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Fandom MLP!

"Mommy was forced to by daddy. He did not want us anymore." April said. "You remind me of her because she is always willing to play with me." She said.
"No mare should ever be forced to leave their young ones... But don't cry little one... I'll be here for as long as you'll have me...to play with you and defend you... Now dry your eyes... It will be alright..."

Lucifer moved to lay down beside April, tucking a large wing around the filly to pull her against her coat. Warmth radiated off her wings as she comforted the little filly, her horn glowing as she levitated a tissue over to wipe her face.
Lucifer smiled as the little pony cuddled closer to her. She was most certainly getting soft. But she supposed it didn't matter anymore. After all she had given her word. And evil though she may be, she was not a pony who ever went back on her word.
Lucifer blinked in surprise, glancing down at the sleeping pony who had just randomly called her Momma. It was heartwarming and reminded Lucifer of her own fillies and little siblings all who had looked to her as their parent. She sighed softly, resting her head on her forelegs. How interesting her life had become so quickly.
Lucifer looked up at the sound of a knock at the door. Tilting her head a bit she spoke softly.

"Come in...but quietly... April just went to sleep..."
"She is fine... Just lonely... She misses your mother... So for now I have decided to stay here, to help you and keep her company..."
Soon the dark clouds finally let up as Storm changed back to normal. He breathed out as he unlocked the door and flew out again, leaving a trail of lighting sparks.
"She sees you as her mom eh?" Rusty said. "Enjoy being her mom, she is a bundle of joy. But i have no time for her because i have to earn money to support us." Rusty admitted.
"You will have to make time eventually Rusty... You're her brother after all...a filly should not grow up without having a good interaction with their brother... Do not worry so much...I will help you as much as I can and take care of her as much as I can as well... It seems I have become soft in the face of kindness..."
"That depends on how long the two of you will put up with me... As I have said I am by no means a good pony...but I could never harm either of you..."
"Let me tell you a story. 5 years ago, when we lived with our parents, dad used to beat us, and insult us. And he forced mom to abandon us because we did not live up to his expectations." He said. "I try so hard to spend time with her, but i am consumed by stress and work, trying to support us."
"Then he is the type of pony who will find true torment in the afterlife... You and your sister have done well surviving on your own... You are a talented smith with your own shop and you take care of your sister... As you have shown me a kindness that I have not experienced in my many years I will do what I can to assist you... So do not stress yourself out too much...you are not doing this alone anymore..."
"You are letting me stay here and you have been kind enough to me already...that is payment enough... Besides I made a promise to the little one and I do not break my word..."

Lucifer smiled tilting her head a bit to one side.

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