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Realistic or Modern More Zombies And OOC

I'm trying to decide if I want him to actually be freezing to death or just unmotivated to move.
Hey. Can someone run me up to date with what's going on in the Northeastern group? I just applied so. x.x
I'm sorry. This was the first notification I have gotten in like a week on this thread. I'm still interested, but I haven't gotten a notification until I was tagged using "@papachan".

I guess I'm just gonna have to click on the thread and look around instead of waiting for a notification.
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northguy said:
Hey. Can someone run me up to date with what's going on in the Northeastern group? I just applied so. x.x
So they've split off into two groups to go looking for supplies. One has run into a priestess named Vera who has asked if they want to join her colony. On the way back to the train to meet with the others they've run into Jean-Claude, who's very, very cold, and Karah, who is currently holding them at gunpoint.

The second group — Vladdy, Pendo and Alice — are with another member of the colony named Damian. They'll be escorting him home and may or may not get a look around before going back, depends on what they choose to do.
I know •_• its like one day alerts said "screw you, prepare for your roleplay to drop dead"
That seems to be what happened. I'm glad there was a traceable cause rather than everyone just stopping.
So what is with the second IC RP tab? Can I get an all around update? Last I was here, Vladdy offered to walk guy back to his camp.
So with them, he was like, "Yeah, I'd like that a lot," and once they're there he's gonna offer them a chance to check the colony out and meet their leader-dude who works with Vera.
HEy guys, sorry I've been gone, I've had a ton of Dr. appointments and now I'm getting my Wisdom teeth removed

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