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Fantasy Moony's Orphanage V4 - New


Elder Member

"Please scroll down for information regarding the character forms.."

Character Name:




Power or Ability:

Weapon of Choice:

Preferred Team Role:

Brief Description of The Character's Appearance or Picture (Anime Only):

Love Life:



Place of Origin:

Spirit Animal:


Theme Song:

"This is a rather simple analysis of the form requirements and character development rules. I suggest you read this before starting to work on the form.."

- Your character's name, or nickname. Simple as that. You can write its meaning and origin.

- Age. I'm sure there are only minors in orphanages. The suggested age range is 10-18 years old.

- Gender. Male or Female.

- Personality. Please try to work on this as much as possible. 3 lines or more preferred.

- Power or Ability. I suggest you check Superpower WIKI for that.
Superpower Wiki There are plenty of powers. Only the patron of the orphanage acts as some sort of GM of the roleplay, but he will appear rarely. (I hope so) But basic rules such as "no killing without permission" shall be respected. If your character has a powerful ability, make sure it has numerous weaknesses so we can prevent OP. (Overpower)

- Weapon of Choice: Alright, so this is
optional. Your character likely originates from a peaceful neighborhood, no guns, swords, butterfly knives, katanas, etc. Weapons will be used during training missions, so your character will probably learn to use one later in the rp. They are not mandatory, they merely act as tools. But in some cases, especially for enchanters or shamans, weapons infused with elemental essence are the main choices.

- Team Missions or Battle Royales will often occur. This is why we introduced Team Roles. Your team could be a mess or an organized group, it all depends on you. You can take the tank (pusher) role and act as the group's main protector or shield. You can be a fighter and use your combat abilities to defeat the enemy. Or you can be a support figure, an enchanter who infuses your teammates' weapons with those elemental energies I was talking about, a healer, etc. This is also
optional. Since your character could discover its role later in the rp. It could also adopt the role of "lone wolf" and not pick any role.

- By brief description I mean two lines or so. Pictures are not mandatory.

- Your character has a crush on somebody? Is in a relationship? Notify us about it.

- Strenghts, physical and psychological

- Weaknesses, physical and psychological

- Place of Origin. Your character's place of origin could tell us a lot about their personality.

- Spirit Animal. Your character could have a particular spirit animal. Again, this acts as a personality filler. So, it's

- History. This is perhaps, the character's most important detail regarding their personality. 4 lines or so required. Or more.

- Theme Song. This is also a personality filler. Music could tell us a lot about your character, so, why not?

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Character Name: Himawari

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Himawari is the apathetic, disoriented and dreamy girl who has no interest in forming attachments with others, unless they prove themselves trustworthy and interesting enough for her. But once she gets to know you, she drastically changes, becoming the cooperative, clumsy, friendly but still quiet type of person who is willing to spend their precious free time with you. Many considered her behavior abnormal and unexpected at first, most thought she suffered from the multi-personality disorder. But she's in fact, a nice person to hang out with,especially during the time she's not so grumpy and annoying. She likes to come with "intellectual" remarks from time to time, just to make herself feel wanted =,

Power or Ability: Avian Physiology: User with this ability either is or can mimic/transform into
birds, either every species, family, or a single species.

Weapon of Choice: Has no weapon

Preferred Team Role: Support

Brief Description of The Character's Appearance or Picture:

Love Life: Single.

Strenghts: She's able to obtain the abilities and senses of some particular birds. She was a pretty strong will and is considered intelligent.

Weaknesses: She's still unable to fully control her powers, and she can only transform and gain the abilities of a couple of birds.

Place of Origin: She comes from a quiet village, situated in the marshlands. She spent most of her free time studying birds and all kinds of insects and animals.

Spirit Animal: Owl.


Theme Song:

Character Name: Malora

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Personality: Marlora is generally very quiet and monotone. She has deep feelings on the inside, but on the outside she shows absolutely nothing. However, when she's depressed, anyone who knows her can tell.

Power or Abilities: Glyphs, she can summon a symbol that allows her to jump and move around at ease. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.ec8f7cc375a875cb4e1243ff3f2676d5.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83515" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.ec8f7cc375a875cb4e1243ff3f2676d5.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon of Choice: Scythe

Preferred Team Role: Brain

Brief Description of The Character's Appearance or Picture:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.gif.461483e1cba25db5c16261a796124b64.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83514" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.gif.461483e1cba25db5c16261a796124b64.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Love Life: None

Strengths: Seemingly emotionless, flexible, and stealthy.

Weaknesses: She tends to push herself too far, has low self esteem, she's scared of making friends because she doesn't want to get to know people just to loose them.

Place of Origin: Los Angeles, California

Spirit Animal: A cat

History: Malora was sent to the orphanage when she was very young, age 3. Before she was orphaned she lived with her grandparents. No she never knew why she never saw her parents, but she was too young to care, unfortunately her grandmother died in a car crash, and a few months later her grandfather died from natural causes, with the parents missing, she was left to be orphaned. To this day she doesn't mind not having family, it just means she won't have to worry about losing anyone.

Theme Song:[media]




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That's a nice character! I see the last two options are still work in progress, please notify me once you've finished.
Name: Jessica

Nickname: Jess or Jessie

Age: Just turned 13

Gender: Female

Personality: Jessica is usually very calm, and she's never been seen to show any negative emotions, which sometimes gets others annoyed. She is very patient and good at expressing her words with her hands, but it's not sign language. She is very naive and innocent, mainly because everyone thinks she's weird and she's not the best at making friends. Some people, even think she's mute and dead, because she daydreams often but deep down she longs for some friends. If anyone manages to get onto her heart, she's silly, optimistic and dangerously loyal.

Power or Ability: Atmokinesis

Weapon of Choice: None


Love Life: She dreams of it but has never had one.

Strengths: She never gives up, she's quick and very light/silent on her feet. Shes flexible and agile.

Weaknesses: She is delicate, but doesn't like to say she's hurt. She's also dangerously loyal to her friends.

Place of Origin: She grew up in Manhatten, New York.

Spirit Animal: Bunny

History: She use to be your everyday rich, outgoing party girl living with her family in Manhattan, New York. She had a good childhood up until the point where all her family died in a sudden car crash, that was hit by lightning, she even lost all her memory with few glimpses of her old life. She was sent to an orphanage because she didn't remember anything.
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Character Name: Maven

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Personality: She is strong and independent. She dosn't take orders from people. She is very protective over her child.

Power or Ability: Behemoth Physiology.

Weapon of Choice: Mace

Preferred Team Role: Tank

Brief Description of The Character's Appearance or Picture (Anime Only):

Love Life: none.

Strenghts: She is a strong and protective mother.

Weaknesses: Her child.

Place of Origin: The Seduran Forest.

Spirit Animal: Bovine

History: WIP

Theme Song: You'll Be In My Heart.
Alright, both accepted. We'll have to focus on the gender balance for now. Male character coming right up.
Character Name: Garett

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Male

Personality: He has a skeptic attitude, he's often too focused on small, insignifiant details. Arrogant, charismatic. He likes to follow you everywhere you go, haunt your dreams and act as if he's always been your superior. He does not empathize in general, and it is hard for him to do so. But that doesn't mean he is a crude and heartless sociopath.

Power or Ability: Light Manipulation

Weapon of Choice: No weapon of choice

Preferred Team Role: Leader

Brief Description of The Character's Appearance or Picture (Anime Only):

Love Life: Not interested.

Strenghts: He has a strong will, and won't give up on his goal so easily. That's what makes him a good leader.

Weaknesses: He had sacrificed some of his team members in dangerous missions, he doesn't usually take the lives of others into consideration and that's what makes him an unlikable person.

Place of Origin: He's grown up in a busy suburb.

Spirit Animal: Coyote

History: WIP

Theme Song: WIP
Character Name: Elizabeth DeWitt

Age: Sixteen

Gender: Female

Personality: Elizabeth is a wandering mystery. She has more than often a sad expression, she rarely smiles. She is hard to approach due to what had happened in her past, which means that, since that accident, she hadn't open up to anyone else. Elizabeth is rather cold and harsh to those who even try to approach her, unintentionally scaring then off, but she still seeks for some human contact. She is often found reading a book or listening to music all by herself.

She is sleep deprived, which is another reason why she looks grumpy, due to her lively nightmares of her past. (See: History)

Power or Ability: Shadow Manipulation

Weapon of Choice: Double daggers

Preferred Team Role: Assassin/Lone wolf

Brief Description of The Character's Appearance or Picture (Anime Only):



Love Life: Afraid of getting too close to someone.(See: History)


(Can be changed based on the RP)

Strenghts: Skilled with her weapons.

She puts others before herself, if needed sacrificing herself.

Determined to do (almost) everything possible to succeed in her mission.

Weaknesses: Not so skilled with her power.

She puts others before herself. (Blessing aswell as a curse)

Place of Origin: Very small village (WIP)

Spirit Animal: Fox

History: Elizabeth lived in a small village. Her life seemed almost too perfect: she had loving parents, lots of friend, even a boy she held dear. But, as fortune wanted it, the day came when, during a cold winter night, her village was raided by rebels. (There had been previous rebellions, kind of like small wars, in that country).

Her parents forced her to run away by herself. So she did, as well as several other kids from her village. She took a look back, before continuing to run, just to see her hometown going down in flames.

Unlike her, most of the other refugees didn't arrive in the next, nearest village. After four days of wandering through the cold and through the snow, she arrived in the next village, emaciated, her clothes dirty and ripped. There she was taken in by the orphanage. After a few weeks she decided to return to her hometown. Where once was her hometown, is now a graveyard covered in ash. Where once were her beloved ones, are now corpses, or what else was left of them.

Elizabeth thinks that she had at least could save her family. She had known about her powers for some time, but was in denial about it, because she wanted to live a normal live as a normal girl. Yet, she could have used it to protect her parents, her friends, everyone.

On that day she swore that she is going to train her abilities and that she's going to take revenge.

Theme Song: [media]

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Character Name: Elias ( Eli )

Age: 19


Personality: Regardless of Eli ’s cold looking exterior he is actually really kind and if there’s any disagreements between any of the others he’s often the one who tries to defuse the situation. Eli Is a very loving and caring person,his loyalty to the people he cares about never wavers.

Power or Ability: Space-Time Manipulation

Weapon of Choice: Any long ranged weapon but he owns a Bow and a two swords.

Preferred Team Role: Support

Brief Description of The Character's Appearance or Picture (Anime Only):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/dca1f89a933ad9bbf78b685978fa4a96.jpg.53b5d9f80ded983b98218c803476be90.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84596" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/dca1f89a933ad9bbf78b685978fa4a96.jpg.53b5d9f80ded983b98218c803476be90.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Love Life:Non existent

Strengths: Doesn’t give up, Has an eye for detail, quick on his feet

Weaknesses: Can be very sensitive at times ( I'm gonna come back to this )

Place of Origin: Unknown

Spirit Animal:Wolf

History: Eli barely remembers his childhood. The most vivid things are the burning buildings and people screaming. Other than that it’s pretty much close to nothing. But he tries to not dwell on the past or what may have happened in the past. He puts his full focus in the present and the future.

Theme Song: The Grey - Icon for Hire



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Character Name: Yui

Age: 13

Gender: male


Due to his past Yui is rather new to a lot of normal emotions. This usually means he is quiet preferring to watch rather then interact and hesitant to approach new people. In the beginning he distanced himself from others and closed off what little emotions he showed. He has slowly began to open up as he experiences new emotions. He dislikes violence among friends and tried to be kind and gentle. He has shown strong loyalty to those who earn his tentative trust though is still distant and untrustworthy of newcomers. It is only among friend that he shows his rapidly blooming curiosity, tentative child side, and thirst for knowledge.

Power or Ability:

Yui can cover himself in a shield made of blood by essentially drawing it out of his skin. The shield is thin but reliable against most attacks and allows easy mobility. He can also create small projectile needles with his blood for self defense.

Weapon of Choice:


Preferred Team Role: Researcher

Brief Description of The Character's Appearance or Picture (Anime Only):

Love Life: Not interested


Has sharp eyes, a strong loyalty toward friends, and has a resilience against large amounts of pain.


He is new to most emotions and is socially awkward, doesn't trust easily, not very strong physically, and lacks a lot of basic knowledge.

Place of Origin: unknown

Spirit Animal: Rabbit


Yui's powers were discovered when he was very young, to young to remember, and to say the least his parents did not take kindly to them. Or so he assumes. Yui grew up locked away with minimal contact with others. The contact he did have usually led to pain as he was experimented on. This continued until he was eleven and found. It was all very confusing and overwhelming for the young boy and before he knew it he ended up where he is now. At the orphanage. Since then he has spent his time learning about the world that he never knew and growing used to others.

Theme Song:

Learning to live- Beth Hart

Character Name:

Ryosuke Akashi


20, he thinks. He's lost track of his birthdays.




Ryosuke has always been known for his usual silence towards anyone and everyone around him. Many have even gone so far as to consider him rude at times; although this is simply due to him preferring not to get too close towards anyone near him. This however, does not mean that Ryosuke doesn't enjoy the thought of possibly making friends; even though he may seem insecure, his own personality is that he has a warm heart deep down and would put anyone and everyone before himself. This also includes risking his own life to protect others in the end. After helping others, he will still prefer not to speak with him and continue to remain silent; although if someone were to help him he will at times refuse the assistance simply to leave to tend to his own wounds.

Power or Ability:

Fallen Angel Physiology

Weapon of Choice:

- He tends to use his chains that bound him by his wrists and ankles.(See History)

- When his is not being used however, his secondary weapon normally is a sword. Normally he would much prefer a thin sword which he can use with much more quickness rather than something as a two-handed sword. For example; a katana.

Preferred Team Role:

Loner. Assisting only when needed.

Brief Description of The Character's Appearance or Picture (Anime Only):


Fallen Released Form

Love Life:

Single; not sure if he wishes to even think of being in a relationship. Heterosexual


When there is an actual reason to fighting; for example to protect someone. He is quite stubborn and will never fall victim to death until he knows for a fact that those he protected are truly out of harms way. It is very rare to ever see him actual grow angered or show any type of actual negative emotion towards anyone ever.


  • - Ryosuke had been born with a horrible illness that has yet to be discovered as to what it is let alone even a cure for it yet. All that is known is that the more he strains his body to use his powers or pushes his physical body pass it's limits; he will end up coughing up blood and shorten his life-span even further. Even when not doing so, there will be times he will need to cough and the more violent it is; the closer he will get to spitting out blood as well. This also leaves him severely fatigued and out of breath; leaving him open to be attacked at any point.

  • - Following the fact that he has the power of a fallen angel; this also includes the fact that his body not only holds the power of simply an angel but as well as a demon itself. Due to this, his body and soul will tend to be unable to decide which side it wishes to follow. Causing his own body and soul to be caught in the middle between light and dark at times; during this, it also causes Ryosuke to go into a somewhat spasm as his arms will tend to end up locking up and become stiff.
  • - When it comes to helping others, his trust is easily manipulated if he isn't paying attention to the full situation. He will easily end up rushing into battle to help out those who seem to be in danger and look as though they are fearing death itself; to the point that he would even accidentally end up going into battle to fight against an ally to protect an enemy. This normally will leave him open to attack from behind without realizing it.

  • - When fighting to protect others, Ryosuke will tend to fight even if he is bleeding out severely or even has lost a limb. It would seem that even once he is practically in the eyes of death itself, he will continue to fight even if he must use his own will itself to keep himself conscious. Because of this, he will be unaware of his own injuries until after the battle and if they are bad enough he will possibly even end up dying after the fighting has ended due to the amount of blood loss he had received.

Place of Origin:


Spirit Animal:



W . I . P

Theme Song:

Thousand Foot Krutch - We Are

Character Name:Sicarius



Personality: He's somewhat a dice. Throughout the day his mood randomly changes between angry, furious, sulky, unemotional, and irritable, but by default he's just mad.

Power or Ability: He turns into a werewolf when he feels strong negative emotion

Weapon of Choice:claws, teeth, and fear.

Preferred Team Role: the Charger

Brief Description of The Character's Appearance or Picture (Anime Only):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/RPpic3.jpg.ce51c2784f5126e7997ebb2fd4cf26d8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85071" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/RPpic3.jpg.ce51c2784f5126e7997ebb2fd4cf26d8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> This minus the weapons >.>

Love Life:None; would rather kill than love. But maybe his feelings can be changed...

Strenghts:(you spelled "strengths" wrong) He is agile, tough, and strong. He would do anything to win a battle, even attack someone in werewolf form.

Weaknesses: Reckless, emotionally unstable, and allows himself to be rejected, feeling it was inevitable.

Place of Origin: People joke that he was born in hell. Nope, Kansas.

Spirit Animal: wolf, duh xD

History:He was born as an only child into a family of farmers, who all immediately rejected him and gave him up for adoption, seemingly noticing that he was different from other people. He was taken in by a single middle-aged woman who's husband died. If you were to ask Sicarius about it, he's positively swear he tried as hard as he could. Then tear your throat out. He actually did try to be normal, unknowing he was "normal". He did everything he could while being the middle-aged woman's "son" to feel normal, but nothing worked. He did everything he could like the other people did it, but people shunned him anyways. Perhaps they knew, somewhere deep inside their natural instincts...

The officials of Kansas tried to send him to Moony's Orphanage sooner, when he turned werewolf and ATE a student when she was picking on him, but he ran away. This happened when he was only in 4th grade, and he's been living as a runaway for many years before turning himself in to the police, expecting a death sentence. Instead, they sent him to Moony's Orphanage.

Theme Song:[media]



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Character Name: Evo (His real name is Yivo)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Evo is very straightforward, he cares not for his identity as a individual.

Power or Ability: Super strength, super durability, evolution; meaning he can evolve when needed not when he wants his evolution is accelerated but not super fast but his rage can accelerate his adaptation (He cannot evolve any time he wants) Evolves only when needed or in rage, but after he evolves a new form he can turn into it at any time (as long as he adapted into that form) he wants just by recalling it, he then de-evolves because he sees no point staying in a situational adapted form.

Weapon of Choice: Himself

Preferred Team Role: Tank/Nuker

Base form.

Winged form (A form he already evolved into)

Six-armed form (a form he already formed into)

Love Life: None, but his feelings and personallity could be altered within the RP.

Strengths: Evo is fearless and strong minded

Weaknesses: Stunning, mental powers, prideful, tends to make a battle go on as long as possible to adapt more then one form if possible (This may be a weakness or a strength)

Place of Origin:

Spirit Animal: Bull

History: Evo was raised by a alcoholic father and a mother who has left them, his father would always get angry if he messes something up or some how annoys him, when he was six he started getting teased and picked on, he then had a flashback of his father scolding him, he then unleashed all his anger he tried to punch the bully's but the punched him back first as they were eight, but it seemed not to affect Evo as his eyes were red and his pupil a darker shade, he was full of blood lust. His rage accelerating his evolution to such a point it permanently put him into a state were he could not de-evolve. Many years later he lived in a abandon building learning everything he could without going to school as he ended up forgetting the past, later the police found him and took to Moony's Orphanage, as Evo agreed since he was doing nothing and all these years he developed boredom he also knew that after 11 years he only developed two forms.

Theme Song: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP-jYiuDD9g[/media]
Character Name: Angelica Astrid St. John



Personality: When first meeting Angelica she seems innocent and soft spoken, but is she so far from that. Angelica is a manipulative person and a liar most of the time due to her difficulties trusting people. She can be very charismatic but speaks and acts deliberately, everything she does is for a reason and she only lets you see what she wanys you to see. Often times she acts like an innocent-naive girl or a confident lady witha silver tongue. As well as having two different fronts, Angelica can act as though she doesn't care about anyone to caring too much about everyone. Deep down, under her many masks, Angelica has chronic depression, the said she is "carrying the weight of the world" because she had no legitimate reason to be sad and cannot trace the root. Because of her depression, Angelica sometimes mutilates herself or starves herelf. Angelica is a very creative person and has an odd obsession with symbolism (ie: blue curtains=the character is covering their alcove of tragedies behind a mask.) Aside from all of that, Angelica knows how to have a good time and loves to sing and dance with fun people. She can also be very blunt and has a very dry sense of humour.

Based on Angelica has done some great and terrible things in her life, she is constantly struggling between light and dark. Sometimes it's more difficult for her to stay in grace but still has erges to become fallen, these decisions effect her mood and can cause drastic mood swings.

Unfortunately, Angelica has a cigarette addiction and can't help but smoke almost a pack a day. She also is almost always snacking on cinnamon toast crunch cereal or gold fish crackers.

Power or Ability: Celestial Physiology: can sprout wings that allow her to fly (paper a creamy great colour with varying dark and light tones and dusted with dark speckles), manipulate people's descisions/ideas, sonic boom with voice, heal people, perform small miracles, and can sometimes produce super bright light.

Weapon of Choice: switch blade

Preferred Team Role: last line of defence, healer

Brief Description of The Character's Appearance or Picture (Anime Only):

5' 5"

Natural hair colour is a pale ash blonde (currently pink)

Has slight southern drawl

Has tongue pierced

Stars tattooed inside of right ear, has a rose and koi fish because while she was living with her "older brother" he bought her an expensive tattoo (left arm) when her identity was Rosalind Grant, and has crosses on her middle fingers

does not look her age

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5b80371c_AngelicSt.John.jpg.19e22c730777a25db8a4fbf05b26d84d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85866" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5b80371c_AngelicSt.John.jpg.19e22c730777a25db8a4fbf05b26d84d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Love Life: indulges when she needs "something" but has a hard time grasping the concept of love because of her past.(Explains further in history.) She may find true love, depending on rp.

Strenghts: secretly cares deeply for everyone, can cook like a pro, charismmatic, writing, singing, telling stories, decent at hand to hand combat, flexible, nimble, parcore, singing, wholle heartedly believes in a cause unless shown sufficient evidence to sway her ideology,

Weaknesses: low self esteem, lack of faith in herself, her misinterpretation of love and lust, has difficulties trusting people , chronic liar, a bit of a clyptomaniac, is either too loud or too quiet, can't stand the sight of blood, hates getting wet or cold, I has a large problem fighting with people, frail, terrified of the dark, often gets plagued with visions, cant heal herself well, after she uses a lot of her power she has to hibernate for a few days.

Place of Origin: St. Michaels Catholic Church, Fort St. John's, Canada

Spirit Animal: fox

History: Angelica was born into a church and very narrowly survived since her mother was a nun. The reason that the Mother superior of the church had spared her life was because of how beautiful she was and how she literally glowed when she was born. All of the sisters of the church were convinced that Angelica was an angel from god, but she proved differently later on. After living in Canada for 2 years Angelica's mother moved to Texas, taking her back to where her mother grew up. They worshipped in the church everyday, Angelica even healed some of the true believers amongst the "flock". To everyone around her, Angelica was a real angel. Eventually a new priest came in when Angelica was 8 and they became close. Unfortunately the priest was a pedophile and erm... you get the picture. No one believed the young girl so she thought it was acceptable and let this go on for another 2 years. Having enough heart ache, Angelica defended herself and took the priest's life. After killing the priest she ran as far and fast as she could. She created a new identity in New York City and changed the crowd she hung out with. She got piercings and a few tattoos and convinced everyone (when she was 10) that she was 17 and lived on her own. She was adopted into a gang by the gang leader, he considered her his little sister. She actively stole, sold and did drugs, and participated in many gang related activities. She did a few armed robberies as well. After living an "unclean life" The authorities busted her for breaking and entering but decided to send her to Mooneys Orphanage instead of jail.

She sees going to the Orphanage as a new opportunity to try and figure her priorities out. But as she will find out, Moony's isnt that type of orphanage.

Theme Song: Take me to church, Hozier



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Accepted, both of you c:

You may now start interacting with other characters, the orphanage new year opening ceremony has started,
Character Name: Soul Hashimoto



Personality:timid at first, but kind once he opens up to you. he is also very trustworthy. he tends to be socially awkward at times due to the lack of conversation from his past.

Power or Ability: can see other's souls. souls are different colors for different emotions.
(the different soul colors he sees.

Weapon of Choice:
(only uses it if he has to fight, but is usually held in a scabbard on his back.)

Preferred Team Role: the protector/helper

Brief Description of The Character's Appearance or Picture (Anime Only): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-1_21-35-28.jpeg.a3beef8a90349c054aaaca3ae79b0321.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88976" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-1_21-35-28.jpeg.a3beef8a90349c054aaaca3ae79b0321.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Love Life: not interested in love

Strenghts:knows how to use a sword, can see others souls

Weaknesses: can be tricked by people who know how to alter their soul's color

Place of Origin: Tokyo, Japan

Spirit Animal:wolf

History:he learned he could see souls at a young age. his parents died in an accident when someone altered their soul to make it look pure, and killed Soul's parents right in front of him. He lived with foster parents after that, who weren't the nicest people. When he turned 15, his foster parents had enough of him and sent him to Moony's Orphanage.

Theme Song:The Beach Boys- Good Vibrations [media]

@Nefelibata<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-1_21-39-46.png.3a0e8e685bc31ce23c8f2984657e3135.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88977" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-1_21-39-46.png.3a0e8e685bc31ce23c8f2984657e3135.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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