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Fandom MLP!

when he saw the alicorn come in he ran in to the back to hide from her they can feel his dark powers and it always ended up in a fight which he does not like
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"And how am I more beautiful than the princesses?" she inquired, the hoops around her legs slowly changing color, a sign that they were starting to energize.
he peak round a corner to only see that she was still there when will she leave how did she know he was here or is it just a coincidence.
"hi there little one"he whispered to April why does a alicorn have to show up the only ponies that can feel my dark powers and it doesn't usually end good
"I said that you're wrong," she restated, her glamour still in play. "There's more to me than just being loved by everypony."
"Again, you are wrong. I'm not looking for a fight." She groaned inwardly. Why did everyone think she was evil?
"will my dark powers make me evill if I'm not good and you don't wanna fight that is good I can come out now"he came out where he was hiding from

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