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Realistic or Modern Monochrome

I'm interested but it feels kind of contradictory to not allow neutral characters. One of the themes is that there's no good or bad guys, it's about order vs chaos. But having a leader rallying the delinquents means it's not chaotic, there's a figure that establishes a degree of order. And then you point out one leader "makes followers" and the other's a lone wolf and doesn't sound like the type to even lead an organized faction.

It's just not terribly sensical, to me, to make people affiliate to one of two equally extreme groups led by people who don't particularly give a crap about our characters, especially in a setting that sounds like it'd breed the type of person to tell both sides to sod off, because they're both technically butting in. Typical delinquents from genre pieces wouldn't like the council, for sure, but also wouldn't exactly be crazy about rallying behind this one guy who doesn't give a crap like he's their boss or something.
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I don't allow neutral characters because the main point of the first half of the rp is the clash between the 2 groups and their ideologies. One supports order, in the sense of there needs to be rules and guidelines to make sure that people make the right decisions. The other suuports chaos in the terms of personal freedom, believing that they should have the chance to make their own decisions and to take that away is wrong. Something hinted to by the way each group is run, with the SDC more like a dictatorship while the Dragon Riot adopting more of a "do what you want" sort of policy.

I don't allow characters that aren't part of either because the main focus is the constant clashing of the two, so having a third party or a million third parties is only going to complicate things in terms of plotting. Because say these 2 groups are clashing, where would this other person, who has nothing to do with either side, do. Where would he go during this? Would he be helping one side but somehow not get recruited? Is he just going to stand somewhere and wait for it to be over. So though it's not very realistic for there to be no neutral parties, for simplicity's sake, I'd rather only have to deal with the two. That's also why the delinquents even have a group, because it's easier to deal and plan around the two than one vs everyone else.

And about the two leaders, it's not like they're terribly cut off from everyone or simply don't care, though admittedly Mira does probably care more about her cause than the team, it's just that I don't want them particularly close to anyone at the start of the rp. Like above, it's more of a plot thing. If Mira or Axel were to have a best friend or anyone close like that, then I'd have to reveal things that I had purposely hidden from their character sheets, certain aspects of their past and current situation, etc. I had them hidden since knowing these things would be rather spoilerish and personally from my experiences, I believe that even if you try not to, it's impossible for people's roleplaying to not be at least a little affacted by outside knowledge.

Plus, I do plan on having them both open up as the rp progresses, but I can see your point. I honestly can't do anything about Mira since her information would be seriously spoilerish, but I'll try to work around Axel and make him open up at least. I mean his past doesn't contain anything too spoilerish, it's just there is certain details which, in the past, put him in a rather frustrating situation because others knew and were trying to use it to get romantically involved with him. Just another rp yandere horror story.

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