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Monster House

Trevor wanted to tell her, but he wanted to show her that he liked her even more. Nate always has the girls swooning after him, how does he do it?! He looked over at Allie and sighed quietly. She was such a beautiful woman.
He had an idea of what he could try, but there was always a possibility that she didnt like him the way he liked her. And this was a huge risk to take, what if she didnt like him?
Trevor was knocked out of his thoughts. "Oh, I- uh, sorry" He moved to sit down. It was now or never Trev!!!
Trevor looked away as well, then clenched his fists and moved. He moved over to her and before he could tell himself different he pinned her to the ground. "I really like you" He said before kissing her.
She let out a startled gasp as he pushed her down, her hands coming up defensively before he kissed her. After that, her eyes slowly closed and she wrapped her arms around him.
He relaxed when she did, deepening the kiss only slightly more and stopping there. He wasnt going to go any further without permission.

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