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Colosseum Moon vs Archer


Roaming The Universe and Stars

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Diamond Rose











She is sarcastic all the time and always loves to make a remark before going at people with her Ice Spear. She does have a serious side when battling, but before she is always talking.


Diamond used to be part of a major guild who's name was feared. She was very weak and didn't even know how to make ice crystals before she joined. Now, she forged her own weapon and was very good in combat. But, the guild was killed and Diamond was the sole survivor. After that, she resorted to dualing for fun.


Diamond has many abilities. She is very fast on her feet as well as agile in the air. She usually focuses her ice magic on her Ice Spear which she uses to bring down enemies.


Ice Spear

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.083774fcadb1c778c4305bceb6fefd65.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84995" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.083774fcadb1c778c4305bceb6fefd65.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.4024f2bf71cf0f55ceb18c464c750003.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84998" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.4024f2bf71cf0f55ceb18c464c750003.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Diamond Ice Spear has two sharp edges which she knows how to twirl her spear to get two cuts in a fast motion. Also, she is able to break the Ice Spear apart into two separate daggers of the sort. She usually uses them to throw. Though, she is able to call them back into her hand quickly using her ice magic and can form them back together to make the spear again in seconds.


While Diamond seems very strong, she does have a few weak points. First, she doesn't have very good protection. She focuses more on her weapon rather than protection. Second, each time she gets hit her magic decreases which makes her moves much more sloppier. She tries to stop this from being flaws by going at high speeds and dry to dodge attacks.



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Name: Nax Cethor

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Genre: Original





Nax is a casual and outgoing man with an almost lackadaisical bearing. His mannerisms are slovenly to match his easygoing pace of life, and so he appears at many times to be a slob. Seemingly incapable of taking in his world seriously, Nax is an affable individual who seems to cast away all worries and anxieties to the recesses of his relaxed mind. Due to this, he holds no extreme proclivities in his heart that could cause him to stand in biased manner towards any one thing or person. Perhaps due to this mentality, he is incompatible with rigidity and austere authority, much more preferring individuality. Upholding an almost transcendentalist dogma, Nax is the antithesis of such restraints as arbitrary rules. Even so, he retains a keen seriousness when occasion calls. In situations of tensity, Nax's heart of stillness rarely, if ever, falters. His mind, though seemingly untrained, is honed to a frighteningly advanced perception that allows him to observe and abuse the smallest of minutiae around him to further himself. Perhaps in this manner, Nax can be called a pragmatist, and he proudly would proclaim himself so. If there is any one thing he considers himself a champion among men of, it is his rationality and mind's eye that remains stalwart through the most disheartening of adversities.



Superhuman Physical Capabilities

Although observing enhanced strength beyond a regular man, Nax's main selling point is his dexterity and endurance. Nax naturally has keenly honed instincts and reflexive potential, allowing him to clearly perceive through most feints and deceptive maneuvers when complemented with his trained eye. His endurance is such that he is capable of exerting himself exhaustively for over an hour before noticeable drops in his abilities appear, though this is the result of a minor magical enchantment. Any reasonable person versed in magic could dispel such an enchantment.

Reflective Regalia

The red cape that Nax wears is able to reflect projectiles back in the direction they were fired from. The projectiles must not have a whole surface area greater than that of the cape itself, or else it will not be able to be redirected. From bullets to beams of energy, most things classifiable as projectiles can be reflected. The cape itself is considerably durable, serving as a defensive equivalent of a suit of plate mail armor while maintaining the tensility and light weight of cloth. It does not however, stand up well to piercing damage which can easily tear through its body.

Blessed Clothing

The clothing that Nax wears has protective blessings and seals upon it that grant him surprisingly advanced defenses. The cloth is fire proof, water proof, and resistant to tear and wear. The clothing is also extremely shock resistant, diffusing the force of blunt impacts evenly across its steel-strong surface incredibly well. However, sharp objects or tearing force can bypass the shock absorption properties of the cloth, and force that is sufficiently powerful can be too much to diffuse and tear the cloth also.

Backtrack Greaves

The greaves that Nax wears on his legs are imbued with a magic effect that Nax can activate mentally. When he does so, the greaves will glow with a bright green hue so as to indicate that the effect is active. Once active, Nax can perform a single continuous action such as a lunge or leap at triple his regular speed. In addition, he can instantly teleport back to where he first started said action up to five seconds after he finishes the action. Once activated, the graves cannot be utilized for 4 more turns.

Booster Gauntlet

Nax's right arm is an artificial construct of enchanted metal armor and flexible metal filaments to perfectly mimic human musculature and movement. Nax observes no lack of dexterity in using this arm, and it is as if he had not lost an arm at all. The arm can feel the same sensations as a normal human arm can, but Nax can cause it to become extremely sensitive to changes in the environment to scout of poisonous fumes and shifts in temperature. In reverse, it can have its senses deadened so that Nax does not feel inhibiting pain from it. Nax can, for a single action, heavily enhance the physical capabilities of his artificial arm with a surge of magical energy, effectively tripling his strength with his arm for one action. Notably, Nax wields his spear in his left arm rather than his right. After using a strength enhancement, this arm will become sluggish and almost unresponsive for 2 turns, which also serves as a cooldown time before Nax can use this ability again.


A 2.5 meter long spear made of solid black metal ending with a spearhead of solid gold. A cross guard is directly below where the spear head actually starts, serving as a bludgeoning end and parrying hook. The spear itself is almost indestructible due to being crafted purely from condensed magical energies, but in the advent that some sort of attack completely specializing in destroying weaponry at an incredible scale is performed, then the spear can be fractured. The spear is incredibly lightweight, being no more than ten pounds, but it retains a hefty mass of 5 kilograms to enemies.

All wounds inflicted by this spear are completely non-lethal. Any lacerations or injuries the spear impresses upon others will be immediately healed when Nax deems an altercation is finished or when he is defeated. Even if a life is extinguished under this spear, it will return that life to activity once more after a battle is finished.

The spear has the magical ability to replicate an ethereal copy of itself. It's copy is entirely made of golden magical energy, and bypasses physical defenses like armor but cannot bypass organic defenses such as hardened skin.This ethereal copy only lasts for five turns before it dissipates, but it can be detonated in a destructive explosion with a blast radius of ten meters. Once a copy is made, the spear is unable to make another copy for 8 turns.



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