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Realistic or Modern Months Incarnate Out of character

u and me both. casually waits for others to respond so i'm not second first
can't decide whether i should make the post or start going through rick astley's other songs
There we go, now be free my young ducklings!

Also quick edit: I'm still kinda new to Rping so let me know if you see anything I can improve on 😅 I enjoy criticism a lot lol
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im about to go to dinner but i plan on posting afterwards! does anyone who hasn't posted want to be interacted with? especially someone living in teddy's apartment probably. id be happy to open up some interaction for whomever. ,🥺
i interacted with lily a bit in my post, azenva azenva !! let me know if you have any problem with it at all and i'd be happy to edit it!
Just wanna say I love everyone's posts so far, especially people's take on what their characters being to the party! Also I am now convinced Summer is connected to orginized crime in someway lol.

Side note: this is probably a little late to be saying and I hope you don't mind .V1LLAINISM._ .V1LLAINISM._ I just made some stuff about about the owner being "Boss" so it's kinda ambiguous (low-key almost called him Mr. Jones).
amazing how a joke/semi-serious suggestion about how we were going to name a location ended up almost being the name of that place's owner

i mean, mr. jones can still own the place
amazing how a joke/semi-serious suggestion about how we were going to name a location ended up almost being the name of that place's owner

i mean, mr. jones can still own the place
He can, but that's why I left it ambiguous, plus.we can always just call him boss and nobody ever knows his real name. Not even his employees
mr. jones is the person running the crime ring in the area?
finally got up a post

only took four days of procrastination and ice cream this time

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