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Realistic or Modern ~Midsummer~ CS



Limited Edition of Weird
[image]Please put picture here, if applicable[/image]
[color=darkblue]Full Name is[/color]: [color=pick one](Full Name)[/color]

[color=darkblue]My Alias is[/color]: [color=your color](Other names you are known by.[/color]

[color=darkblue]My age is[/color]: [color=your color](Age)[/color]

[color=darkblue]I’m a[/color]: [color=your color](Gender)[/color]

[color=darkblue]You know me as a[/color]: [color=your color](Race)[/color]

[color=darkblue]I can see my house from here[/color]: [color=your color](Height: feet & Inches)[/color]

[color=darkblue]Here is what you see[/color]: [color=your color](Character description. Even if you have a picture give us a full description of what your character looks like. Including tattoos, hair style, clothes ect.)[/color]

[color=darkblue]Here is what you can’t see[/color]: [color=your color](Your personality, give us a description of how you act in most situations. It’s okay if things change, that’s natural.)[/color]

[color=darkblue]Where I hail from[/color]: [color=your color](Your background, where you come from, what you’ve come through.)[/color]

[color=darkblue]My role in life[/color]: [color=your color](Either your job or your role in the courts.)[/color]

[color=darkblue]Beware! I’m powerful[/color]: [color=your color](Any special powers you have if you are supernatural. Be specific.)[/color]

[color=darkblue]Yep, I’m pretty talented[/color]: [color= your color](Fill us in on anything that you are good at. Juggling or something.)[/color]

[color=darkblue]But, I’ve also got issues[/color]: [color=your color](Things you have problems with.)[/color]

[color=darkblue]Isn't it Shiny?[/color]: [color=your color](Any weapons that you use.)[/color]

[color=darkblue]Last but not least[/color]: [color=your color](Anything else that you feel like adding, or anything you thing we aught to know about your character.)[/color]

Please remember to send this to me under the title "Midsummer Dreams"
Once you're approved, post your char(s) here.
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Shayla.jpgFull Name is: Arianna Bloodmire

My Alias is: Shayla

My age is: 200 or so. She doesn't really keep track as age isn't really an issue for her.

I’m a: female

You know me as a: Faerie, specifically a Sluagh (SLOO-ah)

I can see my house from here: 5'7"

Here is what you see: Shayla, like most of her race, has pale skin, tired mysterious eyes, and is grotesque yet strangely compelling. The scent of decay graces her like a lightly scented perfume. Her body is lithe and fragile looking, even though that is not the case. Long, jet black hair has grown past her knees and is very lustrous as though it were oil floating on waves of water with moonlight shining down. She dresses in archaic clothing which is usually black and is always intricate. When using a glamour to appear more human, the scent of decay is fainter, nearly undetectable and her age is like that over a twenty-eight year old woman. Not much else changes.

Here is what you can’t see: She is somewhat quiet but has a commanding presence. She is calm, poised, kind and generous to her betters while stingy and coy to those weaker than she. She always evaluates those with whom she speaks, seeking to unravel some secret, for everyone has secrets and the darker the secret, the greater the joy... and the higher the price paid to keep that secret out of sight, as it were. She has no issues on using blackmail to get what she wants and she ever has needs to bluff, content with keeping her word on such matters.

Where I hail from: Shayla is of the the Winter Court, suiting as it signifies death and the decay of things, which she find terribly fascinating. Born within its cold confines, she has been a hermit for some time working on a few new magics (see Chicanery), though she's yet to fully test it out properly. She is seen as a great nuisance by those of the Seelie Court and like minded Wyldfae while she is seen as a dark blessing or boon to those on the opposite side of the playing field. Information has been her trade for a very long time, and she is quite well known for her accuracy on such things, regardless of her reclusive ways.

My role in life: Informant for Unseelie Court and any Wildfae willing to pay the price for they seek.

Beware! I’m powerful: Sharpened Senses - powerful enough to see through illusory magics;
Squirm - can contort body into disquieting shapes with unnatural ease to escape any sort of bonds so long as it isn't iron;
Chicanery - a new Art of Deception that deals in fooling the senses and ensnaring the mind. It can used as simply to fuddle the minds of others or as powerfully as to change personalities completely.

Yep, I’m pretty talented: Enigmas, naturally. And well... torture, not to put to fine a ring on it.

But, I’ve also got issues: Curse of Silence - She cannot speak above a whisper, no matter how hard she strains to be heard. This brings about a dislike of social situations and the odd code of etiquette she and her kin share. Shayla half-way enjoys it though as a whisper in the dark is more frightening than a shout. And obviously iron of any sort.

Isn't it Shiny?: Her own sharp wit and mind full of mental tortures is weapon enough.

Last but not least: Shayla has two places in which she frequents. One is kept for her knowledge, hidden away in a deep recess of the Unseelie lands. The other, her home of sorts, is known to all Unseelie fae, some privy Wildfae, and only the most trusted of mortals who can actually survive the path through the court to reach it. She's also quite keen on spiders and often employs them in her procurement of information.


Full Name is: Ria Lethe McAlister

My Alias is: Just Ria. Sometimes Lethe. She'll respond to either.

My age is: 22

I’m a: young woman, thank you.

You know me as a: Mortal

I can see my house from here: 5 foot even.... short af.

Here is what you see: Ria has long black hair, which is always braided. It contrasts nicely against her fair skin. She has a slender but feminine build. She has only a few scars from failed castings or potions gone wrong in her learning years. She isn't what anyone would call a great beauty, but her features are quite striking, especially her eyes as they're a pale lavender. Unless it's something important, she wears casual anything - t-shirts, tank-tops, jeans, leggings, skirts that aren't too short, ect.

Here is what you can’t see: Ria is a creative soul, as she needs to be with her spell work. She's a curious thing, which often gets her into trouble, but she's friendly enough those around her, even if she tends to be on the quiet side. She's willing to help anyone who needs it, often hoping to improve her karma so she can actually get ahead in life. While that might make her seem self-serving, she is truly kind and will go out of her way for others. Just beware if she gets angry...

Where I hail from: She's been in Seattle all her life and knows the ins and outs of the streets just as well as any other native born. Her parents were both mages, and she and her brother, Alex, learned early on how to cast and control magic... even if it gave her plenty of difficulty, as she struggled to fully master it. Her parents died a years ago. No supernatural baddies to blame, though, just a drunk driver. One might expect their children to become closer after the incident, but it's only caused them to drift apart to the extent that she hasn't seen or heard from Alex for over 2 years. During that time, she's opened her shop and done some work for the (insert church organization), helping keep people safe with the recent fae shenanigans making their way into the mortal realm. It keeps her busy enough, between the two. Aside from that, she's had to deal with fae in the past. And she doesn't like them one bit.

My role in life: Mage and shopkeeper of Arcana a la Americana (a mystical little shop of sorts)

Beware! I’m powerful: She can obviously cast spells (regardless of how well she can actually cast). Some turn out better or more accurate than others, but they all work well enough.

Yep, I’m pretty talented: Her potions are topnotch. And she can cook pretty well too.

But, I’ve also got issues: She's got some anger issues she's trying to work on. Some days, she's just....constantly triggered.

Isn't it Shiny?: Only spells, really. And her wit, if that counts.

Last but not least: She's a bookworm, if she has nothing going on.

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