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Monster Within


The mind is a fearsome thing, don't tread on it.

The secret side of me, I never let you see

I keep it caged but I can't control it

So stay away from me, the beast is ugly

I feel the rage and I just can't hold it

It's scratching on the walls, in the closet, in the halls

It comes awake and I can't control it

Hiding under the bed, in my body, in my head

Why won't somebody come and save me from this, make it end?

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin

I must confess that I feel like a monster

I hate what I've become, the nightmare's just begun

I must confess that I feel like a monster

I, I feel like a monster

I, I feel like a monster

My secret side I keep hid under lock and key

I keep it caged but I can't control it

'Cause if I let him out he'll tear me up, break me down

Why won't somebody come and save me from this, make it end?

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin

I must confess that I feel like a monster

I hate what I've become, the nightmare's just begun

I must confess that I feel like a monster

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin

I must confess that I feel like a monster

I, I feel like a monster

I, I feel like a monster

It's hiding in the dark, it's teeth are razor sharp

There's no escape for me, it wants my soul, it wants my heart

No one can hear me scream, maybe it's just a dream

Maybe it's inside of me, stop this monster

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin

I must confess that I feel like a monster

I hate what I've become, the nightmare's just begun

I must confess that I feel like a monster

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin

I must confess that I feel like a monster

I've gotta lose control, here's something radical

I must confess that I feel like a monster

Why do humans fear monsters? They fear them because they know inside that they are all monster themselves. Inside they are horrible and vicious. They feed on the inner anger and hatred of humans. For centuries humans believed that monsters were simply stories, but they are wrong. The world was devastated by the awakening of what they call the Fara. Humans whose inner monsters have gotten so powerful that they come out and give the humans massive power. The power and pure uncontrollability is unmatched and impossible to understand. It is like that with certain triggers they become wild animals trapped in cages.

Not much is really known about the Fara, but there are a few thing that are known. The power that is activated by them is never complicated. it is simple and devastatingly effective. Then there is only one way to trigger the monster to come out. It is different for each Fara and can be as simply as eating the wrong thing. Last, but most important, is that each Fara has a Angel. The Angel is a human that can calm that specific Fara. Each Fara only has one and the Angel cannot have two Fara. To put it simply, the angel is the only thing that can stop a Fara. They are so deadly that once it has been made clear you are a Fara, you will be forced to move away unless you have an Angel.

(So this is a romance between an Angel and her Fara. I will be playing the male Fara. Do not apply if you do not rp with more than one line. Thank you.)
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( @Deadly Darkness here we go.)

Jason was walking down the street of his small town. He knew he was a Fara and lived in fear of bleeding everyday. He walked calmly down the path of the new park they had just built in the city. He had a bench he always sat in to help clear his head. Considering he had to live in constant fear of scrapping his knee and destroying a city. He found his bench in the middle of the park. It was old and the metal was very old and rusty, but he enjoyed sitting here. He took a seat and leaned back, looking at the sky, wondering why him? Why was he infected and made a Fara? He was the good child. He was the one who everyone looked at and said was the most well behaved child they had ever seen, but now whomever knew him knew he was a monster and a freak. He sighed and closed his eyes. He let the world slip away for a moment and inadvertently fell asleep. He seemed so peaceful. For once in hiss life he was at peace.
Catherine walked down the sidewalk, backpack slung over her shoulder. With her heads in the clouds as usual, she walked along the path into the newly constructed park. She let her head bob to the music that blasted through her cheap earbuds. The clouds rolled by peacefully, adding to a setting sense of tranquility. Though something felt off, a feeling that made the hair on the nape of her neck stand on end. She looked over to see a man sleeping peacefully on one of the benches. 'No reason to be scared, he's just a normal guy. He isn't even awake." Catherine reassured herself. Though something still felt odd.
Jason woke after a few minutes. Feeling peaceful he used the old bench as leverage for him to get up. He slipped and his hand slid across the bench. He winced as he fell down and looked at his hand. The old bench had cut him. He was bleeding. Panic filled his eyes as he stood on his knees to run, but then the pain set in. He groaned and all his veins pushed up. He looked up and yelled "All of you....run!" Just then his body blew off massive amounts of black lightning. It sparked and destroyed near by things. He groaned in pain as his eyes turned black. He was changing and he had no Angel. He was a three type dragon Fara, A class. He would be unstoppable. He looked down in pain and sorrow. Why now? Why him?
Her eyes widened as black sparks of lightening shot out sporadically. She quickly dropped to the ground, looking around for a way out. Was he a Fara? Was this what it looked like when they morphed? Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a nearby tree cracking and collapsing. Her options were becoming limited. She looked to another way out, but found herself stopping. She looked to the man. Every second felt slowed, watching everything slowly fall and shatter. Catherine crawled over to the man and, against all better judgement, set her hand on his forearm. "Are you alright?" She said calmly before looking at the cut on his hand. She looked back up at him in panic, but somehow didn't look it. "Everything's going to be ok." She gently set her hand over the cut.
Jason found his eyes locked on hers. He looks at her with a panicked look. He seemed to be so confused. The lightning calmed down and his eyes returned to normal. His heart beat calmed and he seemed to be peaceful. He looked deep into her eyes. She was so beautiful and he noticed his body felt drawn to her. Once the transformation stopped, he fell forward and looked into her eyes as he held her gently down on the ground. His eyes seemed to search through her eyes and soul. He spoke with a soft voice as he touched her cheek "You......I-it's you. Your here. Y-Your my.....Angel."
She looked around curiously, noticing the decrease in chaos. Relief filled her expressions as she looked back to the man. Suddenly she found herself laying on the ground, the man hovering over her. Her eyes flicked around anxiously. "W-What?" His hand lightly brushed her cheek. "I'm your what?" She looked up into his eyes; he didn't seem crazy, but rather relieved and maybe even happy. Catherine no longer felt the urge to push the man off of her.
Jason looks in her eyes for another minute or so before his eyes showed his sudden realization that he was on top of her. He scrambled up and looked away "I-I'm sorry." He looked down and pulled out some medical wrapping from his pocket. He wraps his hand with it tight and looks at her "I never really thought I would find my Angel, but apparently you were out there." He looks away gain, hoping she wouldn't leave.
Catherine sat up, watching the Fara wrap bandaging around his hand. She leaned forward slightly. "Your Angel?" She wondered what that meant. He continued to look away sheepishly. Curiosity coursed through her blood, fueling her actions. She tapped his shoulder gently. "What's your name?"
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Jason looked at her with a sigh "My name is Jason. I am a black lightning, metal and dragon type Fara. Class A." People had begun to come back. When they heard what he was they gasped. He was the only Fara with three types. Adding onto the fact that he was an A Class. That made him at the most 150 feet long and 100 feet tall. He looked away "Do you know what an Angel is?"
Her eyes widened; three types and a class A? She hadn't heard of any other Fara like that. She had always been interested in Faras, but when she heard of some being rare enough to have two types she didn't believe it. This man- Jason- was extraordinary. She blinked out of her thoughts when hearing him question her. "O-Oh, uhm... an Angel is the only person who can calm their specific Fara, r-right?" She looked at him for confirmation.
Jason nods and looks back at her "A Fara is a human whose inner monster is awakened and brought to the surface. they are nearly unstoppable based on their relative power. The beasts are made by inner pain. More the pain the more powerful the beast they are." He looks in her eyes and sighs "Angel's are the people who somehow calm the Fara's inner monster. They can only calm one Fara." He looks away "Your my Angel."
She listens as he explains the basic physiology and nature of Faras. Her mind got caught on him mentioning their basis on inner pain. 'More pain, the more powerful.' She instantly questioned what terrible pain he'd been inflicted with, but seeings as she just met him she decided she would ask another time. Blood rushed to her face as he called her his Angel. She quickly looked away to hide the blush. "W-Well, I'm Catherine."
Jason nods and looks away "T-Tomorrow we have to go into the agency and get us registered as Angel and Fara, but for now..." He looked down and sighed with a blush "Could you come to my house? I have been looking for my Angel a long time. My dad would love to meet you." He kept his eyes down. He seemed like the type to never be nervous, and he was, but this girl did something to him. He never wanted to be the shy guy with a girl, but this girl was different. She was his Angel.
Catherine looked up, surprised. She felt like making a joke about moving too fast, but wasn't sure if he'd find it funny so she simply nodded. Carefully she stood up and looked around for her backpack. She let out a small sigh seeing the black fabric caught under the collapsed tree. Maybe she could salvage the stuff inside? She frowned when she saw that that wouldn't be very likely. She grabbed onto one of the straps and began yanking. Catherine smiled at what she thought was her bag coming loose, but it disappeared as she realized it was only the strap snapping. She stumbled back, trying not to fall over.
Jason had stood and caught her before she fell "Let me help." He then sits her down and looks at the tree. it was a massive oak tree and weighed at least 1,000 pounds. He sighed and walked up to it. People looked as he took grip of it. They all thought he was crazy. Fara or not, in his human form he was not lifting that tree. There was silence, then a gasp as he slowly lifted the tree. It almost looked effortless, but his shaking muscles showed otherwise. He looks back at her "Hurry."
Her eyes widened again; she had a feeling surprising her was something he was going to do constantly. She watched him lift the grotesque tree. "Hurry," He breathed. She quickly scooped up her bag and scooted away.

"Thank you," She said softly. She watched as he dropped the tree back down. "It wasn't necessary for you to do that, but I really appreciated it." She said with a smile. She carefully stood and said looking down shyly. "And thanks for catching me."
Jason dropped the tree. It shook the ground as he turned to her and nods. He then looks away "Follow me." He then begins to walk down the path, slow enough she could follow. He had never taken anyone home. it was hard to make sure that he wouldn't bleed, so he always had to keep away from everyone. H slid his hands into his pockets as he made his way down the path
She took quick steps to keep up with him. She kept somewhat behind him, much like a child would following an adult. And of course, he was taller than her. She found herself examining him; his bright red hair, long muscular form, the way he walked, the deep rumble of his voice- She suddenly found herself staring an inch from his back. She took in a sharp breath as she backed up, trying to keep her space.
Jason turned his head to the side to look at her as he walked. The way he turned showed his tattoo on his cheek "When we get there, please do not tell my father what happened today. He hates the fact that I go out on my own and he will never let me out if he figures out what happened. Okay?"
Catherine nodded. She had no intention of doing such a thing, but was glad he let her know so there was no chance of her screwing him over. While she didn't mind talking to his father she became worried about if he were to ask any questions. How did they meet or how did he know she was his Angel? She wished she could talk to him.
Jason looked back forward "If he asks how we figured out, just use that whole 'when you meet your angel time slows' thing." He chuckled and looked at the sky as they made their way down the street "That guy will believe just about anything he hears." He looks back at her again with a smile
His smile gave her some comfort. "S-So what happens after I meet your dad?" She didn't know if the meeting was going to be a drawn out and there would be questioning or it would be quick and she'd be shown the door. And if she was just kicked out what was she supposed to do, just go home and act like nothing had happened?
Jason smiled and continued to walk "There will be a flurry of questions and most likely a compliment or two. He will be a very curious person considering he is a government agent for the Fara corporation. He will comment that your pretty and ask when we will be married." He chuckles and continues walking "But that's just him being him."

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