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One x One More Control, More Destruction

Living Owl

The Wise One.

Character Information:




If Any





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Irvene Erebus

Human Form:





Appears to be 24 years old, but he's really a hundreds of centuries old.


Irvene's human name is Irvin.

In the Underworld, he is sometimes called "The Marionette."


Carefree Irvene is very cocky and deems himself as one of the most powerful demons in the Underworld. He is honestly not entirely wrong because he is very well-known as the Marionette of the Underworld. Wires can slither from his mouth and can launch at his enemies swiftly. A single whip from the wire can cause a very deep cut and can even slice off a limb. The demon is also merciless toward the weak. If he notices a weak soul, he will not be afraid to kill and eat it. In his vision, there is no room in any world for the weak, so he's doing everyone a favor by removing the error. Irvene has never been known for any generosities he's ever done. He is a demon indeed, so what's the point of being kind now?


Irvene strives to take over the Earth Realm. Utilizing his cocky nature, he believes with the right set of demons, he could overtake the Earth Realm and soon move toward Heaven and destroy everyone who stands in his way. He desires to expand the Underworld and make every realm his home.


The Marionette doesn't entirely like many things. He enjoys silence and the soothing sound of music, more so played with violins and such rather than loud and rowdy songs. He also enjoys watching strong willed people. For an odd reason, the strong willed are fascinating in their work, as they strive to complete a task they set out to do. He enjoys people who are much like that since he knows they are strong within their soul.


Irvene dislikes almost everything. He despises colorful items and nature. In his eyes, nature is noisy with bugs and birds, and he could never simply walk through the forest in peace. There is always something irritating him that he cannot relax. He also hates loud noises and ignorant humans. The worst humans are the more stubborn ones.

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Max Genthner





The Joker


Max is a very carefree person. He does whatever he wants no matter what the consequences are. Having free will is what mostly characterizes him, but he is also known to be funny. He cannot keep quiet if he has a comment in mind. And he does this so often that people start calling him "The Joker". But that's not all because Max is an extremely reckless person. He does things without thinking and jumps right to conclusions. No matter how risky, stupid, or terrible the decision is, he does it.


Max is looking for a life where he is happy and loved. He doesn't feel like he is appreciated enough by his family or friends no matter what he does. He just wants to feel important and needed.


Max likes adventures. They're the most things that make him happy and excited. He also likes his mother who had died years ago. She showed love for him more than his other siblings. Just like mentioned above, he likes feeling needed and loved. He wants to know that he's important.


One thing Max despises is feeling helpless. He feels that he should always help people no matter what. Another is losing control. His friends are always commenting on how he easily gets angry.​

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