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Fantasy Monster( Open)


New Member
A Monster RP with tons of intrigue and backstabbing. Pming would be allowed to set up devious secret alliances and blackmail. Multiple "clans" vying to bring down or support current corrupted world.

There are 5 clans. The blood clan. The specter clan, The Hawk clan, the Nocturne clan and the Busting Clan

Blood clan : A bad clan that Kills anybody that gets in there way. They work with drugs and still whatever they want

Specter Clan : They like watching bad and good things. They Are neutral.

Hawk : They are like the blood clan. The only difference is that they are good and hate evil things. They are good

Nocturne : They are in a partner ship with the blood clan so you can already guess what they do....

Busting clan : They are on the good side but prefer to work alone.

Rules : Follow all regular rules

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