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Realistic or Modern Mondela: Academy of Magic

Aki saw Jasper get flung back, but to soften the flow, at the last moment she uses silk to create a net beneath him. Though he still got knocked out. Aki ran over, "J-Jasper?" she slightly shook his side. A small breath escaped her lips as she slung him over her shoulder. She placed him off to the side from all of the fighting, and stood a few feet ahead of him keeping watch. It was the few situations like this where she was actually helpful and not hesitant.


(Some demons or something invaded the school and people are fighting them. Everyone's mid-way combat and shiz like that. @Veyd Sahvoz )
ForgottenSky9272 said:
Aki saw Jasper get flung back, but to soften the flow, at the last moment she uses silk to create a net beneath him. Though he still got knocked out. Aki ran over, "J-Jasper?" she slightly shook his side. A small breath escaped her lips as she slung him over her shoulder. She placed him off to the side from all of the fighting, and stood a few feet ahead of him keeping watch. It was the few situations like this where she was actually helpful and not hesitant.

(Some demons or something invaded the school and people are fighting them. Everyone's mid-way combat and shiz like that. @Veyd Sahvoz )
(I have a good idea...)

Damen had a bunch of shadows and energy around himself, his jacket an shirt were destroyed from the blast of aura he sent out. His eyes glowed with the strange symbols and he levitated, gathering more energy.
"Light Heal!" I throw a ball of light at Jasper.

"This guy is a good fighter. And mage. I don't have any moves that heal others"

I shoot the creature.

The Purge wears off.

"True. Maybe he could help you with Restoration."

"Purge!" I slash again. "I wish Sharla were here..."
I wake up and slathered my dagger put of mucle memory, but I get Aki out of surprise, and I get up and ask, "What happend? How long was I out? Are they defeated?" @ForgottenSky9272
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz](I have a good idea...)
Damen had a bunch of shadows and energy around himself, his jacket an shirt were destroyed from the blast of aura he sent out. His eyes glowed with the strange symbols and he levitated, gathering more energy.

As a boy near her did some magic mojo, Sophie was thrown off the back of her surprised poltergeist steed. She was thrown seven or so feet back and landed on left her arm as the panicked steed ran thought the crowd of demons, and eventually out of sight. Sophie lay on her back, groaning in pain, clutching her arm.
Damen gritted his teeth as his red coloured eyes pupil became a slit. He sent multiple blasts and waves of pure darkness at the demons, cutting them in half or incinerating them.
Aki quickly turned to Jasper as he woke up and started to ask questions, "I don't know, not too long and I don't think so." she said answering all three questions at once. She gave a slight smile at how he was inquiring Aki, though most people wouldn't smile in this situation. "We should get back out there," she said turning to where most of the fight was going on. She was relieved to see a smaller number than before. But, a large monster stood before her ready to attack. She held the weapon she was given out and did what she was instructed in instinct to protect Jasper. Aim, focus, shoot; this time she didn't fall over. Aki was told she could channel her own energy into the weapon to make the blow stronger. That's exactly what she did. The staff didn't leave a trace of the monster as the powerful blast was given off. She was in shock for a few moments. She wasn't sure how to feel: she finally did something useful, but she just killed another living being.

We turn around, slackjawed and grinning seeing the creature dissipate.

"Nice job! You got the hang of the staff!"

"How? What? Wow!"

"Lasers are strong, Shulk."

"My freaking sword is made of laser!"

"Actually, it's ether."

"But, close enough."
Aki turned to the boy who gave her the staff. He was congratulating her. Now was probably not the time to be thinking about this. She could hate herself later, "Y-yeah I did it!" she said with the illuminating smile returning to her face. She nodded towards the battlefield, "Let's go Jasper," She was now motivated to keep going. Though she could probably not do too much due to most of the monsters being defeated.

@NateALis @Golden Glow
[QUOTE="Sexy McGee](What happened?! I never got any notifications.)

(Aki obliterated a Daedra with a laser staff I had given her. Also, Shulk joined the party, so colors tell the difference between text now. You can find the text differences on page 9.)
I was about to get up and walk but the moment i got up i collapsed and surging pain went to my gut i screamed and torn of my armor and clothes to my bare skin, a ginormous cut and lots of blood "Help. Me." and i fell again, but i was knocked out for good @ForgottenSky9272 @Golden Glow
NateALis said:
I was about to get up and walk but the moment i got up i collapsed and surging pain went to my gut i screamed and torn of my armor and clothes to my bare skin, a ginormous cut and lots of blood "Help. Me." and i fell again, but i was knocked out for good @ForgottenSky9272 @Golden Glow
Damen stopped using his dragon mark and look over ar Jasper, seeming not to care but really in some way he did. Night Wing kneeled beside him and emitted a blue green energy from her hands.
"What the heck happened this time?!" I exclaim. "Eh, who cares. This should help speed the healing. Light Heal!" I throw a second ball of ether at Jasper, healing him by a mediocre bit of health.
(IM NOT DEAD, im just seriously hurt) I can feel the magic coming into to me, but while i'm knocked out i see something, a giant shadow of fire, i hear screams of pure pain and i look down and see my classmates burning with the deadra throwing them in the fire. I wak up gasping and i look outside, still more deadra, "they should all be dead now unless-" and i get up, still in loads of pain to warn them, i get outside all yell "It's a Horil Deadra, when they die they respawn almost instantly! Fall back, let the school's makgic attack, and we can attack from the inside! FALL BACK!" @Sexy McGee @ForgottenSky9272
"WHAT?!" exclaimed Pit.

"Palutena, I need to fly!" he says to Palutena.

"Agreed," replied Palutena, giving the power to him.

Pit's wings glow blue, and he grabs Shulk's hand, as well as Aki's. "Hold on as tight as you can!"

"Why?" asked Shulk, confused.

"Time to fly, Shulk and... Oh, yeah, we never were formally introduced. I'm Pit," said Pit, blasting the beast, temporarily killing it again, then re-grabbing Shulk's hand.

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Aki heard how Jasper was going off about retreating to the group of people. Then moments later she felt the warmth of a hand on her own. "What?" She questioned after the boy mentiones something about flying after grasping her hand. Then, she looked at the boy before her introducing himself, "Oh, um, I'm Aki.... Wait fly?" she said before they took off. She was a bit slow to processing the situation.

@Golden Glow
"Hold on tightly!" exclaimed Pit.

"WOOOOAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" screamed Shulk, as they lifted off, slowly at first, then gaining speed.

To Viridi, Pit asked if she could give Aki and Shulk a bit of flight power, so if they fall, they wouldn't hit the ground before he caught them.

"Okay, Pit," replied Viridi.
While inside with other students i look down at my gut, "that must have been the boss, to powerful for any other daedra" i mumble, i examine the wound and see no blood, no scab, no pain, "Damn that worked fast!" I got my armor on and took the students to get bows from the armory, i look up and see Pit, Shulk, and Aki, "GET DOWN HERE! THEY COULD USE BOWS, I DIDN'T SEE ANY BUT THEY COULD HAVE SOME! I WOULDN'T RISK IT!" @Golden Glow @ForgottenSky9272
"Ears, Jasper," exclaimed Pit. "We're getting to the top for sharpshooting them. I'll get you in a second. Besides, how the heck are they gonna hit us with an arrow?"
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"ever heard of a fu**ing good aim? Fine, i'll come but i'll need my brother's bow if i'll come in any help" I charge into my brother's office (headmaster Tollin) and grab his Legendary bow! i charge out and Pit was there shooting them one by one, i get on and He's flies up, "H-Hey pit? i'm u-used to flying on a Pegasus, not a human, this is v-very unconfortable for m-me" i look down and basically have a heart attack (guys, before you get confued on how all this stuff exist and all, this is NOT in ANY video game, movie, or book's universe, we may use names and for Pit that is allowed but this RP is in it's pwn universe!)
NateALis said:
"ever heard of a fu**ing good aim? Fine, i'll come but i'll need my brother's bow if i'll come in any help" I charge into my brother's office (headmaster Tollin) and grab his Legendary bow! i charge out and Pit was there shooting them one by one, i get on and He's flies up, "H-Hey pit? i'm u-used to flying on a Pegasus, not a human, this is v-very unconfortable for m-me" i look down and basically have a heart attack (guys, before you get confued on how all this stuff exist and all, this is NOT in ANY video game, movie, or book's universe, we may use names and for Pit that is allowed but this RP is in it's pwn universe!)
(Or you could call it a crossover RP)

"Jasper, we will be on top of the building!" exclaimed Shulk. "How the heck did you get on him, anyways?"

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