• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Montana Manor.


I'm not going to push everyone to make a male character, but it would be lovely because sooner the spots are filled then we can move onto roleplay.

Personal Information



Date Of Birth-








Bad Habits:


Show Questions

*act like you are talking as your character*

Question One: ''Why did you join the show?''

Question Two: ''What would be the description of your worst room mate?''

Question Three: ''Out of all your posessions that you have in the house, which one would you die without?''

Question Four: ''What would be your worst faults in your opinion?''

Question Five: ''Do you want to find Mr./Mrs. Right in Montana Manor?''

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Riley Hayden Ray

I'm Riley Ray, who the fuck are you?



Date Of Birth:

December 18th


LA, United States.


Riley is a single child. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray. Her father co-owns a record label with her uncle, Joseph, so the family have always grown up to be wealthy. Riley has always been Daddy's Little Girl. He always tried to get her whatever she wanted. Her mother was never pleased with this. She felt like she should be able to work for her money. As she got older in her teenage years, she began to rebel a little. She wanted to go out with friends more and have fun. But, her father was very overprotective of her and thought of her like a child. But that didn't stop her. She sorta handled herself a bit better recently as she is going to college soon.




Riley is all about having fun. She loves to party. She isn't afraid of a challenge also. She tends to be a bit flirty sometimes, specially if she is drinking. She is very honest. If someone is doing something she doesn't like, she doesn't care and she'll say it out loud. She has a short temper, which causes a lot of problems sometimes. Even at 5'2, she wouldn't be afraid of anyone. She certainly can run her mouth. She tends to sometimes keep her feelings quiet specially if it is a boy she likes. She doesn't like opening up emotionally to people because she thinks it makes her look weak. She can be very overprotective of certain people, specially someone she likes which causes a lot of jealousy. She is a very outgoing and fun person to be around though.






Boys. She can fall very easily for them.

Bad Habits:

She clicks her fingers when she is angry.

She constantly is playing with her hair.

She doesn't know how to sit still, she is constantly moving about the place.

Biting her finger nails.


She likes partying.

Meeting new people.


Having fun.


Doing people's hair and makeup.


People trying to be rude to her.

People talking shit about her.

Untidy people.

Show Questions:

Why did you join the show?''

'I took like a three year gap year, and it's been very boring and I wanted to have a bit of fun before going to college. ''

What would be your description of your worst room mate?''

''Unclean. I swear if I wake up and there is dirty clothes leaving about the place, I will kill the bitch. And I would clash with someone with same personality. ''

Out of all your posessions that you have in the house, which one would you die without?''

''My makeup. I ain't waking up everyday and looking all nasty and shit infront of everyone''

What would be your worst faults in your opinion''

''Temper. I don't like people disrespecting me and I'll make sure everyone knows it''

'Do you want to find Mr. Right in Montana Manor''

''I wouldn't mind a bit of messing about with a guy, but boyfriends and stuff.. Nah.. I'm pretty good on my own''

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Mika Jonathan O'Murphy

''You know I'm right..


Twenty Two

Date Of Birth:

January 20th


London, England


Mika is the son of Mr. and Mrs. O'Murphy. His father is Irish and his mother is English. He was born in London, England and has been living there most his life until college. He went to college in America. He grew up in a well off family. They weren't made of money but they were never poor. He studied Criminology in college. He is the second oldest sibling in his family. Mr. and Mrs O'Murphy had five children all together.




Mika is a very intelligent person, sometime he thinks he a lot more smarter than he thinks. He is a very trusting person. He has a good heart. But, sometimes he can be quite controlling. He likes being the leader of things. He likes to have control over his surroundings too. He is a very understanding person. He doesn't like to start arguments, but if someone yells at him, he wouldn't be afraid to yell back. He is very mannerly. He is very charming also.




He used to have one ear pierced but never wears it anymore


Doesn't like seeing people cry.

Bad Habits:

Being too controlling

Getting stressed out easily

Running his fingers through his hair.


He likes meeting new people.

Learning new things.



Being told what to do.

Rude people.



Show Questions:

Why did you join the show?''

'' I personally just wanted to see how I would mix with other people. Whenever I studied in college, I never had a roommate. I just stayed in my own apartment and looked after it myself, which is usually how I like things. But I do think it would also be a great chance to meet new people. ''

What would be description of your worst room mate?''

''Someone who is lazy. If someone creates a mess, they should be able clean their own mess. I wouldn't like to live with someone who is inconsiderate about other peoples needs, for example, if some people are trying to get their eight hours of sleep and they are up all night being loud and obnoxious. ''

''Out of all your posessions that you have in the house, which one would you die without?''

''My cologne probably. I like smelling nice. Probably my shower stuff too. ''

''What is your worst faults in your opinion?''

''Probably I don't really 'let go', as some people would like to say. ''

''Do you want to find Mrs. Right in Montana Manor''

''We'll see what happens''


Mahala Symphony Gyeong

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/8b87afbc041e7a385ad0d1764311c8c2.jpg.c7488f1d6ac2a115271301b6bd55125f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135941" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/8b87afbc041e7a385ad0d1764311c8c2.jpg.c7488f1d6ac2a115271301b6bd55125f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
FC: Diana Korkunova

Personal Information

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/bffa70a8f00768049bfabaa7bb5c1358.jpg.aa5d4249f47f63d3c4788d76cf993115.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135943" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/bffa70a8f00768049bfabaa7bb5c1358.jpg.aa5d4249f47f63d3c4788d76cf993115.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Mahala Symphony Gyeong



Date Of Birth

Feb 14


Seoul, Korea


When Mahala was born you wouldn't have known it. Her mother hopping right off the hospital bed right after she was born, and got dressed and ready for work. From what Mahala has heard through the whispers of the workers in her house, she was a mistake. A hiccup in her parents busy lives though Mahala didn't seem to care.

Both her parents were in high ranking jobs meaning Mahala could live comfortably without a worry in the world. Every month her father sent her, what Mahala liked to call 'hush money', an allowance. As long as the money continued to flow in Mahala wasn't one to complain.

Even though she was angry at her parents for not paying more attention to her she didn't blame them. They didn't ask for her, she was the one thing that they never planned in their perfect lives. She was the one thing that gave away that they were human. Lucky her.




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Mahala is keenly in tune with the way things look, taste, sound, feel and smell. She has a strong aesthetic appreciation for art, tend to be quiet and reserved, and difficult to get to know well. She holds back her ideas and opinions except from those who she is closest to. Mahala is likely to be kind, gentle and sensitive in her dealings with others. She is interested in contributing to people's sense of well-being and happiness, and will put a great deal of effort and energy into tasks which they believe in.

Having a strong affinity for aesthetics and beauty. Mahala is original and independent, and need to have personal space. She values people who take the time to understand her, and who support her in pursuing her goals in her own, unique way. People who don't know her well may see their unique way of life as a sign of carefree light-heartedness, but she actually takes life very seriously, constantly gathering specific information and shifting it through her value systems, in search for clarification and underlying meaning.





Weaknesses: Never on time

Bad Habits: Cna loose train of thought mid sentence

Likes: Coffee, Latte Art, Capital Letters

Dislikes: Carrots, the word
squishy, Humid days

Show Questions

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/0877f7b88518993975b758e14e1c4496.jpg.53294055e842d7c73887c34f42d311ce.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135944" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/0877f7b88518993975b758e14e1c4496.jpg.53294055e842d7c73887c34f42d311ce.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

*act like you are talking as your character*

Question One: ''Why did you join the show?''

"Well I thought it be good to witness how others live and to expirience others differences."

Question Two: ''What would be the description of your worst room mate?''

"Someone who doesn't know what personal space is. As long as they respect my boundaries I'm okay."

Question Three: ''Out of all your possessions that you have in the house, which one would you die without?''

"Oh this little paper doll my grandmother had given to me when I first moved to the states. It's a good luck charm or at least that's what she told me."

Question Four: ''What would be your worst faults in your opinion?''

"Seeing I haven't really experienced the world outside of my little group I am the first to admit I'm very closed minded, though I hope that'll change. I have a hard time apologizing to others...I was always taught it was a sign of weakness. Wow..I really sound like a terrible person don't I?"

Question Five: ''Do you want to find Mr./Mrs. Right in Montana Manor?''

"I won't say no but I won't say yes either. We'll just have to see what dear old fate has to say about my love life."



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Luna North

no slide
Personal Information

Luna North


Date Of Birth-
June 9

Lawton Oklahoma

Luna grew up in her small town determined to make a name for herself. She has been playing violin and winning awards since she was nine. Luna is currently up for a spot as concert master in a major orchestra, but needed a break before making the large commitment.


Luna is a very kind and loving person, but in all honestly is a stereotypical Gemini. She can't stand to be bored, loves parties and fun. And who can blame her if she likes to drink a little? If you get her mad of jealous, GET OUT OF THE WAY. But honestly she loves being held and receiving affection.

musical tattoos litter her body

several all on her ears and gauges

likes drinking, gets jealous, attention.

Bad Habits:
jealousy, drinking.

love, drinking, parties, music, being held.

rudeness, being treated weak, people stealing her things.
Show Questions

*act like you are talking as your character*

Question One: ''Why did you join the show?''

"I needed a break from my rapidly changing life."

Question Two: ''What would be the description of your worst room mate?''

"Someone with no respect for my music."

Question Three: ''Out of all your posessions that you have in the house, which one would you die without?''

"My Violin of course, what kind of question is that?"

Question Four: ''What would be your worst faults in your opinion?''

"My jealousy, perhaps my drinking."

Question Five: ''Do you want to find Mr./Mrs. Right in Montana Manor?''

"Well I plan on having a fling or two, but forever? You're crazy man, I'm still young."

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Aniyah Jennkins

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.4496c42237c39e0f8a4cac1b3742c003.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127527" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.4496c42237c39e0f8a4cac1b3742c003.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Aniyah Beatrice Jennkins

Age: 24

Date Of Birth: Novermber 21st

Birthplace: Trinidad

Bio: Aniyah was born in Trinidad she is the 2nd child of Both Anika and James Jennkins. She was taught to defend herself and not to trust no one growing up, But she also learned how to give respect and treat others with kindness.

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Aniyah is a party animal and loves to sometimes stir things up or just watch as drama happens. She is nosey and she admits it, She likes to know everything that is going on for some reason. Aniyah can be Nice and caring towards people, That's if she likes them. If the girl doesn't like you she will let you know and she'll just start unnecessary shit with you, Yeah she's grown women in her mid 20s but she doesn't care, She acts childish and she can be petty when she wants to. And she happens to be a really jealous person. Aniyah must have someone look over her, She has anger issues and will get mad every or anything that happens that she doesn't approve of. But besides her being angry and being annoyed easily she is the life of the party and is a loyal and trusting person.

Tattoos: Aniyah has a tattoo on her right forearm which says “the past is practice”, She also has a long quote tattoo on the left side of her ribcage. It says “A beautiful life does not just happen, it is built daily by prayer, humility, sacrifice and love. May that beautiful life be yours always.” Another tattoo is a charm bracelet on her left wrist. On the back of her hand is a colorful Chinese dragon. She also has writing on her pinkie finger. Also she has a tattoo of a zipper on the back of her right leg. The placement resembles the seam on old-fashioned silk stockings. Aniyah also has a tattoo just below her left elbow with the Mahatma Gandhi quote “where there is love, there is life.” The last tattoo Aniyah has is a tattoo along her spine of Arabic writing. It means “an ounce of blood is worth more than a pound of friendship.”




Bad Habits:

-When She gets drunk she gets angry and emotional

-When she is push to the limit she throws things and punches the wall

-She yells a lot when things don't go her way

-When she gets angry her accent comes out









-People who are fake

-People talking over her

- Being Disrespectful to her

Question One: ''Why did you join the show?'': "Because I want reality fame and to show people how turnt I am."

Question Two: ''What would be the description of your worst room mate?'': "If They Are clingy and way too nice or either stuck up and cocky as hell."

Question Three: ''Out of all your posessions that you have in the house, which one would you die without?'': "Food."

Question Four: ''What would be your worst faults in your opinion?'': "My Anger and Behavior when I drink."

Question Five: ''Do you want to find Mr./Mrs. Right in Montana Manor?'': "Hell Yeah, But I'd probably cheat on them if I see another more sexier person, Just joking, or am i?"



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Addison Lawler


Addi, "D"



Date Of Birth-

October 23rd

~Astrology Sign: Scorpio: Scorpio's are proud, loyal, dynamic, observant. But also unyielding, jealous, and can be manipulative.




Bisexual - Very much out of the closet.



I guess growing up with high end parents, I’m pretty high fashion. I wear a lot of skinny jeans, loose fitted tops, short skirts/shorts, and tank tops. I got my belly button pierced when I was 15, and I have my cartilage, and regular ears. I stand about 5’6” and I have a slender figure with seemingly perfect curves. I wear a necklace with a golden ring on the end of it. It was my father’s wedding ring, which he had left on my mother’s pillow when he walked out. Mom considered pawning it, but I grabbed it from her jewelry box and kept it on a chain, and I wear it every day.

I grew up with my mother, a Celebrity stylist, in the heart of LA, and I did a lot of modeling. I picked up guitar when I was nine, and started voice lessons around the same time, mostly focusing on jazz vocal. I also love to explore, and travel, and not to brag, but I have already been to London, Spain, the Bahamas and many other places. Some would call me a spoiled brat, but why the hell do I care what they think?

I am extremely smart, top in my class, and I know how to play my cards; I have been told I’m extremely flirtatious, even if it’s with teachers. My teachers at my old school called me a rule breaker, I call it being an individual. Yet they couldn't say anything because I always show up to class, work done, even if I do show up half an hour late.

I love playing guitar by myself and writing songs. I normally hang out with Koa a lot, the only thing that has been truly constant in my life. I guess I find comfort in Koa, and how he doesn't judge, he just loves me for who I am. Not because I’m some model, or I have a lot of money, or that I am connected to so many famous people. I guess you could say I’m more than passive aggressive when I get upset; I normally don't like to, but if I need to I could take someone down. I mean, it's not really a man's world anymore, women are fighting for themselves now.


None yet, she is planning on


Belly button

Six piercings on each ear going up [she enjoys wearing her star earrings]

Nose ring




A good book

Bad Habits:






Getting nails done

long walks

long board rides












People telling her no

Those who stick their noses where they shouldn't be

Party poopers

Brussel sprouts



Question One: ''Why did you join the show?''

To have fun of course!

Question Two: ''What would be the description of your worst room mate?''

Someone who hogs the bathroom for too long.

Question Three: ''Out of all your posessions that you have in the house, which one would you die without?''

My phone. I need it.

Question Four: ''What would be your worst faults in your opinion?''

I'm pretty judgmental to say the least. I tend to like or dislike someone on the drop of a dime. Everyone is on a certain point scale in my book and they can either rise in the ranks or drop real quick.

Question Five: ''Do you want to find Mr./Mrs. Right in Montana Manor?''


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Jamari Jennkins

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.5242918c4ad2dece2e5980f97f4c967a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127548" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.5242918c4ad2dece2e5980f97f4c967a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Jamari Bryan Jennkins

Age: 26

Date Of Birth: January 1st

BirthPlace: Chicago IL

Bio: Jamari was the first child of Anika and James Jennkins, He was raised in Chicago and his life wasn't all that good growing up. But he manage to face it and become the person he is today.

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Unlike his sister, Jamari is cool and laid back person he is a gentleman and cares about what people think about him. He respects women and their thoughts and he isn't only laid back and chill but he is turnt maybe a little to turnt because when he drinks that's a problem. Drinking and having anger problems is what he has in common with his little sister. Although he seems chill at first when you get him angry he becomes violent and all that niceness goes away he becomes a different person. What can I say getting angry is part of the family.

Tattoos: he has tattoos all over his left arm.

Piercings: He has piercings on his ears. But he sometimes takes them off.




Bad habits:

-Getting violent when getting angry

-Cursing at everyone when angry



+Being Competitive

+Short Girls



-Getting angry

-Snobby people


Question One: ''Why did you join the show?'': "To Have A Good time and meet new people."

Question Two: ''What would be the description of your worst room mate?'': "A Cocky or messy guy."

Question Three: ''Out of all your posessions that you have in the house, which one would you die without?'': Video Games

Question Four: ''What would be your worst faults in your opinion?'': "Anger problems when drinking and push to that limit."

Question Five: ''Do you want to find Mr./Mrs. Right in Montana Manor?'': "Definitely."



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Name: Russ Mitchell

Age: 24

Date of Birth: March 27

Place of Birth: Washington DC

Sexuality: Heterosexual

In depth
Bio: Russ is the oldest of two, his parents were practically the parents that every kid in the neighborhood wanted, but that really wasn't the case. In actuality they weren't really his parents, when he was one and his younger brother was 2 weeks old, they were taken from their birth parents after they got caught with almost a thousand dollars work of meth and cocaine. Thankfully the two brothers were placed in the same foster home, which the couple decided to take them in.

Personality: Russ can be described as the kid who enjoys having fun, and sometimes forgets that he is a full blown adult and can go back to being a child at times. He doesn't like getting involved in drama or any type of confrontation in general. He is one that he wants to do something he will get up and go do it. Russ is very protective over things that he considers his, whether it be a person or an object. He really doesn't like to show sad emotions, he would rather go somewhere private and cry instead of cry in front of someone.

Tattoos/Piercings: Nope (He is scared of needles shhhhhh....)

Weaknesses: The smell of food, Girls

Bad Habits: Smoking (more like Vape than cigarettes), Cursing

Likes: Horror Movies, Hockey, Parties, Having fun, FOOD

Dislikes: His brother (At times), Feeling taken advantage of, Country Music, The smell of burnt food


Question One: ''Why did you join the show?''

- "Well my parents thought it would be a good idea, plus I figured it would be an interesting experience"

Question Two: ''What would be the description of your worst room mate?''

- "Someone who likes to be loud, like all the time, I need my sleep, but I guess anything is better than rooming with my brother"

Question Three: ''Out of all your possessions that you have in the house, which one would you die without?''

- "hmmmm probably my phone I suppose"

Question Four: ''What would be your worst faults in your opinion?''

- "Probably the fact that I don't really open up to people"

Question Five: ''Do you want to find Mr./Mrs. Right in Montana Manor?''

- "Yeah, hopefully she is here"




Name: Reid Mitchell

Age: 23

Date of Birth: June 18

Place of Birth: Washington DC

Sexuality: Heterosexual

In Depth

Bio: Reid is the youngest of two, his parents were practically the parents that every kid in the neighborhood wanted, but that really wasn't the case. In actuality they weren't really his parents, when he was 2 weeks old and his older brother was one, they were taken from their birth parents after they got caught with almost a thousand dollars work of meth and cocaine. Thankfully the two brothers were placed in the same foster home, which the couple decided to take them in.


Tattoos/Piercing: None





Question One: ''Why did you join the show?''

Question Two: ''What would be the description of your worst room mate?''

Question Three: ''Out of all your posessions that you have in the house, which one would you die without?''

Question Four: ''What would be your worst faults in your opinion?''

Question Five: ''Do you want to find Mr./Mrs. Right in Montana Manor?''


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Michelle Walker


Twenty One

Date Of Birth:

October 21st


Boston, Massachusetts


Michelle is an only child, the daughter of a software engineer and an accountant, neither of whom would be considered particularly 'cool', which suited Michelle fine because she's just as much of a dork as they are. Michelle was never really interested in fitting in with the stereotypical popular, the jocks and cheerleaders and the like. No, she was more interested in the Thespian Society and quiz bowl. She also organized an anti-prom her senior year to protest the vanity, excess, and conformity of the school's "in-crowd" who usually planned prom. Now she's attending the University of Chicago pursuing degrees in economics and history while working as a bartender.




Michelle is a bit of a dork. She finds herself taking an interest in odd, seemingly random things (like that time in sixth grade when she insisted she was a reincarnation of Napoleon Bonaparte for a week after reading about him), and is often silly. She also has little to no respect for authority, or at least, not authority for authority's sake and feels the same way about conformity. For this reason, she's very outspoken about her beliefs, often to a fault. She is also has a big heart and wants to help those in need. She's also very sarcastic.


She has a "Live and let live" on her left ribs



Only her ears are pierced.


Michelle has a soft spot for helping people...and mint chocolate chip.

Bad Habits:

Holding grudges

Being outspoken...even when she's not part of the conversation


Doctor Who


Board games

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream





Show Questions:

Why did you join the show?''

''Well, come on, shows like these are usually filled with people looking to get famous and be popular like they were in high school. It's not such a bad thing to have a different perspective is it? Plus, I thought that I was signing up to win a car and now I'm too invested to quit. ''

What would be description of your worst room mate?''

''Um, as long as they don't do something to hurt me or mess up my stuff I don't really care, though I guess having some Barbie who spends an hour on her makeup so that she looks 'like so totally hot' would kind of suck. Oh, or a snake trainer, that would suck too. ''

''Out of all your possessions that you have in the house, which one would you die without?''

''They're like, just things man. But no, really, stay away from my laptop.''

''What is your worst faults in your opinion?''

''The Cascadia, definitely, it could destroy the entire Pacific Northwest if the plates shift. Death toll in the tens of thousands...What? Oh, like a personality fault? I guess I'm a bit of a smartass.''

''Do you want to find Mr./Mrs. Right in Montana Manor''

''I wouldn't say no if I did, but come on, how likely is that?"


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Luke (Lu) Huang

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.gif.99c37818830ef4c24bda1c2736a454fb.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128012" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.gif.99c37818830ef4c24bda1c2736a454fb.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

AGE: 23

DATE OF BIRTH: April 20, 1993

BIRTHPLACE: San Francisco, California

BIO: Lu was born April 20th of 1993 at 4.5 lbs and about 15". A tinier baby than expected, and it was thought he wouldn't live to be 10 since his organs didn't function properly the first five years of his life. Despite this, his parents supported him and hoped he'd live past his childhood, and are still supporting him in fear he could go any day. Although Lu's internal organs are at full function now, it's only natural that his parents worry. Besides this, his birth as a small child has given him a more feminine and cute feel to his modeling career. Haters still insist that Lu is transgender despite seeing his scar-free chest and birth certificate.

SEXUALITY: homosexual - in the closet

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.d06643b6f3876ad7f7de396d1bf3505d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128013" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.d06643b6f3876ad7f7de396d1bf3505d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

PERSONALITY: A fun, shy, pretty boy who likes to model. Lu mostly keeps to himself unless he has to do a photoshoot or an interview. Only then does he mention his thoughts, such as what might make the shot better or answers to questions about his modeling. Of course, like any other person, he has his secrets that he never mentions. Lu is very deep in the closet about his sexuality. He already looks feminine and gets hate about it, but he doesn't want to deal with any more if they find out he is gay. Even so, he does not act upon his needs as a gay man, nor has he even felt any real crush-related attraction toward anyone recently. Besides his introvert behavior, he is very playful around his friends and jokes around with them as much as possible, he even does his best to have fun during a shoot.

TATTOOS / PIERCINGS: none - can't ruin that baby skin

WEAKNESSES: can't swim; gets nervous easily; bad liar; can't seem to look manly enough

BAD HABITS: grabs onto the closest person to him when he's excited; doesn't clean up his room often

LIKES: nuzzling into a taller person; eating delicious food; playing basketball; singing to himself; warm showers; blueberries; modeling/photography

DISLIKES: questions with obvious answers; being called a girl/girly; being patted like a pet; people insisting when he's made up his mind already

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.2d6e8d62ad352bf47dc49bd06b3f1432.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128014" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.2d6e8d62ad352bf47dc49bd06b3f1432.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Question One: ''Why did you join the show?''

My manager signed me up for both my fans and for a new perspective of emotions. I agreed because variety shows are fun.

Question Two: ''What would be the description of your worst room mate?''

To be honest, someone who snoops through my belongings and personal life without permission.

Question Three: ''Out of all your posessions that you have in the house, which one would you die without?''

I would literally drop dead without my trusty camera! I need to get every photo op possible.

Question Four: ''What would be your worst faults in your opinion?''

I sometimes end up annoying people when I get excited. I- haha! Excuse me, I'm sorry. When i get excited, I grab on tightly to the arm of the person nearest to me and start jumping around and laughing. People find that annoying. Or so I've been told...

Question Five: ''Do you want to findMr./Mrs. Right in Montana Manor?''

Uhm, well.... I hope they both find each other. Is this a scavenger hunt? Stop dodging the question? Hmm, well... If I really need to amswer... It would be nice if I did, but I won't make a fuss over it.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.d499426709818a3df08cf96e21fc01bf.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128016" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.d499426709818a3df08cf96e21fc01bf.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Jenna Veda Throne



Date Of Birth

August 21-Leo


Los Angeles,CA


Jenna was born and raised in Los Angeles California with her mother and father Jennifer Throne and Johnny Throne, with the older brother Nate Throne. Her parents was always so busy because her mother was an Fashion Designer and her father was an actor, her parents wasn't home all the time and they though that living in a huge house is fun. When Jenna was 13 her mother was doing an Fashion Line and wanted her and Nate to model out her new fashion and we did and it wasn't that bad. Jenna was so in to modeling she knew what she had to do to become one. When Jenna was 16 their was a new neighbor who has just moved in and his name was Jake Rose he was a cute looking guy, kind and really famous for his name. Nate never liked Jake and he still doesn't like him now because he thinks his a player and a cheater but he is really kind if you get to know him. Jake and Jenna became

best friends since they have so much in common and they both made a promise with each other saying that they can never be more than what they are now,they are just really close friends. Later on Jake and Jenna both got into the same college in modeling and arts


Back Baby


Question # 1: ''Why did you join the show?''

"My dad wanted me to but at the same time it would be fun and bonus my best friend is doing it with me"

Question # 2: ''What would be the description of your worst room mate?''

"Let's say someone who is not annoying and judgmental about other people and who judges someone based on their looks and riches"

Question #3: ''Out of all your possessions that you have in the house, which one would you die without?''

"Oh wow..hard question but I can't die without my phone, I treat it like it's my baby and it gives at all social media"

Question # 4: ''What would be your worst faults in your opinion?''

"Haha.. Nice question but yea I think it would be that I am to kind to people even the ones who cheat and lies

Question # 5: ''Do you want to find Mr./Mrs. Right in Montana Manor?''

"Well it would be nice to but I don't know, we will just have to see what happens, I like surprises."


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Jake Matty Rose



Date Of Birth

May 21




Jake was born and raised in Rome Italy with his younger sister Jennie and his mother Valentina. His father Victor wasn't around much because he was on a full time job as an actor and a singer and a model and his mother was a stay home mom an part time model. It gets annoying that his father just sends him letters but never has time to be home with his two kids and wife. When Jake turns 17 his father came home after 2 years on the job, Jake never had a good relationship with him so every time he would come home Jake would just stand there watching his little sister and mother giving him hugs and kisses and he would just roll his eyes and walks away. The only reason why he had come back was because he wanted to be a family again so he wanted us to move down with him to go to Los Angeles. he wanted to stay in Rome but he didn't have a choice. Once he moved into a new house he got out the car and saw a beautiful girl next door seating on her porch reading a book. She looked up at him and waved and she walked over and says "Hi my name is Jenna nice to me you". After that they became best of friends and went to school together and so of the same college.











Bad Habits





*act like you are talking as your character*

Question One: ''Why did you join the show?''

Question Two: ''What would be the description of your worst room mate?''

Question Three: ''Out of all your posessions that you have in the house, which one would you die without?''

Question Four: ''What would be your worst faults in your opinion?''

Question Five: ''Do you want to find Mr./Mrs. Right in Montana Manor?''


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I know, I'm kind of jumping the gun but I just thought i'd make one and then you can choose if I could join the rp :)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/large.jpg.ed0ae854d7c37d1a8f361598a027e25d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137273" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/large.jpg.ed0ae854d7c37d1a8f361598a027e25d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Amelia Grace White

Age: 19

Date Of Birth- June 6

Birthplace- Brooklyn, New York

Bio- My mother passed when I was 10. Breast cancer got the best of her but she always told me to live like there was no tomorrow. So I did. I took up guitar and I bought some journals. My dad is very supportive of me and my life so when I told him I was going on the show, he just said be careful and call if theres an issue. I had a pretty nice 19 years so far, minus my 10th year.

Sexuality- Straight


Tattoos: I have a small one on the inside of my pinky finger, it's my mother's name: Marilyn.

Piercings: Despite my picture I only have regular earrings..

Weaknesses: Uncomfortable situations

Bad Habits: I ramble a lot. I'm a little messy.. I fiddle with my ring a lot..

Likes: Music, Reading, Writing, watching movies

Dislikes: Uptight people, Dramatic people, Jerks

Question One: ''Why did you join the show?''

I joined because it was recommended by a friend and it sounded like a lot of fun.

Question Two: ''What would be the description of your worst room mate?''

Someone who likes peace and quiet when they sleep, I always listen to music to fall asleep, other than that I think it'd be fine.

Question Three: ''Out of all your possessions that you have in the house, which one would you die without?''

My mother's ring. She passed away when I was 10, I have been wearing her ring ever since. I never take it off.

Question Four: ''What would be your worst faults in your opinion?''

I'm kinda outspoken sometimes. I say whats on my mind without thinking.

Question Five: ''Do you want to find Mr./Mrs. Right in Montana Manor?''

I mean, thats not why i'm here but it'd be nice to.



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Name: Amy Jane Lancaster

Nickname/s: AJ, but she prefers just to be called Amy

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Sexuality: Bisexual, Hetero-romantic

Birthday: August 2

Astronomical Sign: Leo

Hometown: Salt Lake City, Utah

Body Modifications: One ear piercing on each ear. One tattoo.


Strengths: WIP

Weaknesses: WIP

Habits: WIP

Likes: WIP

Dislikes: WIP

Bio: WIP

Personality: WIP

Joined the Show: WIP

Description of the Worst Roommate: WIP

What Object would you Die Without: WIP

Your Worst Fault: WIP

Mr/Ms Right: WIP

(Sorry, I'll get it done hopefully later, probably tomorrow)
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