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Fandom Mister Babadook


Snap out of it

Johnathan trailed up the stairs with a rather large moving box in his hands. He struggled to keep his balance.As he arrived to the front door of the newly bought house, the poorly painted porch scuffing below his feet. Johnathan backed into the house, carefully, making sure not to drop the box. It was heavy, and that's how he knew it was expensive. He trailed backwards, taking slow and careful steps until hitting his back against the Stair Rails.

He could feel the weight of the box shifting to one side. Quickly, he moved his body to where the box was tipping.
Left, then Right, Then even further right. The box had tipped to far to the right and the box tumbled out of his hands. As the box impacted with the floor, a loud crashing noise came from the contents of the box.

Johnathan lifted the box upright, the broken glass sliding around inside of it. He cut open the packing tape and opened up the box.
Damn. Inside of it was the broken pieces of his wife's handmade ceramic lamp. It was His favorite one. She made just for him for their wedding anniversary.

Johnathan peered up the nearby staircase, calling out the names of his kids. His three sons weren't all taking the trip as lightly as Johnathan was. The house, despite being substantially bigger then the house in Wyoming, was cheaper then their original house. Johnathan blamed it on the California drought. But it was a nice house, It was right on the beach, and just a few minutes out of town.

Jaden, Andrew, Andi!"
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Andi watched his dad move things from his spot behind at the top of the stairs. He would be in his room but with all his stuff still packed up as he still hoped they would move back home so it wasn't very interesting. So, he decided to come help his dad but found himself watching instead. Eye's widening as he saw the box shatter Andi ducked into the hall out of his dad's sight as he turned around.

I can't believe he destroyed mom's vase. Soon after Andi's ears caught his dad's shout. I hope he doesn't try to make me help clean up. Tentatively hopeful Andi moved into his dad's sight an innocent angelic smile on his face. "Yes, daddy?"
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Jaden unloads another box containing some of his precious vinyl; several Beatles and Gorillaz albums take their spot on his shelf. The room was already a mess, several worn clothes strewn the floor of his room and his shoes were stuffed behind his ajar door. Jaden steps over a small stack of his clothes as he makes his way to the far end of his room where his posters were, he really needed to put them up, they were already starting to collect dust.

As Jaden carries the box across his room towards his bed, a loud noise suddenly jumps up from below, causing Jaden to swear as he tosses his box onto his bed in shock. "Ay, yo, dad! You alright down there?" Jaden calls out his door before suddenly hearing his dad call his name. Jaden makes a small quip as he exits his room, a little disdain resides within him, not for moving into a new house, but for his prevention from getting the posters up as quickly as he wanted.

Although they had just recently moved in, some of the other teens in the area wanted to hang out with Jaden at the reservoir this weekend, Jaden looked forward to it. Jaden didn't like the fact that his father didn't want him to go to the reservoir, but he wasn't really one to listen to his father's rules. As Jaden struts down the hall, his mind ponders several things at once, things like where to place his posters, what to bring to the reservoir, and what to wear. He wasn't thinking at all of why his father needed him, and he really didn't care.

Jaden arrives at the top of the stairs, his brows furrowed in the slightest, "
What's up dad? What do you want?" Jaden asks stiffly, arms changing position from by his sides to being crossed. Although he was unhappy with his summoning, Jaden decided to actually put up with his father and try to help him for real instead of just being belligerent.
If anyone in the family had a truly neutral attitude to the move as a whole, it was Andrew. When everyone else had rushed to gather their things and hurry into their new domain, Andrew had insisted on finishing the chapter he was on. After which, he calmly started sifting through everything in the trunk, disregarding anything he didn't DIRECTLY own. Three boxes of books and another of assorted memorabelia were in his arms as he made his way up the steps.

That's when he heard the crash.

'Oh gosh dad oh gosh dad oh gosh dad don't ask me to help you can you not-' was going through his head just as he heard the

"...Andrew, Andi..." 'what? My physically superior brother isn't enough? Now you've resorted to asking the five year old too?'

He sighed and set down his things, grateful his attitude stayed inward. He didn't really mean it, he could tell the move bothered everyone, at least for now.
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Johnathan clapped his hands to get the dust off, a thick cloud erupted from his hands as he shook the rest of it off. He stared up at his kids, taking turns looking at each other in the eyes. "The Stove in the kitchen isn't working quite yet, I was wondering if you guys like to go eat out somewhere?"

John understood it would be hell trying to find a restaurant all three of them would agree on. Andi's young taste buds against Jaden's and Andrew's teenage cravings for greasy foods. It would be near impossible actually, but if it got them time together it would make him happy. Since the death of Portia, John's wife, the family felt a bit separated.

Andrew, Andi, and Jaden lined up perfectly on the spiral staircase. The y looked like the kids from The Sound Of Music. "I'm pretty sure there's uh, a dinner, a pizzeria, seafood restaurant on the wharf." John's voice felt weak, the lack of talking since this morning was probably to blame.
Andi held in the sigh of relief the wanted to escape when his dad didn't mention cleaning the mess up. Oh, good. I don't want to clean. This is a new house which means it should come clean. Smiling brightly he hopped down the steps and landed carefully on the floor keeping clear of the glass.

If I play my cards right maybe I can get some sweets! Smiling up at his father innocently he spoke. His voice was hopeful." Can I get something sweet for desert? I promise to be good."
"Seafood obviously, do you even know me?" Andrew looked away, and then realized eexactly what he had said. Not only was that completely insensitive, no matter how innocent he may have meant it, but it was REALLY bad timing. His father had just been thinking about how distant they had all grown, of course he'd be worried that he may not fully know his sons.

Andrew, however, had quickly thrown his mind to other matters reguardless of the information he did or didn't know about the situation. There's no way Jaden would possibly agree with him. He bored holes into the side of Jaden's face with his glare, thinking all the while 'He'll probably pick anything but seafood just to spite me.'

Jaden shook his head, not in disgust, not in displeasure, nein; he shook his head because he honestly just didn't like this situation, it was more of an indifferent feeling, but Jaden just couldn't express it any other way. Jaden's look was suddenly stopped by a glare being poured into the side of his face, "Yeah, you would choose seafood, wouldn't you? Why are you staring at me like that?!" Jaden's temper flared at Andrew's stare, it was really pissing him off.

Jaden emitted something of a low growl from his throat, completely by accident, "
In fact, nah, keep looking. You keep staring, you just keep staring. It's because of mom, isn't it? It's because I look like her, right?" Jaden's conscious was trying to put the brakes on this train-wreck, but somebody cut the brakes just a couple of seconds ago. Jaden realized what he said, he suddenly puts his hand on the rail of the stairs, "I-I think I'm not hungry, I'm going to go out." Jaden then, in a very shaky manner, walks past his brothers and his dad and out the door.

Jaden walked along side the wharf, his thoughts adrift in the never-ending sea of doubt. Jaden had no reason to snap at his brother earlier, he simply wished that he could have controlled himself in that instance where everything seemed to catch up to him, the moving, his mom's death, his father, and his brothers all seemed to crash down onto him like a crescendo of stress. After a good few minutes, Jaden decides to return home, maybe not go inside, but just go back to the house.

As Jaden approaches the house, he notices that mail has arrived, Jaden figured that he might as well do something nice and bring the mail in. Jaden opens the small, metal half-cylinder to find a package, it looked quite aged considering it was in a paper package tied with string, "
The hell?" Jaden questions himself before shaking his head and heading over to the patio, he sits and stews in his own emotions and doubt, not to mention his own internal questions about the package.
Johnathan felt his hear sink at the words of Jaden. He swallowed a pool of spit built open in his mouth as his son shuffled out the door. An awkward silence flooded the room. Johnathan peered up once again at the two boys. "How about, we order a pizza, Andrew we can get one with sea food toppings, and Andi you can have some ice cream.."

Johnathan's eyes were heavy and dark. He'd gotten up at five'o clock and it was now eight, and the kids and him had yet to eat anything but their breakfast. At the moment, he didn't feel like chasing after Jaden. He understood that this was tough on him too, him and his mother were very close. He just wanted to take a break from moving and spend time with his three (now two) boys.

"How's that sound?"The sadness and stress in his voice was as subtle as..well...whatever isn't subtle.
Biting his lower lip Andi looked up at his daddy wide eyed with worry. Daddy isn't taking all this as well as we think is he? He sounds stressed. Nodding he hugged his daddy around the waist quickly before pulling back and sending him a reassuring smile. It will be alright daddy. "That's fine daddy. I felt like staying in anyway."
Andrew was shocked. He hadn't thought about how his brother might take his actions. His completely harmless, sort of harmless, rude actions. He stared wide eyed at Jaden all the way out the door.

He had stayed, quietly reading by the large window next to the door, until nightfall. Finally when he saw his brother come back, his took a deep breath and swallowed his pride. Andrew opened the door and took in the cold night air for a moment, before sitting next to Jaden.

"Man, i'm sorry. Let's just not talk about it and do away with the awkward. Dad's trying really hard to get us to be a family again, so let's just make it easier on him."

He looked out into the street as he spoke, and it wasn't until he noticed the package in Jaden's hand that he made an effort at conversation again.

"What's that thing? Drugs?" Andrew said with a chuckle.

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