Other Modern / Historical or Sci-Fi and Why?

I'm interested in historical the most. Modern comes in second. I love history in general. When it comes to most things, that's what I tend to consume most. Most shows and movies I watch are historical. Most books I read are historical. History is just something something I'm passionate about. I love a good historical setting and I love roleplaying it.
sci-fi/futuristic stuff is so much fun and a big preference for me imo, historical and modern feels restricting since its already all preset. you already know what happens in history, while sci-fi feels so much more flexible and fun with endless possibilities in it
Of the three, definitely historical, though I'm not often involved in them. It really depends on my mood, if I find someone interested in the same stuff, and if I have the time/energy to do research. Because I do want to make sure I do at least a bit of research, and I'd like my partner(s) to do the same. Not a ton of research, but at least a basic familiarity.

I'm really not interested at all in Modern, but I may take a look at Sci-Fi every now and then. But, I'm not a science person, so the technobabble gets to be a bit much sometimes. But if there's a creative idea, I'll often at least look!
I'm interested in historical the most. Modern comes in second. I love history in general. When it comes to most things, that's what I tend to consume most. Most shows and movies I watch are historical. Most books I read are historical. History is just something something I'm passionate about. I love a good historical setting and I love roleplaying it.
Side note: My OSS project started up and you were in the IC. Can you please think of joining it?

Sci fi. I love sci fi SOOOO much. It provides this neat escape from all the problems of the 21st century. A world where one can fly like a bird or conquer foreign worlds, or a world where luxury is commonplace is a world that provides much appeal.

History comes second. History is such an interesting little thing that provides so much insight on the way the world is today. Why do we have the atom bomb? WWII. Why does the United states even exist? Dissent in the English north american colonies turned into the beautiful nation we are today. Historical settings provide so much action and provoke a sense of wonder, Alternate history especially.

Modern settings kind of boring, unless if it's war focused or post apocalyptic. Modern settings remind of today and how I can't escape the world of today. They're just really uninsteresting.
I never really got into historical roleplay since it kind of felt like a drudgery to me (then again, this is why I'm not excelling in History lessons). Alternate history maybe (like if one side won this war, what if this was never invented, yadda yadda) but mostly I never played history. Previous site I came from involved politics a lot in them and so I never really got to have that much fun. XD

Modern isn't too shabby. To me, at least, it's the easiest gateway into roleplay since it's a familiar setting to most.

Sci-fi is what I'm really into. With sci-fi (and by extension, fantasy) you have a lot of freedom for imagination, ranging from apocalyptic stuff like God Eater to alien wars like Starcraft. Sci-fi is really fun to play around with, especially when you get mechs and robots or non-humans involved. XD
There is something so alluring about the past, but generally I prefer modern, I relate better and it gives me more material to work with.

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