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Fantasy Midnight Campus ..+.. Character Sheets

WIP/Face claim.
The character is a Ghost who has no idea who he is, amnesiac.

Name: ???
Nickname: Ghost
Role: Student
Year: Obsidian Brigade
Species: Human, Unknown
Creature: Ghost
Type: Unknown Origin
Race: Caucasian
Origin: Unknown
Age: Unknown, early twenties.
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 165 lbs
Body Type: Slender
Appearance Details: A tall, skinny young man with ocean eyes and dark hair. He is well-dressed for his age, but not exceptionally so.

Zodiac: Unknown
Horoscope: Unknown
Primary Objective: To learn who he was.
Priorities: Knowledge
Motivation: To know his own history and identity.
Fears: Spending eternity without knowledge of who he was.
Strengths: Physically invulnerable, cunning.
Weaknesses: Insecure, hardly knows himself.
Likes: Problem-solving
Dislikes: Rude People
Favorite Class: Mundane Arts; History Specifically
Least Favorite Class: Carnage Arts; sees killing as pointless.
Favorite Drink/Least Favorite Drink: Cannot drink.
Favorite Food/Least Favorite Food: Cannot eat.
Hobbies: Reading
Pet Peeves: Violence without purpose

Can move objects and read emotions/ sense feelings. Possibly more undiscovered.

Float, teleport, walk through walls, move physical objects, affect the physical world, standard ghost things.

Anything humans can do, although he cannot feel the sensation of touch.

Personal Items
The clothes on his back.

A bookish introvert, stern and focused. Serious.

Unknown to him.
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Name: Ami/Akane (Ayame no Ami)
Nicknames: N/A
Titles: Red Lioness, Stormclad
Role: Teacher
Year: N/A
Apprentice: June Fairchild
Species: Horror
Creature: Oni
Type: Original
Race: Japanese
Forms: Tall Humanoid
Origin: Japanese Folklore
Age: 472
Gender: Female, She/Her
Height: 210cm, 6’8”
Weight: 94kg, 207lbs
Body Type: Tall, slender, muscular
Appearance Details: The tattoos on her shoulders seem to shift and shimmer in the light.


Blood Type: B+

Zodiac: Rabbit

Horoscope: Scorpio

Primary Objective: Forge the best weapon to ever exist

Secondary Objectives: Train a new generation of artisans and smiths

Priorities: Her forge and her craft

Motivation: Personal pride and old promise

Fears: Whoever runs the school l[School principal? I don't know if we have one already]

Strengths: Stormy weather

Weaknesses: Roasted beans

Likes: Alcohol (both brewing it and drinking it), Spanish culture, plucky young people, pretty ladies

Dislikes: Bureaucrats, indecisive and arrogant people, a child crying

Favorite Class: Synth Artes - She’s one of, if not the best, blacksmiths in the world, and takes pride in her craftmanship

Least Favorite Class: Specialist Artes - Her own specialties are incompatible with the curriculum, and has no interest in sharing how she uses them.

Favorite Drink: Sake, especially Monkey Booze (Alcohol created by dew pooled in a hollow tree. Fruits hidden by monkeys in tree hollows can sometimes ferment and turn into sake with a bit of luck)

Least Favorite Drink: Plum wine

Favorite Food: Peach, grilled eel, paella

Least Favorite Food: Anything with beans on it

Hobbies: Flamenco music and dancing, Spanish guitar, brewery

Pet Peeves: Whiny people, cowards

Crushes: A certain faculty member, but she'll never admit it

Dreadful Aura – Projects a potent killing intent. Effects range from mere intimidation to paralysis to loss of consciousness, depending on the difference of power between the target and the user
Success Rate on Horrors: 95%
Success Rate on Humans: 95%
Success Rate on Heavenly: 20%

Heir of the Storm - (Lightning manipulation and immunity)

Above, the Raging Skies. Below, the Freezing Waters - (A flurry of blows that combine exquisite swordsmanship, brute force, and overwhelming amounts of lightning. Can only be used in a storm)

Heightened Senses (Smell, Sight, Hearing)
Massive Strenght (Few in the school can match her in terms of raw strength)
Unbreakable (Extreme resilience to damage)
Indomitable Soul (Extreme resilience to mental attacks, but not to illusions or trickery)
Immortality (Of the "unlimited lifespan" variety. Can be killed, but she won't die of old age)

Master Blacksmith
Weapon Expert (Any weapon)
Sign Language

Personal Items
Arashi (nodachi sword) - A beautiful greatsword engraved with an undulating pattern and silvered blade
Tottei (kanabō club) - A massive, rough slab of metal with blunt spikes, forged in cold iron
Tiger pelt
A small, blood-stained, rusted knife

Akane is a gruff, grizzled individual, jaded by centuries of seeing both humans and horrors at their worst. A woman of few words, she prefers to keep to herself, working non stop on her craft. However, she is a genuinely passionate teacher and takes her duties in the school with the utmost seriousness. Her classes are famous for being brutally thorough, but always fair. The younger students tend to adore her, as she has a soft spot for children and spoils them from time to time.

The demon was born in a country ravaged by war, but that didn't bother her at all. On the countless battlefields that littered Japan during the Sengoku, the young Oni thrived, scavenging what she could from the bodies of the fallen warriors. One evening, she approached a village on the aftermath of a bandit raid in hopes of finding something useful that wasn't poached. Instead, she found a survivor, a young woman half-buried in ashen rubble. The woman had lost her sight in the fire. She didn't care much for humans but took her home on a whim. In the following weeks, she took care of her, feeding her and trying to keep her fever low, as she listened to her story.

Her name was Ayame. A blacksmith's daughter, she had always dreamed of working the forge, of creating a blade that every lord on the land would admire. But the strict traditions of her people forbid it.

She had liked Kakhis and the soft rumble of the nearby river.
She had loved her family and a young man from a nearby town.
She adored rice sake.
She could have had a life but had been robbed from it.

Ayame talked, always cheerful in spite of her circumstances, and the demon listened.
But she was no healer, and the human woman was nearing her end. On her deathbed, she asked one last question to her savior.

"What's your name, friend? I realize you never told me."

"I have none. I don't need one."

"No name? But that's so sad! I guess I could call you Friend. That's what you have been to me."

"That... would be nice."

And so the demon left her home, with a new name and a new purpose. For centuries, she walked the earth, learning, and fighting and growing. In time, she'd found home at an academy for those who were like her. And it was there that she brought a kid that reminded her of her youth, to teach him what she had been taught in turn.

Sometimes she can be found in the gardens, drinking sake in the moonlight, toasting to something only she remembers.
From time to time, she leaves the academy for a while, on trips that can last months.
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Name: Mercurius Herms
Nicknames: Mercury, Speedy, coward
Titles: The messenger, caretaker of the corridor, coward
Role: Captive – corridor’s guard
Captor: Professor Shadowvyne
Species: Heavenly
Creature: Angel
Type: Reincarnation from the god Hermes/Mercury
Race: Angel

Humanoid (power restricted)
1.png(Beat, from jet set radio)

Angel form (true self)
Mercurius.png(mercury, from persona 5)

Origin: Greek / Roman mythology
Gender: Male
Height: 1’80m / 5’9 feet in human form, 3’20m / 10’50 feet in angel form
Weight: 75kg / 165’3 lbs in human form, 120kg / 264’55 lbs in angel form
Body Type: Humanoid / Angel
Appearance Details: He always wear sunglasses, headphones and roller skates


Zodiac: Rooster
Horoscope: Virgo
Primary Objective: Be free! And be the directors personal messenger, of course…
Secondary Objectives: paint a lot of graffiti in the academy without being seen.
Priorities: Have fun
Motivation: Freedom
Fears: The director of the academy

Strengths: Run and piss off people
Weaknesses: Fights
Likes: Music (funky and rap the most), Dance, Playing videogames, Running and piss people off
Dislikes: Being captive, do boring stuff
Favorite Class: Mundane arts. Humans are quite interesting…
Least Favorite Class: Carnage arts. I mean, running is great, but combat is not my style…
Favorite Drink: Soda
Least Favorite Drink: Black coffee
Favorite Food: Rice
Least Favorite Food: Pasta
Hobbies: apart from run and paint, he love do rap battles and freestyle
Pet Peeves: People who take naps


Diplomatic distraction – nonsense words that can relax the opponent and make them lose the desire to fight. Works better to Horrors and Humans (success rates: Horrors: 80%, Humans: 90%, Heavenly: 50%).

Mid transformation – he can make appear giant wings of their skates, which allows him to use his Speed of Light in his humanoid form. But it only last for 5 minutes and then he has too cool down for up to ten minutes.

I don't feel like fighting… - Creates an aura of light around him that protects him from any attack. He cannot use it again after a while, and it only can be used 3 times a day (6 if he is in his angel form).

Seriously, get out - energy blow that moves the opponent a few meters away without damaging him.

Rolling around at the speed of sound - powerful lunge at high speed. It always goes in a straight line.

Like a tornado - Run in circles at high speed to create the equivalent of a small tornado.

Follow me! - It gives to another target the half of his maximum speed

Feel the power, feel the danger - Can sense Horrors and Heavently within a radius of 500 meters


- Speed of Light – his feet start to glow brightly and allow him to run at virtually unattainable speed. Some people says it’s like teleportation…

- Keen eye - Overdeveloped sense of sight

- Resistance - Very high stamina levels

- Fly like a butterfly – well, he actually can kind of levitate… but he acts like he is skating all day

- Telepathy – he can talk to his owner or someone who have confidence with using only his mind.

- Immortality – He can regenerate himself. He can be killed, of course, but not from old age or diseases.

- Easy dodge – His evasion levels are relatively high. He can be hit (it would be boring if not), but a single punch is easy for him to dodge since is predictable and easy for him to see it coming.

- Dance and paint graffiti

- Freestyle

- Skate

- Parkour

- As a messenger, he speaks all kinds of languages, from ancient Hebrew to sign language and Braille.

Personal Items
Spray cans

Water Spray can, that uses to soak misbehaving students


A relatively cool smartphone with tons of music downloaded

A cocky and sarcastic entity that love to turn it all upside down. He loves freedom and action, although he is not a fan of violence.

He is a very positive, energetic and realistic man. And he will always say his thoughts at loud, without regards.

He is also a little bit troublemaker.


Well… it’s a quick story… the thing is that Mercury was doing his messenger job across the human world when he saw a group of humans dancing in the street and skating. Mercury Loved that so much, that every time he could, he spends a small time with those humans.

One day, someone appeared and took him off guard. That was no other than the Midnight Campus Director, who need a private messenger.

And then, Mercury became the Director’s messenger against his will.


*Actually, he has a weapon: a golden staff that can only be summoned while Mercury is in his Original Forl (Angel). The weapon has the ability to cast fireballs and light balls.

*Although he tries to maintain order in the corridors, sometimes let the students keep making noise until late hours at night just to watch them sleepy the following morning.

*He can’t sleep.

*Maybe he doesn’t say it at loud, but he enjoys being the messenger of the Director and helping in the academy. But he just wants some vacations.

*His human form looks like a 19-year-old human.

*He often helps some students to arrive at time to their classes thanks to his ability "Follow me!".

*If he is in a fight, he uses the majestic art of “Hit and Run” … also known as the “coward style”.

*Although he is the reincarnation from the god Hermes/Mercury, he doesn't see himself as a god.
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