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One x One Moonlight

Kind of easy, I forgot how creative I can be, it was probably one of the best parts of the whole thing.
Aw man, that looks like a lot of fun, arts and crafts stuff like that can be so much fun. Now the real 'fun' is/was writing it all down right? Haha ;P
LOL, I have actually read the rp a few times from the beginning already so the writing was a lot easier, since I knew it."
That does help a lot I'm sure. And I am so thankful for it to because it help when I forget something :)

You're kind of motivating me to keep a journal of important events, places, things, people though :)
LOL, I should keep a journal for everything, my rps are the one thing I rarely forget.
There you go, you could just keep a journal of everything that happens....which actually isn't a bad idea, it would probably be helpful.
LOL, yea, they are the only relaxing thing I will do for a while, my schedule is about to blow up.
Yeah we lost a dispatcher and I am already cross trained as one, so I'm driving and dispatching all week.
Oh boy, hopefully you guys are able to get some dispatchers and drivers soon, maybe make things a little easier for all of you?
That still sounds hard either way, I was talking with one of our security guards who was talking about how hard a 36 hour shift was even, I can imagine 48 is even more so.
My shifts have been wake up at 3, be at work by 330,leave around 3 pm and get my son, go to sleep asap, because I have to go in at 330. Saturdays I come in at 7 for my 24, but now they are going to be really creative
:) wishful thinking, but I have been through this once every year for 5 years, I know it well.

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