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Fantasy 「 § Mιѕѕ Ɯιηтєя'ѕ ScнσσƖ fσя тнє UηιqυєƖу Ɠιfтєɗ § 」

Q u i n n L. S c h n e i d e r


Never. Again.

She groaned, her body shoved between two seats in the back of the 17th century pirate ship aircraft. Silver hair laid sprawled across a pale forehead, some dangling on the back of her chair as she leaned her head back. Why? Was there no better transportation than this? Quinn growled, quickly coming to regret it, as she felt today's breakfast knock at her throat. Oh shit. Placing a ringed hand over her mouth she forcefully gulped it back down, the rancid taste of three hour old bacon nearly choking her. Taking a deep breathe, she relaxed or tried to, silver eyes staring at the student before her using them as a momentary distraction to keep her from hurling.

She wasn't the only one huh? The thought scratched her for a moment before crawling into her subconscious. It kinda sucked not being the only one with weird freaky powers, and although she did find fault with this ability of her's she couldn't say she necessarily hated it. Yeah she'd get in trouble for things she hadn't done (knowingly), was forced into getting an exorcism once or fifteen times, and maybe had holy water thrown on her to exorcise the so called 'devil' from her 'unclean' soul . . . Never mind, screw being special. When she hadn't thought about it, her ability didn't seem all that bad, but remembering every single horrid and annoying thing done to her 'under the influence' made her regret ever being born with this strange power.

"Verdammt!" she cursed under her breath, a sudden jerk bringing her attention to the front.

Not again. She cringed, the bile tickling the back of her throat.
Ubermensh. Ubermensh! the words rang loudly in her head as she once again pushed down the rebellious bunch of undigested egg and sausages. A single tear fell from her eye, an uneasiness flooding her system. She was going to puke, that was a given. When had been the question.

"You alright, my sack of blackened flesh?" a deep voice asked, transparent green eyes staring at her from a distance. The son of a . . .

"Shut it Shezmu! It's not black flesh dumbass, it's called clo-urg!" she nearly let loose, but managed to catch it before it fell. "...thes." she finished, a few more tears sliding down her delicate cheeks. The lion headed douche always found joy in mocking her clothing. So what if she enjoyed wearing black, he should've gotten used to it by now. Black torn jeans with a sweater to match, an ebony belt decorated with a cross buckle, and a black choker to finish it all off. Shezmu floated backward, the sound of her screaming stomach causing him great disgust.

"Quinn, dear. You better find a bag soon, because it's coming." he stated, an obvious look of disdain decorating his maw. A second later and he vanished. Was it to late to break contract? If so, she'd rather take Anubis or Ra, some renowned deity instead of that wishy washy overly feminine fool.

Annoyed, she trudged forward, pushing through students as to see what was happening. She had better things to worry about than that buffoon. Standing in the front she saw them, adults (teachers she presumed), standing there to greet them. Some of them already introducing themselves to some of the newer students. Some were beauties, others overwhelmingly handsome, and a singly old man. How he had found himself here was a mystery to her, but regardless of her initial thoughts, she found him to be quite charming in his own way. God, she hoped she wasn't a gerontophile.

Standing idiotically in the middle of chattering students and staff, she decided to return to her seat, the aching of her stomach forcing her into submission. She forced herself back, once again pushing through a sea of strangers. Quinn had almost reached her destination until she heard a hideously familiar word come from her right, nostalgia surging through her groggy body. 'Bruder'. A smile graced her lips, her motion sickness seemingly disappearing at the sound of it. Looking for the owner of that voice that said it, she saw two boys, identical twins. One dressed casually in a lovely black outfit while the other appeared to be going to a funeral, his suit giving off chilling vibes.

"Du bist Deutsh?"she asked them unconsciously whether or not they were German, her mind unsure as to why the thought of other Germans being here made her happy. Well, it relieved her of her the motion sickness even if just only for the moment, and that had been good enough for her. Keep it in while she could.


@Z Greatest001 || Character Mood: Sick & Somewhat happy

Tell me something new.



Thankfully, it seemed that the teacher wasn't as mad anymore, much to Hibiki's relief. However, the man did lean closer as he asked for his name, which definitely wasn't helpful. The only crack in his stoic mask was a few small twitches of the eye and a short, but obvious wait before he responded.

"... Hibiki Kita," The teen replied, wanting nothing more than to break eye contact with the teacher. His anxiety was pooling in his stomach since he wasn't allowing it in his head, and he could feel it spreading to his arms and legs, giving them a worse tingling. His resolve was weakening, but he was still able to hold out.

@Onyx Energy
Professor Maxwell

Jeffrey let out a low groan, sensing the boy's weakness and fear. It was as strong as the liquor on his breath, this boy wallowed in it, reeked of it... However, Maxwell saw unlimited potential in his eyes. A small glimmer of hope in the darkness that was his fear. All Maxwell had to do was find a way to inspire Hibiki so he may be a more confident and proud individual

"Here's what I'm gonna do Hibiki Kita..." Maxwell said, far softer this time so Hibiki wouldn't cringe, "I'm gonna help ye, not because of how weak you seem, but because ye are much stronger than ye think. I ask that ye consider my Smithing class, for it is there where I think ye can learn more about controlling ye'er gift." He happily said, very gently patting Hibiki's shoulder. "The choice is yours."

Maxwell pulled his flask out, raising it in honor of Hibiki, and drank until it was almost empty. He returned to his spot beside the other teachers, filling his mug with water. A drunk teacher is a bad teacher he always says. Inside his head, he contemplated about how this boy would handle classes. Miss Winter would surely be careful and considerate of all her students, but Maxwell's Gym class might tear him apart to the point of irrepair.

"Ehhh... I hope you don't break during initiation." He whispered.
@Du Pain

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Niklaus & Syrus Murik

Their ears picked up the sound of their mother tongue over the banter of everyone else, causing them to both turn around simutaneously.

Ja, Ja! Wir sind aus Bremen. Und sie?"Klaus asked, eagerly turning to face her. He could completely understand her sudden excitement for finding a fellow native amoungst all the strange, well, strangers. If that made sense? Could there be familiar strangers and unfamiliar strangers? Ah well, it didn't matter. What mattered was that there was someone who just spoke their way to the top of the potential friends list for the two of them, now that the language barrier was broken. Not that they didn't speak fluent-ish English, just that the majority of the English they learned was self taught via the Internet so it wasn't going to be long before one of them slips up and fucks up the English language.

Syrus allowed Klaus to do the talking on this one; he was far more intrigued by the peculiar conversation he had picked up from her seconds earlier. What had she been talking to? He had picked up some words he understood to be mythological beings, but that didn't clear up who exactly she was speaking to and why they disappeared completely. A deep frown had set in his brow as he delved deep into an analysis of what power she could have, though his analysis was more like a guessing game. She looks young.....Could she be an oracle? Nein, nein, thats a Greek term and those were proven to be shams anyway, right? Fräulein could be the real deal though. Is that what you can do, Fräulein? Speak to the spi- An elbow to the ribs disturbed him from his thoughts.

"Was!?"He snapped, scowling at his brother who had delivered the blow.

"Smile, verdammt. Or else you'll scare Fräulein away with your mean glare."Klaus said quietly through his teeth. This was the reason why people avoided Sy, he had more words going through his mind that out his mouth and almost always was found glaring into space. Klaus sighed and shook his head.Unmöglich. Plastering a polite smile on his face he looked back to the girl. "Sorry, where are my manners? Ich bin Niklaus, nice to meet you,"He said, introducing himself. Maybe it was the suit talking but he felt the need to be a gentleman today.

@Bum Bear
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Elsa was at the back of the crowd students, as she didn't want to fight her way to the front. Not on the first day. Not on any day, actually. She couldn't really see the teachers and Miss Winter from where she was, thanks to her short sitting status, however, that didn't matter, as she could still hear them, and that was what was important. Many of the staff members were introducing themselves and giving instructions, she would have to be careful not to forget anything. Everything thery said sounded very promising.

While she listened to the teachers speaking, she looked at the other students. They were rather diverse in appearance, and the age range was rather big too. She was so excited. One of the main reasons she had accepted the invitation to the school was that she was extremly curious on what the other students were like. The other students, whom she could probably relate to and speak to. The other students that coul probably relate to her. at least she hoped they would. What if they couldn't understand her, and would be a lot like other people, only with gifts?

No, Elsa couldn't let herself be eaten up by nervosity. Not on the first day. Not on anyday, actually. She was exagerating and way too cynical about normal people. They were plenty of persons outside her family who were kind and accepting, and stereotyping all the kids at this school like this only made her the bad person.

The short girl decided to focus on listening on the staff insead of worrying. She hoped she hadn't missed anything important while rambling internally.




Thanks for cooperating, dears ♥

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