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Fantasy Moony's Orphanage V4 - New


Elder Member

And all I wonder about is the reality that love was a notion created by humans,

And if they had never seen what love portrayed as,

Or heard about what love is considered to feel like and be.

Then “love” – the necessity of life as they refer to it

Would not even exist.

Sumer Ziady

(HI!! everyone I hope we can start soon, we probably could but my frined would rather have more people)
Maven stands before Garett as she supports her baby in her arm. "Alright I can't take it, say your sorry for take my hoof up in your face." Maven was extremely angry right now and about to explode. Her tail was flicking right and left and her eyes were burning with fire.
I agree @xXGodoftheGeeksXx @CelestialBunny @TheMADQ

Let's start, then!

Garrett was calmly watching her, his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes glittered slightly with an emotion that seemed more lifeless than feeling, he was in fact, not paying attention to all her manifestations of strength. "People like you are a pain in the ass. Get out of my sight, do it for the sake of your brat."
Maven stomps her hoof into the ground and a part of the earth rose up in the shape of a cradle. She then gently lies her baby into it before turning around. "Now what did you just call my child?" She says clinching her fists getting ready to punch this guys face in.
"I knew I was only wasting my time with pieces of trash like you.."Garrett spoke, turning around to walk away. It was almost time for the introductory ceremony and he had to get his hair done. He was not fearing for a potential attack from his newly announced adversary, Garrett always prized himself for managing to read the enemy's movements.
Elizabeth stood infront of the doors of thr orphanage. She sighed. Even with her headphones plugged in at full volume, she could still hear two people insids arguing.

"Annoying...", she whispered to herself, before entering the building.
Jessica was sitting next to a window, she seemed to be distracted from something in the distance. She snapped back into reality, and watched two older kids fight, she wanted it to stopped because she wasn't a big fan of fighting but she also dislike causing a scene. Soon, her curiosity got the better of her and she watched as they bickered away, wondering who would calm down first.
The mad Q is dealing with some issues, therefore I could have my character interact with yours, @CelestialBunny))

"Have you got nothing better to do?"Garrett said as he fluttered his hand non chalantly, he was addressing the girl who was watching him as if he was part of some kind of endangered species. He didn't feel like meeting new people anyways, the higher-ups were giving him enough problems anyways.


((You could have her interact with my female char c:
Elias passed Garrett and and co completely in his own world. Headphones covering his ears and the sound of a piano filled his ears and unknown to him he was singing. His voice was mellifluous, It went from high to low with such ease. Elias's singing came to a stop when he ran in to a wall due to him not paying attention to his surroundings. " Och! Ahhh...dang it..second time this week...." he takes out a pack of tissues and uses one to cover and clean his now bloody nose.
When Elizabeth entered the building, the first thing she saw was a red haired girl. She looked as if she was daydreaming. Elizabeth approached her and cleared her throat to get her attention. "Um... Excuse me? Do you know when the opening ceremony will take place..?", she asked in a rather bored, monotone way.
Jessica was startled when she heard the boys reaction to her watching, she simply smiled trying to hide her fear which she has gotten use to doing. She simply turned away to face and look out the window, she was use to being unwanted and besides he seemed to be upset. She looked at the building outside the orphanage, forgetting about the angry boy, she stayed there hoping she wouldn't continue to bother the boy.
Garrett had noticed Elias and his pitiful encounter with the wall..He thought it would help if he actually showed some interest for once, so he raised his eyebrows and spoke out loud. "Are you alright?" He questioned the poor las."Useless..They are clueless and clumsy, not even expecting the consequences of their actions."Garrett thought as he softly touched his chin, it was something he'd usually do when bored or non enthusiastic.

` - `

"You look like someone who wouldn't have any interest in opening ceremonies."Himawari spoke in return, she was in fact intrigued by her presence and wanted to test her patience. Would she continue the discussion or demand a direct answer, or perhaps come up with a rhetorical question.
Elias looked up at Garrett and nods. " Yeah i'm fine, I just get lost in my thoughts and music some times ." He says with a warm smile . He tosses the now bloodied tissue and uses some hand sanitizer before offering his hand to Garrett. " Thanks for checking on me though, My name is Elias and you are? "
Garret shook his hand with displeasure and gave him an unusually warm look. "Make sure you don't show this kind of behavior next time. Those things could as well be taken away from you, for an incredibly long period of time."He rolled his eyes as he remembered, he hasn't introduced himself.."I'm Garrett by the way."
Elizabeth was a little annoyed by that question, yet that girl wasn't completly wrong either. "Well...", she said with a shrug, "I gues I'll take it as a no?"

After a few moments of silence, she finally introduced herself: "Elizabeth, by the way.", she said with a slight nod.
" Thanks for the warning and nice to meet you Garrett " Elias smiles and takes his hand back. " So you've been here for a year or two?" He ask curiously.


Ryosuke Akashi

Sitting at the back of the orphanage where a small garden of flowers on one section while another half was filled with vegetables and fruits; a young dark haired male sat in front of the many exotic flowers that were taken into the orphanage not too long ago by an unknown person. Throughout this entire place, the only thing that has ever been the closest thing to light and peace to this young male was this garden here. The entire time the young male sat there in front of the many flowers, his hood was always kept over his head to keep his face from being seen from anyone else around him as well as from others who might've been far away from him. Soon, the young hooded male would've ended up reaching a single hand out towards the purple flower in front of him as he placed a single finger upon one of the petals of the flower simply to get the feel of the petal against his own fingertip; however, the instant the touch had even landed upon his flesh of his finger the once lively flower had immediately began to turn black before finally beginning to wilt right after. The sight of this brought a slight bit of sorrow upon the expression of the male as his dark violet gaze watched as how the remains of the flower dropped to the soil before turning into nothing more than dust.

Even with this garden here, the entire orphanage itself had showed the hooded male along with many other here that they were rejects of the world and were taken here as though this was where they needed to be at all times. This male was no different; his name was Ryosuke Akashi. Just like the rest of those who lived here at the orphanage, Ryosuke was no different, he had powers just like everyone else and his powers made him who he was as well as why he was rejected by the world itself.

As the Ryosuke watched what had been the remains of the wilted flower, by the time it had completely vanished from sight; his violet gaze had slowly but surely returned onto the other flowers that still lived. "I will keep you safe.." With those words being the only ones to actually leave his lips, his voice was nothing more than a silent whisper for only himself and the flowers before him to hear. Even if Ryosuke never truly bothered to speak to anyone else, his flowers always listened and they were the closest thing he ever had anyone to speak to due to him not wishing to really speak with anyone else. Although the hooded male hadn't understood who had brought these flowers and why, he still cares for them dearly just like he cares for his own drawings and music.

"Yeah I've been here ever since this place opened, the earlier generations destroyed the last one."Garrett said as he watched him, he enjoyed speaking to good listeners, people who knew how to communicate. "But the truth is, I never improved. Oh, the ceremony is about to start."He stated before walking towards the exit to the main courtyard. "You should come. Valuable information."

"It will start soon, it's a good place to form teams, you'll need to support of a friend later on, when things start to get bloody.."Himawari said as she gave her a small smile, she wasn't planning to team up with the mysterious girl. She didn't seem like a person who would enjoy the company of a familiar figure. "I'm Himawari, I could show you the way if you want."
Elizabeth returned her smile, looking kind of forced. She enjoyed Himawari's presence, yet she still had that feeling that she couldn't get any closer than this to a person.

"Um... Sure, that'd be nice."

Elizabeth had lived in an orphanage since the age of ten, but she moved and so, she was new to this one. She had just arrived the day before, but still didn't know much about all this.
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