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Fantasy Moonlight Valley IC RP (Credit to ScorpioDragon for the idea)

Enigma laid quietly next to a tall pine tree in his wolf form. The ground was soft and damp, and the air was cool as he laid his head on his front paws, keeping watch for anything out of ordinary, as was his job. He tried his hardest to stay out of anyone's way, especially the Alpha's. He kept his eyes moving constantly, analyzing everything the surroundings had to offer. There was hardly ever anything to be concerned about, but he vowed to never drop his guard.
Thé pup snuggles deep within her curl around him , able to nurse when he gets hungry again . When he starts dreaming he starts to kick his lil legs in front of luciel, as he was the only one to see it . He waggles his tail slightly too
Luciel seemed to realx once he scented enigma, luciel then curled up with his mate and pup, falling asleep, all dreaming softly
The little puppy noticed luciel falling asleep as he wakes up again in the middle of the night, hungry again as he starts nursing again from his mother while trying to be a good Red ...for now
Enigma looked up to see a beautiful starry sky. He sniffed the air twice to smell only the usual aroma of pine needles and damp dirt. He allowed a slight smile to run across his face as he knew he had yet another successful day under his belt. He began to dig a slight divot in the ground for him to lay in, keeping his ears perked up to listen for any unfamiliar sounds.
Asriel was deep in sleep, dreaming sweet, happy dreams, looking happy and peaceful, a full contrast compared to what the guards saw when they tried to keep her from red
Once finished digging a small space for him to lay in, Enigma decided it would be smart to do a quick run of the perimeter of where they stayed. He stayed in wolf form because a wolf's sense of smell is much more acute than that of a human.
After red was fully again he felt playful even while the two were asleep, he decided to slide out of their grasp and hide under the pillow until morning , liking the game of hide-and seek_
After doing a quick perimeter check, Engima made sure everyone was sleeping fine. He poked his head in silently and saw Luciel and Asriel sleeping soundly with their pup and nodded to himself that everything would be fine. He silently padded back to his tree and laid down, ears still perked, listening for any and everything.
Enigma couldn't sleep as usual. He decided to get up and stretch, not know what else to do. Once done stretching he walked over to a small stream and began drinking out of it.
Red starts barking playfully and crawls all the way to ontop of her lap as she sits up . Even though it's night time he plays happily with his mommy . Once he was licked he starts to murr and nestle up to her before wanting to play again
*she gently plays with the pup giggleing and softly yipping happily, luciel watching from the couch*
Enigma hears something scurrying behind him and turns around quickly. It was too dark to see what it was but it didn't sound big. He sprinted in the direction of what he heard. The smell was familiar to him. He pounced quickly on it and bit its neck before it could squirm away. The creature was just a squirrel, but Enigma wasn't disappointed for he was hungry.
Red starts squirming all over yipping and such, before he climbs ontop if mommy's belly to rest upon her milk-filled belly . He lived his parents so very much
Asriel layed carefully on her back for a moment and luciel moves the pup and asriel sleeps curled up
Enigma decides to go on a bit of a walk after eating. He doesn't feel like laying down at the moment and no one is awake, so he begins walking north. He has nowhere in particular in mind, he just wants to clear his mind and pass the time.
Red yawns loudly and starts to look up. At luciel and tilts his head , unsure if he is red 's father. The little puppy continues to try to be playful by licking his face and waggling his tail being all squirmy and such
Astrid was awake as she just was watching the tv watching brave her favorite movie she didn’t know about the pups as she felt lonely she wished she had friends she was coloring in her notebook
Alongside the north border lies fascist guard wolves snarling and eager to kill " stand back!" One says as the others stand guard for their land.

Red on thé otherhand starts to scamper all over and around Luciel, rolling around and having fun and yipping all the time bringing Astrid's attention of the new voice .
Asriel however scents a new wolf and she went to the window and looked out, ready to alert enigma if the wolf crossed over to blackwood lands

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