

Height - 5'9''

Birthday - February 13th

Sexuality - Pansexual

Personality Overview - Quinn demonstrates some of the core values that are associated with a member of Hufflepuff. An undying sense of loyalty, a very friendly demeanor, and unwavering beliefs that the best route to a more fulfilling life is through perseverance and hard work. On the other hand, his love of encountering new people that are just 'friends that don't know it yet' often leads to a lack of understanding personal boundaries. There is no such thing as Quinn not spilling whatever he wants to say in that moment even if it was a lot heavier than the other party expected. Has a strong desire to prove himself amongst his peers but will be the first to sulk when his own performance was not up to his the standards he set. Truly a sore loser that leans into an overdramatic tone and loves to make a joke about his own trauma while being supportive of others during their own troubling times. Quinn's the type to hear someone say how a situation couldn't get any worse and would reply with a much more troubling outcome.

Backstory Overview - Calvin and Amara Kingston met each other as teens during a Southern Baptist Church Convention in the neighboring city of Cartersville, Georgia. The connection was instantaneous and one they deemed the work of God, a fool-proof plan for both of them to achieve all that He has planned for them. They wasted no time in getting married and they easily became the poster couple for perfect religious unions at the age of 17 after becoming emancipated with the blessings of both sets of parents. They purchased their own home in Carterville that had access to a beautiful untouched scenery in their backyard but still not too far out of the way of all the necessities. Calvin soon focused on building his own church to follow in his father's footsteps of becoming a fellow mouthpiece for God with his love by his side. After 5 years have passed, Calvin is well-beloved pastor in town and Amara has just been told that she's pregnant with twins. A boy and a girl, the only 2 kids they had desired and they managed to get both in one go. Quinn and Lydia were born and so began the supposed downfall of the Kingstons.

What was first brushed off as twins simply being in-tune with one another and sharing their childish imagination soon became a cause of concern for their parents. Small flickers of lights here, small forest vermin taking a keen interest in the twins, and flat out unexplainable 'miracles' happening around them. Calvin and Amara had taken the instances as the only thing that would explain the occurrences, the devil. Quinn was punished more than his sister because he couldn't understand what was wrong with them doing what came naturally to them. He would receive lashings, be forced to repent for his 'alignment with demons' and locked away in the basement where he had to recite scriptures. Lydia would have to serve her punishments alone as their parents felt it to be more effective when they were alone. The abuse continued on for years until they reached the age of 11.

The twins would still rely on their innate telepathic link and try to understand more of their own capabilities in secret, but it often resulted in more problems. Their father had called them into the spacious dining area that felt incredibly cold despite all of family decor that was deliberately chosen to keep up the sickening appearances that were used to keep his religious flock in check. Two letters sat unfurled on the table, both welcoming each twin individually to Hogwarts. A terrible chain of expletives fell from his mouth before he told them to get out immediately without time to pack or say any farewells. The parents were relived to get their demonic children off their hands and were prepared to spread the news that they were being sent off to a Christian Boarding School to further their biblical knowledge while learning in the safest environment.

Quinn's first year at Hogwarts was one failure after another. He couldn't understand any of the concepts of spell work, lack of knowledge on what he needed as far as supplies, and he also didn't know how to become comfortable with using magic freely. It didn't help that his sister was placed into a different house. Overtime, Quinn was able to settle in and become his authentic self that was able to explore different aspects of himself without worrying about any repercussions from overbearing parents. Now he's become the social butterfly of Hufflepuff and behaves in ways that make it feel like the sorting hat made a big mistake with his placement.

Extra Info
- Chose to raise Hani after he found her as an injured young cub near the entrance of the Forbidden Forrest. Also kept her because he thought raising the most vicious subspecies of badger would be badass.

- He's been physically romantic with people from all houses
- Has no natural sense of direction and was in a constant state of loss and confusion for a full year because of the constantly shifting staircases
- Hani the Honey Badger is well known being a menace to those she doesn't deem worthy of her time or someone that Quinn doesn't care for
- Hani wears an enchanted collar with a rainbow fire opal pendant that doubles as a tracking device
- Chose to try out for the seeker position because he refused to take a passive role in quidditch [his attention span during games is horrendous so he has to remain goal oriented and prefers to be constantly moving
- His first attempt at flying on his broom resulted in a week in the infirmary due to him trying to practice indoors. Instead of going forward, the broom jerked upwards while remaining parallel to the floor. Immediate headbonk to the ceiling and a minor concussion
- Hates birds and is in a love/hate relationship with his own carrier owl.

The Magic

Wand - 13.5 inch, Rowan wood, Dragon Heartstring

Blood type - Muggle-born

Any positions - Seeker

Magical Trait - N/A

Patronus - Bat, specifically a Giant golden-crowned flying fox based on the sheer size of the patronus.

Pet - Hani the Honey Badger

Amortentia - Pomegranates, authentic matcha tea, and freshly cracked peppercorn

Boggart - His abusive father

♡design by neon reverie, coded by uxie♡
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and in the end all i learned was how to be strong. alone.

  • requisite.

    full name

    saira zion shafiq








    alchemy professor


    december 1st





    hair colour


    eye colour



    golshifteh farahani

♡coded by uxie♡
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  • Full Circle

    Keaton Ignatius Calum
    Keke, Iggy
    date of birth
    December 21st
    cis-male he/him
    demiromantic bisexual
coded by natasha.
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full name

Ambrose Sebastian Carrow III

birthday | age

Jan 8th | Thirty

gender | pronouns

Cis Male | He/Him





14¼, dogwood, dragon heartstring

blood type





DADA Professor

magical trait


Je Peux...




what's family without issues

Who doesn't love a good challenge? Especially the ones that force you out of your comfort zone. Maybe it's the Raveclaw in him, the never-quenched need to adapt and improve. Sebastian enjoys a good puzzle by the lake—nature and careful deliberation—a perfect way to wind down in his free time.

Bash credits his adaptability to the numerous brain games he indulges in. Not quite willing to admit that it is derived from his turbulent home life during his youth. Of course, those who look close enough can see the cracks in his statements. When the scars of his past become apparent in the mannerisms he doesn't quite know he has.

The way he tenses momentarily when someone raises their voice during an argument. How he always positions himself to face an exit, even in casual outings. Or when his mood is almost always sour after interacting with his family. The family he tries to convince himself he's different from. Yet, here he is playing the part of the perfect pureblood son. The same role he's been playing since a child. More concerned with saving face than being honest with himself and others. But no, who is he kidding, it is definitely the wizarding puzzle magazine he's had a subscription to since 2nd year.

Sebastian can be a little bit messy. Towers of books line his room and scattered pieces of parchment line his desk. Various oddities hang from his walls or are displayed proudly on a cluttered shelf. The only part of his room that is spared from the chaos is the corner in which his piano sits. It almost seems out of place how orderly it appears.

Due to being a seer, Sebastian will find his mind occasionally somewhere else. His eyes glaze over as he blindly nods along to whatever conversation is happening. Hoping to be rid of whatever potential future plays in his mind's eye before someone notices. He hopes it's not noticeable at least, that his students and the other staff only think he's a bit scatterbrained when he trails off during talking or forgets what he was doing.

Fears & Dreams

The future is a daunting thing. Uncharted territories and the many unknowns are not an uncommon fear. Yet Sebastian's fear lies in what he does know. The prophecies he's seen play in his inner mind have convinced him that being a seer is not a gift but a curse. No one considers that fate can be a wicked thing.

One must remember that the future is a fickle thing. Ever moving, time will persist, and the inevitable will come. With no way to stop it, Sebastian can only dream of it. Dream of a future were prophecies based on brilliance and life prevailed over the ones of gloom and sorrows.


Piano, Reading, Nature, Collecting, Quidditch, Puzzles


Smokes - In his off hours, Sebastian finds himself enjoying a nice smoke. Be it with an aromantic cigar, a tedious pipe, or a simple cigarette.

Hoarding - Collecting oddities is fun until you realize you have too much stuff and feel vaguely bad about getting rid of any of it.

General Quirk - After years spent at home with a turbulent family Sebastian feels most comfortable when he can visibly see the exit and a wall is behind him.



The Heir Is Born

Behind the closed doors of the Carrow household, only two things mattered. The purity of your blood and the way the public perceived you. Little else mattered, as status meant everything. Blasphemous was the idea of tainting a pure bloodline, and wretched was the prospect of besmirching your family's name.

The elders of the Carrow family could only sneer at the disappointment that was Ambrose, Sebastian's father. Three children, and yet still no son? The family name was bound to die. That is if their fourth hadn't been a boy. Given the family name, Ambrose Sebastian Carrow III was born into the world and shown off with pride.

During Sebastian's infancy, he was doted on and spoiled far more than his sisters. As a toddler, he was praised for the smallest of achievements and spoiled rotten, the luxuries of being the heir.

Sebastian grew to be bratty and obnoxious as a child. Always running to tattle on his sisters— Matilda "Tilly", Jude, and Estelle—for any minor circumstance. Begging and whining to get his way, tantrums and meltdowns when he doesn't. His father deemed him over-emotional, disliking the way Sebastian always resorted to crying.

Of course, as petulant as he was, his mother, Mary, always seemed to calm him. Pinching his cheeks and wiping away his tears with gentle words. Sebastian loved nothing more than curling up to his mother's side as she patiently taught him to play the piano. When she passed away suddenly, it left Sebastian to spiral on his own. His father, unwilling to help, and his sisters, only able to do so much as meer children themselves.

The loss of his mother took away that outspoken part of him, he stopped badgering to get his way, stopped annoying his sisters, stopped throwing tantrums, and stopped allowing his father to see his emotions. Playing the piano became an outlet for his emotions and a way for him to connect to his mother, even after she was gone.

Two months later, Sebastian sat on the couch, squeezed between his sisters as a woman he didn't know stood beside his father. She smiled at them kindly, a gentle warmth behind her emerald eyes as she gushed about always wanting children. Her name was Elizabeth, and she was from the Abbott family. Sebastian didn't care. It didn't seem to matter, at least until she spoke again.

"I can't wait to be your Mother."


It was clear after the wedding that it had all been a facade. His stepmother didn't care for the Carrow children. Her face always pinched when regarding them, her words short and cold. She was everything his mom wasn't and he hated her. Taking a place she was not worthy of taking and making a mockery of the woman who raised him.

During a distant cousin's engagement party, his stepmother, per usual had begun her song and dance. Hugging the children and pretending to care, it was when she pinched Sebastian's cheek that he pushed himself away, yelling that she wasn't his mother. At the time, Elizabeth had acted bashful, though it was clear once they returned home that wasn't the case. The moment the door closed her hand had made contact with his face. Leaving a stinging red splotch in its wake. Sebastian agast turned to his father, who only could meet his eye with a glare, as his stepmother screamed at him.

It wasn't clear then, but this was the moment that made Sebastian realize his life at home was not the life that others were privy to.

Hogwarts & Beyond

As the years went on tension only seemed to grow in the Carrow household. Between the expectations required of an heir and the ones bestowed upon him for simply being a family in the sacred twenty-eight, the need for perfection infected every part of Sebastian's life.

When he began attending, Hogwarts, it was a blessing and a curse. Another expectation added to the seemingly ever-growing list, but at least he could get away from the home he had grown to despise.

Being a Ravenclaw, Sebastian found himself a new home, surrounded by others who strived for perfection. Even if it was not for the same reason the commonality provided comfort.


It was during breakfast in the third year, that Sebastian first got a vision for the future. At the time, he hadn't known what it was. His friends stared at him waiting for him to answer a question he hadn't heard. Sebastian couldn't help the way his breath had picked up as he began to panic. Unsure of what had just happened and completely thrown at grappling with what he saw. It had felt so real, but he struggled to bring forth the memory of whatever he witnessed. It remained hazy, like a dream, only he was sure it wasn't.

It was after it happened again, not even a month later, that he found himself in the infirmary. Where he was given the news that he may have been a seer. Not wanting to deal with whatever issues the revelation may bring Sebastian kept this info to himself, only telling those he truly trusted.

Through the years his visions come sporadically, sometimes he can remember them other times they are only a hazy recollection. They didn't interrupt his studies too much, and when they did he made sure to account for it. Excelling in his classes, Sebastian eventually found he had a love for the study of dark magic. While not desiring the need to practice it himself, he enjoyed learning about it nonetheless. It is due to this that he chose to pursue being an Auror after graduating.

The training was grueling, harder than any exams or classes he took during school, but he managed, and his family was proud. Which meant he could be at peace, but he wasn't. Being an Auror was tiring. You couldn't be anything but perfect unless you wanted to run the risk of serious bodily injury or quite possibly death.

At twenty-five, Sebastian realized that he would never escape the draining process of perfection if he continued being an Auror. When he heard about the opening for the DADA professor he jumped at the opportunity to apply. If he got the job it was meant to be, if not, he would continue as an Auror and forget any silly notions about living a simpler life. When he got word back, he could hardly wait to quit, even if it meant he would get letter after letter from his parents.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.


Sebastian's Patronus takes the form of a Hungarian Horntail, an impressibly large and aggressive dragon. Which he thinks is unbefitting for his rather passive personality.


The week before Sebastian began his final year at Hogwarts, his older sister, Tilly, gifted him a tiny kitten. An early graduation gift, she explained as Bash held the small animal. He happily accepted the young Siamese —with its soft cream fur accented by chocolate-colored points, large blue eyes, and a meow that melted his heart— quickly naming him Alastor. He hadn't thought that the two would wind back up at Hogwarts, but Alastor didn't seem to mind, happily taking to the halls as if he had never left.


Subtle notes of petrichor, old books, lemon, lavender, and sage.


Sebastian's father and stepmother stand there sweetly. They exude the perfect image of doting caregivers. Until their faces shift into the cruel sneer, Sebastian knows all too well. Their mouths open, but their voices overlap, looping in a deafening chorus. The words echo in the room loud, demanding, demeaning, and cruel.




♡coded by uxie♡

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briar layton.

full name

briar layton


bry(close friends), layton (fellow gryffindors)




cis-female (she/her)


22nd of may





12 ¼ inches, unicorn core, hazel wood, rigid

blood type

half blood






black mamba


peaches, her marmalade cat


sea salt, caramel, candle wax, coffee


a haggard looking old man hooked up to an oxygen tank

paris, texas

lana del rey



When you know, you know
That it's time to leave
Like the summer breeze

Briar Layton has always strived to allow herself to be led by her mind rather than her heart. She’s been a level-headed person since she was a child, her calmness occasionally veering into excess, coming across as apathy and indifference. This was a vice she always aimed to curb, apologising and making it up to those she hurt with her lack of concern. Over time though, Briar has become lax, taking the emotional disassociation as a gift, a reprieve from the growing anxieties and catastrophizing that seem to hang over her, perpetually overcast in a creeping fear.

Although pragmatic to her core, it doesn’t stop Briar from being somewhat of a daydreamer, her determination and ambition usually manifesting from the idealistic sliver that still exists in her brain. Harsh on those who she believes are deserving, Briar’s sharp tongue is infamous, lashing out when provoked, and increasingly over the years, when not. But, her demeanour is usually friendly, a personable, honest character who is fiercely loyal and has a knack for convincing people to follow her, even when she’s met with resistance, even if it means doing a bit of arms twisting… or full on bull dozing. Although Briar isn’t overly academic she has a knack for critical thinking and a social awareness that allows her to come across as more put together than she is. This outward image often neglects her impulsive, pleasure-seeking, party girl tendencies.

Briar’s stubborn nature and perfectionist tendencies can lead to tunnel vision when it comes to her goals, making her a little self indulgent at times. This goes hand and hand with a growing proclivity for skittishness and hyperactivity that is usually followed by long periods of very little sleep.


likes: coffee, herbal teas, gold jewellery, the ocean, trees, chess, oversized jumpers, mystery novels, parties, new stationary, the library, butterbeer, sunrises + sunsets, cold showers, candles, slippers.

dislikes: small spaces, sour foods, dramatic people, warm weather, fish, mushrooms, messy rooms, ink smudges, broomsticks, bright lights


heights, needles, thunder, failure, being alone, losing her mental stability or awareness, not being in control, hospitals


humming and singing while she works, stress smoker, counting her teeth with her tongue while she’s distracted,




The first ten years of Briar Layton’s life were entirely unremarkable. Born to parents Aisling and Frank Layton on the west coast of Ireland. An only child, she was the apple of her parents eyes. Her upbringing was entirely non-magical, with her father’s non-muggle family living in Dover where he was born, Briar was never exposed to it in reality. Although her father would regale her with stories of Hogwarts, Diagon Alley and how one day that was where she would attend. It was a distant concept, and Briar was happy to live her simple life with her parents, cared for and doted on as the days passed in that way they always do when you're young, slowly then all at once.

It wasn’t until three months after her tenth birthday that a twist of fate left both Briar and her Father dumbfounded, the haze of youth ripped away from her with the ice cold bucket of water that was her Mother’s diagnosis. She was given six months to live but by the November Aisling was dead and the two remaining Layton’s were devastated, floating through life like they themselves had been condemned to purgatory.

Frank made the decision to move him and Briar back to Dover, at least then the isolation that once felt like freedom wouldn’t continue to make their loneliness more oppressive. Being suddenly surrounded by cousins, aunts, uncles and family friends was hard for Briar to adjust to, it wasn’t until months into their move that she could even begin to comprehend the magic that was introduced into her life.

Letters for Hogwarts arrived to the joy of her cousins and the abhorrence of Briar who could barely grasp it’s existence, and was terrified at the thought of leaving her father. After much protest on the train platform and one botched escape attempt Briar arrived and to her complete shock and no one else’s loved it. It took one long, sleepless month for her to realise just how at home she felt, possibly more so than her pokey cottage in Dover.

In her fourth year Briar returned for Christmas to find her father had been taken to the emergency room. A creeping illness he had successfully hidden from her for almost a year had made him collapse at work. After much insistence that he would be taken care of Briar returned to school but every day since then the cloud of her father’s mortality has hung over her head.

It’s been a rollercoaster of improvements and setbacks as he lost his mobility. Briar spent the whole of her last summer begging her father to allow her to stay and take care of him, to which he had some choice expletives and many threats of kidnapping her in the dead of night and driving her himself. In truth, a deeply hidden incredibly guilty part of her is relieved to be away from her family and the visual reminder of her father’s condition. The other part of her is a live wire of hopeless dread and anxiety that’s more than ready to spark.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

question here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

question here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.




♡coded by uxie♡


short phrase.

full name

Poppy Isadora Lovelear

Birthday | Age

Aug 30th | Seventeen

gender | pronouns

Cis Female | She/her





11", redwood, phoenix feather

blood type





Ravenclaw Seeker

magical trait

Quarter Veela

chemtrails ov...

lana del rey



life would be easier if i were a fish

Poppy is the type of person who extends a hand to those in need. Falling behind in your classes? You can copy her twenty-page study guide. It will give you a headache by the time you're on the fifth page, but it's the thought that counts. Need a pick-me-up? She'll make a custom gift basket, filled with various treats, and a hand-drawn picture. Want to just get away? Say no more, Poppy is ready to hop on a broom and fly around the castle.

While Poppy is typically an easygoing person, she takes her studies seriously. The end of term has her usually well-manicured appearance slip, her hair falling in messy knots, and dark circles hanging under her eyes. Conversation slips into short hums and grunts as her brain fries from her continuous late-night studying sessions.

During most of the school year, Poppy prefers to balance her time with plenty of leisure. Making sure she can catch a round of butterbeer with friends or a casual pickup quidditch game.

Ironically, Poppy is a girl with her head in the clouds. Or at least she wishes she could be, a part of her too aware that she can't live this way forever. Which is why she feels the most grounded when flying high above the quidditch pitch. On days when she's forced to stay on solid land, she often finds herself musing about life as a simple bird or fish.

fears & dreams

Responsibility beckons Poppy, threatening to end the youth she's not ready to leave behind. She fears that, soon enough, days spent playing quidditch and drinking butterbeer will be behind her. The small task of attending school is seemingly a vacation compared to whatever adult life lies before her.
Poppy dreams of being a pro quidditch player. Her only obligation to the field, her teammates, and her fans.


Drawing, Journaling, Flower Pressing, Broom Rides, Dancing, Quidditch.


Tea - Poppy always over-sugars her tea, though she acts as if there is not enough.

Hums - Unknowingly, Poppy often hums in moments of silence.

Tangents - Once she gets going, it's hard to get her to stop. Positive and negative rants seem to go on until she runs out of things to say or someone tells her to stop.




When Birdie Peltower met James Lovelear, the puzzle pieces of life had fallen into place. With shared values and goals for the future, the two bonded over both reigning from large families and wanting to continue the tradition. Regardless of their early marriage after graduation and the desire to watch their family grow. Disappointment followed the young couple as they struggled to see their dream come to fruition.

When they finally welcomed a child into the world, the two were older than their initial plans had envisioned. Even though Birdie and James were now approaching their early thirties, they didn't let their visions of the past take away from the promise of the future. Poppy Lovelear was born into a world where she knew nothing but adoration, cherished by her parents, and showered with love.

Growing up, the Lovelear household was filled with music. James sang muggle songs in a voice made for radio, and Birdie happily danced as if she was born for the stage. All the while, Poppy jumped between the two of them, singing with her father, and dancing with her mother until she was out of breath.


As a child, Poppy saw her love of dancing grow into a genuine passion. Enjoying the challenge of mastering a craft, Poppy attended both muggle and wizarding lessons. Enjoying the competitive nature and the mutual desire to improve. Poppy spent much of her childhood surrounded by the sport.

By the time Poppy began attending Hogwarts, she had begun to find herself burnt out of dancing. While she still enjoyed the hobby, her passion for improvement had dwindled. Finding the constant practices and recitals to be more draining than fun.

During dinner in her second year, her friend had begged her to try out for Quidditch with them. Stating that they were too scared of doing it alone and would feel better if Poppy was with them. While Poppy didn't have much interest in the sport, she enjoyed flying enough to consider it a fun experience. Not expecting to have any prospect of getting picked up, which proved to be correct.

But a fire had ignited in Poppy. The passion she once felt for dance burned in her heart once again, only this time in the form of Quidditch. With the gentle encouragement to try again next year, Poppy threw herself into getting better. Late nights were spent at the pitch, racing her friends, in an attempt to score a better time. Steadily Poppy grew better, finding similarities—a certain fluidity and nimbleness—between flying and dance. Applying what she already knew from one to the other.

When the third year came, and the opportunity to try out once again arose, Poppy was eager to see if she improved enough. Initially, going for the role of chaser she was disappointed to hear that she wouldn't be getting the spot. Disappointment shifted to excitement when she was instead offered the position of seeker.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.


Poppy's Patronus takes the form of a Tonkinese Cat, a slender creature with a gentle disposition and a love of play.


Poppy's face pressed against the glass of the Owl Emporium. Her large brown eyes widened with delight at the cute owl she had made contact with. Her parents stood behind her, not quite sure if their daughter was ready for a pet, but not willing to tear her away from the bird she'd fallen in love with.
So, not even an hour later, Poppy walked out of the building, a large, shining cage grasped in her arms. Inside, a Brown Fish Owl, now named Asa, coos happily.


Pine, honey-suckles, fresh crème, peaches.


A horde of wasps that seem to multiply the longer you look at them. After casting Riddikulus the wasps turn into balloon animals.




♡coded by uxie♡

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the basics
name Leor Salman
 age 28
gender / pronouns genderfluid / they/them
birthday December 1, 1915
sexuality pansexual
personality overview
Grounded, Leor will tell you what they really mean. And then, if you aren't as blunt as them, what you really mean. They refuse to let people hide behind euphemisms and pretty lies. Still, they're open minded and accepting of anything 'strange or unusual,' willing to discuss topics other teachers avoid. They just won't whitewash things or "tone it down because they're children, dear." They're very focused on the truth, especially finding it.
backstory overview
Raised by a French Jewish muggle mother and a British muggleborn father (who met during the war) she made quite a spectacle of herself transforming shortly after birth. It was minor really, just hair color, but thankfully her father was a steady hand at memory charms and they left the hospital with the usual calm.

From then on everytime she stepped outside was under the bonds of her father’s magic. It was only after she complained of the pain, that his spell restricting her change was eased to an illusion. She would look 'normal' as her mother put it, but she'd shift constantly underneath. It was only after the man, skilled at mind magics himself, tried to teach her occlumency that she got any control over her power. It still took years, finally settling when they reached their majority. They can't use it to resist intrusions, instead putting order to a chaotic mind. Well, finding patterns out of the chaos.

They remained in the small French Jewish community until Leor went to Beauxbatons at 11. They expected her to be a poised and proper young lady. Which boiled down to controlling herself without the spell of her father's. Quickly, she realized anything she did wouldn't satisfy them, so she fell into rebellion. It got so bad that she was nearly expelled, her father's quick agreement she tranfer to Hogwarts preventing it from being on her record.

There she exploded, testing colors and shapes to her heart’s content. As long as she did what she was supposed to, Hufflepuff accepted her. Soon, they found that one gender didn’t fit them, shifting between the two traditional roles before finding they leaned more masculine some days and feminine others. They haven’t found a body that is theirs yet. They shift often, sometimes daily, though rarely throughout the day like they did when they were younger.

Since graduating, they’ve floated between jobs, learning to blend in when they needed to. They’ve settled down a lot since their Hogwarts years, letting their body shift into whatever feels right at the time, instead of trying for the craziest thing possible (or imitating others.) They stay their own age, but everything else can change. They started using divination in an attempt to see the patterns in their own body.

It was through their tarot cards that said they needed to find a place. Hogwarts had been the most accepting of them, so they applied there after hearing the previous Divination professor had quit.

They’re still more focused on getting their parents out of France. Everyday they scry for the two, knowing their situation is tenuous. The couple has refused to leave, believing their experience with the previous war was benefiting the Resistance. Owls have become too dangerous to send, so they haven’t heard from their parents in years. They just keep looking in the mirror.

the magic
wand - phoenix, 14½ in, reasonably supple, carved, beech
blood type - halfblood
house - Huffllepuff
position - divination teacher
magical trait - metamorphomagus
patronus - Eagle Owl
pet - kneazle, Ruth
amortentia - lekach (ginger, cinnamon, cloves, honey and apple juice)
boggart - their feet turning into chicken’s claws or the mirror showing them as chicken claws (That they would be a shayd, a shapeshifting demon that takes human form except for its feet, which are always chicken’s claws.)


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Name: Calian "Cal" Clearwater
Age: 17
Gender/Pronouns: Cisgender; He/Him
Birthday: September 15th, 1926
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 6ft 2in/ 187cm
Weight: 185lbs/ 83kgs
Wand: Sycamore wood with a dragon core, 13", and slightly springy flexibility
Blood Type: Halfblood
House: Ravenclaw
Position: Head Boy
Magical Trait: N/A
Patronus: Raven
Pet: A great horned owl, named, Noah.
Amortentia: Petrichor, Bibliosmia, Pine, and Cedarwood.
Boggart: A weak, frail, and older version of himself; staring back at him with the same hate that he sees in his own father's eyes.
Favorite classes: DADA, Charms, Transfiguration,

Personality: There's an ever present smile on his face, like it will never be removed, and there are early signs of crows feet appearing around the corners of his eyes. Cal is like a miniature sun, providing comforting warmth to those who need it, and always willing to lend an ear or a hand. He has a keen mind, no where near the top in terms of raw intelligence, but he is dutiful and pushes himself to go further then he ever has before. While he isn't the very top of the class in terms of grades he is still near it. Cal's true strengths lie in his fierce loyalty, quick wit, and protective qualities for those around him. He is often seen helping the younger years and making sure that they are comfortable in their day to day lives.

Another side of Cal, one that seems to conflict with his otherwise peaceful attitude, is that he becomes a rather intimidating duelist. Due to his past, Cal has come to love the thrill of battling with others, and it has become a huge goal/dream of his to rise to the top of the dueling circuits; using creativity, ingenuity, and out-of-the-box mentality. He trains to keep himself in shape for whatever dueling circuits he's allowed to enter.

Background: It was during one particularly strong thunderstorm that Cal was born to, Paul Clearwater(47m), a muggle veteran from WW1 and, Sarah Clearwater née brown (43f), a muggleborn witch. Paul came from America, fighting on the frontlines in WW1, impressively lasting all the way through the start and end of the war. It was during the final year that his luck took a turn for the worst and a grenade that had exploded near him had ended up landing him in Triage, with severe shrapnel wounds in both legs. It was in hospital that Paul would meet his future wife, Sarah, as she was a mediwitch in training; doing her best to help those in need. Like many back during those times, Paul fell for her on first sight, she helped nurse him back to health, and the rest as they say, was history.

They would be together many years before issues arose within their happy lives, as Paul became increasingly frustrated with his inability to move like he used to, so too did his growing anger. It started out small with him only lashing out at things that really irritated him in increasingly violent ways. However, before things could get too bad, Sarah would eventually fall pregnant with their first, and to this day, only child. With something to focus on Paul's mood shifted more towards happiness and excitement. This would last for the first 5 years of Cal's life but unfortunately the anger would resurface and this time showed no signs of ever dissipating.

As Cal grew, his father would take it into his own hands, to enroll Cal in things like boxing; always telling him that he needed to learn how to defend himself and to be able to stick up for himself if the time ever came. It was through these early years that Cal would discover his love of battle. Though with it came jealousy from his father, Cal being a natural in the ring, and with a grace that only came with talent and hard work caused resentment to form within Paul.

By the time Cal was 11 his home life would become almost unbearable, with a father who would explode at the slightest trigger, and a mother who was too afraid to do anything even with her own magic. So it was a welcome reprieve when his letter came, his mother having already explained magic to him when she felt he was ready, and it wasn't till he set foot on the train for the first time that he realized how stressful his home had become. His whole body untensing as they pulled away from the station.

As the years flew past, Cal would devour anything that interested him while maintaining his grades, and he would eventually stumble upon the dueling circuits of the wizarding world. A fire would flicker behind his eyes as he discovered the magical version of competitive fighting. So he would train, think of interesting ways to use spells in battle, and shape himself into someone who wouldn't ever become a man like Paul. He would make his mark upon the world by becoming the world's best duelist; that was his goal.
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cis woman (she/her)


april fourth





10¾“, ash wood, dragon heartstring, unyielding


pureblood (?)





magical trait






Il faut bonne mémoire après qu’on a menti.

Cosette is cold—from her low body heat right down to her frost-ridden heart. She doesn’t bother trying to be approachable. She slinks around with a holier-than-thou attitude and a menacing smirk. She has the eyes of a hawk, and her words cut sharper than knives. She is unagreeable with strong intent. As she has learned over the years, someone will always be upset with her existence. If there’s no point in trying to please everyone, there’s no point in trying to please anyone.

She may be the ice queen, but she does have one love: winning. Scoring highest on exams, wiping her roommates in Wizard’s Chess, climbing the bracket in the quidditch cup—just to name a few. It is only within the heat of a battle or standing upon the first place podium that she flashes a wide, blinding grin. Cosette Rosier loves to win, and even more than she loves winning, she despises losing. She’ll involve herself in things she has no time for just for the sake of winning. Naturally, she is cutthroat to her competitors and hateful towards those who beat her. Even outside of competition, she can’t shake the notion of black and white; wins and losses.


failure, loss, being the weak link


feeling like she belongs with her family


chess, poetry, quidditch, baking


studies facial expressions obsessively, has to pace around to think




It was clear from the start: Cosette Rosier is not a Rosier until they say so.

Cosette’s mother used to be the golden child of the Parisian legacy. She was incredibly gifted in arcane skill and knowledge, and traveled the world in search of more answers: more compounds on top of the Rosier’s growing influence. But with all that intelligence, deep down, she was foolish. She slept with a local while studying in Japan, and Cosette was conceived and born before Cosette’s mother had even begun to think about what she wanted out of life.

Fear struck her quicker than the shock. She hid Cosette from the rest of the family for as long as she could. She ran from place to place, keeping Cosette away from prying eyes. But eventually, the truth started nipping at her heels. The longer she drew this out, the worse her and her daughter’s fate would be. So she squeezed Cosette’s tiny hand as they walked up the steps of the Rosier estate, and for the first time, prayed that her family would look kindly upon her.

Her prayers must have been heard by a demon, because the following turn of events left the two of them thinking that a lifetime on the run was better than where they ended up. At first, they threatened to spill Cosette’s “impure” blood all over their carpets. When her mother insisted she was a pureblood, they were beyond skeptical. They held the two of them in separate, blank rooms. They were starved and ignored as the Rosiers looked for a way to trace Cosette back to a real wizard.

A month into the treatment, Cosette's mother went mad. She talked at walls, laughed in the echoed silence, and looked through her daughter with glassy eyes. Had Cosette been the daughter of any other Rosier, they would have ended her and called it a day. But luck had been on her side: her mother’s prestige held them off long enough for her to perform her first wandless magic—sending silver mirrors flying off of the walls.

The Rosier family was still distant, but getting past the threats against her life was a big step. She kept her distance and observed the old witches and wizards deciding her fate—and concluded that she could evade her obstacles long enough to get her into Hogwarts. If she wasn't a nuisance, barely more present than a beloved pet, then she wouldn’t be in danger.

She held the act for years. She lied to them—convinced them she loved being a dutiful daughter, that she believed in blood purity, and was deeply interested in the dark arts. Cosette lied for so long, it started to feel like she was lying to herself. She held the mask up until the moment she stepped up to the sorting hat.

The night that Cosette was declared a Slytherin, she hid in the bathroom and silently wept tears of relief. She was worthy of Salazar Slytherin's house—and that meant she had to be a pureblood, right? Luck had carried her this far in life, and this was as far as it had to take her. From that point forward, she swore that everything would be under her puppet strings. It wouldn't matter if she was really a pureblood, as long as she insisted upon it. No one would know her lineage—not even her. If she carried forward, she would find her place in the family tree. She would become a picturesque Slytherin, and a proud Rosier.











grey barn owl, bonbon


a heavily veiled nun that reaches towards her with cold, bony, desecrated hands.


white swan


pears, cinnamon, honey, and cedar embers




♡coded by uxie♡

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  • wetin

    minjun juliana nott
    date of birth
    september 28 2007
    cisgender female
    blood status
coded by natasha.
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