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Realistic or Modern Monsters, Music and Superstars


sʇɐq ןooɔ ǝɥʇ ɥʇıʍ ƃuıƃuɐɥ
I'm not a fan of providing restrictive systems for your character sheets, seeing that it's YOUR character.

Include whatever you deem necessary but don't forget to give a thorough description of their supernatural race and how they're faring in a world inhabited by mostly humans.
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VERY much a WIP

Allen Sweetwater


"If I'm near and I don't eat you in your sleep

Count yourself lucky and loved

But if you hear a familiar voice at night

Pray to heaven above

Oh, I kid, I kid! I'm just messing with you.

Kind of."


Obligatory British Band Boy (Well, British-raised. His parents raised him in America. But hey, least he still has the accent! Trade Key to Musical Success, Amirite?)

Cis Male

Homosexual, but might get with a woman once in a while just for the fun of it.

Allen is a fickle deal. On first encounter, it's likely he will come across to you as someone who's very disinterested in idle chatter, often keeping to himself quietly.

However, the story is quite different if you catch him engaging in the nightlife, especially after concerts, for in these settings he is an open and talkative person. He always thrives after throwing himself onto the stage, and the effects it has on him are noticeable throughout the night.

On an average day, with the band, he is an intermediary between the two. He is still quiet and observant, but his curious, questioning, even a little eccentric side comes out. It's not uncommon for random inquiries about philosophy to be heard from Allen at either the quietest, least expected, or least needed of times.

Allen is a Skinwalker/Wendigo, which are usually seen as two different entities in Native American mythology. However, in Allen's lore, they are both actually names for one entity which are often mistaken for one another.

A skinwalker is an evil witch who gained the power of shapeshifting through executing a horrendously taboo act, such as killing a family member.

A wendigo is a spirit representing greed and gluttony, who is eternally ravenous, always searching for something or someone to feast upon. Sometimes, humans who overindulge in greed are transformed into wendigos against their will.

Allen had very little supernatural influence in his younger life, though he did spend a lot of time in the forest, which is the habitat of Wendigoes/Skinwalkers (I'll just call them Skinwalkers from now on).

Allen became a Skinwalker from performing a deed which involved elements from both of the conversion requirements stated in legend.

Allen has never said what he did the night he became a Skinwalker.

Though Allen tries to repress his wendigo-driven tendencies, there are many facets in his life when he is visibly driven by his greed, and not just with money or food. It is visible in his greed for knowledge, even in his greed for the spotlight. He often finds himself feeling envious or angry when his request to sing for their next concert has been declined, even to the point that he fails to recall that the lead singer would likely have nothing to do if he were to preform on mic for an entire concert.

Admittedly, he is even visibly greedy in the saucier aspects of life, and it's a bit of an open secret that he often "takes advantage" of his fans.

Rarely, Allen will fly into fits of anger, though as far as the band has seen, he usually takes time to calm down in his room before it can escalate any further. This anger is often unpredictable for the rest of the band, especially because, in truth, no one really knows enough about him to be able to predict what will make him angry. Despite being fairly open with his inquiries, the band often realizes that much of Allen's history and personality is shrouded in mystery. But hey, he's a great lead guitarist, and he's a pretty nice guy to have around, so that's not much of an issue.

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James Wilkerson









Reasons for joining:

Without a job and without much options left in his life, what else is there to do?​
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Loup.jpg.db73a7a1ded208ce8ab0884ee8f205e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135317" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Loup.jpg.db73a7a1ded208ce8ab0884ee8f205e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Loup de Sangfroid

Role: Drummer

Race: Vampire

-Has an aversion to sunlight, but it will not disintegrate him.

-Hates the smell of garlic; it will knock him out if he eats even a small amount.

-Can sustain himself with small amounts of blood, does not need to kill or turn his victims.

-Can turn humans into thralls, who must obey him.

-Weak to silver, one of the only things that could actually kill him.

-Stake through the heart could kill him.

Gender: Male

Age: ~230, was 21 when he was turned.

Personality: Loup can be a rather intense person, going at everything he does with his entire being. He is physically very strong, having trained his body rigorously for the past two hundred years, and he likes to meet his problems head on with brute force. He laughs a lot, and he loves jokes. The only thing he absolutely hates is France, and he refuses to ever go back.


Loup was a young French nobleman in the late eighteenth century. Being the second son, he was never well-versed in politics, not that it had any interest to him. He enjoyed combat, and was a captain in the french army. He was trained in fencing and battle strategy from a young age, and was well-respected by his peers. When the Revolution began he was on a campaign in England. He came home, expecting to be welcomed with open arms, and to be reunited with his brothers and cousins. However, the very day he returned to his hometown, he watched in horror as his entire family was executed. Their heads were chopped off, using a strange new device: the guillotine. Loup was absolutely devastated! The citizens, his own brother’s subjects, had betrayed them! He watched as they cheered, Loup himself frozen in fear as they demanded blood. Eventually someone recognized Loup, and the angry mob turned to him. Loup retreated, one of the few things he absolutely despised doing. He managed to escape the mob, and ended up seeking passage to America. During the voyage, one of the other passengers turned several of the passengers and the entire crew into his thralls. The vampire bit off more than he could chew due to lack of experience, and the many thralls overthrew him. He managed to slay most of them, but eventually Loup was able to take his power, becoming a new Vampire Overlord. He granted independence to the few surviving thralls, and they all went separate ways when they arrived in America. While he spent several of his now countless years brooding and coming up with plans of vengeance, he eventually found peace with himself and the world through music, particularly percussion instruments. He has traveled the world learning to play every percussion instrument he could think of, though he has never returned to France and vehemently refuses to go to a country that still routinely celebrates the murder of his family. He has fallen in with a group of other misfits, and when talks of making a band began, he immediately jumped at the idea.



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Bloody Bass

"Punk isn't dead, it's UNDEAD!..."



Name: Rose Mary Stoker

Age: 24 when being turned in the late 80's

Gender: female

Race: Vampire, the Upir Lhikji subclass

Sexualtiy: Bisexual


Height: 5"10

Weight: 134 lbs

Eyes: crimson with almond shaped pupils

Hair:Raven Black, kept middle-short and shaven off on her left side

Body Modifications: two studs on her eyebrow, two earrings on her left ear, one stud on her tongue, Twisted thorn rose tattoo on her left arm

Clothing: Tends to clothe herself in comfortable punk style; torn jeans, sleeveless shirts and leather jackets, all topped off with combat boots that make her appear even taller

Racial Info

Racial Abilities: Increased reflexes, night vision, very basic heat vision, levitation, superior sense of smell and hearing

Weaknesses: Silver doesn't bother her that much but it does stop her from regenerating, perfect material for piercings! Damage to the heart is fatal, usually wooden stakes do the trick. Aversion to sunlight, excessive exposure causes her to get sunburned and weakens her overall. Superior sense of smell makes her really sensitive to strong scents like garlic and the like


Personality: Rose can come over as overly blunt, sometimes rude even, being painfully honest of her thoughts and feelings and coupled with her healthy dose of sarcasm and macabre humor makes her somewhat of a real pain in the neck sometimes.

She takes great pleasure in messing with her friends and fooling around, being a rather carefree girl and always being quite teasing to get some amusing reaction out of her buddies. In the end it's all just harmless fun in her opinion.

When it comes to her work as the band's lead songwriter and bassist Rose becomes highly competitive, seeing herself as the band's most important artistic influence due to her writing their songs and composing their overall sound. The songs are her babies and she does not take kindly if her band members don't play exactly how she envisions the songs to go.

Yet she highly welcomes collaborations between the various artists seeing that they're a BAND after all, every one of them's important in their own right.

One knack she has is her somewhat lazy attitude sometimes, disregarding responsibility and usually just doing whatever SHE think's the right way to do things. Doesn't really help that she seems to be constantly sleepy and grumpy during the day.



+Jamming with her friends

+Inappropriate/macabre humor/sarcasm

+Messing with people

+Bloody Marys

+Rock'n'Roll, Punk and Metal

-Oblivious people

-Bossy people ( oh the irony)



-Fans who only like them for their appearance


-Due to her tall frame she likes to ruffle through other's hair¨

-Licking over her fangs to make people uncomfortable

-Expressive eyebrows

History: Rose had been quite the rebellious teen in life, the daughter parents feared their princesses to become. She was a free spirit, never bound by any authority and enjoyed a carefree life of attending music festivals and playing the guitar herself.

Sadly her life would soon find its end at one of the largest rock festivals of her time, a real buffet for vampires, rich with crazy teens and ear-numbing music and so it was that in a sea of blissful music and the true definition of rock'n'roll Rose died and was born to darkness, her turning only further deepening her connection to music as the following years of her unlife she haunted every major festival, travelling with those bands and even coming to learn a few tricks from them.

She always tells tales of having met those big names in person and even having been taught by them, if there's merit to that claim nobody knows but she does keep a bitten off bat head in her room which is supposed to be the one Ozzy severed at Woodstock!



Vincent Stein

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.ee33ed87eeb5dd88a6ccea45254393b0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135575" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.ee33ed87eeb5dd88a6ccea45254393b0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

no slide
sexy ass undead mothafucka



Vincent Ophelia Stein


21 but she's been a monster since she was 16


Rhythm Guitar












Body Type:

Petite but slightly curvy


Dark brown curls peppered with white streaks


Due to not being able to find perfectly matching eyes for the transplants, her left eye is a goldish green hazel while the right is dark brown.

Body Modifications:

Vincent has her septum piercing and three earrings in each ear she chose herself. From her "borrowed" body parts she got nipple and belly button piercings and a tattoo of a heart on her left pinky finger. Vincent's body is covered in thick stitches ! They're where her head meets her neck, torso meets waist, thighs meet knees, knees meter feet, arms meet torso and hands. On her right finger, the middle finger has a stitch cause the hand they used was missing one.She occasionally changes the color of the thread to match with an outfit



Vincent is very...interesting ?



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Aethe.jpg.a3605939066f46889cd538a7118d484a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135767" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Aethe.jpg.a3605939066f46889cd538a7118d484a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

”My voice is to die for. Literally.”


Name: “They call me Aethemonie Laophaia.”

Nickname: “Call me Aether. Anything other than that and you’ll be found under the ocean with me.”

Age: “I guess in human years I would be twenty-one years old. My real age? If I tell you, you’ll have to live in my tummy after.”

Race: “I ain’t just gorgeous, bub. I got a singing voice that’s to die for. Literally.” Siren of the seas.

Sexuality: “Aye? I’m into guys. And just guys. They’re…… delicious.” Heterosexual.


Height: “I’m a tiny thing, but my appetite doesn’t match.” 5’3

Weight: “Even though I eat (men) a lot, I still manage to keep my girlish figure.” 124 lbs

Eyes: “I have eyes the colour of ice.” Icy blue

Hair: “My hair? It’s the colour of burning passion.” Little Mermaid Red Head

Body Modifications: “Eh? What’s all this about body whatsamajigs? Only thing I have are my gills.”

Clothing: “I wear whatever keeps me cool. I’m more of an aquatic person so no heavy stuff for me; except for my leather boots. They’re my babies. I always wear them.
Always.” Ponders for a second. “Oh yeah, I wear this thick choker to hide my gills. I keep it wet by dousing it in water when I’m about to go on stage and all that crap.”


Personality: Aether is the no-shit giving kinda girl. She says what’s on her mind and usually doesn’t care what they feel after. Being the runt of the litter, she gets a fair teasing from her friends on the daily. Of course she does have this tendency to take revenge on the extreme, which almost blew their cover this one time.

Being the singer of the band, she tends to come off as the leader and most well-known member of the band. She sees herself as the image of the group, causing her to be a teensy tiny conscious of her everyday look. Aether also easily gets annoyed whenever the band makes one mistake while they practice because she always falls off-key when a single note is out of place. In so, the band has to go through countless repeats until Aether is happy.

Only thing that causes Aether to go through a tizzy is when she runs out of water. She will literally jump into the shitter if it meant that she had moisture. Do not cross her when she’s dehydrated or you
will pay.


+Men (No shit?)




+The smell of the sea

-Dry places

-Body odour

-Creepy crawlies

-Felines (I wonder why)

-Bright lights



Aethemoni had lived for almost four thousand years before she met the band. Prior to their fateful meeting, she lived on a rock at the farther end of the ocean. Which one she won’t tell. Living off of sea fairing men meant that she has had a few shares of drunks and loonies as the years passed by. She would hear music being played from the ships from time to time, which intrigued her greatly. It surprised her that there were other voices these men found fit for their poor ears.

A couple of years had passed and Aether had found her life in the ocean quite boring, so she decided to try living on land. Seeing as she was a siren, she had the one thing her mermaid counterparts lacked and sometimes wished they had: legs. “That story about the red haired mermaid didn’t have a happy ending, in my opinion.” AHEM. Anyway, as she got on land, she was captivated by the sights and sounds of the city. Naturally, she had to rob a rich man to buy the things she needed and to begin her life on land.

Apparently, she still does this from time to time, and the police and their dear manager never know what happens to them. They just… disappeared.



-She will flair her gills when she is angered or really into a song.

-Has a pet owl named Odipious.



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