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Realistic or Modern Modern Romance:Pairings Galore!


Professional Daydreamer
Hey guys! I just had a pretty serious/amazing RP fall through, and I'm on the prowl for a new RP and a new partner!

I've got a couple of pairings that I'm thinking of, but I'm very flexible. If you've got ideas, let me know!! By no means am I limited to what I've got written below.

Coworker x Coworker
Employee x Boss
Employee x Boss's Daughter
Vacationer x Resort Employee
Vacationer x Vacationer

What Am I Looking For In a Partner?

-Willing to play the male to my female

-Dedicated to the RP. I'm not saying you have to be on all the time or every day, but I don't want you to disappear after we start planning

-Decent grammar! Nothing is more irritating than not understanding what someone else wrote or losing interest because there isn't any punctuation.

-Someone willing to write! One liners are okay sometimes, and by no means do I expect a book, but a paragraph is a good place to start.

If you've made it this far, sweet! If you're interested, then either post here or PM me!
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I pretty much specialize in playing male characters. x)

If you're still looking for people, I'm interested in "Employee x Boss" or "Employee x Boss's Daughter".

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